
link=", STR(?itemId), "&destlang=en"

(CONCAT ("", STR(?itemId), "  ", STR(?itemId), " on Wikidata link=", STR(?itemId), "&destlang=en")  as ?draft)
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?wen schema:about ?item . ?wen schema:inLanguage "en" }

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Christian art

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels Q19912052 on Wikidata Master of Varlungo 1285 49.39 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
The Crucifixion Q19905302 on Wikidata anonymous 1315 41.190.31a Christian art crucifixion
Saint Andrew Q19905144 on Wikidata anonymous 1317 43.98.12 Christian art Andrew
Saint Thomas Q19905163 on Wikidata anonymous 1317 43.98.9 Christian art Thomas the Apostle
Saints and Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Q19905383 on Wikidata Master of Monte Oliveto 1320 41.190.31bc Christian art
The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of the Baptist Q20183879 on Wikidata Master of the Life of Saint John the Baptist 1330s 1975.1.103 Christian art beheading of St. John the Baptist
Feast of Herod
The Crucifixion Q19905180 on Wikidata anonymous 1337s 41.190.12 Christian art crucifixion of Jesus
Madonna and Child Enthroned Q19905388 on Wikidata anonymous 1350 1971.115.5 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Q19905168 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 47.143 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Q19905245 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 32.100.70 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Q19905403 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 41.100.15 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned Q19905444 on Wikidata Master of Monte Oliveto 1400s 18.117.1 Christian art
The Flagellation Q20188044 on Wikidata Master of Forlì 1400s 1975.1.79 Christian art Flagellation of Christ
The Entombment Q20188046 on Wikidata Master of Forlì 1400s 1975.1.80 Christian art
religious art
Jesus Christ
Retable Q20201006 on Wikidata Master of Cubélls 1400s
57.50a-g Christian art
Saint Michael Q20201000 on Wikidata Master of Belmonte 1450 55.120.2 Christian art Michael the Archangel
Madonna and Child Q19905341 on Wikidata anonymous 1470 14.40.647 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Virgin and Child Q20188190 on Wikidata Master of Guillaume Lambert 1485 1975.1.2466 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Virgin and Child Q19904832 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 49.7.22 Christian art Jesus Christ
Virgin Mary
Saint Adalbert and Saint Procopius Q19911522 on Wikidata Master of Eggenburg 1490 44.147.1 Christian art Adalbert of Prague
Procopius of Sázava
The Burial of Saint Wenceslas Q19911523 on Wikidata Master of Eggenburg 1490 44.147.2 Christian art Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia
Scenes from the Life of Saint Augustine of Hippo Q20200892 on Wikidata Master of the Legend of St. Augustine 1490 61.199 Christian art Augustine of Hippo
The Life of Christ Q19905227 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 09.104 Christian art Jesus Christ
The Holy Family with Saint Paul and a Donor Q19905285 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.44 Christian art Holy Family
The Crucifixion of Saint Peter with a Donor; The Legend of Saint Anthony Abbot with a Donor; The Annunciation Q19905422 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.108–11 Christian art Annunciation
Salome Dancing before Herod Q19906256 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.126 Christian art Salome
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Angels Q19912300 on Wikidata Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1500s 32.100.79 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
John the Baptist
Madonna and Child Q19912427 on Wikidata Master of the Lanckoronski Annunciation 1500s 30.95.254 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
The Translation of the Holy House of Loreto Q19905120 on Wikidata anonymous 1510 1973.319 Christian art boat
Madonna and Child Q19905199 on Wikidata anonymous 1510 49.7.2 Christian art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
The Holy Family Q19904858 on Wikidata anonymous 1515 41.190.19 Christian art
Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of Pharaoh Q19911408 on Wikidata anonymous 1534 89.15.20 Christian art Joseph
Christ Blessing, Surrounded by a Donor Family Q19911427 on Wikidata anonymous 1573 17.190.13–15 Christian art


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Young Woman with a Pink Q19911463 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1485 49.7.23 allegory woman
White people
Melencolia I Q1362177 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer 1514 43.106.1 allegory angel
weighing scale
magic square
truncated triangular trapezohedron
long hair
laurel wreath
bird's wing
coin purse

attic vase-painting

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Terracotta volute-krater (bowl for mixing wine and water) Q29383745 on Wikidata Painter of the Wooly Satyrs 0450 BCE 07.286.84 attic vase-painting
red-figure pottery
Belly amphora by the Berlin Painter Q29383929 on Wikidata Berlin Painter 0490 BCE 56.171.38 attic vase-painting
red-figure pottery
young adult
musical instrument
Terracotta aryballos signed by Nearchos Q29383835 on Wikidata Nearchos 0570 BCE 26.49 attic vase-painting
black-figure pottery
Common Crane

genre art

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
A Goldsmith in His Shop Q2408910 on Wikidata Petrus Christus 1449 1975.1.110 genre art Saint Eligius
The Harvesters (painting) Q776175 on Wikidata Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1565 19.164 genre art grain harvest
broad-leaved tree
rural area
group of humans
church building
aerial perspective


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Annunciation in an Initial M Q20188278 on Wikidata Maestro Daddesco 1310 1975.1.2478 illumination Feast of the Annunciation
The Trinity in an Initial B Q20185746 on Wikidata Master of the Codex Rossiano 1387 1975.1.2476 illumination Trinity

landscape art

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Summer Mountains Q29383308 on Wikidata Qu Ding 1050s 1973.120.1 landscape art mountain
Old Trees, Level Distance Q29383298 on Wikidata Guo Xi 1080s 1981.276 landscape art
Emperor Xuanzong's Flight to Shu Q29383316 on Wikidata anonymous 1150s 41.138 landscape art
Return from the Hunt by Piero di Cosimo Q3937360 on Wikidata Piero di Cosimo 1500 75.7.1 landscape art woman
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt Q19912777 on Wikidata anonymous
Master of the Female Half-Lengths
1525 29.100.599 landscape art
Landscape with Rocky Precipice Q43720115 on Wikidata Sesson Shukei 1550s 2015.300.54 landscape art
View of Toledo Q883994 on Wikidata El Greco 1596 29.100.6 landscape art Toledo
Castle of San Servando, Toledo
Tagus river
Wall painting on black ground: landscape, from the imperial villa at Boscotrecase Q29383809 on Wikidata anonymous 0006s BCE 20.192.10 landscape art tree


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Portrait Miniature of Margaret Roper Q7232242 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1535 50.69.2 miniature Margaret Roper
Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux (1566–1601), Second Earl of Essex Q19913942 on Wikidata Nicholas Hilliard 1588 35.89.4 miniature man
Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex
Portrait of a Woman Q19913733 on Wikidata Nicholas Hilliard 1597 35.89.2 miniature woman

mythological painting

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Venus and Cupid (Lotto) Q4009580 on Wikidata Lorenzo Lotto 1530 1986.138 mythological painting
half reclining
laurel wreath
bird's wing
swagger stick
aspic viper
Venus and Adonis Q4009570 on Wikidata Titian 1560 49.7.16 mythological painting Adonis
clothed male, naked female
Titian hair
hunting dog
rural area
Dimples of Venus
intergluteal cleft
dog collar
eye contact
Venus and Mars (Veronese) Q9372005 on Wikidata Paolo Veronese 1570s 10.189 mythological painting clothed male, naked female
ancient Roman military clothing
brown hair
bird's wing
broad-leaved tree
rural area
true lover's knot
combat helmet
Wall painting: Perseus and Andromeda in landscape, from the imperial villa at Boscotrecase Q29383811 on Wikidata anonymous 0006s BCE 20.192.16 mythological painting Perseus


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Adam Q18471918 on Wikidata Tullio Lombardo 1493s 36.163 nude Adam
Adam and Eve Q3898508 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer 1504 1943.3.3492 nude
religious object
tree of the knowledge of good and evil
pubic hair
fig leaf
serpent in the Bible
Diana the Huntress Q19912736 on Wikidata Giampietrino 1526s 1989.21 nude
mythological painting


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Wall painting from Room H of the Villa of P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale Q29383728 on Wikidata anonymous 0001 03.14.5 portrait woman
musical instrument
Portrait of the Boy Eutyches Q29385931 on Wikidata anonymous 0125s 18.9.2 portrait
Marble Portrait Bust of a Woman with a Scroll Q25936897 on Wikidata anonymous 0400s
66.25 portrait
portrait at bust length
Figure of a King Q20201803 on Wikidata anonymous 1312s 52.82 portrait
Saint Matthew Q20187957 on Wikidata Ugolino di Nerio 1330 1975.1.6 portrait
Stained Glass Panel with Emperor Henry II Q20201771 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.96.3 portrait
Saint Lawrence Q20201772 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.97.2 portrait
Portrait of Jnanatapa Attended by Lamas and Mahasiddhas Q29383251 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1987.144 portrait
春屋妙葩像 自賛-Portrait of Shun'oku Myōha (1311–1388) Q29383362 on Wikidata anonymous 1383s 2007.329 portrait man
Katharina Merian Q19905036 on Wikidata Hans Brosamer 1400s 1982.60.38 portrait woman
White people
Man in Prayer Q20167062 on Wikidata anonymous 1430 50.145.35 portrait
Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement Q3937681 on Wikidata Filippo Lippi 1440 89.15.19 portrait woman
casement window
Portrait of a Carthusian Q7232319 on Wikidata Petrus Christus 1446 49.7.19 portrait man
Portrait of a Man (Domenico Ghirlandaio) Q19376279 on Wikidata Domenico Ghirlandaio 1448 32.100.67 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19905338 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 32.100.98 portrait woman
The Blessed Andrea Gallerani (died 1251) Q20183772 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.55 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19905091 on Wikidata Master of the Nativity of Castello 1450s 49.7.6 portrait woman
Saint Francis Q20187954 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1450s 1975.1.50 portrait book
Portrait of a Man in a Turban Q19905218 on Wikidata anonymous 1460s 49.7.24 portrait man
A Donor Presented by a Saint Q19912088 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 32.100.41 portrait man
Portrait of Francesco d'Este Q3399428 on Wikidata Rogier van der Weyden 1460 32.100.43 portrait man
Portrait of an Ecclesiastic Q29384779 on Wikidata Jean Fouquet 1461s 49.38 portrait
Portrait of a Young Man Q20166964 on Wikidata Cosimo Tura 1470s 14.40.649 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19905059 on Wikidata Dieric Bouts 1470 14.40.644 portrait
Portrait of a Young Man Q19911500 on Wikidata Biagio d'Antonio 1470 32.100.68 portrait man
Portrait of a Young Man Q19911579 on Wikidata Antonello da Messina 1470 14.40.645 portrait man
Portrait of Tommaso Portinari Q22443796 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1470 14.40.626 portrait Tommaso Portinari
Portrait of Maria Portinari Q3937623 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1470 14.40.627 portrait woman
Tommaso di Folco Portinari (1428–1501); Maria Portinari (Maria Maddalena Baroncelli, born 1456) Q3937669 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1470 14.40.626–27 portrait woman
Portrait of an old man Q13562917 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1475 14.40.648 portrait man
Portrait of a Young Man Q20182417 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1475 1975.1.112 portrait
Portrait of a Woman Q20187123 on Wikidata anonymous 1475 1975.1.129 portrait woman
A Benedictine Monk Q19912002 on Wikidata Hugo van der Goes 1478 22.60.53 portrait
Portrait of a Man with an Arrow Q20174026 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1478 1937.1.42 portrait
Portrait of a Young Man Q19906042 on Wikidata Jacometto Veneziano 1480s 49.7.3 portrait
Portrait of a Woman Q19911918 on Wikidata Piero del Pollaiolo 1480
50.135.3 portrait woman
Young Man Holding a Book Q19912121 on Wikidata Master of the View of Saint Gudula 1480 50.145.27 portrait book
Portrait of a Man Q20167120 on Wikidata Hugo van der Goes 1480 29.100.15 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19911901 on Wikidata Cosimo Rosselli 1481 50.135.1 portrait
Selvaggia Sassetti (born 1470) Q19905424 on Wikidata Davide Ghirlandaio 1487s 32.100.71 portrait Selvaggia Sassetti
Francesco Sassetti and His Son Teodoro Q15089686 on Wikidata Domenico Ghirlandaio 1488s 49.7.7 portrait Francesco Sassetti
Portrait of a Young Woman Q20166944 on Wikidata Lorenzo di Credi 1490 43.86.5 portrait woman
Margaret of Austria Q20187138 on Wikidata Jean Hey 1490 1975.1.130 portrait Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Savoy
Portrait of a Woman, Possibly a Nun of San Secondo; (verso) Scene in Grisaille Q20182382 on Wikidata Jacometto Veneziano 1490s 1975.1.85 portrait
Portrait of Alvise Contarini(?); (verso) A Tethered Roebuck Q20184426 on Wikidata Jacometto Veneziano 1490s 1975.1.86 portrait
Girl with Cherries Q19912037 on Wikidata anonymous 1491 91.26.5 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19911443 on Wikidata anonymous 1491 23.255 portrait
Portrait of a Man, possibly Matteo di Sebastiano di Bernardino Gozzadini Q20185431 on Wikidata anonymous 1494 1975.1.95 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman, possibly Ginevra d'Antonio Lupari Gozzadini Q20185445 on Wikidata anonymous 1494 1975.1.96 portrait horse
Portrait of a Young Man Q19913243 on Wikidata anonymous 1495 32.100.115 portrait
Portrait of a Old Man Q19905305 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 2010.118 portrait man
White people
Rodolfo Gonzaga (1451–1495) Q19912247 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 49.7.11 portrait
Portrait of a Noblewoman, Probably Isabella of Portugal (1397–1472) Q19912585 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 50.145.15 portrait Isabella of Portugal
Portrait of a Monk in Prayer Q19905321 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 37.155 portrait monk
White people
Head of a Youth with a Diadem Q20188077 on Wikidata Cristoforo Caselli 1503s 1975.1.279 portrait woman
Portrait of a Man Q19911987 on Wikidata Fra Bartolomeo 1507s 1982.60.8 portrait man
Portrait of a Young Man; (reverse) Girl Making a Garland Q19904805 on Wikidata Hans von Kulmbach 1508 17.190.21 portrait
Portrait of a Man with a Rosary Q19911507 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1508 29.100.24 portrait
Head of a Young Woman Q20187930 on Wikidata anonymous 1508s 1975.1.413 portrait woman
Charles Coguin, Abbot of Anchin Q19912093 on Wikidata Jehan Bellegambe 1509 32.100.125 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19911479 on Wikidata Bernhard Strigel 1510 71.34 portrait woman
Federigo Gonzaga (1500–1540) Q19911703 on Wikidata Francesco Francia 1510 14.40.638 portrait man
Portrait of a Young Man of the Van Steynoert Family Q19914277 on Wikidata anonymous 1512s 32.100.45 portrait man
Portrait of a Man (Titian, New York) Q3937410 on Wikidata Titian 1512 14.40.640 portrait
Portrait of a Married Couple (Lorenz Kraffter and Honesta Merz?) Q19911484 on Wikidata Ulrich Apt the Elder 1512 12.115 portrait woman
Man Weighing Gold Q19912107 on Wikidata Adriaen Isenbrandt 1515 32.100.36 portrait
Benedikt von Hertenstein (born about 1495, died 1522) Q19904795 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1517 06.1038 portrait
Sebastian Andorfer (1469–1537) Q19911580 on Wikidata Hans Maler zu Schwaz 1517 32.100.33 portrait
Portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus (born about 1446, died 1506) Q19911671 on Wikidata Sebastiano del Piombo 1519 00.18.2 portrait Christopher Columbus
Heinrich(?) vom Rhein zum Mohren (1477–1536) Q19904851 on Wikidata anonymous 1520s 1982.60.37 portrait man
White people
Portrait of a Man Q19912104 on Wikidata Jan Gossaert 1520s 32.100.62 portrait man
Portrait of a Man Q19906240 on Wikidata Quentin Matsys 1520 32.100.49 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19911585 on Wikidata Moretto da Brescia 1520 28.79 portrait man
Charles V (1500–1558), Holy Roman Emperor Q19912772 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 32.100.46 portrait Charles V
Portrait of a Woman Q20166971 on Wikidata Quentin Matsys 1520 32.100.47 portrait woman
Monsieur de Bellefourière Q19912486 on Wikidata anonymous
Jean Perréal
1521 32.100.114 portrait man
Portrait of a Man Q19912117 on Wikidata Tommaso di Stefano 1521 17.190.8 portrait man
Ulrich Fugger (1490–1525) Q19911515 on Wikidata Hans Maler zu Schwaz 1525 14.40.630 portrait Ulrich Fugger the Younger
Portrait of a Venetian Senator Q19912069 on Wikidata Vincenzo Catena 1525 30.95.258 portrait man
Portrait of a Man in Profile Q19913061 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 32.100.99 portrait man
Chancellor Leonhard von Eck (1480–1550) Q19911424 on Wikidata Barthel Beham 1527 12.194 portrait Leonhard von Eck
Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap Q19911525 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1532s 50.145.24 portrait man
Johann I (1468–1532), the Constant, Elector of Saxony Q19911660 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder
1532s 46.179.2 portrait John, Elector of Saxony
Martin Luther (1483–1546) Q19911719 on Wikidata anonymous
Lucas Cranach the Elder
1532 55.220.2 portrait Martin Luther
Johann I (1468–1532), the Constant, Elector of Saxony Q19911924 on Wikidata anonymous
Lucas Cranach the Elder
1532 71.128 portrait
Erasmus of Rotterdam Q20181435 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1532s 1975.1.138 portrait
Hermann von Wedigh III (died 1560) Q19911428 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1532 50.135.4 portrait
Lukas Spielhausen Q19911797 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1532 1981.57.1 portrait man
Jacob Willemsz. van Veen (1456–1535), the Artist's Father Q19911835 on Wikidata Maarten van Heemskerck 1532 71.36 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19905181 on Wikidata Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1533 62.267.2 portrait woman
Portrait of a Man Q19905241 on Wikidata Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1533 62.267.1 portrait man
Friedrich III (1463–1525), the Wise, Elector of Saxony Q19911508 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1533 46.179.1 portrait Frederick III
Johann (1498–1537), Duke of Saxony Q19911466 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1534s 08.19 portrait John, Hereditary Prince of Saxony
Alfonso I d'Este (1476–1534), Duke of Ferrara Q19913074 on Wikidata anonymous 1535s 14.25.1874 portrait
William Roper (1493/94–1578) Q19913456 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1535s 50.69.1 portrait
Portrait of a Man with Gloves Q19912076 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1535 30.95.279 portrait man
Thomas Wriothesley (1505–1550), First Earl of Southampton Q19912410 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1535 25.205 portrait
Portrait of a Young Woman Q19912654 on Wikidata anonymous 1535 49.7.32 portrait woman
Portrait of a Man with a Black-Plumed Hat Q19912690 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1535 49.7.45 portrait hat
Anne de Pisseleu (1508–1576), Duchesse d'Étampes Q19912827 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1535 29.100.197 portrait Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly
Charles de Cossé (1506–1563), Count of Brissac Q19913363 on Wikidata Jean Clouet 1535 35.89.1 portrait
Portrait of a Man (Sir Ralph Sadler?) Q19911434 on Wikidata anonymous 1535 49.7.28 portrait man
Guillaume Budé (1467–1540) Q19904838 on Wikidata Jean Clouet 1536 46.68 portrait Guillaume Budé
Derick Berck of Cologne Q19911567 on Wikidata Hans Holbein 1536 49.7.29 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19911597 on Wikidata anonymous 1537 32.100.61 portrait
Portrait of a Man with a Moor's Head on His Signet Ring Q19911704 on Wikidata Conrad Faber von Kreuznach 1538s 12.75 portrait
Portrait of a Man, Possibly Jean de Langeac (died 1541), Bishop of Limoges Q19912587 on Wikidata anonymous 1539 91.26.3 portrait
Lady Lee (Margaret Wyatt, born about 1509) Q19911441 on Wikidata anonymous 1540s 14.40.637 portrait Margaret Lee
Portrait of a Man with His Hand on His Chest Q20187208 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1540s 1975.1.132 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19905075 on Wikidata Tintoretto 1540 41.100.12 portrait man
Lady Rich (Elizabeth Jenks, died 1558) Q19911462 on Wikidata anonymous 1540 14.40.646 portrait Lady Elizabeth Rich
Portrait of a Young Woman Q19911475 on Wikidata anonymous 1540 49.7.30 portrait woman
Portrait of a Man in a Fur-Trimmed Coat Q19912638 on Wikidata anonymous 1540 91.26.2 portrait
Portrait of a Woman Q19912656 on Wikidata anonymous 1540 69.282 portrait woman
Portrait of a Man Q19913192 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1540 29.100.22 portrait
Portrait of a Member of the de Thou Family Q19913229 on Wikidata anonymous 1540 22.60.46 portrait
Portrait of a Man with Gloves Q19913379 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1540 41.190.532 portrait man
Portrait of a Young Man with a Book (Bronzino) Q3937730 on Wikidata Agnolo Bronzino 1540 29.100.16 portrait
Michelangelo Buonarroti Q19911651 on Wikidata Daniele da Volterra 1544 1977.384.1 portrait Michelangelo
Edward VI (1537–1553), When Duke of Cornwall Q19911425 on Wikidata anonymous 1545 49.7.31 portrait Edward VI of England
Portrait of a Man Q19913626 on Wikidata Corneille de Lyon 1545 1982.60.41 portrait
Portrait of a Man in Armor with Two Pages Q19905185 on Wikidata Paris Bordone 1545s 1973.311.1 portrait
Portrait of a Man with a Rosary Q19912759 on Wikidata anonymous 1545 1982.60.27 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19912783 on Wikidata Francesco de' Rossi 1546s 55.14 portrait
Portrait of Brother Gregorio Belo of Vicenza Q3937689 on Wikidata Lorenzo Lotto 1547 65.117 portrait book
Portrait of a Man Q19912405 on Wikidata Andrea del Sarto 1550s 1982.60.9 portrait man
Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto Q19904807 on Wikidata Titian 1550s 14.40.650 portrait Filippo Archinto
Portrait of a Man Q19913765 on Wikidata anonymous 1550 80.3.180 portrait man
Portrait of a Man Q19906163 on Wikidata Lambert Sustris 1551s 49.7.14 portrait
Portrait of a Young Man Q19913161 on Wikidata Benedetto Pagni 1551s 56.51 portrait
Portrait of a Young Man Q19913078 on Wikidata Tintoretto 1551 58.49 portrait man
Henri d'Albret (1503–55), King of Navarre Q29383677 on Wikidata Léonard Limousin 1556 49.7.108 portrait
Portrait of a Woman of the Slosgin Family of Cologne Q19911679 on Wikidata Barthel Bruyn the Younger 1557 32.100.50 portrait woman
Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova (1490?–1558) Q19911825 on Wikidata Giovanni Battista Moroni 1557 30.95.255 portrait woman
Frans Hals (1582/83–1666) Q19912042 on Wikidata anonymous 1560s 32.100.8 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19912461 on Wikidata Bernardino Campi 1560s 63.43.1 portrait woman
Portrait of Bartolomeo Bonghi Q20166980 on Wikidata Giovanni Battista Moroni 1560s 13.177 portrait
Charles IX (1550–1574), King of France Q19912319 on Wikidata anonymous 1561 32.100.124 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19912769 on Wikidata Giovanni Battista Moroni 1561s 30.95.238 portrait man
Portrait of a Man, Possibly Ottavio Farnese (1524–1586), Duke of Parma and Piacenza Q19912252 on Wikidata Antonis Mor 1563 51.5 portrait Ottavio Farnese
Portrait of a Young Woman Q19913156 on Wikidata Pieter Pourbus 1564s 39.143 portrait woman
Portrait of a Knight of Malta Q19912055 on Wikidata anonymous 1566 41.100.5 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19913285 on Wikidata Alonso Sánchez Coello 1569s 1976.100.18 portrait woman
Boy with a Greyhound Q19911888 on Wikidata Paolo Veronese 1570s 29.100.105 portrait boy
Portrait of a Man with a High Hat Q19913056 on Wikidata anonymous 1570 32.100.104 portrait hat
Portrait of a Man in White Q19912898 on Wikidata Monogrammist LAM 1574 32.100.119 portrait man
Alessandro Vittoria (1524/25–1608) Q19912118 on Wikidata Paolo Veronese 1580 46.31 portrait man
Portrait of a Prelate Q19913064 on Wikidata Lavinia Fontana 1580 62.122.141 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19912383 on Wikidata Francesco Montemezzano 1581s 29.100.104 portrait woman
Portrait of a Man Q19914251 on Wikidata anonymous 1584s 32.100.101 portrait
Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino (1514–1574), With his Armor by Filippo Negroli Q56042443 on Wikidata anonymous 1585 2009.224 portrait Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino
body armor
Order of the Golden Fleece
Sir John Shurley of Isfield (1565–1632) Q19912468 on Wikidata anonymous 1588 51.194.2 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19913735 on Wikidata Nicholas Hilliard 1590 32.100.311 portrait
Portrait of a Man Q19912738 on Wikidata anonymous 1597 32.100.88 portrait man
Portrait of a Man, Possibly an Architect or Geographer Q19905161 on Wikidata Peter Paul Rubens 1597 1982.60.24 portrait man
Portrait of a Woman Q19912878 on Wikidata Cornelis de Vos 1599 89.15.37 portrait
Francis I (1494–1547), King of France Q19911468 on Wikidata anonymous 1600s
32.100.120 portrait Francis I of France

