# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import wikipedia as w
import codecs, catlib, re, pagegenerators, time, mysave
from datetime import date
stubtypes = {
'': ('Pharma', 'Pharm', 'Pharmacy', 'Pharmacology', 'Drug'),
'A': ('Gastrointestinal-drug', 'Gastrointestinal-system-drug'),
'B': ('Blood-drug', ),
'C': ('Cardiovascular-drug', 'Cardiovascular-system-drug'),
'C02': ('Antihypertensive', ),
'D': ('Dermatologic-drug', ),
'G': ('Genito-urinary-drug', 'Genito-urinary-system-drug'),
'H': ('Systemic-hormonal-drug', 'Systemic-hormonal-preparation'),
'J': ('Antiinfective-drug', 'Antiinfective-agent', 'Anti-infective-agent', 'Antimicrobial'),
'J01': ('Antibiotic', ), 'J07': ('Vaccine', ),
'L': ('Antineoplastic-drug', ),
'M': ('Musculoskeletal-drug', 'Musculoskeletal-system-drug'),
'N': ('Nervous-system-drug', ),
'N02': ('Analgesic', ), 'N03': ('Anticonvulsant', ), 'N05C': ('Sedative', ),
'Nps': ('Psychoactive', 'Anxiolytic'), 'Npsc': ('Cannabinoid', ), 'Npsh': ('Hallucinogen', ),
'P': ('Antiinfective-drug aux entry', ),
'R': ('Respiratory-system-drug', ),
'S': ('Sensory-organ-drug', ),
'mab': ('Monoclonal-antibody', ),
'str': ('Signaltransduction', ),
navboxes = {
'Stomatological preparations': 'A01', 'Antacids': 'A02A', 'Drugs for peptic ulcer and GORD': 'A02B',
'Drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders': 'A03', 'Antiemetics': 'A04', 'Bile and liver therapy': 'A05',
'Laxatives': 'A06', 'Antidiarrheals, intestinal anti-inflammatory/anti-infective agents': 'A07',
'Antiobesity preparations': 'A08', 'Oral hypoglycemics and insulin analogs': 'A10', 'Vitamin': 'A11',
'Mineral supplements': 'A12', 'Anabolic steroids': 'A14', 'Other alimentary tract and metabolism products': 'A16',
'Antithrombotics': 'B01', 'Antihemorrhagics': 'B02', 'B03, B05, B06': 'B',
'Cardiac glycosides': 'C01A', 'Antiarrhythmic agents': 'C01B', 'Cardiac stimulants excluding cardiac glycosides': 'C01C',
'Vasodilators used in cardiac diseases': 'C01D', 'Sympatholytic antihypertensives': 'C02',
'Nonsympatholytic vasodilatory antihypertensives': 'C02', 'Diuretics': 'C03', 'Peripheral vasodilators': 'C04',
'Vasoprotectives': 'C05', 'Calcium channel blockers': 'C08', 'Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system': 'C09',
'Lipid modifying agents': 'C10',
'Emollients and protectives': 'D02', 'Preparations for treatment of wounds and ulcers': 'D03', 'Antipruritics': 'D04',
'Antipsoriatics': 'D05', 'Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics for dermatological use': 'D06', 'Antiseptics and disinfectants': 'D08',
'Medicated dressings': 'D09', 'Acne Agents': 'D10', 'Other dermatological preparations': 'D11',
'Gynecological anti-infectives and antiseptics': 'G01', 'Uterotonic': 'G02A', 'Birth control methods': 'G02B', 'Labor repressants': 'G02CA',
'Androgens': 'G03B', 'Gonadotropins and GnRH': 'G03G', 'Urologicals, including antispasmodics': 'G04B',
'Drugs used in benign prostatic hypertrophy': 'G04C',
'Pituitary and hypothalamic hormones and analogues': 'H01', 'Corticosteroids for systemic use': 'H02', 'Thyroid therapy': 'H03',
'Calcium homeostasis': 'H05',
'Protein synthesis inhibitor antibiotics': 'J01', 'Cell wall disruptive antibiotics': 'J01', 'Nucleic acid inhibitors': 'J01',
'Other antibacterials': 'J01X', 'Antimycobacterials': 'J04', 'DNA antivirals': 'J05', 'RNA antivirals': 'J05', 'Antiretroviral drug': 'J05',
