Stuff Im Working On: This page serves as a navigational nexus; it allows me to quickly browse through articles which I have worked on (or am currently working on). In some cases, my edits were very minor.



AbbasMazen Adams Ahmed Aristarchus Barrow Biggs Biro Blix Boyer Brahe Bronson Brooks Bush Buttry Chapelain Chomsky Clark Colbert Copernicus Dean DeFermat Descartes Dirichlet Einstein Emanuele III Euler Fischer Frankel Franklin Galilei Galle Goddard Gonzalez Gush Halley Herer Herschel Hillel Huygens Hyakutake Khan Jennings Jinnah, F. Jinnah, M. Keel Kepler LaGrange Leibniz LeVerrier Lindsey Louis XIV Lynch Mallard Maric Mazarin Moose Naoroji Napier Newton Olbers Ollivant Pax Peerwani Perle Piazzi Pryor Raleigh Reilly Rolle Rumsfeld Sarhan Sosa Stalin Thompson Tilak VanDerWaals Wegener Wieman Woodward Yassin Young VanAllen Zaitsev

Blackjack Caligula Géométrie, La Independence Day Infanterie Greift An Method of Fluxions Le Violon Rouge Puss in Boots Set T2 T3 Urashima Taro Vampire: The Masquerade Why Cows Moo XBoard

General Topics and Disambiguation


Contraction Core Differentiation Origin Quality Sentence Theory Van der Waals Wheeling

Aliases and Characters


Snuffleupagus Zodiac Killer



Aft Deck Garage

Astronomy and Astrophysics


Accretion disc Active Optics Adaptive Optics Annular eclipse Asteroid Asteroid Belt Astrometrics Astronomer AU Aurora Autumnal equinox Celestial equator Celestial Sphere Circumpolar star Comet Coronal Mass Ejection conjunction Declination Diurnal motion Ecliptic Elongation Extrasolar planet Heliocentrism Jovian planet Meteoroid Natural satellite New moon Node (astronomy) Orbital period Parsec Planetesimal Planets (Inferior and Superior) positional astronomy Protoplanet Protoplanetary Disk Seeing Disk Solar Eclipse Solar Nebula Solar Wind Star Stellar cartography Summer Solstice Sun Terrestrial planet Transit Twinkling Universe VanAllen Belts Vernal equinox Winter Solstice



Crust 5-second Rule



Angus Cattle Cannabis Core Daddy Longlegs Sea Monster Tick



AOL Berghof Black & Decker Coca-Cola Craven A Hardee's Levi's MacDonald's Parker Brothers Speedo VISA White Wolf



Atomic chemical Ozone VanDerWaals Bonding Water



Combination Novotny

Computer Science


C C++ Cfront DNA Computing FPS GAIM Interferometry Multi-paradigm programming language Pixel .PGN Shock site

Belts, Constellations, Objects, Stars, Systems, and Asterisms


Altair Aquila Betelgeuse Canis Major Ceres Cygnus Deneb Hyakutake Ikeya-Seki Lyra Kuiper belt Ophiuchus Orion Pallas Plough Procyon Sirius Summer Triangle Winter Triangle Upsilon Andromedae Ursa Major Vega 70 Virginis



Aides Bank account Customs Duty Revenue NYSE Rupee Treasury



Academic discipline



Light Pollution

Games, Hobbies, and Contacting the Dead


Drunkenness Monopoly Ouija



Arctic Baiji Caloris Eugene Himalayas Mauna Kea Mauna Kea Observatory Mid-Atlantic Ridge Old Faithful Geyser Pangaea Petrach Raleigh Ramadi Santa Maria Rupes Tarrant County Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu Tresticklan Uraniborg Ven



Apoapsis Asymptote Cartesian Coordinate System Critical Point Ellipse Figure Eight Graph Hypotenuse Isoceles triangle Lemniscate Length Location Periapsis Point Secant Slope Solution point Stationary point Tangent Vertical Translation

Gods and Goddesses


Ceres Goddess Pallas Zeus



Ballpoint Bracelet Buckram Car CCD Diary Jet Journal Limousine Luxury Car Magazine Necklace RX-8 Photographic Plate Reflecting Telescope Refracting Telescope RPG Vehicle Windshield

Groups and Organizations


AMI ABC Assamite AAMC Babson Berghof Brujah Camarilla Gangrel Head Start Lasombra Malkavian Nosferatu Sabbat Toreador Tremere Tzimisce USCF Ventrue VoteToImpeach



Current events History of astronomy History of science and technology New Imperialism