portrait sculpture

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Benin Pendant Mask Q56379611 on Wikidata 1550s
Af1910,0513.1 portrait sculpture Idia
West African Lungfish
Portuguese people
Benin Pendant Mask Q56398056 on Wikidata 1550s 1978.412.323 portrait sculpture Idia
West African Lungfish
Portuguese people

red-figure pottery

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Terracotta kylix (drinking cup) Q42142314 on Wikidata Magnoncourt Painter 0500s BCE 41.162.6 red-figure pottery
attic vase-painting
Terracotta pelike (jar) Q46145028 on Wikidata Somzée Painter 0500s BCE 75.2.7 red-figure pottery Dionysus
Terracotta amphora (MET 63.11.6) Q29383937 on Wikidata Andokides
Andokides painter
Lysippides Painter
0530 BCE 63.11.6 red-figure pottery
black-figure pottery
white ground technique
sacrificial tripod
Nemean lion

religious art

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
Two Scenes of Christ and the Apostles Q20202007 on Wikidata anonymous 0850 2000.486 religious art
The Virgin and Child in Majesty and the Adoration of the Magi Q20201011 on Wikidata anonymous 1100 50.180a-l religious art
Christ on the Cross Q20201391 on Wikidata anonymous 1125 1984.129 religious art
The Healing of the Blind Man and the Raising of Lazarus Q20200887 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s 59.196 religious art
The Temptation of Christ by the Devil Q20200991 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s 61.248 religious art
Enthroned Virgin and Child Q20201042 on Wikidata anonymous 1135s 47.101.15 religious art
Torso of Christ from a Deposition Q20201086 on Wikidata anonymous 1150s 25.120.221 religious art
Plaque with Christ Before the High Priest Caiaphas Q20201760 on Wikidata anonymous 1150 63.127 religious art
Crucifix Q20201175 on Wikidata anonymous 1175s 35.36a, b religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Lamb at the Foot of the Cross, Flanked by Two Angels; The Calling of Saint John with the Enthroned Christ flanked by Angels and a Man Holding a Book Q20201954 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.1 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Sixth Angel Delivers the Four Angels that had been Bound at the River Euphrates; an Altar Appears in the Heavens as the Enthroned Christ Raises His Hand in Blessing Q20201956 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.11 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Seventh Angel Proclaims the Reign of the Lord Q20201957 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.12 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Seven Angels Hold the Cups of the Seven Last Plagues; The Hymn of the Lamb Q20201959 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.14 religious art musical instrument
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Angel of the Church of Sardis with Saint John Q20201962 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.4 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the First Angel Sounds the Trumpet; Fire, Hail-stones, and Blood are Cast Upon the Earth Q20201966 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.8 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Angels Restrain the Four Winds; the Angel Ascends from the Rising Sun Q20201967 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.7 religious art musical instrument
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Fourth Angel Sounds the Trumpet and an Eagle Cries Woe Q20201969 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.9 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia with Saint John Q20201983 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.5 religious art
Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence Q20201395 on Wikidata anonymous 1180s 1984.232 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: at the Clarion of the Fifth Angel's Trumpet, a Star Falls from the Sky; the Bottomless Pit is Opened with a Key; Emerging from the Smoke, Locusts Come Upon the Earth and Torment the Deathless Q20201955 on Wikidata anonymous 1180s 1991.232.10 religious art
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Christ in Majesty with Angels and the Angel of God Directs Saint John to Write the Book of Revelation Q20201964 on Wikidata anonymous 1180s 1991.232.3 religious art John of Patmos
God Closing the Door of Noah’s Ark Q20201194 on Wikidata anonymous 1190 25.120.394a religious art
Condemned Soldiers from Scenes from the Life of St. Nicholas Q20201124 on Wikidata anonymous 1200 1980.263.2 religious art Saint Nicholas
St. Nicholas Accuses the Consul from Scenes from the Life of St. Nicholas Q20201139 on Wikidata anonymous 1205s 1980.263.3 religious art Saint Nicholas
Theodosius Arrives at Ephesus, from a Scene from the Legend of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus Q20201386 on Wikidata anonymous 1205s 1980.263.4 religious art horse
Altar Frontal Q20201031 on Wikidata anonymous 1225 25.120.256 religious art
Madonna and Child Q16574822 on Wikidata Berlinghiero Berlinghieri 1230s 60.173 religious art Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Adoration of the Magi Q20185677 on Wikidata anonymous 1235 1975.1.2482 religious art
The Virgin from a Pentecost Scene and the Figure of St. Martin Q20201665 on Wikidata anonymous 1245 37.173.2 religious art Pentecost
Virgin Mary
Martin of Tours
Archbishop Gauthier Cornut of Sens Displaying the Crown of Thorns Q20201668 on Wikidata anonymous 1245 37.173.4 religious art
Two Seated Apostles from a Pentecost Scene Q20201669 on Wikidata anonymous 1245 37.173.5 religious art Pentecost
Scenes from the Life of Christ: Arrest of Christ, Christ in Limbo; Descent from the Cross, Preparation of Christ’s Body for His Entombment Q20200996 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 55.62a, b religious art
Scenes from the Life of Christ: Disrobing Youths from the Entry into Jerusalem, Flagellation, and Angel at the Sepulchre Q20201013 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1977.94 religious art
Angel Q20201847 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 25.120.231 religious art
Angel Q20201946 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 25.120.230 religious art
Virgin Q20201082 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 47.101.11 religious art woman
Saints Bartholomew and Simon Q20183911 on Wikidata Master of Saint Francis 1262s 1975.1.104 religious art Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint Margaret of Antioch Q20201325 on Wikidata anonymous 1275 25.120.328 religious art Margaret the Virgin
Madonna and Child Q19911894 on Wikidata Master of the Magdalen 1280 64.189.1 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Central Panel of a Triptych Q20201798 on Wikidata anonymous 1280 1970.324.6 religious art
Enthroned Virgin and Child Q20201807 on Wikidata anonymous 1280 53.67 religious art
The Standing Virgin Q20200948 on Wikidata anonymous 1290 1993.251.2 religious art
The Angel Annunciate Q20200951 on Wikidata anonymous 1290 1993.251.1 religious art
The Adoration of the Magi Q20201255 on Wikidata anonymous 1290 2003.478.2 religious art
The Adoration of the Magi Q20201257 on Wikidata anonymous 1290 2003.478.1 religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned Q19905467 on Wikidata Master of the Magdalen 1300s 41.100.8 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Reparata Being Prepared for Execution Q19911865 on Wikidata Bernardo Daddi 1300s 43.98.4 religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned Q19912294 on Wikidata Master of the Magdalen 1300s 41.100.21 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned Q19912864 on Wikidata anonymous 1300s 69.280.4 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Standing Virgin and Child Q20201838 on Wikidata anonymous 1300 25.120.213 religious art
Madonna and Child (Duccio, Metropolitan) Q6728394 on Wikidata Duccio di Buoninsegna 1300s 2004.442 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with the Annunciation and the Nativity Q19905330 on Wikidata Goodhart Master 1310 20.160 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Christ Blessing Q19913287 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1311 65.181.2 religious art
Madonna and Child Q19912863 on Wikidata Lippo di Benivieni 1311s 63.203 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Nine Angels Q20184739 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1315 1975.1.1 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Crucifixion Q20185245 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1315 1975.1.2 religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Donors Q20187988 on Wikidata Goodhart Master 1315 1975.1.24 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Saint Bartholomew Q19911895 on Wikidata anonymous 1317 43.98.10 religious art Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint Matthias Q19911898 on Wikidata anonymous 1317 43.98.11 religious art
Saint Benedict Q19904891 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1320s 24.78b religious art man
Saint Silvester Gozzolini Q19904893 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1320s 24.78c religious art man
Saint John on Patmos, Madonna and Child Enthroned, and Death of the Virgin; The Crucifixion Q20167149 on Wikidata Pacino di Buonaguida 1320s 64.189.3ab religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John of Patmos
Madonna and Child Q19911691 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1320 24.78a religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint John the Evangelist Q19911773 on Wikidata Segna di Bonaventura 1320 41.100.22 religious art John the Evangelist
The Nativity Q20188005 on Wikidata Maestro Daddesco 1320 1975.1.60 religious art Nativity of Jesus
The Adoration of the Magi Q19911414 on Wikidata Giotto di Bondone 1320s 11.126.1 religious art
The Crucifixion Q19913021 on Wikidata Bernardo Daddi 1325 1999.532 religious art
Madonna and Child Q20187955 on Wikidata Ugolino di Nerio 1325 1975.1.5 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Mary Magdalene Q20201621 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 28.107.2 religious art Mary Magdalena
Martyred Deacon Saint Q20201864 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 25.120.196 religious art
Saint Romuald Q19912905 on Wikidata Guiduccio Palmerucci 1325s 1982.60.1 religious art Romuald
Saint Ansanus Q20183743 on Wikidata Simone Martini 1326 1975.1.13 religious art
Saint Andrew Q19911491 on Wikidata Simone Martini 1326s 41.100.23 religious art Andrew
Madonna and Child Q20183716 on Wikidata Simone Martini 1326s 1975.1.12 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Last Supper Q20185471 on Wikidata Ugolino di Nerio 1327s 1975.1.7 religious art
The Crucified Christ Q19904875 on Wikidata Pietro da Rimini 1328s 39.42 religious art
Saint Clare Q19905446 on Wikidata Lippo Memmi 1330 64.189.2 religious art woman
The Lamentation Q20200871 on Wikidata Master of the Codex of Saint George 1330 61.200.2 religious art
The Crucifixion Q20200877 on Wikidata Master of the Codex of Saint George 1332s 61.200.1 religious art
Madonna and Child Q19912149 on Wikidata Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1333s 41.190.26 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Petronella Q20201682 on Wikidata anonymous 1335s 47.101.12a, b religious art woman
Saint Margaret of Antioch under Canopy Q20201683 on Wikidata anonymous 1335s 47.101.13a, b religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned Q20188003 on Wikidata anonymous 1335 1975.1.59 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Reparata Tortured with Red-Hot Irons Q19911798 on Wikidata Bernardo Daddi 1337s 41.190.15 religious art
Saint Reparata before the Emperor Decius Q19911806 on Wikidata Bernardo Daddi 1338 43.98.3 religious art man
The Assumption of the Virgin Q20182671 on Wikidata Bernardo Daddi 1338s 1975.1.58 religious art woman
Scenes from the Life of Christ Q19911467 on Wikidata Giovanni Baronzio 1340s 09.103 religious art woman
Saint Julian Q19913261 on Wikidata Taddeo Gaddi 1340s 1997.117.1 religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Q19911509 on Wikidata Taddeo Gaddi 1340 10.97 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Adoration of the Magi Q20187952 on Wikidata anonymous 1340 1975.1.9 religious art
Madonna and Child Q20188063 on Wikidata Barna da Siena 1340 1975.1.10 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Manuscript Leaf with the Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, from a Laudario Q20200935 on Wikidata Pacino di Buonaguida 1340 2006.250 religious art Bartholomew the Apostle
Virgin and Child Q20201092 on Wikidata anonymous 1340 37.159 religious art
Saints Procopius and Adalbert Q20201190 on Wikidata anonymous 1340 2013.272 religious art
Saint Anthony of Padua Q19911822 on Wikidata Maso di Banco 1340 43.98.13 religious art Anthony of Padua
Ascension in an Initial V Q20184178 on Wikidata Niccolò di Ser Sozzo Tegliaccio 1342 1975.1.2472 religious art
The Crucifixion Q19911922 on Wikidata Pietro Lorenzetti 1342s 2002.436 religious art horse
Saint Catherine of Alexandria Q20167186 on Wikidata Pietro Lorenzetti 1343s 13.212 religious art Catherine of Alexandria
Christ Enthroned with Saints Q19911968 on Wikidata Bernardo Daddi 1350s 1974.217 religious art
Madonna and Child Q20187959 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1975.1.3 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Pietà Q20187961 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1975.1.4 religious art
Saint Peter Q20187964 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1975.1.15 religious art Peter
The Vision of Saint Catherine of Alexandria Q20188009 on Wikidata Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci 1350s 1975.1.62 religious art Catherine of Alexandria
The Last Judgment; The Virgin and Child with a Bishop-Saint and Saint Peter Martyr; The Crucifixion; The Glorification of Saint Thomas Aquinas; The Nativity Q20188036 on Wikidata Master of the Dominican Effigies 1350s 1975.1.99 religious art Peter of Verona
Thomas Aquinas
The Crucifixion Q20188052 on Wikidata Allegretto Nuzi 1350s 1975.1.106 religious art
Scenes from the Life of Saint Andrew Q20201015 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.257 religious art Andrew
Dormition of the Virgin Q20201723 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.4 religious art
Madonna of Mercy Q20201725 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.5 religious art
Doubting Thomas Q20201726 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.3 religious art
Noli Me Tangere Q20201727 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.2 religious art Mary Magdalena
Jesus Christ
Panel with the Harrowing of Hell Q20201729 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.1 religious art
Saint Thomas Q20201767 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.96.1 religious art Thomas the Apostle
Saint Philip Q20201770 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.96.2 religious art man
Saint Ambrose Q20201774 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.97.6 religious art Ambrose
Saint George Q20201777 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.97.3 religious art Saint George
Saint Agnes Q20201780 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.98 religious art woman
Saint Augustine Q20201782 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.97.4 religious art Augustine of Hippo
Saint Nicholas Q20201785 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.97.5 religious art Saint Nicholas
Saint Martin Q20201826 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.97.1 religious art man
Saint John Q20201835 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.261 religious art John the Evangelist
Virgin and Child Q20201850 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.235 religious art
Virgin and Child Q20201854 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.289a-e religious art
Saint Eleuthere or Saint Rustique Q20201856 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.281 religious art
Saint Eleuthere or Saint Rustique Q20201858 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.282 religious art
Saint John Q20201860 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.262 religious art John the Evangelist
Saint Denis Q20201862 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.283 religious art Saint Denis
Virgin and Child Q20201867 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.248 religious art
Virgin and Child Q20201869 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.229 religious art
Tomb Slab of Madame Blanche of France, Duchesse d'Orléans Q20201877 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.380a religious art
Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels Q19905469 on Wikidata Lippo Memmi 1350 43.98.6 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Nativity Q20188048 on Wikidata Puccio di Simone 1350 1975.1.105 religious art
Saints Matthias and Thomas Q20188060 on Wikidata Bartolomeo Bulgarini 1350 1975.1.8 religious art Thomas the Apostle
Matthew the Apostle
Blessing Bishop (Saint Nicholas of Bari) Q20201028 on Wikidata anonymous 1350 25.120.218 religious art Saint Nicholas
Madonna of Mercy Q20201062 on Wikidata anonymous 1350 30.133 religious art woman
Madonna and Child Q20167027 on Wikidata Guariento di Arpo 1354s 88.3.86 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter and Paul and Angels Q19905343 on Wikidata Lippo Vanni 1358s 32.100.100 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child Q19912040 on Wikidata Luca di Tommè di Nuto 1360 41.100.34 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Donors Q20188040 on Wikidata Lorenzo Veneziano 1360 1975.1.78 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Bishop of Assisi Giving a Palm to Saint Clare Q20200904 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 1984.343 religious art
Madonna and Child with Donors Q19911621 on Wikidata Giovanni da Milano 1365 07.200 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Crucifixion Q20185376 on Wikidata Orcagna 1365 1975.1.65 religious art
Six Angels Q20185404 on Wikidata Jacopo di Cione 1365 1975.1.65a–f religious art
Madonna and Child Q19905216 on Wikidata Paolo di Giovanni Fei 1370s 41.190.13 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Crucifix Q19905384 on Wikidata Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci 1370s 27.231ab religious art
Saint John the Evangelist with Acteus and Eugenius Q19911980 on Wikidata Francescuccio Ghissi 1370 69.280.2 religious art John the Evangelist
Saint John the Evangelist Causes a Pagan Temple to Collapse Q19911981 on Wikidata Francescuccio Ghissi 1370 69.280.3 religious art John the Evangelist
Saint John the Evangelist Raises Satheus to Life Q19911983 on Wikidata Francescuccio Ghissi 1370 69.280.1 religious art John the Evangelist
Man of Sorrows Q20200885 on Wikidata Niccolò di Tommaso 1370 25.120.241 religious art
Head of Christ Q20167849 on Wikidata Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci 1374s 1981.365.2 religious art
The Adoration of the Shepherds Q20200879 on Wikidata Bartolo di Fredi 1374 25.120.288 religious art
Reliquary Bust of Saint Juliana Q20201743 on Wikidata anonymous 1376 61.266 religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints James Minor and Lucy Q19912249 on Wikidata Paolo Veneziano 1376s 32.100.87 religious art Saint Lucy
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Q20187973 on Wikidata anonymous 1379s 1975.1.20 religious art woman
Saint Catherine Disputing and Two Donors Q19905114 on Wikidata Cenni di Francesco 1380 1982.35.1 religious art Catherine of Alexandria
Engaged cassetta frame on a polyptych panel Q20183589 on Wikidata Niccolò di Buonaccorso 1380
1975.1.21 religious art musical instrument
Medallion with the Face of Christ Q20202004 on Wikidata anonymous 1380 2011.503 religious art
Saint Lucy and Her Mother at the Shrine of Saint Agatha; Saint Lucy Giving Alms; Saint Lucy before Paschasius; Saint Lucy Resisting Efforts to Move Her Q19912182 on Wikidata Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani 1381s 12.41.1–4 religious art woman
Saint Philip Q20188012 on Wikidata Spinello Aretino 1384s 1975.1.63 religious art
A Saint, Possibly James the Greater Q20188016 on Wikidata Spinello Aretino 1384s 1975.1.64 religious art
Pietà Q20201343 on Wikidata anonymous 1387s 48.85 religious art
The Trinity Q19912089 on Wikidata Agnolo Gaddi 1390 41.100.33 religious art
Saint Margaret and the Dragon Q19912703 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 41.190.23 religious art woman
The Baptism of Christ Q20201923 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.4 religious art
The Agony in the Garden Q20201925 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.5 religious art man
The Harrowing of Hell Q20201927 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.7 religious art
Christ Before Pilate Q20201951 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.6 religious art Pilate's court
The Adoration of the Magi Q20187967 on Wikidata Bartolo di Fredi 1390s 1975.1.16 religious art horse
Adoration of the Magi from Seven Scenes from the Life of Christ Q20201292 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.1 religious art
Adoration of the Magi from Seven Scenes from the Life of Christ Q20201915 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.2 religious art
The Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints Q19911807 on Wikidata Giovanni di Tano Fei 1394 50.229.2 religious art
Saint Mary Magdalen Holding a Crucifix; (reverse) The Flagellation Q19911536 on Wikidata Spinello Aretino 1395 13.175 religious art
Head of an Angel in Full Face Q20186825 on Wikidata Taddeo di Bartolo 1397 1975.1.17 religious art
Head of an Angel in Left Profile Q20186848 on Wikidata Taddeo di Bartolo 1397 1975.1.19 religious art
Standing Virgin and Child Q20201879 on Wikidata anonymous 1399s 25.120.365 religious art
An Episode from the Life of Saint Giovanni Gualberto Q19912338 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 58.135 religious art
Two Angels Q19912526 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 1971.115.1ab religious art
Madonna and Child with Saints Michael and John the Baptist; The Noli Me Tangere; The Conversion of Saint Paul Q19913072 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 1982.60.2 religious art Mary Magdalena
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
