To explore the possibilities are endless and to know the unknown are truth. Stories has been shared by many and some may be truth the rest may be lesserknown facts. The particular me is so kneen interest taking that exploring history is a part of life for me.

Bhutan is a landlocked country of a handful population of 735553 as of 2017 PHCB of Bhutan. Under the Royal directory the country's population is in so much of happiness that no one could ever imagine of.

Royal directory starts from the time of great Jigme Namgyal. Our great Trongsa Poenlop Jigme Namgyal has so much curved the sovereignity of Bhutan that even the outsiders i.e British also could not completely capture the areas of that time. After him his son successfully follows him on the same track as the indestructible Trongsa Poenlop. With his contributions and the royalty he was carrying Gongzim Ugyen Dorji reached the parliament and subsequently in 1907 December 17 our first Druk Gyalpo Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck was formally crowned as the first King of Bhutan. After his crowning he had worked so hard that the shape of Bhutan is the fruit of his hardwork. He has fought many battles out of which Battle of Changlimithang was the last civil strife fought by him.

After him comes his son Jigme Wangchuck as his succeeding charitable king. Under his guidance and protection our country went under so much reform that our country could shape in today's society