Illegal Narcotics



Journals and Magazines


American Prospect Telegraph of Nashua

Languages, Letters, and Dialects


American English Kappa

Law and Order


Drunk Driver Edict

Mathematics and Logic


Absolute value Addition Additive inverse Algebra Antiderivative Argument Arithmetic Associativity Calculus Commutativity Constant Concentric spheres Continuity Differentiation Differentiation (Chained) Differentiation (Implicit) Differentiation (Polynomial) Differentiation (Productive) Differentiation (Quotiential) Distributivity Equality Equality (Addition and Subtraction Properties) Equality (Reflexive Properties) Equation Function Function (Inverse) Function (Multivalued) Function (Partial) Inequality Instance variable Irrational number Limit Logarithm (Natural) Mathematics (Problems) Mean Value Theorem Multiplication Negative and non-negative numbers Number Open sentence Order of operations Quantity Rational number Real number Reciprocal Relation Riemann Integral Rolle's Theorem Scientific Notation Sign Square root Symmetric Property of Equality Transitive Property of Equality TeX Variable

Medical Science


Plastic surgery

Military History


Fronde Gulf War

Military Science


Aegis BMDS blackout Blitzkrieg communications blackout Dirty bomb Field Marshal MG42 Nuclear explosion Nuclear weapon Very Flare

Occupations, Careers, and Hobbies


Bookbinding Chauffeur Fisher Freefall cinematography Minister Parachuting Skysurfing Toreador Writing

Offices, Headquarters, Installations, Laboratories, Stations, and Departments


El Toro Marine Corps Air Station Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Terrorist Information Awareness Office



Albedo ATM Classical Mechanics Convection Density Dynamo Theory Effort Freefall Fusion (nuclear) Laws of Motion Laws of Planetary Motion Melting Orbit Universal Gravitation

Planetary Science


Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Cliff Convergent Boundary Core Crater Crust Divergent boundary Gaea (Planet) Gaea (Atmosphere) Gaea (Magnetic Field) Mercury Luna (Moon) Mesosphere Neptune Ozone layer Planetary differentiation Plate tectonics San Andreas Fault Scarp Season Stratosphere Subduction Supercontinent Thermosphere Transform boundary Troposphere Volcano

Political Science and Current Events


Border Flag Intifada Palestine Prussia Territory

Projects and Plans


North American Numbering Plan

Psychology and Sociology


Family Groupthink Hierarchy Hierarchy (Organizational) Intellectual worker Kinship Masquerade Propositional Knowledge Tribe

Religion and Philosophy


Discordia Heaven Individualist Anarchism Islamic Studies Lutheran Church Pietism Pythagoreans Sabbat Sacred Unitarian Universalism Transmogrification Zionism Zionism (anti)



