Ventiuccello is an italian streamer and content creator, that started his streaming career the 24th february of 2020. His channel brings a brand new idea of streming, viewing his whole channel as a kingdom. His community has been growing every day non-stop and at the moment (28th january 2021) he has around 8700 followers.

He was born in Bologna in 1994, he studied in average schools, for his High School he went to a scientific istitute and after that he started working as a warehouse worker. The passion of gaming started as he was born " he came out of the womb on a mouse with a wheel in one hand and a JHEEEELLLLLOOOOU in the other" as the mod Ymer_TuicTV says.

His moderation team is composed by four people in the Twitch channel and 6 people in the discord: "Ludovica_miles", "XxTDDLSN97xX (better known as Ale-Taddeo)", "Ymer_TuicTV" and "Capotreno".