Michael the Archangel
Saints John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene Q20181858 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 1975.1.102 religious art Mary Magdalena
John the Evangelist
Saint Mary Magdalen Q20187902 on Wikidata Bartolo di Fredi 1400s 1975.1.14 religious art Mary Magdalena
The Crucifixion Q19905919 on Wikidata Andrea di Bartolo 1400 12.6 religious art soldier
The Flagellation Q19911589 on Wikidata Master of the Berswordt Altar 1400 2001.216.2 religious art Flagellation of Christ
The Crucifixion Q19911673 on Wikidata Master of the Berswordt Altar 1400 43.161 religious art woman
The Trinity Adored by All Saints Q19912795 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 39.54 religious art
Christ and the Twelve Apostles Q19912867 on Wikidata Taddeo di Bartolo 1400 1991.27.1 religious art
Diptych with tabernacle frames Q20188088 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 1975.1.22c religious art
Saint Michael Presenting a Donor to Christ as Salvator Mundi Q20188139 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 1975.1.2469 religious art
"Jonah and the Whale", Folio from a Jami al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Chronicles) Q29385247 on Wikidata anonymous 1400s 33.113 religious art
Angel with Portative Organ Q20188282 on Wikidata Cristoforo Cortese 1401 1975.1.2465a religious art
The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin Q20200874 on Wikidata anonymous 1402s 53.37 religious art
Tabernacle frame Q20185492 on Wikidata anonymous 1404 1975.1.67b religious art
Diptych Q20187979 on Wikidata anonymous 1405s 1975.1.22 religious art
Bifolium with Christ in Majesty in an Initial A, from an Antiphonary Q20201999 on Wikidata anonymous 1405 2013.38 religious art
The Crucified Christ between the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Q20188023 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1406 1975.1.67 religious art John the Evangelist
Last Judgment in an Initial C Q20188180 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1406 1975.1.2485 religious art musical instrument
Noah Q19911782 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.2 religious art
Saint Giles with Christ Triumphant over Satan and the Mission of the Apostles Q19911993 on Wikidata Miguel Alcañiz the Elder 1408 76.10 religious art
Moses Q20167127 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.3 religious art
The Nativity Q20184394 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1408s 1975.1.66 religious art
Saint Ursula and Her Maidens Q19905214 on Wikidata Niccolò di Pietro 1410 23.64 religious art woman
Saint Bartholomew Q20201640 on Wikidata anonymous 1410 30.113.1 religious art Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint John the Evangelist Q20201641 on Wikidata anonymous 1410 30.113.2 religious art John the Evangelist
Saint Martin Dividing His Cloak Q20201647 on Wikidata anonymous 1410 30.113.3 religious art
Saint James Q20201765 on Wikidata anonymous 1410 65.67 religious art
Davis Madonna Q1125200 on Wikidata Gentile da Fabriano 1410 30.95.262 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Siena and a Carthusian Donor Q20187912 on Wikidata anonymous 1411 1975.1.98 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Catherine of Siena
Saint Anthony Abbot (with Saint John the Baptist) Q19912243 on Wikidata Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio 1412s 30.95.265 religious art Anthony the Great
Saint Julian the Hospitaler (with Saint Nicholas of Bari) Q19912244 on Wikidata Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio 1412s 30.95.266 religious art Julian the Hospitaller
Saint Nicholas
Saint James the Greater (with the Virgin of the Annunciation) Q19912298 on Wikidata Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio 1412s 30.95.264 religious art
Saint Stephen (with the Angel of the Annunciation) Q19912426 on Wikidata Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio 1412s 30.95.263 religious art Stephen
The Crucifixion Q19911473 on Wikidata Fra Angelico 1420s 43.98.5 religious art soldier
Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de' Lardi, Presented by Saint Nicholas Q19911674 on Wikidata Master G.Z. 1420 65.181.5 religious art Saint Nicholas
Retable with Scenes from the Life of Saint Andrew Q20200923 on Wikidata anonymous 1420 06.1211.1–.9 religious art Andrew
St. John the Evangelist, probably from a Crucifixion Group Q20201704 on Wikidata anonymous 1420 65.215.4 religious art John the Evangelist
Saint George and the Dragon Q20201763 on Wikidata anonymous 1420 64.280 religious art Saint George
Madonna and Child with Angels Q19911568 on Wikidata Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano 1420 07.201 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Annunciation Q3202076 on Wikidata Petrus Christus 1422
32.100.35 religious art Gabriel
Virgin Mary
Holy Spirit
Madonna and Child with Saints Philip and Agnes Q19911758 on Wikidata Donato de' Bardi 1425 37.163.1–3 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Jerome, Peter Martyr, and Bernardino and Four Angels Q20187971 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1425 1975.1.43 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Peter of Verona
Bernardino of Siena
John the Baptist
Saint Martin and Saint Hilary Q20181171 on Wikidata anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1908 religious art
Saint Michael Q20187248 on Wikidata Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio 1430s 1975.1.28A religious art Michael the Archangel
Saint Nicholas of Bari Q20187265 on Wikidata Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio 1430s 1975.1.28B religious art Saint Nicholas
The Man of Sorrows Q19911663 on Wikidata Michele Giambono 1430 06.180 religious art
All Saints in an Initial E or O Q20185664 on Wikidata Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1430 1975.1.2484 religious art
Sermon of Saint Albertus Magnus Q20200939 on Wikidata Friedrich Walther 1430 64.215 religious art man
The Presentation in the Temple Q19914235 on Wikidata Alvaro Pirez d'Evora 1430s 1982.60.3 religious art woman
Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych Q574004 on Wikidata Jan van Eyck 1430s 33.92ab religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Saint Nicholas Providing Dowries Q19904855 on Wikidata Bicci di Lorenzo 1433s 88.3.89 religious art Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths Q20167114 on Wikidata Bicci di Lorenzo 1433s 16.121 religious art Saint Nicholas
The Nativity Q19912096 on Wikidata Zanobi Strozzi 1433 1983.490 religious art
Saints John the Baptist and Matthew Q20188025 on Wikidata Bicci di Lorenzo 1433s 1975.1.68 religious art John the Baptist
Matthew the Apostle
The Journey of the Magi Q19911780 on Wikidata Stefano di Giovanni 1434 43.98.1 religious art woman
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Q19911876 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1435 41.100.4 religious art
The Annunciation Q20185319 on Wikidata Stefano di Giovanni 1435 1975.1.26 religious art
The Marriage of the Virgin (Michelino da Besozzo) Q3967211 on Wikidata Michelino Molinari da Besozzo 1435s 43.98.7 religious art Virgin Mary
Saint Anthony Abbot Tempted by a Heap of Gold Q3948786 on Wikidata Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1435 1975.1.27 religious art Anthony the Great
The Nativity Q19912359 on Wikidata Zanobi Strozzi 1436s 24.22 religious art
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Cherubim Q20185257 on Wikidata Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1437s 1975.1.41 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Pietà Q20201762 on Wikidata anonymous 1437s 64.80 religious art
Madonna and Child Q19911619 on Wikidata Jacopo Bellini 1440s 59.187 religious art
Saint Jerome Q19912760 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 65.181.6 religious art Jerome
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels Q20201935 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 37.52.3 religious art man
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels Q20201940 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 37.52.4 religious art
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels Q20201942 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 37.52.2 religious art
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels Q20201944 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 37.52.5 religious art
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels Q20201953 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 37.52.6 religious art
The Crucifixion Q19905200 on Wikidata Fra Angelico 1440 14.40.628 religious art
Paternoster Pendant with the Virgin and Child (obverse) and the Meeting of Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate (reverse) Q20185024 on Wikidata anonymous 1440 1975.1.1522 religious art meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels Q3842542 on Wikidata Filippo Lippi 1440s 49.7.9 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Saints Q19905231 on Wikidata Priamo della Quercia 1442 41.100.35–37 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels Q20201829 on Wikidata anonymous 1443s 37.52.1–.6 religious art
Madonna and Child with Angels Q19911555 on Wikidata Stefano di Giovanni 1445 41.100.20 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Two Angels and a Donor Q19911996 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1445 41.190.16 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Betrayal of Christ Q19912855 on Wikidata Bartolomeo di Tommaso 1445 58.87.1 religious art
The Lamentation and the Entombment Q19912856 on Wikidata Bartolomeo di Tommaso 1445 58.87.2 religious art
Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Clothed by the Virgin Q20183847 on Wikidata anonymous 1445 1975.1.100 religious art
Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Holding the Christ Child Q20188043 on Wikidata Antonio del Massaro 1445 1975.1.101 religious art Frances of Rome
Head of Christ Q3546958 on Wikidata Petrus Christus 1445 60.71.1 religious art Jesus Christ
Paradise Q19911510 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1445 06.1046 religious art
The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise Q20185213 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1445 1975.1.31 religious art
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Q20185419 on Wikidata anonymous 1447 1975.1.70B religious art
The Virgin Annunciate Q20187995 on Wikidata Andrea de Litio 1447s 1975.1.29 religious art
Madonna and Child Q20188018 on Wikidata anonymous 1448 1975.1.39 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Annunciation (Botticelli, New York) Q3202069 on Wikidata Sandro Botticelli 1450s 1975.1.74 religious art Virgin Mary
The Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena Q19911708 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 32.100.95 religious art Catherine of Siena
The Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni (1220–1286) Q20183811 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.56 religious art Ambrose of Siena
The Birth and Naming of Saint John the Baptist Q20185271 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1450s 1975.1.44 religious art Child Saint John
Saint Catherine of Siena Beseeching Christ to Resuscitate Her Mother Q20185333 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.33 religious art Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata Q20185347 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.34 religious art Catherine of Siena
The Descent into Limbo Q20187914 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.274 religious art
A Seated Saint Reading from a Book Q20187926 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.409 religious art book
The Nativity Q20188007 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.61 religious art
Madonna and Child Q20188021 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1450s 1975.1.40 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Madonna and Child with a Female Martyr Saint, a Bishop Saint, and a Female Donor Q20188071 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.252 religious art woman
The Nativity Q20200897 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 49.109 religious art
Altarpiece (retablo) with Scenes from the Passion Q20200947 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 10.12a, b religious art
Panel with Saint John the Baptist Enthroned from Retable Q20200962 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.670 religious art John the Baptist
The Visitation Panel from Saint John Retable Q20200964 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.671 religious art woman
Predella pane with Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and Saint Kilian from Retable Q20200966 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.673 religious art Saint Christopher
Panel with the Birth of St. John the Baptist from Retable Q20200969 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.927 religious art Child Saint John
Panel with The Crucifixion from Retable Q20200971 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.928 religious art
Saint Mary Magdalene Q20201154 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 63.13.1 religious art Mary Magdalena
The Death of the Virgin (The Dormition) Q20201180 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1973.348 religious art
Saint Augustine Q20201209 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 26.63.6 religious art Augustine of Hippo
Saint Barbara Q20201267 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 50.159 religious art Saint Barbara
Entry into Jerusalem Relief Q20201480 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 55.58 religious art
Panel with Saint George and the Dragon Q20201490 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.421 religious art Saint George
The Entombment Q20201498 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.482 religious art
Adoration of the Magi Q20201500 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.485 religious art
Saint Frederick Q20201601 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 34.123 religious art
Saint Germain and a Donor Q20201684 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 47.101.18 religious art
Saint Stephen Q20201706 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 59.71 religious art Stephen
Coronation of the Virgin Q20201784 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 65.121 religious art
Saint Jerome Q20201789 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 65.124 religious art Jerome
Angel Q20201790 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1972.31 religious art
Palmesel Q20201805 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 55.24 religious art
Saint Geneviève Q20201827 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 56.101 religious art
Pietà Q20201842 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.266a, b religious art
Head of Christ Q20201844 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.219 religious art
Shrine of Saint Anne and the Holy Kinship Q20201870 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.210 religious art
Man of Sorrows Q20201885 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1971.194 religious art
Saint Peter Martyr Healing the Leg of a Young Man Q19905430 on Wikidata Antonio Vivarini 1450s 37.163.4 religious art Peter of Verona
King David in Prayer in an Initial B Q20188276 on Wikidata Zanobi Strozzi 1450s 1975.1.2470 religious art
The Lamentation Q19911634 on Wikidata Petrus Christus 1450 91.26.12 religious art Jesus Christ
lamentation of Christ
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911675 Madonna and Child with Six Saints]}} Q19911675 on Wikidata Francesco Pesellino 1450 50.145.30 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19912031 Madonna and Child; Saint John the Baptist; Saint Jerome]}} Q19912031 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1450 64.189.4 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20186416 Virgin and Child with a Donor Presented by Saint Jerome]}} Q20186416 on Wikidata Master of the Munich Marian Panels
1450 1975.1.133 religious art Jerome
Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20187981 Madonna and Child]}} Q20187981 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1450 1975.1.51 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20187993 Crucifix]}} Q20187993 on Wikidata anonymous 1450 1975.1.25 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188011 The Exultation of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino]}} Q20188011 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1450 1975.1.35 religious art Nicholas of Tolentino
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20201026 Paschal Candlestick]}} Q20201026 on Wikidata anonymous 1450 44.63.1a, b religious art
Adoration of the Shepherds (Mantegna) Q3605556 on Wikidata Andrea Mantegna 1450 32.130.2 religious art Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q3949327 Saints Augustine and Francis, a Bishop Saint, and Saint Benedict]}} Q3949327 on Wikidata Filippo Lippi 1452 17.89 religious art Augustine of Hippo
Francis of Assisi
Alessandri Altarpiece Q3538918 on Wikidata Filippo Lippi 1453 35.31.1a–c religious art Lawrence of Rome
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20166951 Madonna and Child with Saints]}} Q20166951 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1454 32.100.76 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911532 Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child]}} Q19911532 on Wikidata Giovanni Bellini 1455 30.95.256 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188234 Coronation of the Virgin]}} Q20188234 on Wikidata anonymous 1455 1975.1.2480 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19912120 The Story of Esther]}} Q19912120 on Wikidata Marco del Buono 1455s 18.117.2 religious art Esther
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20187978 Saint Bernardino]}} Q20187978 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1455s 1975.1.46 religious art Bernardino of Siena
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19904862 The Crucifixion]}} Q19904862 on Wikidata Paolo Uccello 1455s 1997.117.9 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20185389 Coronation of the Virgin]}} Q20185389 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1455s 1975.1.38 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911496 Virgin and Child]}} Q19911496 on Wikidata Dieric Bouts 1457s 30.95.280 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20185362 The Annunciation to Zacharias; (verso) The Angel of the Annunciation]}} Q20185362 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1457s 1975.1.37 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188054 Saint Anne and the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels]}} Q20188054 on Wikidata Niccolò Alunno 1458 1975.1.107 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911688 Saint Catherine of Siena Exchanging Her Heart with Christ]}} Q19911688 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1460s 1997.117.3 religious art Catherine of Siena
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188051 The Madonna of Humility, the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the Pietà]}} Q20188051 on Wikidata Bartolomeo Vivarini 1460s 1975.1.82 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911710 The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena]}} Q19911710 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1997.117.2 religious art Catherine of Siena
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19912102 The Adoration of the Magi]}} Q19912102 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1982.60.4 religious art horse
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19912348 The Nativity]}} Q19912348 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 32.100.39 religious art woman
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19912784 The Burial of Saint Martha]}} Q19912784 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1460 65.181.7 religious art woman
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19913058 The Crucifixion, (reverse) Saint Francis of Assisi; The Resurrection, (reverse) An Abbot Saint, Possibly Saint Benedict]}} Q19913058 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 32.100.106–7 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20187975 Saint Bernardino]}} Q20187975 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 1975.1.45 religious art Bernardino of Siena
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188014 Saint John the Evangelist Raises Drusiana]}} Q20188014 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1975.1.36 religious art Drusiana
John the Evangelist
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20201237 The Circumcision]}} Q20201237 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 2003.14 religious art woman
Butler Madonna Q3842392 on Wikidata Andrea Mantegna 1460 32.100.97 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20186858 The Archangel Raphael and Tobias]}} Q20186858 on Wikidata Neri di Bicci 1463s 1975.1.71 religious art Tobias
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911551 Christ Crowned with Thorns]}} Q19911551 on Wikidata Antonello da Messina 1464s 32.100.82 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911422 The Annunciation]}} Q19911422 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1465s 17.190.7 religious art man
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911482 The Adoration of the Magi]}} Q19911482 on Wikidata Justus van Gent 1465 41.190.21 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188001 Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Agnes]}} Q20188001 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1465 1975.1.32 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188030 The Archangel Raphael and Tobias]}} Q20188030 on Wikidata Neri di Bicci 1465s 1975.1.72 religious art Tobias
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20201703 The Annunciation from the Hours of Charles of France]}} Q20201703 on Wikidata Maître de Charles de France 1465 58.71a, b religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20187999 Saint Ambrose]}} Q20187999 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1467s 1975.1.30 religious art Ambrose