Autofellatio Cowgirl Sex



Mariner 10



Hubble Keck

Theorems, Quotients, Conjectures, and Conspiracies


Black Choppers Bush Conspiracy Conspiracy Newton's Quotient TACMAR Vulcan



Gaussian year Gregorian Calendar Month

Torture and Body Modification


Body Modification Disfigurement Muti Wheling



parsec.jpg Tick.jpg Vampmasq.jpg Battle of babylon.mid



March 29 September 11 December 25 1687 1758 1876 1948 1979 16th century

07:39 14 Jul 2003 1761 (top) 07:38 14 Jul 2003 1761 07:38 14 Jul 2003 1761 07:38 14 Jul 2003 Twinkling (date) 07:37 14 Jul 2003 Twinkle twinkle little star (see also) 07:36 14 Jul 2003 Twinkling (') 07:36 14 Jul 2003 Twinkling (,) 07:36 14 Jul 2003 Twinkling (In photographs, twinkling causes an image to be "smeared" into a "seeing disk".) 20:20 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye (This concept is often associated with clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences.) 20:19 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye 20:18 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye 20:18 13 Jul 2003 Unconscious mind (see also) (top) 20:16 13 Jul 2003 Imagination (modify sentence) (top) 20:16 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye (link) 20:15 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye (things (such as visions)) 20:14 13 Jul 2003 Imagination (Imagined images can present themselves as visions which are "seen" with the mind's eye.) 20:12 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye (People with well-developed third eyes are sometimes known as "seers". ) 20:11 13 Jul 2003 Third eye (redirect) (top) 20:11 13 Jul 2003 Mind's eye 20:09 13 Jul 2003 Clarity (top) 20:05 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (link) (top) 19:58 13 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion (*Please delete teinkling, this was a typo for twinkling. ) 19:57 13 Jul 2003 Twinkling 19:54 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (however, corrected non-parabolic reflectors still lack the magnification-power of parabolic reflectors.) 19:52 13 Jul 2003 Schmidt corrector plate (lack of magnification ) (top) 19:51 13 Jul 2003 Schmidt corrector plate 19:41 13 Jul 2003 Yerkes Observatory (it is not the largest telescope, only the largest such telescope) 19:38 13 Jul 2003 User talk:Ericd (top) 19:19 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (Reflecting telescopes do not have as many technical issues, as do the refracting telescopes; however, they are also more expensive.) 19:13 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (from optical telescope) 19:12 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope (move to reflector) 19:11 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (types of reflectors) 19:04 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (While still used in amateur astronomy, professionals now tend to use prime focus, Cassegrain focus', and coude focus designs. ) 19:02 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (Newton designed the first reflector, in order to solve problems, such as chromatic aberration, which occur with refracting telescopes. ) 19:01 13 Jul 2003 Refractor (top) 19:00 13 Jul 2003 Reflector (redirect) 19:00 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope (move text) 18:59 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope 18:59 13 Jul 2003 Reflecting telescope 18:57 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (Many of these problems are avoided by using reflecting telescopes. ) 18:52 13 Jul 2003 Talk:Main Page 18:43 13 Jul 2003 Yerkes Observatory (see also) 15:52 13 Jul 2003 Necklace 13:41 13 Jul 2003 Lick Observatory (The 91cm refracting telescope here was [{Terra]]'s largest such telescope, until the 1897 construction of Yerkes.) 13:38 13 Jul 2003 Yerkes Observatory (A 102cm refracting telescope is located here, it is Terra's largest such telescope. ) 13:35 13 Jul 2003 Image:Nchomsky.jpg (top) 13:34 13 Jul 2003 Image:Nchomsky.jpg 13:34 13 Jul 2003 Noam Chomsky 13:29 13 Jul 2003 Glass (link) (top) 13:28 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (==Notable Refracting Telescopes==) 13:26 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (==Technical Difficulties==) 13:22 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope (spl) 13:21 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope (photons) 13:20 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope 13:13 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (from optical telescope) 13:11 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope (move to refractor) 13:10 13 Jul 2003 Intellectual worker (alternate name) (top) 13:09 13 Jul 2003 Intellectual worker (alternate name) 13:08 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope (from telescope) 13:08 13 Jul 2003 Telescope (move to optical telescope) (top) 13:07 13 Jul 2003 Electromagnetic radiation (link) (top) 13:06 13 Jul 2003 Photon (link) (top) 13:05 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope (from telescope) 13:04 13 Jul 2003 Telescope (move to optical telescope) 13:03 13 Jul 2003 Optical telescope 13:01 13 Jul 2003 Telescope (Galilei is credited with being the first to use a telescope for astronomical purposes.) 