And so arises the crucial issue where the rights of a child are suppressed and withdrawn by physical or mental torture causing retardation in child’s personality, mind, health, character and nature and so termed as child abuse. Any factor damaging child’s emotions, ruining mentally or physically covers the title of “CHILD ABUSE“.As its a vast terminology there’s a difficulty with people in getting it and so cause of illiteracy as well. Child abuse victim can be of any age less than 18, but the most famous cases reported lie between 2 to 17 age in the form of degradation of child, ignoring, usage of inappropriate language,  forcing, sexual and other non-sexual abuses.[1]

AND MAN...!!!WHY...???

So what urges the beasts to attack and mission  the innocent victims. Research reveals that people, victims of child abuse of their times hold this lineage and recapitulate the phenomenon. People who are economically unstable or belong to the poor class cajole their off springs towards labour(a kind of child abuse). And if a child retards this illegal act has to face an acute brutality.

A child is your heart, not to push your filthy cart. Educational institutions are there workshop. A child is meant to perform all the duties it’s supposed to, primarily education, and gain all of the rights covering food, shelter, protection, care and affection. Sometimes parents indirectly become a part of this crime cause the reason of lacking parenting skills. High ill literary rate do also supports this.

As per the system there’s a bulging ratio of undesired child birth. This might be a case  when the parents wanted a boy and got the birth of a girl and vice versa. And in some cases on child at all. Such children are at high risk of being affected by any form of child abuse.[2] Many people are addicted to drugs , alcohol, inappropriate conversation and habits ,and so performing all these activities could be the source of child abuse too which directly affects the mental health.

There’s an another scenario when the parents or any kind of person have been through a lot of hardships and struggles, and so life has made then aggressive, rude and mean. And yet these kind of personalities are don’t even in their control too, they can’t manage their temper and so with no matter who ever gets it touch with these kind of persons gets highly affected too.


In a nutshell all of these listed activities are the accentuated basis of this crime, a disastrous sequel turning youngsters out of order. They  start act kind of bellicose behaviour, showing depression,  stress, antisocial activity, suppressing emotions, trust issues, nightmares, and extremism in deportment .Child abuse being awfully dreadful requires to be eradicated by stepping ahead toward;

·     Show tenderness, regards, and devotion towards the victim and let him/her spit out all embedded inside.

·     Win his/her trust so he/she could  share emotions or issues frankly.

·     Make sure there isn’t any dearth of primary requirements and needs and possibly provide the best healthy environment.


Victims can be identified by physical means,

The ere might be bruises or deep scars, belt prints or bleedings or mentally scared. In case you are suspicious contact the victim as soon as possible.


Globally 1 billion children aged 2-17 are in its catch. Target 16.2 of 2030 agenda is to eliminate child exploitation,  labour and abuse.