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20181898 The Lamentation of Christ]}} Q20181898 on Wikidata Simon Marmion 1467 1975.1.128 religious art woman
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188344 The Holy Virgins Greeted by Christ as They Enter the Gates of Paradise]}} Q20188344 on Wikidata Simon Marmion 1467 1975.1.2477 religious art woman
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911442 The Birth of the Virgin]}} Q19911442 on Wikidata Fra Carnevale 1467 35.121 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19904888 Saint Zenobius Resuscitating a Dead Child]}} Q19904888 on Wikidata Benozzo Gozzoli 1468s 15.106.3 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20167167 Saint Peter and Simon Magus]}} Q20167167 on Wikidata Benozzo Gozzoli 1468s 15.106.1 religious art Peter
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20167193 Totila before Saint Benedict]}} Q20167193 on Wikidata Benozzo Gozzoli 1468s 15.106.4 religious art soldier
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20187969 Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome, Bernardino, John the Baptist, and Anthony of Padua and Two Angels]}} Q20187969 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1469 1975.1.42 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Anthony of Padua
Bernardino of Siena
John the Baptist
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19905043 Saint Thomas Aquinas Aided by Saints Peter and Paul]}} Q19905043 on Wikidata Bartolomeo degli Erri 1469s 23.140 religious art Peter
Thomas Aquinas
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19905327 Saint Dominic Resuscitating Napoleone Orsini]}} Q19905327 on Wikidata Bartolomeo degli Erri 1470s 22.60.59 religious art Saint Dominic
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911870 The Nativity]}} Q19911870 on Wikidata Francesco di Giorgio 1470 41.100.2 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19911997 Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara, Agatha, and Margaret]}} Q19911997 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1470 32.100.83a–d religious art Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Barbara
Margaret the Virgin
Agatha of Sicily
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19913283 The Massacre of the Innocents]}} Q19913283 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1470 58.189.1 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19913286 The Adoration of the Magi]}} Q19913286 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1470 58.189.2 religious art horse
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q19913442 Madonna and Child with the Dead Christ, Saints Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria, and Two Angels]}} Q19913442 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1470 1987.290.2ab religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Catherine of Alexandria
Agnes of Rome
Lehman Madonna Q20184408 on Wikidata Giovanni Bellini 1470 1975.1.81 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20185088 Adoration of the Magi]}} Q20185088 on Wikidata anonymous 1470 1975.1.134 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20185761 Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit]}} Q20185761 on Wikidata Francesco di Giorgio 1470 1975.1.2474 religious art Bernardino of Siena
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20188178 Martyrdom of Saint Agatha in an Initial D]}} Q20188178 on Wikidata Sano di Pietro 1470 1975.1.2488 religious art Agatha of Sicily
Burg Weiler Altarpiece Q20200942 on Wikidata Master of the Burg Weiler Altarpiece 1470 53.21 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Wendelin of Trier
Saint Apollonia
Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
Lawrence of Rome
Saint Sebastian
Saint Maurice
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20201821 Saint Margaret]}} Q20201821 on Wikidata anonymous 1470 63.13.2 religious art
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q20185303 Madonna and Child]}} Q20185303 on Wikidata Benvenuto di Giovanni 1470s 1975.1.54 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q3620758 An Apostle]}} Q3620758 on Wikidata Carlo Crivelli 1471 1975.1.84 religious art apostle
Lenti Madonna Q3842407 on Wikidata Carlo Crivelli 1472 49.7.5 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q3842408 Madonna and Child Enthroned]}} Q3842408 on Wikidata Carlo Crivelli 1472 1982.60.5 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q3947010 Saint Dominic]}} Q3947010 on Wikidata Carlo Crivelli 1472 05.41.1 religious art Saint Dominic
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q3947206 Saint George]}} Q3947206 on Wikidata Carlo Crivelli 1472 05.41.2 religious art Saint George
body armor
long hair
action=edit&preview=yes&redlink=1&editintro=Template:Mbabel/intro&preload=Template:Mbabel/MET&preloadparams%5b%5d=Q3947943 The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]}} Q3947943 on Wikidata Francesco Botticini 1473s 48.78 religious art Saint Sebastian
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3946909 on Wikidata Domenico Ghirlandaio 1473 80.3.674 religious art Child Jesus
Saint Christopher
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911686 on Wikidata Cosimo Tura 1474 49.7.17 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913069 on Wikidata Girolamo da Cremona 1475s 49.7.8 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q2489939 on Wikidata Hieronymus Bosch 1475 13.26 religious art Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Adoration of the Magi
biblical Magi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911641 on Wikidata anonymous 1475 32.100.54 religious art Salvator Mundi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911721 on Wikidata anonymous 1475 49.7.18 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911805 on Wikidata anonymous 1475 1982.60.16 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186904 on Wikidata Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona 1475 1975.1.83 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187991 on Wikidata Benvenuto di Giovanni 1475 1975.1.53 religious art Bernardino of Siena
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911845 on Wikidata Carlo Crivelli 1476 13.178 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911562 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1477s 32.100.59 religious art Nursing Madonna
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200906 on Wikidata anonymous 1478s 38.141a-o religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19894606 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1479 14.40.634 religious art Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Barbara
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905196 on Wikidata Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.1 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911982 on Wikidata Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.2 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912090 on Wikidata Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.3 religious art Raphael
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187986 on Wikidata Matteo di Giovanni 1479 1975.1.52 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Francis of Assisi
Catherine of Siena
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187003 on Wikidata Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1480s 1975.1.114 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q9392232 on Wikidata Hans Memling 1480s 1975.1.113 religious art Annunciation
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905032 on Wikidata Gerard David 1480s 32.100.40a religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905349 on Wikidata Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1480s 32.100.63ab religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19906253 on Wikidata Jacopo da Sellaio 1480s 41.100.10 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912097 on Wikidata Antoniazzo Romano 1480s 06.1214 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911645 on Wikidata Master of the legend of St. Barbara 1480 32.100.56a–d religious art David
Queen of Sheba
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911705 on Wikidata Vincenzo Foppa 1480 30.95.293 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912488 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 22.60.56–57 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184103 on Wikidata Monogrammist IM 1480 1975.1.2475 religious art crucifixion of Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184126 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 1975.1.2467 religious art Anthony the Great
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188038 on Wikidata Alesso di Benozzo 1480 1975.1.77 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200908 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 56.211 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200998 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 55.85 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201299 on Wikidata Master of the Lautenbach Altar 1480 1998.215.1 religious art Jesus Christ
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201473 on Wikidata Master of the Lautenbach Altar 1480 1998.215.2 religious art Our Lady of Sorrows
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911682 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 54.195 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188150 on Wikidata anonymous 1481s 1975.1.2479 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913041 on Wikidata Vittore Crivelli 1481 41.100.32 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913223 on Wikidata Vittore Crivelli 1481 1982.60.6 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905792 on Wikidata Francesco Botticini 1481s 61.235 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187018 on Wikidata anonymous 1481s 1975.1.115 religious art Saint Christopher
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19914231 on Wikidata Benozzo Gozzoli 1481 1976.100.14 religious art Saint Sebastian
Nicholas of Tolentino
Saint Roch
Bernardino of Siena
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912092 on Wikidata Antoniazzo Romano 1482s 41.190.9 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905219 on Wikidata Cosimo Rosselli 1483s 32.100.84 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911420 on Wikidata Filippino Lippi 1483s 49.7.10 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911882 on Wikidata Cosimo Tura 1484 30.95.259 religious art Louis of Toulouse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201626 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201631 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.4 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201632 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.8 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201635 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.6 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201687 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.7 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201688 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.5 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904860 on Wikidata Bartolomeo Vivarini 1485 50.229.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911460 on Wikidata Ludwig Schongauer 1487s 1982.60.34ab religious art soldier
Pilate washing his hands
Pilate's court
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911690 on Wikidata Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1487s 17.190.16 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186939 on Wikidata anonymous 1487 1975.1.111 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911550 on Wikidata Giovanni Bellini 1487s 49.7.1 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200914 on Wikidata anonymous 1487s 12.103 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200920 on Wikidata anonymous 1487s 1974.392 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186389 on Wikidata Gerard David 1487s 1975.1.2486 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911447 on Wikidata Giovanni Bellini 1488s 08.183.1 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905099 on Wikidata Lorenzo di Credi 1490s 09.197 religious art Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905445 on Wikidata anonymous 1490s 32.100.58 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911921 on Wikidata Gerard David 1490s 32.100.40bc religious art John the Baptist
Francis of Assisi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912020 on Wikidata Michele da Verona 1490s 27.41 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912267 on Wikidata Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 1490s 21.134.3a–c religious art Jerome
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912258 on Wikidata Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi 1490 61.43 religious art Mary Magdalena
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913005 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 1982.60.18–19 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913134 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 1976.100.24 religious art man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186879 on Wikidata Cosimo Rosselli 1490 1975.1.73 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200918 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 1991.10 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200953 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 55.166 religious art Saint Barbara
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20166923 on Wikidata Biagio d'Antonio 1490s 32.100.69 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904866 on Wikidata Luca Signorelli 1493 29.164 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912100 on Wikidata Bartolomeo di Giovanni 1494s 1989.132 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912235 on Wikidata Nikolaos Tzafouris 1494s 29.158.746 religious art stations of the cross
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912336 on Wikidata Francesco Francia 1494s 1982.448 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912194 on Wikidata Gerard David 1495 09.157 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912415 on Wikidata Jan Provoost 1495 1976.201.17 religious art Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912928 on Wikidata anonymous 1495 1982.60.21 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3208203 on Wikidata Sandro Botticelli 1495 14.40.642 religious art Jerome
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3842383 on Wikidata Andrea Mantegna 1495 14.40.643 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Mary Magdalena
long hair
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904794 on Wikidata Juan de Flandes 1496 22.60.58 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911537 on Wikidata Pietro Perugino 1496s 1981.293.1–2 religious art Saint Lucy
John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3842520 on Wikidata Fra Bartolomeo 1497 06.171 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
chestnut hair
long hair
John the Baptist
window seat
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187046 on Wikidata anonymous 1499s 1975.1.116 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201745 on Wikidata anonymous 1499s 61.15.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187058 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.118 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200956 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.668 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200959 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.669 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200973 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.929 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201634 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.24.9 religious art Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201639 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.24.11 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201645 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.24.12 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201663 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.24.19 religious art John the Evangelist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201788 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1971.278 religious art man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20202001 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 2013.637 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q285392 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 56.70a–c religious art Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905296 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 52.35 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911483 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 2005.103 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911530 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 05.39.2 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911547 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 43.95 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911561 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 71.100 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911839 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 26.26 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911859 on Wikidata Sandro Botticelli 1500s 29.100.17 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912024 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.127 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912026 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.128 religious art Salome
human head
John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912050 on Wikidata Master of Lecceto 1500s 14.44 religious art Salomon
Queen of Sheba
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912212 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.112 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912250 on Wikidata Master of the Saint Godelieve Legend 1500s 12.79 religious art Godelina
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912265 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.105 religious art Jerome
Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912286 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 12.168 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912344 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1982.60.40 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912347 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.38 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912379 on Wikidata Matteo di Giovanni 1500s 65.234 religious art Mary Magdalena
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912398 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 41.190.27a–e religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912420 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 43.98.2 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912464 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 49.7.4 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912796 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.123 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912865 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.96 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912979 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.100.93 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912982 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 06.1048 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913062 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 14.40.635 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913148 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 64.288 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913277 on Wikidata Master of the Morata Retable 1500s 41.190.28a–d religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913371 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 31.67.8 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913719 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 44.101 religious art book
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913727 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1972.145.27 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913789 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1976.100.4 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185117 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.319 religious art Saint Sebastian
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200967 on Wikidata Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.674 religious art Saint Sebastian
Mary Magdalena
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913103 on Wikidata Master of Osma 1500s 88.3.82 religious art Saint Anne
Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905246 on Wikidata Gerard David 1500 14.40.636 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911501 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 71.40ab religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911526 on Wikidata Juan de Flandes 1500 1982.60.20 religious art Marriage at Cana
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911527 on Wikidata Gerard David 1500 2009.415 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911553 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 71.33ab religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911868 on Wikidata Aelbrecht Bouts 1500 60.55.2 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913301 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 1982.73 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20167100 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 89.15.24 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20180881 on Wikidata Master of the Orléans Triptych 1500 1975.1.1225 religious art
vitreous enamel