12:59 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (a) 12:59 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (parallel light rays) 12:56 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (focal) 12:55 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (image) 12:54 13 Jul 2003 Telescope (move image) 12:53 13 Jul 2003 Monocular (from telescope) (top) 12:51 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (link) 12:50 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (monocular) 12:50 13 Jul 2003 Telescope (move text) 12:48 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope (These are similar to microscopes. ) 12:48 13 Jul 2003 Telescope (link) 12:46 13 Jul 2003 Refracting telescope 12:44 13 Jul 2003 Refraction (understanding of this concept led to the invention of the refracting telescope. ) (top) 12:40 13 Jul 2003 Light (refers to) (top) 12:38 13 Jul 2003 Light 12:36 13 Jul 2003 Light ray (redirect) (top) 12:35 13 Jul 2003 Beam (link) (top) 12:35 13 Jul 2003 Refraction ( For example, a light ray will refract as it passes through glass. ) 01:22 13 Jul 2003 Academic discipline (top) 01:22 13 Jul 2003 Magnetohydrodynamics 00:37 13 Jul 2003 Sea monster 00:34 13 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 17:52 12 Jul 2003 Light ray 16:06 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Asteroid 15:59 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events (Is George Tenet really the president of the CIA? Pizza Puzzle) 15:59 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events 15:56 12 Jul 2003 Light ray (delink) 15:54 12 Jul 2003 Light ray 15:53 12 Jul 2003 Light (link) 15:52 12 Jul 2003 Light ray 15:51 12 Jul 2003 Beam (A beam of light is a light ray. ) 15:39 12 Jul 2003 User talk:Menchi 15:38 12 Jul 2003 Asteroid (rv to last edit by Hike395) 10:40 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Intellectual worker 10:37 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 00:14 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Asteroid 00:04 12 Jul 2003 Sea monster 00:04 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 00:03 12 Jul 2003 Talk:Asteroid 21:49 11 Jul 2003 Radio Free Europe (top) 21:47 11 Jul 2003 Apartment (top) 21:44 11 Jul 2003 Air National Guard (top) 21:44 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Air National Guard (top) 21:43 11 Jul 2003 Radio Liberty (misssion statement) 21:38 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Air National Guard 21:38 11 Jul 2003 Radio Liberty 21:33 11 Jul 2003 Air National Guard (spl) 21:33 11 Jul 2003 Air National Guard (link) 21:31 11 Jul 2003 Air National Guard 21:27 11 Jul 2003 Kinship (the formal establishment of kinship involves various customs and obligations. ) 21:26 11 Jul 2003 Kinship 21:25 11 Jul 2003 Kinship 21:24 11 Jul 2003 Apartment (link) 21:23 11 Jul 2003 Apartment (condos) 21:21 11 Jul 2003 Apartment 21:20 11 Jul 2003 Apartment 21:17 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Ultraviolet (top) 21:15 11 Jul 2003 Ozone (Ozone is notable for its ability to absorb UV-B radiation. ) 21:14 11 Jul 2003 Ultraviolet (bold) (top) 21:11 11 Jul 2003 X-ray (text moved to x-ray machine) (top) 21:10 11 Jul 2003 Window (links) 21:08 11 Jul 2003 Window (move text) 21:07 11 Jul 2003 Window (==Astronomical Window==) 21:05 11 Jul 2003 Micrometre (wavelengths) (top) 21:04 11 Jul 2003 Nanometre (commonly used in measurings the wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation and gamma rays;) (top) 21:02 11 Jul 2003 Micrometre (The µm is a common unit of measurement when examining infrared radiation. ) 21:00 11 Jul 2003 Radiology (link) (top) 20:58 11 Jul 2003 X-ray machine (==radiology==) (top) 20:56 11 Jul 2003 Radiologist (redirect) (top) 20:56 11 Jul 2003 Radiology (x-ray machines) 20:54 11 Jul 2003 X-ray (fix) 20:53 11 Jul 2003 X-ray machine (link) 20:53 11 Jul 2003 X-ray machine (from x-ray) 20:51 11 Jul 2003 X-ray (move to x-ray machine) 20:49 11 Jul 2003 X-ray (move to x-ray machine) 20:48 11 Jul 2003 X-ray machine (see also) 20:48 11 Jul 2003 X-ray (link) 20:44 11 Jul 2003 X-ray machine 20:43 11 Jul 2003 X-ray machine 20:41 11 Jul 2003 Wilhelm Röntgen (case) (top) 20:40 11 Jul 2003 Wilhelm Röntgen (The machine which Röntgen built to emit these rays, was the X-ray machine.) 20:39 11 Jul 2003 Herschel (redirect) (top) 20:38 11 Jul 2003 William Herschel (spl) (top) 20:38 11 Jul 2003 William Herschel (move text) 20:37 11 Jul 2003 William Herschel (various) 20:36 11 Jul 2003 Visual perception (invisible) 20:33 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (links) (top) 20:32 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (links) 20:29 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (link) 20:29 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (photoelectric effect (an effect in which light did not seem to act as a wave)) 20:28 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (abbrv) 20:26 11 Jul 2003 Photoelectric effect (from wave-particle duality) 20:25 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (move to photoelectric) 20:24 11 Jul 2003 Light (comma) 20:23 11 Jul 2003 Light (Due to wave-particle duality light simultaneously exhibits properties of both waves and particles.) 