User:Phillstrong/Conde Group

Conde Group ...



Conde Group was created by Frederico Conde and Elsa Campos in 1993. Both designers were bored with their current jobs and upset with the low quality of marketing communications produced in Macau, particularly in printed media that was dominated by the major Chinese language newspaper, Macau Daily News.

Macau was then a Portuguese territory under Chinese administration (different from Hong Kong that was a British colony) and since late 1988, it was fast surging from an deep and long economic slowdown through a massive property speculation fueled mostly by property speculators coming from Mainland China. By 1993 the economy was showing signs of a slowdown, partly created by stronger monetary policies by the mainland Chinese authorities.

Frederico and Elsa thought that this was an opportunity to help improving local standards and opened Conde Designs in April 1993. Both designers had over 5 years of experience in using computers in their design work and decided to start a digital only studio where over 95% of the work was produced and digitally managed.

Soon it became clear that both designers had different approaches to business development and by late Summer 1993, Frederico bought Elsa's equity.

tightening a tighter grip  Despite seeing a fast surging economy, Macau's economy continued to be driven by substandard quality in urban planning and construction,