
How I tore my ankle ligament in Track and Field


It started out just like any other day, nothing out of the ordinary following my same routinely schedule: school and then track practice. This year, however, was like no other because this track season I was determined to come back better than ever. After many minor setbacks such as the corona virus and tearing my rotator cuff the previous year...[1]

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I made sure to go the 'extra mile' by working with newer and more experienced coaches as well as increasing my time spent on the track nd in the gym/facilities trying to perfect my craft. Unfortunately, during one of my preseason practices at the high school, I had another "tear" in my plans. My "vintage" coach, with his old fashion teaching methods for the event of hurdling, was not to keen to my new learned skills from the other coaches that I had been training with. So, my coach had me go over the hurdles doing it his way and we all know the saying "my way or the highway" and that's exactly how it went. I went over the hurdles, full speed, with little to no warming up or stretching, par his command only to fall ... the first time. My coach, after seeing me fall over the hurdles after my first attempt ushered me to get up and try it again. The second time when fell, I fell right on my ankle and just like the snap of his fingers telling me to go again, my ankle also snapped under pressure, well the pressure of my body weight of course.

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Every time I look back on this moment, I always ask myself, " what could I have done differently to prevent this" ...?, but sometimes in life, we just cannot run from the inevitable, especially not with a torn ankle ligament.


  1. ^ Paraphrased (loosely) from [1].