20:23 11 Jul 2003 Light (Due to wave-particle duality light simultaneously exhibits properties of both waves and particles.) 20:21 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster 20:17 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster 20:16 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster 18:35 11 Jul 2003 User talk:Derek Ross (top) 18:32 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Prescott Bush (top) 18:18 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (list) 18:18 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (list) 18:17 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (It was later determined to be the corpse of a sperm whale. ) 18:15 11 Jul 2003 Verboten (top) 18:10 11 Jul 2003 Speed of light (from light) (top) 18:09 11 Jul 2003 Light (move text) 18:09 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (10-25%) 18:08 11 Jul 2003 Light (In 1999, scientists were able to slow the speed of a light beam to ~61kph. In 2001, they were able to momentarily stop the beam. ) 18:06 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (link) 18:06 11 Jul 2003 Speed of light (an error of 10-25%) 18:06 11 Jul 2003 Speed of light (an error of 10-25%) 18:04 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (Rømer was born in Aarhus and died in Copenhagen.) 18:03 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (due to a lack of understanding regarding the actual distances involved. ) 18:02 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (due to a lack of understanding regarding the actual distances involved. ) 18:01 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (Romer's measurements had an error of ~25%. ) 18:00 11 Jul 2003 User talk:Derek Ross 17:57 11 Jul 2003 1676 (wasn't born a king) (top) 17:56 11 Jul 2003 1676 (compact) 17:55 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (This discovery lent support to the heliocentric theory of the solar system.) 17:55 11 Jul 2003 Ole Rømer (This discovery lent support to the heliocentric theory of the solar system.) 17:53 11 Jul 2003 Romer (One might be looking for Ole Rømer. ) (top) 17:51 11 Jul 2003 James Clerk Maxwell (speed of light) 17:48 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Prescott Bush 17:47 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events 17:45 11 Jul 2003 Current events (i dont care, do you?) 17:44 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events (Why does anybody care that Peter Tatchell has said some archbishop is gay? Pizza Puzzle) 17:44 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events 17:43 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events 17:43 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events 17:43 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Current events 17:41 11 Jul 2003 Current events (Methuselah) 17:38 11 Jul 2003 Constant (mathematical sciences) (top) 17:37 11 Jul 2003 James Clerk Maxwell (at a constant velocity of) 17:34 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (space) 17:34 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (link/headings) 17:33 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (link/headings) 17:32 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (These equations were verified by experiment, and Huygens' view became widely accepted. ) 17:27 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (link) 17:26 11 Jul 2003 Wave-particle duality (This duality merges the theories of Newton (who argued that light was particulate) with Huygens ) 17:24 11 Jul 2003 Christiaan Huygens (He is also notable for his arguments that light consisted of waves; see: wave-particle duality. ) (top) 17:22 11 Jul 2003 Huygens (redirect) (top) 17:21 11 Jul 2003 Isaac Newton (gram) (top) 17:20 11 Jul 2003 Isaac Newton (In addition, Newton is credited with being the first to demonstrate that white light is a composite, or mixture, of the other colors. ) 17:18 11 Jul 2003 White (headings) 17:17 11 Jul 2003 Electromagnetic spectrum (describes the various spectrum of electromagnetic radiation based on wavelength.) (top) 17:16 11 Jul 2003 Optical spectrum (The optical spectrum is a composite, or mixture, of the various colors. ) (top) 17:14 11 Jul 2003 Spectrum (link) (top) 17:13 11 Jul 2003 Spectrum (links) 15:47 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (move text) 15:21 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 15:20 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 15:16 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (spl) 15:16 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (==Alleged real sea monsters==) 15:14 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 15:10 11 Jul 2003 Lake (top) 15:08 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 15:07 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Lake 15:04 11 Jul 2003 User talk:Evercat 14:59 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 14:58 11 Jul 2003 User talk:Evercat 14:52 11 Jul 2003 User talk:Evercat 14:51 11 Jul 2003 Lake 14:47 11 Jul 