
My Dad thought I wasn't trying at Swimming


Back when I was in Middle school I participated in swimming competitions, for the Chartiers Country Club

One day my dad came to watch me practice, and noticed something. My arms and legs were moving very slowly and smoothly, and it seemed to him that I wasn't trying very hard.

Fast forward to one of our swimming meets at the Country Club's Swimming Pool, and my dad saw the same as usual. He saw me, clearly not trying very hard at swimming, with my arms and legs moving pretty slowly. But when he looked to the other swimmers, he noticed I was way ahead of everybody else. [1]

Now my dad loves to tell the story to people whenever he's reminded of it, and it's pretty fun.

  1. ^ I ended up getting one of the fastest times ever swam there as an 8th grader, and my name is still on their plaque.