# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

import codecs, wikipedia, catlib, pagegenerators, time, mysave
from datetime import date

# PotatoBot Task 3: Creates redirects from ATC codes to drug articles and ATC lists;
# adds {{anchor}}s to ATC list sections;
# checks ATC codes in {{drugbox}}es and {{chembox}}es

templatenames = ['Drugbox', 'Chembox Identifiers']
ATClist = {}

def findLink(line, ltype):
	"""Check whether line contains an ATC code and a simple drug name (as opposed to combinations etc.)."""
	link = ''
	if line != '' and line[0] == ':' and (ltype == 1 or line[1] == 'Q') and line[ltype].isupper()\
			and line[1+ltype:3+ltype].isdigit() and line[3+ltype:5+ltype].isupper() and line[5+ltype:7+ltype].isdigit()\
			and line[2] != 'I' and line[1:4] != 'V01':
		# Todo: what about ATCvet code QI, ATC code V01? (excluded by last condition) #
		# Todo: include combinations #
		start = line.find('[[')
		if start == 8 + ltype:
			bracket = line.partition(' (')
			pipe = bracket[0].find('|')
			end = bracket[0].find(']]')
			if pipe == -1:
				pipe = end
			if True not in [str in bracket[2].lower() for str in ('<sup>', 'human', 'bovine', 'beef', 'porcine', 'pork')]\
					and ' ' not in bracket[0][end:]:
				link = bracket[0][10+ltype:pipe]
		elif start == -1 and True not in [str in line.lower() for str in\
				('various', 'other', 'combination', 'compound', ' and ', ' with ', 'including', 'producing')]:
			link = line[8+ltype:]
	if link == '':
		return (0, None, None, None)
		return (ltype, wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'ATC' + (ltype == 2)*'vet' + ' code ' + line[1:7+ltype]),\
			wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'ATCvet code Q' + line[1:8]),\
			mysave.resolveredir(wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), link)))

def fromATClist(line, vetalso):
	"""Treat a line from an ATC codes list."""
	global ATClist
	# human ATC code
	ltype, redirpage, redirpageVet, page = findLink(line, 1)
	if ltype == 0:
		# ATCvet code
		ltype, redirpage, redirpageWaste, page = findLink(line, 2)
	# if this line contains an ATC code with an identifiable target
	if ltype > 0 and page.exists():
		wikipedia.output('> ' + redirpage.title() + ' ' + page.title())
		ATClist[line[1:7+ltype]] = page.title()
		result = mysave.makeredir(redirpage, page, '{{R from ATC' + (ltype == 2)*'vet' + ' code|' + line[ltype:7+ltype] + '}}')
		if ltype == 1 and vetalso:
			result += mysave.makeredir(redirpageVet, page, '{{R from ATCvet code|' + line[ltype:7+ltype] + '}}')
		return result
		return ''

