User:Pelagic/Lab/Table of abbreviations for scientific publications

The main columns are Abbrev &Darrow; Main Title. From the proper title one can do a web search for the work, and find the other info.

Available-at is a convenience to save re-searching, Usages points to significant places where the work has been cited using the abbreviated form.

Abbrev. Main title Subtitle Work available at Usages Comments Catalogue entries Wikidata
Nomencl. Mus. Hein., 1882-1890 Nomenclator Musei Heineani Ornithologici Verzeichniss der Vogel-Sammlung des Kgl. Oberamtmanns Ferdinand Heine Museum catalogue by Ferdinand Heine and Anton Reichenow. Subtitle translates as “ Directory of the Royal Bird Collection Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine”