Presidents Downloads refers to the YouTube Channel, website, or the company building owned by Mr. Man. The location of each URL, in corresponding order, are located here:

  1. YouTube Channel
  2. Website
  3. Location of Company (?)



The Presidents Downloads site, as well as their business as a whole, was created by Mr. Man. No photos of Mr. Man have been found, despite countless attempts by the public. Any photos taken of Mr. Man have either been destroyed by an unknown group of individuals or mysteriously disappear within mere minutes. Should the photographer take more than one photo of Mr. Man, exactly 1 hour later they will be missing. The first occurrence of a missing person was in the July of 2003, in which 26 year old photojournalist Aysha Joyce attempted to take multiple photos of Mr. Man upon spotting him in Bolivar, Venezuela. A total of 68 occurrences of missing persons following Joyce's disappearance have since followed into 2020. For this reason, police have strictly prohibited the taking of photos of Mr. Man. Mr. Man's anonymity and the public's lack of ability to show pictures of his face have sparked various memes, such as the one below:

Internet discussions on popular social media platforms such as Reddit and 4-Chan have contained people claiming to have seen Mr. Man, and displaying hand drawn images of his apparent appearance. However, due to the copious amounts of differences between every drawing, many have denied the artist actually seeing Mr. Man's face.



The Presidents Downloads company building, as well as their development centers, are located in Nigeria. It was initially proposed that the Presidents Downloads company building was located in Uganda, though a leaked IP address from one of the company's supercomputers revealed their building is located within 500 miles radius from Tinapa Resort. Due to limited information and the refusal to describe specifically where the company is by Mr. Man, it is unknown in which exact region of Nigeria Presidents Downloads is located. It has been speculated by government officials that the refusal to disclose the Presidents Downloads company building location is intended to mitigate the chances of terrorist attacks or other violent raids. Many Nigerian citizens have refused the idea that the Presidents Downloads building is located in Nigeria, and some others refuse to believe that the building exists in the first place. While a few tourists, mainly from South America have claimed to have seen the building for themselves, accounts regarding the physical aspect of the building are completely unique from others. For example, on June 17, 2001, South American tourist Fernandez Garcia was found bleeding profusely on a patch of grass in Agodi Gardens. After regaining consciousness in a local Nigerian hospital, he reported to police that while taking a photograph of the Presidents Downloads building, three men in balaclava masks punched him in the face and continued assaulting him. Upon losing consciousness, Garcia suspects that the three men put him into the trunk of their car before dumping his body into the garden. Garcia states that the Presidents Downloads building was massive and painted neon green, with an adobe roof design.

Several head traumas and concussions issued on Garcia rendered him unable to recall any more information.



The Presidents Downloads business is directly related to the election of every U.S. President to date. Due to their advanced algorithms, this has been an easy yet monumental accomplishment for the Presidents Downloads company.

YouTube Channel


Their YouTube Channel is simply named, "Presidents Downloads." It contains clips featuring conservative speaker/political commentator Ben Shapiro, who joined the channel in early December of 2020.

Attempted Hacking/Vandalism


The Presidents Downloads company, as well as their websites and other affiliated businesses, have been continually vandalized and abused by many individuals. An estimated 5,210 attempted hacks from hacktivist groups such as Anonymous have occurred over a span of just 3 years. In order to prevent further actions of vandalism, Mr. Man updated algorithms around his entire business.