def fromTemplate(idx):
	"""Check code in {{drugbox}} or {{chembox}}. In later versions, this should also add codes to these boxes."""
	global ATClist, templatenames
	ATC_prefix = ('ATC_prefix', 'ATCCode_prefix')
	ATC_suffix = ('ATC_suffix', 'ATCCode_suffix')
	ATC_supplemental = ('ATC_supplemental', 'ATC_Supplemental')
	wikipedia.output('\n>> Template:' + templatenames[idx])
	result = ''
	for page in pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(),\
			'Template:' + templatenames[idx]), onlyTemplateInclusion = True):
		# look for ATC codes in infoboxes
		ATCvet, prefix, suffix, supp = False, '', '', ''
		ATCvetthere, prefixthere, suffixthere, suppthere = False, False, False, False
		for tuple in page.templatesWithParams():
			if tuple[0] == templatenames[idx]:
				for param in tuple[1]:
					value = param.partition('=')
					if value[0].strip() == 'ATCvet':
						ATCvet = value[2].strip() == 'yes'
						ATCvetthere = True
					elif value[0].strip() == ATC_prefix[idx]:
						prefix = value[2].strip()
						prefixthere = True
					elif value[0].strip() == ATC_suffix[idx]:
						suffix = value[2].strip()
						suffixthere = True
					elif value[0].strip() == ATC_supplemental[idx]:
						supp = value[2].strip()
						suppthere = True
		codes = (prefix != '') * [(ATCvet*'Q' + prefix + suffix)]
		for tupleSupp in page.templatesWithParams(supp):
			if tupleSupp[0] in ['ATC', 'ATCvet']:
				codes.append((tupleSupp[0] == 'ATCvet')*'Q' + tupleSupp[1][0] + tupleSupp[1][1])
		# compare with ATClist
		notfound = []
		for code in codes[:]:
			if ATClist.get(code) == page.title():
				del ATClist[code]
		for code in ATClist[:]:
			if ATClist[code] == page.title():
				del ATClist[code]
		codes.sort(lambda s:(s[:1] == 'Q') * 'Z' + s)
		if len(codes) > 0:
			ATCvet = codes[0][0] == 'Q'
			prefix = codes[0][ATCvet:ATCvet+3]
			suffix = codes[0][ATCvet+3:]
			supp = ((idx == 1) *  ',' + ' ').join(['{{ATC' + (code[0] == 'Q') *'vet' + '|'\
				+ code[code[0] == 'Q':(code[0] == 'Q')+3] + '|' + code[(code[0] == 'Q')+3:] + '}}' for code in codes[1:]])
			wikipedia.output('  \03{green} -> ATCvet = %s, prefix = %s, suffix = %s,\nsupplemental = %s\03{default}'\
				% (ATCvet, prefix, suffix, supp))
			# Todo: write ATC codes to infobox # needs BRFA
		if len(notfound) > 0:
			wikipedia.output('  \03{yellow}ATC code(s) %s in %s not found in ATC lists\03{default}' % (notfound, page.title()))
			result += '# %s: ATC code%s %s not found in ATC lists\n' % (page.aslink(), (len(notfound) > 1)*'s', ', '.join(notfound))
	return result

def main():
	global ATClist
	excludeATCvet = ['A07CA', 'J01EA', 'J01EB', 'J01EC', 'J01ED', 'J01EE'] # only fourth-level codes supported
	# Prepare log
	listout = 'Log for the creation of [[ATC code]] redirects<!--, {{tl|drugbox}} and {{tl|chembox}} updates--> ([[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/PotatoBot 3|Task 3]]). Date: %s.\n'\
		% mysave.fmtdate(date.today())
	# Treat links from ATC code pages
	for page in pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(), 'Category:ATC codes'), False):
		if (page.title()[0:8] == 'ATC code' or page.title()[0:11] == 'ATCvet code') and not page.title()[-1:].isalpha():
			wikipedia.output('\n>> ' + page.title())
			text = page.get()
			editTime = page.editTime()
			lines = text.splitlines(True)
			vetalso = text.replace(' ', '').find('vet=no') == -1
			for n in range(len(lines)): 
				listout += fromATClist(lines[n].strip(), vetalso and lines[n][1:6] not in excludeATCvet)
				# Anchors in ATC lists, including redirects
				if lines[n][0:2] == '==':
					level4 = lines[n][0:3] == '==='
					vet = lines[n][2+level4:].strip()[0:1] == 'Q'
					code = lines[n][2+level4:].strip()[:4+level4+vet]
					if code[1+vet:3+vet].isdigit():
						wikipedia.output('> ATC' + vet*'vet' + ' code ' + code)
						listout += mysave.makeredir(wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'ATC' + vet*'vet' + ' code ' + code),
							wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), page.title() + '#' + code),
							'{{R from ATC' + vet*'vet' + ' code|' + code[vet:] + '}}{{R to section|Atc' + vet*'vet'\
							+ ' code ' + code + '}}')
						if not vet and vetalso and code[:5] not in excludeATCvet:
							listout += mysave.makeredir(wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'ATCvet code Q' + code),
								wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), page.title() + '#' + code),
								'{{R from ATCvet code|' + code + '}}{{R to section|Atcvet code Q' + code + '}}')
						if '{{anchor' not in lines[n]:
							lines[n] = lines[n][:2+level4] + '{{anchor|' + code + '}}' + lines[n][2+level4:]
			text = ''.join(lines)
			if text != page.get():
				if editTime == page.editTime():
					listout += mysave.savepage(page, text, 'ATC code anchors for sections', minor = True)
					listout += '# %s: edit conflict occurred\n' % page.aslink()