2003 User talk:Evercat 14:46 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Lake 13:17 11 Jul 2003 Slavery (top) 12:57 11 Jul 2003 Toby Rogers (spelling) (top) 12:57 11 Jul 2003 Slave labor (minor) 12:55 11 Jul 2003 Toby Rogers (link) 12:55 11 Jul 2003 Toby Rogers (of) 12:54 11 Jul 2003 Toby Rogers (Clamor Magazine) 12:53 11 Jul 2003 Toby Rogers (link) 12:52 11 Jul 2003 Toby Rogers 12:50 11 Jul 2003 Prescott Bush (link) (top) 12:48 11 Jul 2003 Prescott Bush 12:41 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Prescott Bush 12:40 11 Jul 2003 Lake (Minnesota too) 12:38 11 Jul 2003 Lake (rmv the) 12:36 11 Jul 2003 Lake (the corporation is now known as Sun Lake Aircraft. ) 12:35 11 Jul 2003 List of aircraft manufacturers (list) (top) 12:34 11 Jul 2003 Lake Aircraft (moved to "Sun_Lake_Aircraft") (top) 12:33 11 Jul 2003 Sun Lake Aircraft (top) 12:29 11 Jul 2003 Lake aircraft (moved to "Lake_Aircraft") (top) 12:29 11 Jul 2003 Lake 12:27 11 Jul 2003 List of aircraft manufacturers (list) 12:27 11 Jul 2003 Lake (bold) 12:25 11 Jul 2003 White (Newton demonstrated that White was formed by combining the other colors. ) 12:19 11 Jul 2003 White (scientists believed that white was the fundamental color of light;) 12:15 11 Jul 2003 Loch Ness Monster (sea monster) 12:12 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (,) 12:09 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 12:09 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 12:04 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (Loch Ness is directly connected to the sea by the Caledonian Canal) 12:03 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 12:01 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 12:00 11 Jul 2003 Lake (unless you can quote a specific source on a specific size; then this appears to be a matter of POV as "relative size" is relative and POV and ambiguous) 11:58 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (sea monsters do not always stay in the sea) 11:57 11 Jul 2003 Telescope 11:48 11 Jul 2003 Daniel C. Boyer (Boyer has made over 1,000 modifications ) (top) 11:45 11 Jul 2003 Sea 11:44 11 Jul 2003 Lake (incorrect - please see sea) 11:42 11 Jul 2003 Sea monster (ALLEGED sea monsters - your POV is not god's law evercat...) 11:41 11 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 20:36 10 Jul 2003 Lake 20:34 10 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Manual of Style (headings) 20:30 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (lakes are inland seas) 20:29 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 10:05 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (list) 10:04 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 10:03 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 10:02 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (move text) 10:00 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 10:00 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 09:59 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 09:57 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:56 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 09:55 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 09:50 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (Sir Gilbert) 09:48 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (an "actual sea monster" ) 09:47 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (npov) 09:45 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (link) 09:44 10 Jul 2003 Cryptozoologist (top) 09:44 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (cryptozoology) 09:43 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (spl) 09:43 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:42 10 Jul 2003 Cadborosaurus willsi (external link) 09:40 10 Jul 2003 Cadborosaurus willsi 09:38 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (link) 09:38 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (link) 09:37 10 Jul 2003 Cadborosaurus (redirect) (top) 09:37 10 Jul 2003 Cadborosaurus (redirect) 09:35 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (date, lion monster) 09:35 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (date) 09:34 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 09:33 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (list) 09:32 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (grm) 09:31 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (or serpant) 09:29 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Sea monster 09:29 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:27 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (list) 09:27 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (list) 09:25 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:25 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (link) 09:24 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (although more modern sea monsters tend to be described as squids. ) 09:22 10 Jul 2003 Loch Ness Monster (proper name) 09:22 10 Jul 2003 Loch Ness Monster 09:21 10 Jul 2003 Loch Ness monster (redirect) (top) 09:19 10 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion 09:19 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster (The classic sea monster is depicted as some sort of dragon, akin to the Loch Ness Monster.) 