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184499 on Wikidata Master of Saint Giles 1500 1975.1.131 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201033 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 2013.979 religious art Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201114 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 1999.227 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201121 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 1983.235 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201381 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 1984.205 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201408 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 1984.338 religious art Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201452 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 57.126 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201625 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 26.63.30 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201802 on Wikidata anonymous 1500 50.102.2 religious art Saint Barbara
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912647 on Wikidata Master of Affligem 1500s 53.168 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913370 on Wikidata Master of Budapest 1500s 58.145.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186372 on Wikidata Francesco di Marco Marmitta da Parma 1500s 1975.1.2491 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3853812 on Wikidata Vittore Carpaccio 1500 11.118 religious art Jesus Christ
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3998131 on Wikidata Sandro Botticelli 1500 11.98 religious art miracle
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912251 on Wikidata Bartolomeo Montagna 1501s 09.102 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912861 on Wikidata anonymous 1501s 27.39.2–13 religious art Bartholomew the Apostle
Thomas the Apostle
John the Apostle
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905215 on Wikidata Pietro Perugino 1502s 11.65 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911977 on Wikidata Francesco Francia 1502 65.220.1 religious art Saint Roch
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187918 on Wikidata Andrea da Murano 1503s 1975.1.373 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Evangelist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911609 on Wikidata Raphael 1504 32.130.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q27033728 on Wikidata Raphael 1504 16.30ab religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Lucy
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201244 on Wikidata anonymous 1505s 2003.346 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201570 on Wikidata anonymous 1505s 32.24.44 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201653 on Wikidata anonymous 1505s 32.24.22 religious art Tobias
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201658 on Wikidata anonymous 1505s 32.24.23 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201797 on Wikidata anonymous 1505s 1972.245.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911432 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer the Elder 1505 32.100.64 religious art Salvator Mundi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911566 on Wikidata Luca Signorelli 1505 49.7.13 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905251 on Wikidata Francesco Francia 1505s 41.100.3 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Francis of Assisi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q9396558 on Wikidata Juan de Flandes 1505s 58.132 religious art Michael the Archangel
Francis of Assisi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185484 on Wikidata Fra Bartolomeo 1505s 1975.1.271 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20167006 on Wikidata Andrea Solari 1506s 32.100.81 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911528 on Wikidata Gerard David 1506 50.145.9ab religious art angel
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911622 on Wikidata anonymous 1506 1970.134.2 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911665 on Wikidata Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina 1506 2014.149 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912708 on Wikidata anonymous 1507s 11.193ab religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201980 on Wikidata anonymous 1507 1996.262 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912850 on Wikidata Bernardino Fungai 1508s 26.109 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3842406 on Wikidata Bramantino 1508s 12.178.2 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911774 on Wikidata Andrea Solari 1509s 22.16.12 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911759 on Wikidata Jehan Bellegambe 1509 32.100.102 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201247 on Wikidata anonymous 1510s 2005.141 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185668 on Wikidata Francesco Morone 1510s 1975.1.2489 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Cecilia
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q7934007 on Wikidata Gerard David 1510 1977.1.1 religious art Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911426 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1510 57.22 religious art Saint Barbara
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911435 on Wikidata Hans Leonhard Schäufelein 1510 2011.485ab religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912177 on Wikidata Francesco Granacci 1510 2006.409 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913001 on Wikidata Jan Mostaert 1510 1982.60.25 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188147 on Wikidata anonymous 1510 1975.1.2473 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201514 on Wikidata anonymous 1510 32.24.27 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201541 on Wikidata anonymous 1510 32.24.37 religious art man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3842570 on Wikidata Cima da Conegliano 1510s 41.190.11 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20183522 on Wikidata Gerard David 1510s 1975.1.119 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20183538 on Wikidata Gerard David 1510s 1975.1.120 religious art Annunciation
Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3842385 on Wikidata Titian 1510 49.7.15 religious art woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19906273 on Wikidata Raffaellino del Garbo 1511s 14.40.641 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912356 on Wikidata Ambrogio Bergognone 1511s 27.39.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911455 on Wikidata Hans Baldung 1511s 1983.451 religious art John of Patmos
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905123 on Wikidata anonymous 1511 17.190.9 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912516 on Wikidata Boccaccio Boccaccino 1512s 30.95.289 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911559 on Wikidata Gerard David 1512s 49.7.20a–c religious art Jerome
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911535 on Wikidata Joos van Cleve 1512 32.100.57 religious art Nursing Madonna
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186898 on Wikidata Francesco Francia 1512 1975.1.97 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Francis of Assisi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911632 on Wikidata Gerard David 1513s 49.7.21 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911827 on Wikidata Joachim Patinir 1513s 36.14a–c religious art Jerome
Saint Jerome in the wilderness
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3949369 on Wikidata Cima da Conegliano 1513 07.149 religious art Virgin Mary
Anthony the Great
Saint Roch
Saint Lucy
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911478 on Wikidata Hans von Kulmbach 1513 21.84 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905391 on Wikidata Bernard van Orley 1514 2001.216.3 religious art Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911616 on Wikidata Ludovico Mazzolino 1514 2014.448 religious art man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3927386 on Wikidata Antonio da Correggio 1514 12.211 religious art Mary Magdalena
Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201516 on Wikidata anonymous 1515s 32.24.51 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201589 on Wikidata anonymous 1515s 32.24.48 religious art bishop
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201593 on Wikidata anonymous 1515s 32.24.61 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201824 on Wikidata anonymous 1515s 63.71a, b religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201891 on Wikidata anonymous 1515s 1977.40 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911611 on Wikidata Moretto da Brescia 1515 11.53 religious art tree
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912260 on Wikidata anonymous 1515 17.190.18a–c religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201553 on Wikidata anonymous 1515 32.24.39 religious art Basil of Caesarea
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912879 on Wikidata Francesco da Cotignola 1515s 30.95.292 religious art Saint Lucy
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912361 on Wikidata Bernardino da Genoa 1515 41.100.13 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911578 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer 1516 17.190.5 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201145 on Wikidata anonymous 1517s 32.24.67 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905277 on Wikidata anonymous 1517s 1987.290.3a–p religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19906249 on Wikidata Bernard van Orley 1518 14.40.632 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19906250 on Wikidata Ortolano 1519s 30.95.296 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912668 on Wikidata Bernardino de' Conti 1519s 1982.60.7 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3948737 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer 1519 14.40.633 religious art Virgin Mary
Saint Anne
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20202000 on Wikidata anonymous 1519 2013.156 religious art Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905110 on Wikidata Vincenzo Catena 1520s 69.123 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904854 on Wikidata Francesco Bacchiacca 1520s 1982.60.10 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905427 on Wikidata Francesco Bacchiacca 1520s 38.178 religious art Cain
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905201 on Wikidata Girolamo dai Libri 1520 20.92 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905389 on Wikidata Francesco Granacci 1520 2000.420 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905465 on Wikidata Joos van Cleve 1520 40.174.1 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911574 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 32.100.53 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911601 on Wikidata Joos van Cleve 1520 41.190.20a–c religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911613 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1520 2006.469 religious art Saint Maurice
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912072 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 1982.60.17 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912248 on Wikidata Master of the Mansi Magdalen 1520 21.134.2 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201133 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 1991.291.2 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201233 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 12.137.6 religious art Peter
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201358 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 1980.223.3 religious art Delilah
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201482 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 1980.223.2 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201509 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 32.24.26 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201511 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 32.24.50 religious art soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201546 on Wikidata anonymous 1520 32.24.38 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q55594040 on Wikidata Jan Gossaert 1520 2016.39 religious art Christ carrying the cross
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19906241 on Wikidata Master of the Holy Blood 1520s 17.187a–c religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912717 on Wikidata Defendente Ferrari 1520s 15.56 religious art John the Evangelist
Lawrence of Rome
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905202 on Wikidata Adriaen Isenbrandt 1521s 13.32a–c religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201986 on Wikidata anonymous 1522s 2009.281 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912357 on Wikidata Ambrosius Benson 1522s 1982.60.23 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187424 on Wikidata Simon Bening 1522s 1975.1.2481 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905397 on Wikidata Giuliano Bugiardini 1523 30.83 religious art Mary Magdalena
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911652 on Wikidata Perino del Vaga 1524 2011.26 religious art Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912183 on Wikidata Giuliano Bugiardini 1524s 1971.115.3ab religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185174 on Wikidata anonymous 1524s 1975.1.421 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201521 on Wikidata anonymous 1525s 32.24.31 religious art man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201591 on Wikidata anonymous 1525s 32.24.60 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905117 on Wikidata Aelbrecht Bouts 1525 32.100.55 religious art Jesus Christ
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905169 on Wikidata Joos van Cleve 1525 32.100.60 religious art pillow
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911571 on Wikidata Joos van Cleve 1525 1982.60.47 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912208 on Wikidata Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 1525 88.3.88 religious art Peter
Margaret the Virgin
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187068 on Wikidata Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1525 1975.1.123 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201251 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 2005.313 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201338 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 26.63.4 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201527 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 32.24.53 religious art John the Evangelist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201551 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 32.24.66 religious art John the Evangelist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201596 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 32.24.62 religious art Peter
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201796 on Wikidata anonymous 1525 1972.245.2 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187856 on Wikidata Bernard van Orley 1525s 1975.1.1915 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905229 on Wikidata Quentin Matsys 1526 11.143 religious art Holy Family
Adoration of the Magi
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911923 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1528 1976.201.11 religious art Samson
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187897 on Wikidata anonymous 1528 1975.1.1103 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3944459 on Wikidata Andrea del Sarto 1529 22.75 religious art Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912524 on Wikidata Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530s 04.32 religious art Ecce Homo
Our Lady of Sorrows
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904811 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Elder 1530 11.15 religious art Judith and Holofernes
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905252 on Wikidata Benvenuto Tisi 1530 17.190.23 religious art Nicholas of Tolentino
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905323 on Wikidata Benvenuto Tisi 1530 17.190.24 religious art Nicholas of Tolentino
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201523 on Wikidata anonymous 1530 32.24.52 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201537 on Wikidata anonymous 1530 32.24.36 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201582 on Wikidata anonymous 1530 32.24.57 religious art Saint Christopher
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912833 on Wikidata Bonifazio Veronese 1530s 1995.536 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187054 on Wikidata anonymous 1530s 1975.1.117 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3947666 on Wikidata Girolamo Savoldo 1530 12.14 religious art Matthew the Apostle
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912339 on Wikidata Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio 1532s 32.100.80 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201423 on Wikidata anonymous 1532 1982.433.5 religious art Anthony the Great
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201561 on Wikidata anonymous 1535 32.24.69 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913368 on Wikidata Frei Carlos 1537s 58.145.2 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911429 on Wikidata Master of the Dinteville Allegory 1537 50.70 religious art Moses
serpent in the Bible
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905171 on Wikidata anonymous 1540 32.100.52 religious art rest on the flight into Egypt
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911607 on Wikidata Girolamo Romanino 1540 1989.86 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913422 on Wikidata Il Sodoma 1544s 1996.261 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911658 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Younger
1545 1982.60.36 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904843 on Wikidata Tintoretto 1550s 39.55 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184004 on Wikidata Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola 1550s 1975.1.282 religious art John the Baptist
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185134 on Wikidata Michele da Verona 1550s 1975.1.384 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Roch
Saint Sebastian
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185160 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 1975.1.371 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187089 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 1975.1.124 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188274 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1556 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188280 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1557 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201488 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 1985.136 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201834 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 25.120.211 religious art Mary Magdalena
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201840 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 25.120.265 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201871 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 25.120.284 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201888 on Wikidata anonymous 1550s 1976.89 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911576 on Wikidata Lucas Cranach the Younger 1550 1982.60.35 religious art Jesus and the woman taken in adultery
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912859 on Wikidata anonymous 1550 1976.100.1 religious art Anthony the Great
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186550 on Wikidata anonymous 1550 1975.1.1411 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904833 on Wikidata Moretto da Brescia 1554 12.61 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q52936777 on Wikidata Luis de Morales 1560 2015.398 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19914233 on Wikidata Pieter Huys 1564s 15.133 religious art Anthony the Great
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912153 on Wikidata Jacopino del Conte 1566s 1976.100.15 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905083 on Wikidata Santi di Tito 1570s 2012.451 religious art Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911430 on Wikidata El Greco 1570s 1978.416 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905270 on Wikidata Paolo Veronese 1580s 1999.225 religious art Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q8464346 on Wikidata El Greco 1580 1975.1.145 religious art Jesus Christ
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19904835 on Wikidata Ludovico Carracci 1582 2000.68 religious art woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913540 on Wikidata Peter Candid 1585 2011.75 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q61930464 on Wikidata Jan Harmensz. Muller 1589 53.601.338(7) religious art night
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q61930529 on Wikidata Jan Harmensz. Muller 1589 53.601.338(10) religious art Sun
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911654 on Wikidata Jacopo Bassano 1590 2012.99 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911628 on Wikidata Scipione Pulzone 1593 1984.74 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q18613324 on Wikidata Annibale Carracci 1595 1998.188 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912904 on Wikidata Palma il Giovane 1596s 57.170 religious art crucifixion of Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911618 on Wikidata Abraham Bloemaert 1596 1972.171 religious art Moses
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911711 on Wikidata Carlo Saraceni 1598 1971.93 religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911999 on Wikidata Aurelio Lomi 1599s 80.3.245a religious art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911847 on Wikidata Cigoli 1599 1991.7 religious art Catherine of Alexandria

