I am a Senior at Alverno College majoring in Biology. I will be graduating in May of 2015 and will be continuing on to Graduate School to become licensed to teach at the high school level and attain a Masters in Teaching. When not studying, I will usually be working at the Blood Center of WI or as a Mad Science Instructor.

Pnaiiballer20 (talk) 18:47, 15 April 2015 (UTC)

Article selection rationale

I chose to write my article on Ms. Susan Baker for a variety of reasons. When researching female virologists, her name popped up and I read the abstracts of a few of her articles. I learned that she liked to work with coronaviruses and Kawasaki Disease. A lot of her articles were in reference to these two diseases. It will be interesting to learn more and to write about a woman who is held to such high regard.

Self Assessment

I feel like I was able to complete the requirements for this project in BI 302. I followed all criteria and utilized all feedback given to me. My picture of Professor Baker was, unfortunately, taken down, however my other photos of KD and a Coronavirus virion were able to stay up. Unfortunately, I never received peer reviews for my article either. However, based on the work I've done in class and the training we've received, I was able to complete this project and give due credit to Professor Baker. It was interesting to complete this project and I am happy we had the opportunity to research a female virologist. It is also valuable knowledge to know how to edit a Wikipedia page and how to even start one. Pnaiiballer20 (talk) 18:15, 18 May 2015 (UTC)