09:18 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:17 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:16 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:16 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:15 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:14 10 Jul 2003 Sea monster 09:10 10 Jul 2003 Galileo probe (or, it was crushed by the atmospheric pressure.) 09:06 10 Jul 2003 Hotspot (spl) (top) 09:06 10 Jul 2003 Hotspot (In meterology, a hotspot is an area where the atmosphere is relatively hot.) 09:04 10 Jul 2003 Galileo probe (The probe was melted and vaporized by the intense heat of an atmospheric "hot spot".) 09:04 10 Jul 2003 Galileo probe (The probe was melted and vaporized by the intense heat of an atmospheric "hot spot".) 09:01 10 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Disambiguation (spl) (top) 09:01 10 Jul 2003 Galileo (top) 09:00 10 Jul 2003 Galileo (disambg) 08:55 10 Jul 2003 Galileo (redirect) 08:54 10 Jul 2003 Galileo Galilei (!redirect) 08:51 10 Jul 2003 Draw (chess) 08:49 10 Jul 2003 User talk:Camembert 08:46 10 Jul 2003 Jovian planet (while, Uranus and Neptune have less hydrogen/helium, and more water. ) (top) 08:45 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (it is sometimes referred to as a "Jovian planet".) 08:44 10 Jul 2003 Phosphine (redirect) (top) 08:43 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (The outermost layer of the atmosphere is composed of crystals of frozen ammonia. ) 08:33 10 Jul 2003 1675 08:32 10 Jul 2003 1665 (Approximate date of the discovery of the Great Red Spot) (top) 08:30 10 Jul 2003 User talk:Daniel C. Boyer 08:28 10 Jul 2003 1690 (move to Battle of the Boyne) (top) 08:28 10 Jul 2003 1690 (move to Battle of the Boyne) 08:27 10 Jul 2003 1690 (* Cassini observes differential rotation within Jupiter's atmosphere. ) 08:26 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (link) 08:25 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (upiter's outer atmosphere undergoes differential rotation, an effect first noticed by Cassini (1690). ) 08:17 10 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion 08:15 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (link) (top) 08:13 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (from Jupiter) 08:12 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (move text) 08:08 10 Jul 2003 Giovanni Cassini (link) (top) 08:08 10 Jul 2003 Giovanni Cassini (links) 08:06 10 Jul 2003 Giovanni Cassini (Cassini was the first to observe differential rotation within Jupiter's atmosphere. ) 08:05 10 Jul 2003 Giovanni Cassini (dates) 08:04 10 Jul 2003 Cassini Division (discovered, in 1675, by Giovanni Cassini. ) (top) 08:03 10 Jul 2003 Cassini Division 08:02 10 Jul 2003 Giovanni Cassini (Along with Hooke, Cassini is given credit for the discovery of the Great Red Spot. ) 07:59 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (has lasted, at least, 300 year) 07:58 10 Jul 2003 University of Bologna (list) 07:57 10 Jul 2003 University of Bologna (list) 07:56 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (spl) 07:55 10 Jul 2003 Dimension (top) 07:55 10 Jul 2003 Size (redirect) (top) 07:54 10 Jul 2003 Dimension (dimensions of an object refers to the measurements which define its size.) 07:54 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (link) 07:53 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (around 1665. ) 07:51 10 Jul 2003 Great Red Spot (torms such as this are not uncommon within the atmospheres of gas giants) 07:46 10 Jul 2003 Brown oval (redirect) (top) 07:46 10 Jul 2003 White oval (redirect) (top) 07:45 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (Jupiter is perpetually covered with a layer of clouds. ) 07:42 10 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) (5.20 AU) 07:37 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Daniel C. Boyer 07:36 10 Jul 2003 Daniel C. Boyer 07:36 10 Jul 2003 Daniel C. Boyer 07:35 10 Jul 2003 Talk:Daniel C. Boyer 20:50 9 Jul 2003 Daniel C. Boyer (link) 20:48 9 Jul 2003 Alexa Internet (google partner) 20:47 9 Jul 2003 Alexa Internet (april 1996) 20:46 9 Jul 2003 (alexa internet) (top) 20:45 9 Jul 2003 Alexa Internet (external link) 20:44 9 Jul 2003 Alexa Internet 20:43 9 Jul 2003 Alexa (redirect) (top) 20:41 9 Jul 2003 Fritz (product) (top) 20:40 9 Jul 2003 Fritz 20:40 9 Jul 2003 Fritz (fritz 8, links) 20:38 9 Jul 2003 Fritz (fritz 8) 20:30 9 Jul 2003 Latvian Gambit (link) (top) 20:28 9 Jul 2003 French Defence (top) 20:27 9 Jul 2003 List of chess openings (top) 20:15 9 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Wikipedia commentary/Responding to the Critics (top) 20:13 9 Jul 2003 Wikipedia talk:Our Replies to Our Critics (top) 08:45 9 Jul 2003 Saddam Hussein (quote) 08:45 9 Jul 2003 Saddam Hussein (quote) 14:53 8 Jul 2003 User talk:Oliver Pereira 09:49 8 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion 09:46 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Galileo Galilei 09:40 8 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion 09:38 8 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion (please delete this misspelling) 09:38 8 Jul 2003 Wikipedia:Votes for deletion 09:36 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Prescott Bush (The statement regarding slave labor in Poland STRONGLY needs some kind of documentation.) 