sculptural group

image article creator inception accession genre depicts
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385345 on Wikidata 1187s 16.32.194a, b sculptural group
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385381 on Wikidata 1315s 17.190.724 sculptural group woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385834 on Wikidata 1287s BCE 15.2.1 sculptural group woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385817 on Wikidata 1353 BCE 11.150.21 sculptural group man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385737 on Wikidata 2420 BCE 52.19 sculptural group woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385729 on Wikidata 2458 BCE 18.2.4 sculptural group
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385735 on Wikidata 2575 BCE 48.111 sculptural group


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20181640 on Wikidata Simon Bening 1558 1975.1.2487 self-portrait
Simon Bening
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q655705 on Wikidata Caravaggio 1595 52.81 self-portrait
genre art
half-length portrait
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q5712837 on Wikidata El Greco 1595 24.197.1 self-portrait El Greco


image article creator inception accession genre depicts
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383804 on Wikidata 0001 17.194.170
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383961 on Wikidata 0001 1994.43.1, .2 skyphos
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384348 on Wikidata 0001 1982.231
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384385 on Wikidata 0001 1995.427
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384398 on Wikidata 0001 86.16.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384504 on Wikidata 0001 1977.234.12 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385894 on Wikidata 0001 23.2.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q61781606 on Wikidata 0001 1987.394.544
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383957 on Wikidata 0020s 1990.247 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383997 on Wikidata 0020s 2003.407.8a, b man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383720 on Wikidata 0025s 81.10.224
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383750 on Wikidata 0025s 07.286.115
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383781 on Wikidata 0034s 14.130.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383773 on Wikidata 0039s 14.37 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383741 on Wikidata 0040s 06.311
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383752 on Wikidata 0041s 09.39 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29386079 on Wikidata 0047s 2014.215
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384258 on Wikidata 0050s 1978.412.156
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383884 on Wikidata 0055s 42.11.30
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385892 on Wikidata 0065s 19.2.6 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383829 on Wikidata 0082s 25.78.56
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383245 on Wikidata 0100s 1993.525
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383825 on Wikidata 0100s 24.97.15 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383872 on Wikidata 0100s 32.11.4 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384408 on Wikidata 0100s 17.190.2055
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384411 on Wikidata 0100s 21.166.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384465 on Wikidata 0100s 56.56
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384253 on Wikidata 0100 1978.412.111
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383765 on Wikidata 0149s 11.210.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383959 on Wikidata 0149s 1992.11.70
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383965 on Wikidata 0149s 2010.260
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385860 on Wikidata 0149s 1991.76
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q55656666 on Wikidata Roman Empire 0150s 39.2.2 dog
house cat
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q62592145 on Wikidata 0150 52.11.5 Aphrodite
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384456 on Wikidata 0150s 51.72.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385495 on Wikidata 0150s 1998.76
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383831 on Wikidata 0159s 25.116
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384422 on Wikidata 0160s 32.145a, b vase
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383971 on Wikidata 0175s 1997.145.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384400 on Wikidata 0199s 02.29.1 funerary art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383708 on Wikidata 0212s 70.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383882 on Wikidata 0214s 40.11.1a
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383999 on Wikidata 0249s 2012.479.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384308 on Wikidata 0250s 1979.206.538
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384329 on Wikidata 0250s 1979.206.1138
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384545 on Wikidata anonymous 0250s 2000.42.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383733 on Wikidata anonymous 0252s
05.30 Trebonianus Gallus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383917 on Wikidata 0265s 55.11.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385435 on Wikidata 0275s 26.258 portrait
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q59572538 on Wikidata anonymous 0300s 2004.59 Asian elephant
animal head
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384184 on Wikidata 0300s 82.1.30
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383842 on Wikidata 0347s 26.229
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384375 on Wikidata 0350s 1991.419.22
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384393 on Wikidata 0350s 1999.484.1a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385473 on Wikidata 0403s 66.25
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385463 on Wikidata 0425s 47.100.19
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385423 on Wikidata 0430s 1995.97
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384312 on Wikidata 0450s 1979.206.585
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383131 on Wikidata 0450s 28.60.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383280 on Wikidata 0450s 1995.419 torso
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384243 on Wikidata 0450s 1978.412.90a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384535 on Wikidata 0450s 1994.402 Camelidae
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383265 on Wikidata 0483s 1979.6 Gautama Buddha
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385475 on Wikidata 0499s 81.10.189
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385493 on Wikidata 0500 1998.69; 1999.99 ktisis
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383322 on Wikidata 0524 38.158.1a–n
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385468 on Wikidata 0525s 50.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385353 on Wikidata 0544s 17.190.1664
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384202 on Wikidata 0550s 66.196.40
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384209 on Wikidata 0550s 66.196.41
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384320 on Wikidata 0550s 1979.206.1063
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385409 on Wikidata 0550s 1985.209
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29996896 on Wikidata 0600s 17.190.1707
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q56739836 on Wikidata anonymous 0600 2005.39 Byzantine art
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383157 on Wikidata 0600s 42.50.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384474 on Wikidata 0600s 59.34
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383324 on Wikidata 0616s 19.186
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385368 on Wikidata 0629s 17.190.396
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385116 on Wikidata 0649s 47.100.90
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29382870 on Wikidata 0650 12.3.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384360 on Wikidata 0650s 1989.389
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384496 on Wikidata 0650s 65.28a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384502 on Wikidata 0650s 1977.232
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383370 on Wikidata 0653s 2003.222 bodhisattva
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q28092249 on Wikidata Han Gan 0700s 1977.78 handscroll horse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384248 on Wikidata 0700s 1978.412.100
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383262 on Wikidata 0700s 1977.241 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383329 on Wikidata 0700s 1974.268.11 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384237 on Wikidata 0700s 1978.412.206
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385684 on Wikidata 0749s 2000.44
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201274 on Wikidata anonymous 0750s 1985.91.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201280 on Wikidata anonymous 0750s 1985.91.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201283 on Wikidata anonymous 0750s 1985.91.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201287 on Wikidata anonymous 0750s 1985.91.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384303 on Wikidata 0750s 1979.206.467
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384332 on Wikidata 0750s 1979.206.1211
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384537 on Wikidata 0750s 1996.78.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385086 on Wikidata 0774s 37.103
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384316 on Wikidata 0775s 1979.206.1047
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383376 on Wikidata 0783s 2009.60
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383258 on Wikidata 0791s 1984.296
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385183 on Wikidata 0799s 65.173.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q12872918 on Wikidata anonymous 0800s 74.51.5576 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384355 on Wikidata 0800s 1987.394.706
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385257 on Wikidata 0800s 2004.87
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q24910792 on Wikidata 0817s 17.190.715a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384198 on Wikidata 0825s 29.146.23 Zaireichthys wamiensis
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385479 on Wikidata 0825s 1977.421
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385171 on Wikidata 0849s 63.159.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384387 on Wikidata 0850s 1996.290
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385093 on Wikidata 0899s 38.40.247
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385102 on Wikidata 0899s 39.40.87
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q60834725 on Wikidata anonymous 0900s 2015.560 Carolingian illumination
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385073 on Wikidata 0900s 29.179.9
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385076 on Wikidata 0900s 30.45
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385088 on Wikidata 0900s 38.40.118
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385260 on Wikidata 0900s 2004.88
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385421 on Wikidata 0925s 1993.19 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383290 on Wikidata 0930s 18.56.36
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385090 on Wikidata 0949s 38.40.137
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385178 on Wikidata 0949s 65.106.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201162 on Wikidata anonymous 0950s 53.19.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384222 on Wikidata 0950s 1976.194
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383168 on Wikidata 0950s 55.46.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385370 on Wikidata 0950s 17.190.44
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385453 on Wikidata 0965s 41.100.157
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383374 on Wikidata 0974s 2004.259
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385119 on Wikidata 0999s 48.101.70
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q52624955 on Wikidata anonymous 1000s 2016.64 Xiuhcoatl
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384983 on Wikidata 1000s 13.141
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385173 on Wikidata 1000s 63.178.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384299 on Wikidata 1000s 1979.206.380
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385419 on Wikidata 1000s 1993.163
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385272 on Wikidata 1019s 2007.191
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383277 on Wikidata 1024s 1992.131
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385164 on Wikidata 1025s 57.88a–c
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385366 on Wikidata 1025s 17.190.38
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383284 on Wikidata 1049s 1988.355
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383301 on Wikidata 1049s 1975.268.155
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384965 on Wikidata 1049s 11.205.2 horse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385080 on Wikidata 1049s 30.95.37
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383379 on Wikidata 1083s 2010.230
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383310 on Wikidata Huang Tingjian 1095s
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383303 on Wikidata 1099s 1987.275 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385040 on Wikidata 1099s 17.190.241
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384217 on Wikidata 1100s 1974.271.35
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385244 on Wikidata 1100s 1998.298a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385536 on Wikidata 1100 2007.286
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201961 on Wikidata 1101 1991.232.15
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383312 on Wikidata Emperor Huizong of Song 1113s 1981.278
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385430 on Wikidata 1115s 1997.235
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385372 on Wikidata 1117s 17.190.47
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200922 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s 61.219
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200977 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s 57.97.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200980 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s 57.97.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200984 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s 57.97.3 soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200987 on Wikidata anonymous 1125s P07264
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385507 on Wikidata 1135s 25.120.398–.954
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385241 on Wikidata 1137s 1996.238.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201297 on Wikidata anonymous 1140 1980.10
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385448 on Wikidata 1145s 38.180
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385465 on Wikidata 1149s 47.100.45a–g
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201147 on Wikidata anonymous 1149s 35.50
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201759 on Wikidata anonymous 1150s 62.249
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q28531362 on Wikidata anonymous 1150s 13.100.104 tree
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201160 on Wikidata anonymous 1150 1970.324.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383314 on Wikidata 1150s 25.215.41a, b flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385379 on Wikidata 1150 17.190.685–87, .695, .710–.711
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385432 on Wikidata 1155s 20.157
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385500 on Wikidata 1155s 63.12
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q5792443 on Wikidata 1162s 17.190.1406
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385185 on Wikidata 1162s 67.119
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385504 on Wikidata 1162s 65.105
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385395 on Wikidata 1170s 1977.346.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385428 on Wikidata 1170 1996.224 boat
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201067 on Wikidata anonymous 1175s 67.153
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201089 on Wikidata anonymous 1175 1999.364.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201880 on Wikidata anonymous 1175 1999.364.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385514 on Wikidata 1175s 62.189
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385524 on Wikidata 1175s 2001.634
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385376 on Wikidata 1176s 17.190.520
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201206 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 26.218.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201958 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.13
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201960 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.2a-d
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201965 on Wikidata anonymous 1180 1991.232.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385068 on Wikidata 1180s 29.160.23
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385071 on Wikidata 1180s 29.160.24
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201035 on Wikidata anonymous 1185 1978.408.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201054 on Wikidata anonymous 1185 1978.408.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385374 on Wikidata 1185s 17.190.514
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385124 on Wikidata 1186s 51.56
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385034 on Wikidata 1187s 16.87
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201198 on Wikidata anonymous 1190 25.120.394b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385112 on Wikidata 1195s 44.15
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200881 on Wikidata anonymous 1200s 31.38.2a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201971 on Wikidata anonymous 1200s 1992.284
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201330 on Wikidata anonymous 1200 1972.143
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385162 on Wikidata 1200s 57.61.16
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385519 on Wikidata 1200s 25.120.1–.134
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185627 on Wikidata anonymous 1203s 1975.1.1639 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188188 on Wikidata anonymous 1203s 1975.1.1643
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385082 on Wikidata 1215s 32.52.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201933 on Wikidata anonymous 1220 2002.285
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188314 on Wikidata anonymous 1224s 1975.1.1753
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385146 on Wikidata 1224s 56.20
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385155 on Wikidata 1224s 57.51.21
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385383 on Wikidata 1225s 17.190.735
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201981 on Wikidata anonymous 1230 1982.356
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201984 on Wikidata anonymous 1230 2002.433
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385361 on Wikidata 1230s 17.190.352a, b man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201603 on Wikidata anonymous 1235 35.82.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201607 on Wikidata anonymous 1235 35.82.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201970 on Wikidata anonymous 1235 1991.472
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201291 on Wikidata anonymous 1240 1982.204.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385527 on Wikidata 1240s 47.101.26
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385529 on Wikidata 1240s 47.101.27
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385532 on Wikidata 1240s 47.101.28
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201098 on Wikidata anonymous 1245s 1973.262.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201101 on Wikidata anonymous 1245s 1973.262.2 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201667 on Wikidata anonymous 1245 37.173.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q18683183 on Wikidata anonymous 1245 24.167a-k
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200883 on Wikidata anonymous 1249s 31.38.1a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185619 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1975.1.1642
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188143 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1975.1.1645
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188195 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1975.1.1640
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188236 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1975.1.1644
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201239 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1982.204.8
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201277 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1985.91.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201308 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1982.433.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201312 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1982.204.7
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201321 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1982.204.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201416 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1985.91.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201469 on Wikidata anonymous 1250s 1982.204.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201347 on Wikidata anonymous 1250 32.147
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201432 on Wikidata anonymous 1250 1990.132
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384352 on Wikidata 1250s 1981.218
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385486 on Wikidata 1250s 1983.434
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385471 on Wikidata 1250s 64.101.1492
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385512 on Wikidata 1257s 25.120.201
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201007 on Wikidata anonymous 1260 2000.406
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201112 on Wikidata anonymous 1260 1999.208
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201973 on Wikidata anonymous 1264 1994.108.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201975 on Wikidata anonymous 1264 1994.108.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201242 on Wikidata anonymous 1265s 1982.204.9
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201302 on Wikidata anonymous 1265s 1982.433.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201733 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.3 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201737 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201741 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201747 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.7
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201750 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.8
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201757 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.9
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201816 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201819 on Wikidata anonymous 1265 69.236.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385517 on Wikidata 1265s 1970.324.7a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385397 on Wikidata 1270s 1978.521.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384953 on Wikidata 1274s 91.1.540
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201017 on Wikidata anonymous 1275s 2010.253.1–.12
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201316 on Wikidata anonymous 1275s 1982.204.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201073 on Wikidata anonymous 1275 52.33.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201076 on Wikidata anonymous 1275 52.33.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385399 on Wikidata 1275s 1981.322
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385347 on Wikidata 1276s 17.120.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383344 on Wikidata anonymous 1283s 25.224a–e
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385044 on Wikidata 1285s 17.190.985
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385104 on Wikidata 1287s 41.150 bottle
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384951 on Wikidata 1291 91.1.535
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383319 on Wikidata Qian Xuan 1295s 1973.120.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q58874673 on Wikidata 1300s
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201249 on Wikidata anonymous 1300 2005.274
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201800 on Wikidata anonymous 1300 48.140.1a–d Cecilia of Foix
Álvaro, Count of Urgell
coat of arms
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201873 on Wikidata anonymous 1300 25.120.290
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200994 on Wikidata anonymous 1300s 50.162
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385108 on Wikidata 1300s 42.63
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q25352103 on Wikidata 1300s 1979.402 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385357 on Wikidata 1300 17.190.185a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q28659360 on Wikidata anonymous 1300s 1991.419.1 tree frog
forked tongue
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385389 on Wikidata Giovanni Pisano 1301 18.70.28
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201305 on Wikidata anonymous 1302s 1985.91.8
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385385 on Wikidata 1305s 17.190.739
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385137 on Wikidata 1307s 55.44
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q58755570 on Wikidata Zhao Mengfu 1310 1973.120.5 pine tree
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385407 on Wikidata 1310s 1982.60.399
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385484 on Wikidata 1312s 1980.366
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383195 on Wikidata 1315s 1991.373a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385158 on Wikidata al-Jazari 1315s 57.51.23
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q18683181 on Wikidata anonymous
Zhu Haogu
65.29.2 Buddhist art Bhaisajyaguru
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201040 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 48.183.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201051 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1984.199.1a-e
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201095 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1984.199.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201104 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1984.199.4 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201107 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1984.199.3 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201117 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 2003.131.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201422 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1982.433.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201439 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1991.144.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201894 on Wikidata anonymous 1320 1982.433.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385355 on Wikidata 1320s 17.190.173a, b; 1988.16 horse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383234 on Wikidata anonymous 1324s 14.76.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q1516907 on Wikidata Jean Pucelle 1324 54.1.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201457 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1982.204.1 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201619 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 28.107.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201897 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.7
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201899 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201905 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201907 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.9 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201909 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.10
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201911 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.11 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201950 on Wikidata anonymous 1325 1984.199.8
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201881 on Wikidata anonymous 1325s 28.95a–xx
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383109 on Wikidata 1325s 14.100.121b–e
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q58464107 on Wikidata Zhao Mengfu
Zhao Yong
Zhao Yan
1327s 1988.135 horse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384957 on Wikidata 1327s 91.1.2064
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911642 on Wikidata Lippo Memmi 1330 88.3.99
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201150 on Wikidata anonymous 1330 68.174
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385084 on Wikidata Ferdowsi 1330s 33.70 horse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385359 on Wikidata 1330s 17.190.199
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383306 on Wikidata 1334s 1989.140
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201477 on Wikidata anonymous 1337s 62.96
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385047 on Wikidata 1340s 19.68.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913147 on Wikidata anonymous 1343 10.203.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3409488 on Wikidata Jean Le Noir
1348 69.86 book
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201404 on Wikidata anonymous 1349s 1984.239.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385066 on Wikidata 1349s 29.22
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385231 on Wikidata 1349s 1990.61
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185503 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1975.1.10b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185671 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1975.1.1646 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201078 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 53.63.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201119 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 69.106
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201158 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 1975.129
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201192 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.250
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201610 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 35.82.3 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201613 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 35.82.4 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201622 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 26.63.9
