Serbian Defensive Dog
Other namesSrpski odbrambeni pas SOP
Breed statusNot recognized as a breed by any major kennel club.
Height Males 70-75 cm
Weight Males 55-70 kg
Females 50-65 kg
Life span 18-20 years
Dog (domestic dog)

The Serbian Defensive Dog (short: SDD, Serbian: Српски одбрамбени пас "СОП" / Srpski odbrambeni pas "SOP") is a Molosser-type dog breed originating in Serbia. It was developed in the years 1981-1991, with the goal of resurrecting the medieval Serbian Mastiff which became extinct in the 20th century.

The dog breed is characterized by its large size, excellent guarding and fighting abilities, as well as its agility and intelligence.



The Serbian Defensive Dog is a dog breed created in the Romanija mountains by interbreeding Gray wolf, Neapolitan Mastiff, Rottweiler, Bosnian Tornjak, and American Stafford terrier, beginning in 1981, by Bosnian Serb Nenad Gavrilović, a herbalist and medicine man. Interbreeding was concluded in 1991, the year in which the Serbian Defensive Dog breed was founded, and kennels were established throughout Serbia and Republika Srpska.

Each breed which was used to develop the SDD lived in the Balkans sometime in the past. Celts lived in the Balkans, so the decision was made to interbreed the American Stafford terrier (terrier - Irish national dog race), which is a strong and brave dog. Romans lived in the Balkans later, and brought their dogs, called the Pugnaces Britanniae. The Rottweiler and the Neapolitan Mastiff are direct descendants of Roman dogs. The Tornjak is a traditional Serbian dog, and wolves naturally coupled with them.

The Serbian Defensive Dog is a resurrection of the Serbian Mastiff of Medieval Serbia, used at the court of Emperor Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331-1355). There are stories that, in the past, the Serbian breed was always given names based on their colour, e.g. Zeljak ("Yellow one"). Today, there is not much need for sheepdogs, so these dogs have almost vanished. Bosnian Serb Nenad Gavrilovic did the selection and reconstruction of that Serbian breed. He gave a name to the breed: "Serbian Defensive Dog" (Srpski Odbrambeni Pas).



The Serbian Defensive Dog is an excellent property (and personal) guard dog. Also, the SDD can be turned into an ideal home pet. Great speed, size and weight are the main attributes of an SDD. Trained, SDD is committed only to its owner and its territory, SDD is able to sacrifice its life for its owner. There is no need for special defense and attacking training. The SDD's nature is very stable. These dogs are very brave and they act quickly. Puppies must be treated with a lot of care. Force must not be used during training.



The Serbian Defensive Dog is 70 - 75 cm tall, weighs 50 - 70 kg, and is usually black, yellow or gray. The hair is medium-length, solid with an undercoat. The head is massive, and the body is muscular.

See also






Category:Dog breeds originating in Europe

Category:Dog breeds originating in Serbia