Trey aka Treiyh claims to be an 18 year old young man, if that is even his name... Research has found that Trey, born on the 2nd April 1956 is actually a 65 year old man, who is a predator on the loose, hunting down Peaches in Germany. He was born on a baseball field full of turtles, which is how his love for baseball and turtles are explained. His cousin Gerald was born on the same day and was among the thousands of turtles. The reason for the amount of turtles on that baseball field is still unknown.

He moved to a ranch in Texas when he was 40, where he lives in a one room because that is all he needs. He has snakes and turtles in his mini fridge, always ready to bite any visitors which is why he was single for a long time. He also has all the turtles, who were present at his birth in the barn. His goal is to learn as much about human reproduction as possible to become an anatomy teacher and destroy many kids' lives.

When he met his crush named Mikasa, he was very confused since she was an anime character. He then posted about his confusion online, ultimately causing it to be featured on the sad cringe subreddit. In the end, he chose to go for Mikasa, and is now engaged with her. Their marriage is planned to be on the 1st April 2022, probably so Mikasa can just yell "IT'S A JOKE" in the end.

His biggest accomplishment was safely destroying a bomb two years in the future, winning the peace novel prize in 2023.

He is a very cool person if he is not currently roasting people, which he does 24/7. His personality traits include being very funny, and creative, but it is rumored that he is actually a sociopath.

Anyways, he has a good relationship with a Queen Peachyyy, who is a great person to be around. Unfortunately, she is slowly turning into fried peach, since he can't stop roasting her.

His favorite food is cat intestines, which is why he really enjoys anatomy class.