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201700 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 66.211a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201707 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.13
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201712 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.12 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201713 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.11
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201715 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.10
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201717 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.9 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201718 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.7 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201721 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.8
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201768 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 65.96.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201814 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 68.224.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201876 on Wikidata anonymous 1350s 25.120.381
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201792 on Wikidata anonymous 1350 65.215.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385100 on Wikidata 1355s 39.20
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201992 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 2011.20.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201993 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 2011.20.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201994 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 2011.20.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201995 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 2011.20.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20202002 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 2011.20.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20202003 on Wikidata anonymous 1360 2011.20.6
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384212 on Wikidata 1360s 1978.412.10
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385455 on Wikidata 1362s 41.100.160
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383359 on Wikidata 1366s 02.18.765
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201947 on Wikidata Joan Avesta 1370 25.120.368
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912778 on Wikidata Niccolò di Buonaccorso 1380s 41.190.531
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911786 on Wikidata Master of Charles of Durazzo 1381 07.120.1 military art Charles III of Naples
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385450 on Wikidata Jean de Liège 1381s 41.100.132 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188091 on Wikidata anonymous 1385 1975.1.63b man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188095 on Wikidata anonymous 1385 1975.1.64b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201441 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1987.40.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201666 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 36.39.1a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201890 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.12
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201893 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.13
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201913 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.9
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201917 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.10
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201919 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201922 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.11
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201930 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1986.285.8
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201978 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 1995.301
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201883 on Wikidata anonymous 1390 36.39.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188065 on Wikidata Spinello Aretino 1391 1975.1.11 soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201882 on Wikidata anonymous 1392s 25.120.380b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201038 on Wikidata anonymous 1392s 2005.393
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186836 on Wikidata Taddeo di Bartolo 1397 1975.1.18
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383269 on Wikidata 1399s 1986.498
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q338714 on Wikidata 1400s 1994.516
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q1959777 on Wikidata Limbourg brothers 1400s 54.1.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201185 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 2002.338
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201215 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 47.101.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201220 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 47.101.2d
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201224 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 47.101.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201225 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 32.130.3a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201263 on Wikidata anonymous 1400 49.123
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383107 on Wikidata 1400s 14.25.1737
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383136 on Wikidata 1400s 32.75.225
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384381 on Wikidata 1400s 1998.66
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385363 on Wikidata 1400s 17.190.361
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385458 on Wikidata 1400s 41.100.173
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385490 on Wikidata 1400 1994.244
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q56858219 on Wikidata Baldassare degli Embriachi 1401s 17.190.490a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188312 on Wikidata Cristoforo Cortese 1401 1975.1.2465b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385321 on Wikidata 1403s 1975.1.1416
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912023 on Wikidata anonymous 1405 12.192
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201229 on Wikidata anonymous 1405s 47.101.3 musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385502 on Wikidata Limbourg brothers 1407s 54.1.1a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911706 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.4 musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911763 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905347 on Wikidata Master of 1416 1410 26.287.1 Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905425 on Wikidata Master of 1416 1410 26.287.2 Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201651 on Wikidata anonymous 1410 30.113.4 equestrian portrait
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385195 on Wikidata 1413s 1970.170
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383364 on Wikidata 1413s 2001.584a–c lacquerware
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912246 on Wikidata Master of Charles of Durazzo 1414s 32.75.2a–c woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385460 on Wikidata 1415s 45.76
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383294 on Wikidata 1416s 37.191.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385440 on Wikidata Claus de Werve 1416s 33.23
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201787 on Wikidata anonymous 1420 65.215.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385593 on Wikidata 1420s 64.101.1409 musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385332 on Wikidata Lorenzo Monaco 1420s 1975.1.335
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912513 on Wikidata Fra Angelico 1425 1991.27.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20183183 on Wikidata anonymous 1425 1975.1.1938
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185769 on Wikidata Cristoforo Cortese 1425 1975.1.2468
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384383 on Wikidata 1425s 1995.109
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385387 on Wikidata 1425s 17.190.905 Catherine of Alexandria
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385411 on Wikidata 1425s 1990.211
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20181257 on Wikidata anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1906 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20181799 on Wikidata anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1909 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20181833 on Wikidata anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1907
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201173 on Wikidata anonymous 1430 56.171.162
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385264 on Wikidata 1430s musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383657 on Wikidata 1432s 1983.356
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905072 on Wikidata Giovanni di Paolo 1435 88.3.111
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384920 on Wikidata Stefano da Verona 1436s 1996.364a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913255 on Wikidata anonymous 1437s 1971.115.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201023 on Wikidata anonymous 1437s 52.50
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201937 on Wikidata anonymous 1440s 37.52.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188079 on Wikidata anonymous 1440 1975.1.264
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201751 on Wikidata anonymous 1440 62.169
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201766 on Wikidata anonymous 1440 64.312 Peter
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201998 on Wikidata anonymous 1440 2012.405
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383160 on Wikidata 1440s 42.50.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385342 on Wikidata 1445s 09.137.2 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188027 on Wikidata anonymous 1447 1975.1.70A
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385325 on Wikidata Vrancke van der Stockt 1447s 1975.1.848
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3998939 on Wikidata Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi 1448 1995.7 ostrich plume
winged cupid
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385682 on Wikidata 1449s 1989.55
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385391 on Wikidata 1449s 1974.121a–d
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20182453 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.1442
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185104 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.401 horse
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185656 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.1647
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187517 on Wikidata 1450s 1975.1.330 soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187916 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.320 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187919 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.402
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188073 on Wikidata 1450s 1975.1.254
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188090 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1975.1.40b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201056 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 53.20.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201169 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 56.171.156
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201231 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 12.137.5
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201253 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 2007.69
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201295 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1985.91.7
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201333 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1999.207
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201450 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 55.20
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201475 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 26.63.11
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201615 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 25.120.1055 musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201623 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 26.63.17
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201670 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 37.80.14
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201692 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 32.24.14
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q1671114 on Wikidata Jean Fouquet 1450s 446781
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187417 on Wikidata anonymous 1450 1975.1.2311
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201217 on Wikidata anonymous 1450 47.101.17 James
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201188 on Wikidata anonymous 1450s 1990.330
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383125 on Wikidata 1450s 25.26.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200912 on Wikidata Francí Gomar 1456 09.146
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200945 on Wikidata Francí Gomar 1456 14.101.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186352 on Wikidata Jean Fouquet 1456s 1975.1.2490
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383525 on Wikidata Antonio Rossellino 1457s 14.40.675 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3632482 on Wikidata Andrea Mantegna 1458 1986.1159
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911563 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 17.190.22
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201495 on Wikidata anonymous 1460 25.120.486
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383099 on Wikidata 1460 04.3.36
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905127 on Wikidata Biagio d'Antonio 1465 09.136.2 boat
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188382 on Wikidata anonymous 1465 1975.1.54b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911480 on Wikidata Master of the Acts of Mercy 1465s 1981.365.1 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383248 on Wikidata 1465s 1992.359
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201071 on Wikidata Belbello da Pavia 1467 60.165
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20167013 on Wikidata Benozzo Gozzoli 1468s 15.106.2 soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20011423 on Wikidata <some value> 1470s 1983.515.1–.52 hunting deck
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912872 on Wikidata Bartolomeo Vivarini 1470 65.181.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20187466 on Wikidata anonymous 1470 1975.1.1480
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201109 on Wikidata anonymous 1470 2012.449
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201799 on Wikidata Hans Greiff 1470 50.7.2a, b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201982 on Wikidata anonymous 1470 1975.65 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383535 on Wikidata 1470s 17.190.499
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385426 on Wikidata 1470s 1996.14
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q5968221 on Wikidata Martin Schongauer 1470 20.5.2 Anthony the Great
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912210 on Wikidata Francesco di Giorgio 1471s 20.182 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383626 on Wikidata Andrea della Robbia 1472s 69.113
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201471 on Wikidata anonymous 1474 25.120.217
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385404 on Wikidata 1474s 1982.432
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201812 on Wikidata anonymous 1475s 55.116.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19911685 on Wikidata Liberale da Verona 1475 43.98.8 chess
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20166938 on Wikidata Liberale da Verona 1475 1986.147 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384189 on Wikidata 1475s 00.5.16 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384193 on Wikidata 1475s 00.5.72
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385477 on Wikidata 1475 2000.641 religious sculpture Margaret the Virgin
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383123 on Wikidata 1477s 23.141
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384693 on Wikidata Martin Schongauer 1477s 35.27 soldier
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q3501049 on Wikidata Francesco di Giorgio 1478 39.153 musical instrument
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905096 on Wikidata Pietro di Francesco degli Orioli 1480 22.60.61
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905115 on Wikidata Guidoccio Cozzarelli 1480 11.126.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19905292 on Wikidata Piero di Cosimo 1480 22.60.52 Child Saint John
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185662 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 1975.1.2471
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201398 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 1984.198
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201487 on Wikidata anonymous 1480 1982.47.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385037 on Wikidata 1480s 17.81.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384842 on Wikidata Leonardo da Vinci 1482s 17.142.1 woman
Jesus Christ
Virgin Mary
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385294 on Wikidata Leonardo da Vinci 1482s 1975.1.369 bear
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385296 on Wikidata Antonio del Pollaiolo 1483s 1975.1.410 Francesco Sforza
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385330 on Wikidata Martin Schongauer 1483s 1975.1.872
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201627 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201630 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201638 on Wikidata anonymous 1485s 32.24.13
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385229 on Wikidata 1487s 1989.87a–l
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383539 on Wikidata 1487s 17.190.730a, b woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384992 on Wikidata 1487s 13.160.10
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29383579 on Wikidata 1487s 46.85.30
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200899 on Wikidata anonymous 1489s 52.83.1 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200901 on Wikidata anonymous 1489s 52.83.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200902 on Wikidata anonymous 1489s 52.83.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913073 on Wikidata Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona 1489s 08.133
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19912582 on Wikidata Bartolomeo Montagna 1490s 14.40.606 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201361 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 1980.223.4
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201374 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 1983.237 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201810 on Wikidata 1490 55.27
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201989 on Wikidata anonymous 1490 2010.446
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20186261 on Wikidata Francesco di Giorgio 1490s 1975.1.376 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184026 on Wikidata anonymous 1491 1975.1.280
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201730 on Wikidata Gil de Siloé 1491s 69.88
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385510 on Wikidata 1494s 1970.137.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q58792732 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer 1495 19.73.105 couple
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188319 on Wikidata anonymous 1495s 1975.1.2101
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913588 on Wikidata Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua 1496s 41.190.40b
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201988 on Wikidata anonymous 1497s 2010.22.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201991 on Wikidata anonymous 1497s 2010.22.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q18339638 on Wikidata Albrecht Dürer 1497 19.73.152 martyr
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184840 on Wikidata anonymous 1498s 1975.1.394
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29385191 on Wikidata 1498s 69.27
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200925 on Wikidata Hans of Landshut 1498 2008.278
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201164 on Wikidata anonymous 1499s 55.116.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q29384270 on Wikidata 1499s 1978.412.322
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19924111 on Wikidata John Singer Sargent 1500s 50.130.83f angel
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19925711 on Wikidata John Singer Sargent 1500s 50.130.81g
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20167108 on Wikidata Biagio d'Antonio 1500s 09.136.1
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20178537 on Wikidata 1500s 67.55.147 woman
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20178795 on Wikidata John Singer Sargent 1500s 50.130.39
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20182707 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1735
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184077 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1734 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20184149 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1720 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185539 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1698 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185611 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1694
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185642 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1705
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185650 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1716
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185693 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1746 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185696 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1710 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185725 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1732
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185730 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1704
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20185764 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1743
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188114 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1718 flower
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188125 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1686
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188252 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1679 leaf
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188263 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1731
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188268 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1975.1.1702
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20200937 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 29.69
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201235 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 11.120.1 man
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201427 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1990.119.3
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201437 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1985.244
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201650 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.24.15
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201664 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 32.24.20 tree
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201903 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 11.120.2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201987 on Wikidata 1500s 2010.318.1, .2
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201990 on Wikidata 1500s 2009.282
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913290 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 61.249
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q19913708 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 1972.145.28
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188032 on Wikidata Master of Marradi 1500s 1975.1.75 Lucretia
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20188034 on Wikidata Master of Marradi 1500s 1975.1.76 Lucretia
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Q20201261 on Wikidata anonymous 1500s 61.15.2 Saint Sebastian
[[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.]] Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500s 64.101.1409 musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Gerard David 1500s 49.7.21 religious painting Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500s 2000.135 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Raphael 1500s 1997.153 Lucretia
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1975.1.1913
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Domenico Morone 1500 1975.1.2483
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1975.1.1941
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Benedetto Buglioni 1500 1975.1.2398
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1975.1.2039
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Tilman Riemenschneider 1500 61.86 Saint Christopher
Erasmus of Formiae
Saint Eustace
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1980.214.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1990.119.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1980.214.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1980.223.6 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1980.214.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1980.214.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 1980.223.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500 55.26
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500 37.80.3 unicorn
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500s 1982.177.1–3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 29.156.67a
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 1983.413
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 1991.435a, b woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 1999.103
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 91.1.607
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 68.215.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 1970.105
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 1981.320
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1500s 53.20.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 37.80.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500s 37.80.6 tree
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Piero di Cosimo 1500 75.7.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1500 1988.159 Anthony the Great
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Fra Bartolomeo 1501s 1975.1.270
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi 1502s 55.93
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1503s 32.21 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1503s 1998.205
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1504 37.147.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1504 37.147.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1504 37.147.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1504 37.147.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1505s 32.24.43
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1505s 32.24.58
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1505s 32.24.21
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1505 32.24.34
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1505 1975.25
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Francesco Granacci 1506 1970.134.1 Child Saint John
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1506s 1988.349
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1506s 1975.1.1194
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Altdorfer 1506 06.1051.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1508 1975.1.1015
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Franciabigio 1509 32.100.89
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1509 1975.1.255 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510s 32.24.56 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Francesco Morone 1510 1975.1.382
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 1975.1.1025
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Master of the Death of Absalom 1510 1975.1.863 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 1984.339 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 1988.304.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 2004.382
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 1983.418 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 1991.291.1 soldier
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 32.24.33 John of Patmos
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 32.24.59 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1510 37.120
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1510s 14.25.716b–f
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1510s 41.190.482
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Ugo da Carpi 1510s 20.24.76
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Hans Baldung 1510s 1975.1.855
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1510 1975.1.1914 Veil of Veronica
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1511s 1985.146 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Leonardo da Vinci 1511s 51.90 Virgin Mary
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Michelangelo 1511 24.197.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1512s 22.100.52
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1512s 1975.1.2104
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Dürer 1513 68.793.66 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515s 1999.243
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515s 1984.206
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515s 1977.89
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515s 32.24.41
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515s 1972.245.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Dosso Dossi 1515 26.83 tree
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515 1988.304.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515 1980.223.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1515 32.24.32
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Andrea Riccio 1515s 1982.45 Pan
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Andrea Riccio 1515s 2009.58
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Dürer 1516 19.73.82
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Baldassare Peruzzi 1518s 48.17.1–22