09:35 8 Jul 2003 Edict (gram) (top) 09:34 8 Jul 2003 Edict (rewrite) 09:27 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Javapedia (please provide a source) (top) 09:18 8 Jul 2003 Prescott Bush (link) 09:18 8 Jul 2003 Prescott Bush (reference) 09:17 8 Jul 2003 Prescott Bush (reinsert text) 09:15 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation (link) (top) 09:14 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation (link) 09:14 8 Jul 2003 German Steel Trust (link) (top) 09:13 8 Jul 2003 German Steel Trust 09:10 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation (from Prescott Bush) 09:10 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation (from Prescott Bush) 09:07 8 Jul 2003 Prescott Bush (move text) 09:06 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation (see also) 09:05 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation (link) 09:04 8 Jul 2003 Union Banking Corporation 09:03 8 Jul 2003 Bush family conspiracy theory (npov) (top) 08:58 8 Jul 2003 History of Bush Family (redirect) (top) 08:56 8 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) ( Its best known feature is probably the [[Great Red Spot) 08:55 8 Jul 2003 Jupiter (planet) ( Its best known feature is probably the [[Great Red Spot) 08:48 8 Jul 2003 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica (npov) (top) 08:47 8 Jul 2003 Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions (alpha) (top) 08:46 8 Jul 2003 Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions (isbn) 08:45 8 Jul 2003 Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions (isbn) 08:44 8 Jul 2003 Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions 08:41 8 Jul 2003 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (reference) (top) 08:39 8 Jul 2003 Derivative () 08:39 8 Jul 2003 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (reference) 08:37 8 Jul 2003 Edict 08:36 8 Jul 2003 University of Bologna (from Bologna) 08:35 8 Jul 2003 Bologna (move text) (top) 08:34 8 Jul 2003 University of Bologna 08:32 8 Jul 2003 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (link) 08:32 8 Jul 2003 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (Agnesi is credited with writing the first text which) 08:30 8 Jul 2003 Limit (mathematics) (() couple examples) (top) 08:29 8 Jul 2003 Limit (mathematics) (()) 08:28 8 Jul 2003 Limit (mathematics) 08:26 8 Jul 2003 Limit (mathematics) (limits at infinity) 08:19 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Thermodynamics 08:17 8 Jul 2003 Stationary point (bold) (top) 08:16 8 Jul 2003 Stationary point (bold) 08:15 8 Jul 2003 Concavity (spl) (top) 08:14 8 Jul 2003 Concavity (The "bottom" of a concave downward slope will have a point known as the minimum extrema; ) 08:11 8 Jul 2003 Derivative (link) 08:10 8 Jul 2003 Graph of a function (Graphing is sometimes referred to as curve sketching. ) 08:10 8 Jul 2003 Curve sketching (redirect) (top) 08:09 8 Jul 2003 Curve sketching 08:09 8 Jul 2003 Stationary point (such a point marks a change in concavity) 08:08 8 Jul 2003 Concavity (link) 08:07 8 Jul 2003 Critical point (top) 08:07 8 Jul 2003 Concavity (Points where concavity changes are inflection points.) 08:06 8 Jul 2003 Derivative (can be used to compute concavity) 08:05 8 Jul 2003 Concavity 08:05 8 Jul 2003 Concavity (from concave) 08:04 8 Jul 2003 Concave (redirect) (top) 08:03 8 Jul 2003 Graph of a function (see also) 08:01 8 Jul 2003 Concavity 07:57 8 Jul 2003 Mercury (planet) ((with respect only to solar radiation; not climate or season). ) 07:55 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Mercury (planet) (top) 07:54 8 Jul 2003 Mercury (planet) (outer layers of Mercury were "eroded" -- reference) 07:53 8 Jul 2003 Mercury (planet) (outer layers of Mercury were "eroded") 07:51 8 Jul 2003 Mercury (planet) (In addition, Mercury has "significant" tidal bulges. ) 07:49 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Mercury (planet) 07:44 8 Jul 2003 Talk:Mercury (planet) 07:43 8 Jul 2003 User talk:Timwi 07:42 8 Jul 2003 User talk:Timwi 07:41 8 Jul 2003 Derivative (examples) (from derivative) (top) 07:40 8 Jul 2003 Derivative (move text) 09:52 7 Jul 2003 Minister ()) (top) 09:51 7 Jul 2003 Minister 09:50 7 Jul 2003 Minister (rmv ]]) 09:50 7 Jul 2003 Minister (rmv ]]) 09:49 7 Jul 2003 Minister (list) 09:48 7 Jul 2003 Ali Shamkhani (and minister) (top) 09:47 7 Jul 2003 Ali Shamkhani (and minister) 09:47 7 Jul 2003 Ali Shamkhani (and minister) 09:46 7 Jul 2003 Ali Shamkhani 09:45 7 Jul 2003 Ali Shamkhani (') 09:44 7 Jul 2003 Ali Shamkhani 09:43 7 Jul 2003 Shahab-3 (top) 09:41 7 Jul 2003 Shahab-3 (shahab-4) 09:39 7 Jul 2003 Talk:Main Page (add in the news) 09:36 7 Jul 2003 Nodong-1 (top) 09:35 7 Jul 2003 Ballistic missile (list) (top) 09:33 7 Jul 2003 Ballistic missile (list) 09:32 7 Jul 2003 Shahab-3 09:28 7 Jul 2003 Talk:Medal of Honor