NH3 Molecular Orbitals

Molecular structure of Ammonia with the principle rotational axis and projection labels

Ammonia has the following symmetry elements: E, 2C3, 3σv. These symmetry elements classified Ammonia as a C3v point group.

The character table of C3v point group are shown below:

Character Table for C3v[1]
C3v E 2C3 v
A1 1 1 1 z x2+y2, z2
A2 1 1 -1 Rz
E 2 -1 0 (xy), (Rx, Ry) (x2-y2,xy), (xy, yz)

Reducible Representation

C3v E 2C3 v Irreducible Representation
Γσ 3 0 1 A1 + E
Γπ 6 0 0 A1 + A2 + 2E

The 2s and 2Pz orbital individually transforms as A1 irreducible representation, while 2Px and 2Py both transforms as E irreducible representation[2].

Symmetry-Adapted Linear Combinations (SALCs)

(Left) Figure shows each direction of the C3 rotation. (Right) Top view defining each mirror plane.

SALC A1 =  

SALC E(1) =  



Ammonia has a doubly degenerate (E) orbital. Pauli exclusion principle dictates that any two electron can not have the same quantum state and any exchange must be antisymmetric, therefore the second SALC must be orthogonal[3] to the first SALC (E).

SALC E(23) =  

The Molecular Orbitals

Figures A to G are the representations of SALCs and its MOs. The shaded spheres or lobes corresponds to the positive projection coefficient, and similarly, the empty spheres or lobes corresponds to the negative projection coefficient. Figure D to I are derivatives of Figure A to C, where the s and the p orbitals were added.

Energy Levels


Each SALCs has different energy level. The node of each SALC roughly indicate how much energy is in the bond. The Nitrogen atom in ammonia can only participate in σ and π (Px and Py) bonding, whereas the Hydrogen atoms can only participate in σ bonding.

Molecular Orbitals of Ammonia (NH3)

The non-bonding, 2Pz (a1), orbital give raise to the lone pair on Nitrogen atom in Ammonia[4].


  1. ^ Molloy, Kieran C. Group Theory for Chemists. Fundamental Theory and Applications. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Woodhead, 2011. Print. P. 26
  2. ^  Miessler, Gary L., Paul J. Fischer, and Donald A. Tarr. Inorganic Chemistry. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2014. Print. Custom Edition for UCLA. P. 154
  3. ^ Pfennig, Brian W. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. 1st ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. Print. P. 297
  4. ^  Miessler, Gary L., Paul J. Fischer, and Donald A. Tarr. Inorganic Chemistry. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2014. Print. Custom Edition for UCLA. P. 155