	# Check ATC codes in {{drugbox}} and {{chembox}} transclusions
	listout += fromTemplate(0) + fromTemplate(1) +\
		''.join(['# [[%s]]: ATC code %s not found in article\n' % (p, a) for (a, p) in ATClist.iteritems()])
	# Todo: direct obsolete redirects at ATC list subsection # needs BRFA
	# Output log
	mysave.savepage(wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'User:PotatoBot/Lists/ATC codes log'), listout, 'Creating [[ATC code]]s log')

if __name__ == "__main__":


# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

import pywikibot as w
import re

# Code for saving redirects and other pages

def savepage(page, text, BRFANo, summary = '', minor = False):
	"""Save text to a page and log exceptions."""
	if summary != '':
		w.setAction(summary + '. See [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/PotatoBot ' + BRFANo + '|approval]]. Report errors and suggestions at [[User talk:PotatoBot]].')
		if not '#' in page.title():
			page.put(text, minorEdit = minor)
			w.output('  \03{green}saving %s -> \03{gray}%s\03{default}' % (page.title(), text))
			return ''
			w.output('  \03{red}cannot save %s because it is a section\03{default}' % page.title())
			return '# %s: this is a secion title' % page.title(aslink=True)
	except w.LockedPage:
		w.output('  \03{red}cannot save %s because it is locked\03{default}' % page.title())
		return '# %s: page was locked\n' % page.title(aslink=True)
	except w.EditConflict:
		w.output('  \03{red}cannot save %s because of edit conflict\03{default}' % page.title())
		return '# %s: edit conflict occurred\n' % page.title(aslink=True)
	except w.SpamfilterError, error:
		w.output('  \03{red}cannot save %s because of spam blacklist entry %s\03{default}' % (page.title(), error.url))
		return '# %s: spam blacklist entry\n' % page.title(aslink=True)
		w.output('  \03{red}unknown error on saving %s\03{default}' % page.title())
		return '# %s: unknown error occurred\n' % page.title(aslink=True)

def resolveredir(page):
	"""Return target if input is a redirect, else return input."""
		if page.isRedirectPage():
				w.output('  \03{gray}resolving redir %s to %s\03{default}'\
					% (page.title(), page.getRedirectTarget().title()))
				return page.getRedirectTarget()
				w.output('  \03{yellow}target %s is a broken redir\03{default}' % page.title())
				return w.Page(w.getSite(), page.title() + ' (broken redirect)')
			return page
		w.output('  \03{yellow}target %s is a bad link\03{default}' % page.title())
		return w.Page(w.getSite(), page.title() + ' (bad link)') # workaround for wikipedia.py breaking wikiasite: links

def makeredir(redirpage, page, BRFANo, templates = ''):
	"""Create a redirect and log existing page that isn't a redirect to the desired article."""
	page = resolveredir(page)
	if redirpage.exists():
		comment = ''
		if redirpage.isDisambig():
			comment = ' (disambiguation)'
			dab = redirpage
		if redirpage.isRedirectPage():
				if redirpage.getRedirectTarget().title() == page.title() or \
						redirpage.getRedirectTarget().sectionFreeTitle() == page.title():
					# Already a redir to the desired article
					return ''
				elif redirpage.getRedirectTarget().isDisambig():
					comment = ' (redirect to disambiguation)'
					dab = redirpage.getRedirectTarget()
					comment = ' (redirect)'
				comment = ' (broken redir)'
		if 'disambiguation' in comment and page in [resolveredir(p) for p in dab.linkedPages()]:
			w.output('  link to %s already on dab page %s' % (page.title(), redirpage.title()))
			return ''
		elif redirpage.title() != page.title():
			w.output('  \03{yellow}redir to %s failed, page %s already exists\03{default}' % (page.title(), redirpage.title()))
			return '# %s: redirecting to %s failed, page already exists%s\n' % (redirpage.title(aslink=True), page.title(aslink=True), comment)
			return ''
	# Else create redirect, or write page name to list if an error occurs
		return savepage(redirpage, '#REDIRECT %s %s' % (page.title(aslink=True), templates), BRFANo, 'Redirect to ' + page.title(aslink=True))