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1518 30.113.6
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1518 30.113.5 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Dürer 1519 19.73.66
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Altdorfer 1519 26.72.68
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520s 32.24.28
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Girolamo Romanino 1520s 1975.1.418 musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520s 1975.1.272 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Master of the Biberach Holy Kinship 1520 60.126 Saint Roch
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1520 1990.119.1 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 1976.47 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 1992.415 book
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 1992.412
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 1995.397 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1520 1988.304.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 32.24.49 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 32.24.47 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1520 59.70 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Parri Spinelli 1520 43522 boat
Jesus Christ
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Altdorfer 1521s 1993.1097
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1522s 32.24.35
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1522s 32.24.63
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1522s 1975.1.1019
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Dürer the Elder 1522 1975.1.859 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Sultan Muhammad 1524 1970.301.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1525s 32.24.29 soldier
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1525s 32.24.65 John of Patmos
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1525s 57.35 Middle Ages Virgin Mary
Saint Barbara
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Lucas Cranach the Elder 1525 1982.60.48 Venus
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1525 32.24.68 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1525 32.24.30 soldier
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1525 17.190.328
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1525s 50.87
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1525s 24.179; 26.188.1, .2; 29.158.363a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1525s
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1525s 46.128
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Sultan Muhammad 1525s 1970.301.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Sultan Muhammad 1525s 1970.301.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1527s 1993.14
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Hans Leinberger 1527s 1981.57.2a, b Stephen
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1527 19.131.1a–r, t–w, .2a–c; 27.183.16
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Lucas Cranach the Elder 1528 28.221 Judgement of Paris
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Master H.A. or A.H. 1528 1975.1.137 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1529
1975.1.135 mythology
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1530s 1975.1.406 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Gaudenzio Ferrari 1530 1975.1.323
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1530 53.65
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1530 32.24.55
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1530 32.24.40
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1530 32.24.42
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Bonifazio Veronese 1530s 32.100.78 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1530s 1970.301.51 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1530s 1971.158.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1530s 1975.1.1638
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1531 17.40.2a–r boat
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1532s 1996.287
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1532s 1995.12 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Francesco Xanto Avelli 1532 1975.1.1131
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1533s 2011.36
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1535s 32.24.54 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1535s 42.50.16 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Albrecht Dürer 1535 125.97 D932
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1540 16.69
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Petrus Apianus 1540 25.17
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1542s 14.25.1425
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Luzio Luzi 1543 1975.1.334 soldier
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Filippo Negroli 1543 17.190.1720
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1544s 36.25.1297
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Tintoretto 1545 13.75
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Lucas Cranach the Younger 1545 1975.1.136
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1545s 57.51.26
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Kunz Lochner 1549 33.164a–x fire striker
Madonna and Child
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1549s 08.167.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1549s 56.234.35
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1549s 58.46 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Francesco Bacchiacca 1550s 1982.60.11
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.407 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.121
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1947
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1940
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.2324
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.313 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Lo Spagna 1550s 1975.1.396
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Giuseppe Porta 1550s 1975.1.405 boat
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 1975.1.275
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1519
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Jacques Courtois 1550s 1975.1.1230
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 25.120.239a, b Saint Roch
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 38.28 Nativity of Jesus
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1983.16
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1970.323
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1979.185
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 32.24.46
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 25.120.268 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 17.190.475
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 17.190.473
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 17.190.457
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Shikibu Terutada 1550s 2015.300.64a, b flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Sesson Shukei 1550s 2015.300.50
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Andrea Schiavone 1550 1973.116 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550 1975.1.2022
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550 1975.1.1939
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550 2018.756 emblem
crescent moon
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.2002
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1520 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 36.25.81a–c
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 04.3.217; 22.140
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 1979.206.86 Benin Bronzes
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 52.20.11 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 52.20.12 tree
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 52.20.15
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 52.20.22
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 53.6a, b musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550s 17.190.1740
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Ascanio Condivi 1553 131.1M58 C75
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Étienne Delaune 1555s 39.121a–n
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1555s 34.85 soldier
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1555s 1975.1.1039
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1557s 38.149.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1557s 38.149.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Taddeo Zuccari 1557s 1975.1.553 soldier
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Frans Huys
1558 26.72.24 city gate
ice skating
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Titian 1560 36.29
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1560s 04.3.456a
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1560s 2000.424 leaf
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1561s 1999.26
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1562 551 G41
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1563s 1979.186
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Giambologna 1565s 14.40.689 Triton
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1566s 58.57a–d
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Diego de Pesquera 1567s 45.128.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1568s 120 Se6
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Joachim Beuckelaer 1568 2015.146 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1570 1975.1.2034
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1570 1975.1.1192
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1570s 06.941
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Sesson Shukei 1570s 1992.8.1, .2 byōbu-e gibbon
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1570s 52.96.1 musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Andrea Palladio 1570 120.32P17 P17
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1572s 52.20.21
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Master of Flora 1574s 41.48
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1574s 43.121.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1574s 1993.67.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1575 89.4.2883
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1578s 02.5.91 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Gerhard Emmoser 1579 17.190.636
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1580s musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1581s 17.190.2045 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1582s 22.100.51
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1582s 59.69.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Bartholomeus Spranger 1582s 1997.93
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1584 PQ4567 .A2 1584
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1585s 2009.280
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Gian Paolo Lomazzo 1585 109A L83
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1585 PA6555 .A2 1585
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1586 32.130.6a–y
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1587s 53.225.52
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1587s 1978.24
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1588s 1995.15 boat
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Annibale Carracci 1590 1994.142
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Wu Bin 1591 1986.266.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1592s 28.63.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1595s 1994.141
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1595 239 B63 Q
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Jacopo Ligozzi 1596s 1991.443 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1596s 44.14.2 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1596s 1980.6 flower
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1597s 13.228.26 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1597s 13.228.28 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Basawan 1597s 13.228.29
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1597s 13.228.33 musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1598 89.4.1191 musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1599s 22.100.114
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1599s 17.190.823
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0005s BCE 14.130.9
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0007s BCE 14.130.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0010 BCE 68.154
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0013s BCE 10.231.1 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0016s BCE 91.1.1402
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0035s BCE 49.11.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0045s BCE 03.14.13a–g
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 0045s BCE 03.14.4 trompe-l'œil bull
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0050 BCE 1988.354 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0050s BCE 1972.11.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0051s BCE 1979.447
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0060s BCE 1999.94a-d
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0125s BCE 23.69 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0126s BCE 1982.317.3 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0150s BCE 1992.165.19 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0150s BCE 30.117 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0181s BCE 26.7.860
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0181s BCE 56.16.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0181s BCE 26.7.1193
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0181s BCE 26.7.852a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0181s BCE 55.121.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0199s BCE 1985.214.99 Chinese dragon
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0200s BCE 23.160.95 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0200s BCE 43.11.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0200s BCE 1972.118.95
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0200s BCE 1999.209
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0200 BCE 56.11.5, .6
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0234s BCE 66.99.134
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0250s BCE 29.2.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0250s BCE 55.11.11
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0263s BCE 2002.66
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0266s BCE 12.187.31
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0274s BCE 38.10 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0289s BCE 49.121.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0290s BCE 26.59.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0300s BCE 62.11.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0300s BCE 2000.277
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0300 BCE 48.11.2, .3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0313s BCE 1994.35.120
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0313s BCE 2003.154
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0315s BCE 37.11.8–.17
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0330s BCE 30.11.12
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0338s BCE 20.198
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0348s BCE 34.158
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 10.142.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 25.190
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 48.11.4 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 47.100.88
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 26.7.996
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 1996.91
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0350s BCE 56.171.64
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0352s BCE 34.2.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0352s BCE 50.85
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0355s BCE 50.11.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0360 BCE 11.100.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0363s BCE 12.159
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0395s BCE 09.221.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0395s BCE 24.97.104 vase
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0395s BCE 36.11.1 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0400s BCE 2012.479.7
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0425s BCE 31.11.13 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0425s BCE 1995.19
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0433s BCE 11.141
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0440 BCE 28.57.23
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0440 BCE 1989.281.72
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0445s BCE 27.45
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0450s BCE 54.3.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0450s BCE 2005.366
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0450s BCE 54.3.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0450s BCE 26.50
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0450s BCE 24.97.50
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0455s BCE 1972.118.78
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0458s BCE 07.286.36a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0463s BCE 74.51.2453 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Leningrad painter 0470s BCE 41.162.60 amphora
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Villa Giulia Painter 0470 BCE 1979.11.15 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0470s BCE 07.286.87
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0487s BCE 47.100.3 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0487s BCE 40.11.7–.18
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0500s BCE 17.190.2067 Etruscan art couple
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0500s BCE 49.71.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0500 BCE 31.11.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0510 BCE 56.171.61 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0513s BCE 42.11.35
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0515s BCE 17.190.2066
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0515s BCE 54.11.5 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0520s BCE 38.11.13 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0525s BCE 27.228
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0525s BCE 74.51.2455
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0525 BCE 1992.55
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0530 BCE 11.185a–d, f, g, x
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0530 BCE 14.130.12
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0540s BCE 31.11.10 vase
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0540s BCE 56.11.1 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0540 BCE 17.230.14a, b musical instrument
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0550s BCE 1978.412.1504
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 0550s BCE 30.11.6 East Greek vase painting woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0550 BCE 31.11.11
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0550 BCE 26.7.845
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0562s BCE 03.23.1 Achilles
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0575s BCE 74.51.2857
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0583s BCE 31.13.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0585s BCE 32.11.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0587s BCE 1997.145.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0590 BCE 07.229.1a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0600s BCE 21.2.66
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Oakeshott Painter 0600s BCE 17.230.5 black-figure pottery Hephaestus
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0610 BCE 30.8.93
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0623s BCE 1997.36
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0625s BCE 17.190.73 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0625s BCE 1989.281.49, .50
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0625s BCE 12.229.24
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate <some value> 0630 BCE
0620 BCE
24.97.21a, b rooster
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0633s BCE 23.3.468 boat
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0637s BCE 1982.318
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0650s BCE 1977.187.33
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0650s BCE 1978.412.203 bottle
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0650s BCE 1972.118.54
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0689s BCE 2002.8
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0690 BCE 07.228.27 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0700s BCE 74.51.4554
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0700s BCE 34.126.53
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0700s BCE 1989.281.20
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0700s BCE 1989.361.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0700 BCE 2008.353
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0712 BCE 1989.281.98
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0712 BCE 2010.259
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0743s BCE 14.130.14 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0750s BCE 17.190.2072
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0750s BCE 21.88.24 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0750s BCE 60.145.11 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0750s BCE 1996.82.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate Cesnola Painter 0800s BCE 74.51.965 Euboean vase painting
Ancient Greek Geometric pottery
Animal frieze
tree of life
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0800s BCE 57.80.4a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0800s BCE 57.80.12 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0800s BCE 58.31.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0800s BCE 62.269.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0805s BCE 26.7.971
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0829s BCE 26.7.1412
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0850s BCE 64.257.1a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0850s BCE 43.135.2 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0850s BCE 60.20.15
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0871s BCE 32.143.1 Lamassu
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0871s BCE 32.143.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0871s BCE 32.143.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0875s BCE 62.84
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0875s BCE 64.130
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0945 BCE 2007.24
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 0973s BCE 25.3.182a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1000s BCE 26.7.874
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1000s BCE 1979.206.1134
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1018s BCE 24.72.1–.14
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1019s BCE 47.123a–g
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1050 BCE 30.3.31
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1070 BCE 2009.175 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1127s BCE 21.2.6
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1150s BCE 53.11.6
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1183s BCE 66.99.50 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1186 BCE 26.7.1453
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1202s BCE 34.2.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1246s BCE 86.1.10
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1272s BCE 66.99.94
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1279 BCE 1989.281.92
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1283s BCE 2000.62
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1300s BCE 63.74
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1300s BCE 32.161.45
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1300s BCE 1989.281.10
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1300s BCE 1989.281.12
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1304 BCE 65.114
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1307 BCE 11.166.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1330s BCE 23.10.1 Horemheb
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1332s BCE 50.6
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1336 BCE 07.228.34
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1336 BCE 09.184.83 bottle
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1336 BCE 09.184.216
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1338s BCE 05.4.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1343s BCE 43.2.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1343s BCE 30.8.54
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1344s BCE 2005.363 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1345s BCE 1985.328.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1345s BCE 26.7.1396
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1345s BCE 32.5.2a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1345s BCE 11.150.26 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1350s BCE 10.130.2584
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1353 BCE 1985.328.13
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1353 BCE 1982.50
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1371s BCE 1972.125
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1371s BCE 1997.375
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1371s BCE 19.2.15
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1371s BCE 30.8.57
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1372s BCE 26.7.1292
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1372s BCE 40.2.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1372s BCE 26.7.1293 horse
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1377s BCE 30.8.74 Amenhotep III
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1390 BCE 11.215.460
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1390 BCE 11.215.451
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1390 BCE 11.215.450
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1390 BCE 41.2.10 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1390 BCE 26.2.47 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1395s BCE 30.8.45a–c
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1414s BCE 13.180.21
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1425s BCE 14.104.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1450 BCE 68.58
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1452s BCE 1995.21
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1466s BCE 31.3.166
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1466s BCE 29.3.2 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1466s BCE 36.3.252
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1483s BCE 36.3.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1515s BCE 26.7.1413a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1525 BCE 26.3.30a
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1550 BCE 16.10.425
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1650s BCE 22.1.95
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1700s BCE 1985.262.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1700s BCE 47.1a-h
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1750s BCE 32.161.46
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1800s BCE 1988.301
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1802 BCE 15.2.2a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate <some value> 1810s BCE 26.7.1287a–k
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1850s BCE 68.155
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1859s BCE 17.9.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1878 BCE 26.7.1394
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1883s BCE 16.1.3a, b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1892s BCE 28.9.4
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1900s BCE 66.245.5b
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1902s BCE 14.3.17
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 1920s BCE 17.9.1 hippopotamus
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1944 BCE 12.184
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1981 BCE 20.3.7 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1981 BCE 20.3.1 boat
steering oar
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1981 BCE 40.3.12
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1981 BCE 20.3.11
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 1990 BCE 1990.59.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate anonymous 2000s BCE 26.31.98 Cretan hieroglyphs
Olea europaea
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2000s BCE 1989.281.38
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2000s BCE 1998.380
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2000s BCE 1989.281.41a, b woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2000s BCE 1982.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2005s BCE 07.230.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2090 BCE 59.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2150s BCE 1989.281.45a, b–.48 vase
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2150s BCE 55.137.5
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2150s BCE 47.100.80 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate <some value> 2150s BCE 48.180 lion
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2200s BCE 41.160.192
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2250s BCE 1978.58
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2250s BCE 2004.363.1 vase
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2352s BCE 13.183.3
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2475s BCE 1974.190
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2500s BCE 1980.83.15
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2500s BCE 68.148 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2520 BCE 26.7.1392
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2525s BCE 17.190.106 vase
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2550s BCE 33.35.3 leaf
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2575 BCE 62.200
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2750s BCE 40.156
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2750s BCE 47.100.1 man
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2800s BCE 58.29
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 2900 BCE 55.142
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3000s BCE 66.173 bull
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3000s BCE 1988.433.1
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3000s BCE 19.2.16
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3000s BCE 66.99.2
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3000 BCE 2007.280
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3100s BCE 50.218
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3150s BCE 30.8.224
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3300s BCE 1981.53
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3600s BCE 51.59.11
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3650s BCE 23.2.31
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 3750s BCE 59.52 ibex
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 4500s BCE 1972.118.104 woman
Template:Mbabel Template:Wikidata icon Template:Wikidata translate 5300s BCE 1985.84

∑ 2039 items.

Template:Wikidata list end