THE MYSTERY OF HEAVEN: AFTER DEATH:How many of us have paused to think of what actually become of us when we die? After death,what next?This question has been asked over centuries. Eve gazed , with sorrowful eyes at the body of her beloved Abel: "Where has his soul gone?" she seemed to have thought. One time or the other, many of us have witnessed the corpse of a friend or relative and wondered what exactly becomes of him or her, We know that the body is nomally interred, but what happens to the soul which is believed not to die? is it in heaven rejoicing in happy reunion with God and the angels of God? or receiving everlasting punishment? Or further still, is that the end of body and soul as some people believe that once dead, one for ever is dead? The Bible which contains the words of God makes us understand clearly that a human being is made up of body soul and spirit 1Thessalonians 5:23 Genesis 2:7 aslo tells us that the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. The"body" is dust and is mortal, but the "soul or spirit" is immortal. When death occurrs, the soul and spirit leave the body completely and the body is laid to rest under the ground ( Acts7:59-60) in other words, a person stop breathing. The breath departs, the body returns to earth ( dust) and all consciousness ceases.On that day, all though perish, ( Psalm 146:4) Such is death.The soul and the spirit does not died although the Bible does not use the word "Immortality" for man, Immortality is used in 1Timothy 1:17. "Now unto the king enternal, immortal, invisible, the only wish God, be honored and glory for ever and ever Amem." Here, the Apostle Paul is referring to Jesus Christ as he further expresse in 1Timothy 8:15-16" the blessed and only Sovereign the King of Kings the Lord of Lord's, who are alone gas Immortality........The. Apostle Paul, made it clear to Christian in Corinth that when they expect to become immortal, the trumpet will have sounded and the dead shall shall be raised incorruptible; those who are alive shall be changed because the moral must put on Immortality,and all both dead alive, shall be caught up together in the cloud to meet the Lord in the air. lmmortality is not a present possession of man and not a prize to be sought after, but a reward for patience and continuances in well doing. Paul's letter to the Romans, Chapter 2, verse 7 put it: "to those who by patience in well doing seek for glory and honour an Immortality, he will give enternal life"God will render to every man according to his works, If a person is already saved, I mean if he is born again in Christ, he is going to have the immortal soul through the experience of regeneration. There is a difference between moral and immortal soul.God initially gave man an immortal soul. The Bible states it clearly in the book of Genesis that the Lord God formed man of the dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul, if a man does not have an immortal soul, what did you think will happen to him when he dies? Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 says:For the living know not that thay will die,but the dead know nothing, and that have no more reward,but the memory of them is lost. Their love their hate and their envy have already perished.and they have no more for ever and share in all that is done under the sun" It man moral soul that dies and perishes.