def findATCs(page, includeVet = True):
	"""Look for ATC codes in infoboxes."""
	ATCvet, prefix, suffix, supp = False, '', '', ''
	ATCvetpos, prefixpos, suffixpos, supppos = -1, -1, -1, -1
	templatenames = ('Drugbox', 'Chembox Identifiers')
	templates = page.templatesWithParams()
	for tuple in templates:
		if tuple[0] in templatenames:
			idx = templatenames.index(tuple[0])
			templatepos = templates.index(tuple)
			for param in tuple[1]:
				value = param.partition('=')
				if value[0].strip() == 'ATCvet':
					ATCvet = value[2].strip() == 'yes' and includeVet
					ATCvetpos = tuple[1].index(param)
				elif value[0].strip() == ('ATC_prefix', 'ATCCode_prefix')[idx] and value[2].strip().lower != 'none':
					prefix = value[2].strip()
					prefixpos = tuple[1].index(param)
				elif value[0].strip() == ('ATC_suffix', 'ATCCode_suffix')[idx]:
					suffix = value[2].strip()
					suffixpos = tuple[1].index(param)
				elif value[0].strip() == ('ATC_supplemental', 'ATC_Supplemental')[idx]:
					supp = value[2].strip()
					supppos = tuple[1].index(param)
	codes = (prefix != '') * [(ATCvet*'Q' + prefix + suffix)]
	for tupleSupp in page.templatesWithParams(supp):
		if tupleSupp[0] in ['ATC', 'ATCvet']:
			codes.append((tupleSupp[0] == 'ATCvet')*'Q' + tupleSupp[1][0] + tupleSupp[1][1])
	return (codes, ATCvetpos, prefixpos, suffixpos, supppos)

def addTemplateParam(page, newtemplates, BRFANo, summary = 'Updating template', minor = False):
	text = page.get()
	oldtemplates = page.templatesWithParams()
	pointer = 0
	for i in range(len(oldtemplates)):
		search1 = re.compile(r'\{\{\s*(%s|%s)%s\s*\|' % (oldtemplates[i][0][0].upper(), oldtemplates[i][0][0].lower(),\
			oldtemplates[i][0].replace(' ', '( |_)'))).search(text, pointer)
		if search1:
			pointer = end() - 1
		if newtemplates[i] != oldtemplates[i]:
			if newtemplates[i][0].strip() == oldtemplates[i][0].strip():
				for j in range(len(oldtemplates[i][1])):
					oldparam = oldtemplates[i][1][j].partition('=')
					newparam = newtemplates[i][1][j].partition('=')
					# Todo: unnamed params #
					if newparam[0] == oldparam[0]:
						span = re.compile(r'\|\s*%s\s*=\s*([^|}\s]*)\s*(}|\|)' % oldparam[0]).\
							search(text, pointer).span(1)
						pointer = span(1)
						if newparam[2].strip() != oldparam[2].strip():
							text = text[:span(0)] + newparam[2] + text[span(1):]
						text = text[:] + newtemplates[i][1][j] + text[:]
						pointer = len(text[:] + newtemplates[i][1][j])
				w.output('\03{yellow}template list does not match page %s: %s vs. %s\03{default}' % \
					(page.title(), newtemplates[i][0].strip(), oldtemplates[i][0].strip()))
				return '# %s: template list did not match templates on page' % page.title(aslink=True)
	if text != page.get():
		return savepage(page, text, BRFANo, summary, minor)
		return ''

def fmtdate(date):
	"""Format date in English w style."""
	return '%d %s %d' % (date.day, ('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',\
		'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')[date.month], date.year)