'Vaccines': 'J07',
'Intracellular chemotherapeutic agents': 'L01', 'Immunostimulants': 'L03', 'Immunosuppressants': 'L04',
'Anti-inflammatory products': 'M01A', 'Antirheumatic products': 'M01C', 'Topical products for joint and muscular pain': 'M02',
'Muscle relaxants': 'M03', 'Antigout preparations': 'M04', 'Drugs for treatment of bone diseases': 'M05',
'General anesthetics': 'N01A', 'Local anesthetics': 'N01B', 'Analgesics': 'N02', 'Antimigraine preparations': 'N02C',
'Anticonvulsants': 'N03', 'Antiparkinson': 'N04', 'Antipsychotics': 'N05A', 'Anxiolytics': 'N05B', 'Hypnotics and sedatives': 'N05C',
'Antidepressants': 'N06A', 'Antihyperkinetics': 'N06B', 'Racetams': 'N06B', 'Anti-dementia drugs': 'N06D', 'Antiaddictives': 'N07B',
'Antivertigo preparations': 'N07C', 'Other nervous system drugs': 'N07X',
'Cannabinoids': 'Npsc', 'Hallucinogens': 'Npsh',
'Chromalveolate antiparasitics': 'P01', 'Excavata antiparasitics': 'P01', 'Agents against amoebozoa': 'P01', 'Anthelmintics': 'P02',
'Anti-arthropod medications': 'P03A',
'Nasal preparations': 'R01', 'Throat preparations': 'R02', 'Drugs for obstructive airway diseases': 'R03',
'Cough and cold preparations': 'R05', 'Antihistamines': 'R06', 'Other respiratory system products': 'R07',
'Ophthalmological anti-infectives': 'S01A', 'Antiglaucoma preparations and miotics': 'S01E', 'Mydriatics and cycloplegics': 'S01F',
'Ocular vascular disorder agents': 'S01L', 'Otologicals': 'S02',
'Antidotes': 'V03AB', 'Drugs for treatment of hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia': 'V03AE',
'Detoxifying agents for antineoplastic treatment': 'V03AF', 'Other therapeutic products': 'V03A', 'Diagnostic agents': 'V04',
'Contrast media': 'V08', 'Radiopharmaceuticals': 'V',
def main():
listout = 'Log for sorting of {{tl|pharma-stub}} and its sub-categories ([[WP:Bots/Requests for approval/PotatoBot 4|Task 4]]). Date: %s.\n'\
% mysave.fmtdate(date.today())
sensorystubs, onlysensorystubs = 0, 0
# Redirs to navboxes
for navbox in navboxes.copy():
navboxpage = w.Page(w.getSite(), 'Template:' + navbox)
for redir in navboxpage.getReferences(redirectsOnly = True):
w.output('> T:%s redirects to T:%s, ATC code %s' % (redir.titleWithoutNamespace(), \
navboxpage.titleWithoutNamespace(), navboxes[navbox]))
navboxes[redir.titleWithoutNamespace()] = navboxes[navbox]
# Fetch ATC code categories
categories = {}
for catpage in pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(w.Page(w.getSite(), 'Template:ATC category'), onlyTemplateInclusion = True):
if catpage.namespace() == 14:
w.output('> ' + catpage.title())
templates = catpage.templatesWithParams()
for tuple in templates:
if tuple[0] == 'ATC category' and len(tuple[1]):
categories[catpage.titleWithoutNamespace()] = tuple[1][0]
w.output(' ATC code ' + tuple[1][0])
# Iterate through pharma stubs
for page in pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(catlib.Category(w.getSite(), 'Category:Pharmacology stubs'), recurse = True):
if page.namespace() == 0:
w.output('\n> ' + page.title())
text = page.get()
langlinks = w.getLanguageLinks(text)
newtext = w.removeLanguageLinks(text)
# Find stub templates
oldATCs = []
for code, list in stubtypes.items():
for title in list:
templ = re.search(r'\{\{\s*[%s%s]%s-stub\s*\}\}' % (title[0], title[0].lower(), title[1:]), newtext)
if templ:
newtext = newtext[:templ.start()] + \
newtext[templ.end() + (newtext[templ.end():templ.end() + 1] == '\n'):]
templ, otherstubs = True, ''
while templ:
templ = re.search(r'\{\{\s*(\w|-)*-stub\s*\}\}', newtext)
if templ:
otherstubs += newtext[templ.start():templ.end()] + '\n'
newtext = newtext[:templ.start()] + \
newtext[templ.end() + (newtext[templ.end():templ.end() + 1] == '\n'):]
w.output(' ATC stub(s) found: %s' % oldATCs)
# Search for new stub types via ATC codes and navboxes
newATCs = mysave.findATCs(page, includeVet = False)[0]
for navbox in navboxes:
if navbox in page.templates() or navbox.replace(' ', '_') in page.templates():
for category in categories:
if category in [catpage.titleWithoutNamespace() for catpage in page.categories()]:
for n in range(len(newATCs)):
while newATCs[n] not in stubtypes:
newATCs[n] = newATCs[n][:-1]
# Get rid of redundant stub types
newATCset = set(newATCs)
if 'P' in newATCset:
ATCset = newATCset | set(oldATCs)
if 'S' in ATCset:
sensorystubs += 1
if ATCset == set(['']):
onlysensorystubs += 1
if '' in ATCset and len(ATCset) > 1:
for ATC in ATCset.copy():
for code in stubtypes.keys():
if code[0:1] == ATC[0:1] and not code == ATC and code in ATCset:
for ATC in ATCset.copy():
if len(ATC) > 1 and ATC[0] in ATCset:
# Save page, log problems
w.output(' updated ATC stub(s): %s' % ATCset)
if otherstubs:
w.output('\03{yellow} Non-pharma stubs found: logging\03{default}')
listout += '# %s: non-pharmacology stub(s) %s found\n' % (page.aslink(), \
otherstubs.replace('{{', '{{tl|').replace('\n', ', '))
strangestubs = ATCset - newATCset - set(('', 'S', 'Nps', 'Npsc', 'Nsph', 'mab', 'str'))
if strangestubs:
w.output('\03{yellow} Unexplained pharma stubs found: logging; %s\03{default}' % strangestubs)
listout += '# %s: unexplained pharmacology stub(s) %s found\n' % (page.aslink(), \
', '.join(['{{tl|' + stubtypes[stub][0].lower() + '}}' for stub in strangestubs]))
if ATCset in (set(oldATCs), set(oldATCs) - set(('', 'S'))):
w.output(' No changes required')
elif len(ATCset) > 3:
w.output('\03{yellow} More than three stub types apply: logging\03{default}')
listout += '# %s: too many stub types apply (%s)\n' % (page.aslink(), \
', '.join(['{{tl|' + stubtypes[ATC][0].lower() + '-stub}}' for ATC in ATCset]))
elif set(('Link GA', 'Link_GA', 'Link FA', 'Link_FA')) & set(page.templates()):
w.output('\03{yellow} GA or FA in other language: logging\03{default}')
listout += '# %s: GA or FA in other language currently can\'t be handled\n' % page.aslink()
newtext = newtext.rstrip()
if 'DEFAULTSORT' in newtext.splitlines()[-1]:
w.output('\03{yellow} DEFAULTSORT below catlinks: logging\03{default}')
listout += u'# %s: {{tl|DEFAULTSORT}} below category links – please check\n' % page.aslink()
mysave.savepage(page, w.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext + '\n\n\n' + \
''.join(['{{' + stubtypes[ATC][0].lower() + '-stub}}\n' for ATC in ATCset]) + otherstubs, langlinks), \
'Stub sorting and placement of stub template(s): ' + \
', '.join([stubtypes[ATC][0].lower() + '-' for ATC in ATCset]) + 'stub', minor = True)
mysave.savepage(w.Page(w.getSite(), 'User:PotatoBot/Lists/Pharma stubs log'), listout + \
"%d potential {{tl|sensory-organ-drug-stub}}s found, of which %d would ''only'' be sorted as such.\n" % \
(sensorystubs, onlysensorystubs), 'Creating log for pharma stub sorting')
if __name__ == "__main__":