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  2. Look at the text under it to see whether the repeated word is intentional. Intentionally repeated words on this list are called false positives. See below for examples.
  3. If it is a false positive, put a strikethrough through the article entry on this list. Outside the strikethrough, write out why it is a false positive if it is non-obvious.
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  1. Firefox 1.0 can't search in textareas directly. However, a workaround exists that helps to quickly locate a search string using the "Highlight" feature. Instructions:
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    5. Click on the "Highlight" button in the toolbar
    6. Now scroll through the text area; all occurrences of the search text will be marked in bright yellow
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    9. Rinse, repeat, save the page
  2. Set in your preferences to mark edits minor by default and to not watch articles you edit by default.

4 done here

  1. A_Hard_Day's_Night_(movie)
    immediately decided that that was going to be the
  2. A_Hard_Day's_Night_(song)
    immediately decided that that was going to be the
  3. Abstract_interpretation
    may safely conclude that that person was not prese
  4. Abundance_of_the_chemical_elements
    the ocean, but note that that list is by mass - a
  5. Adolph_Wagner
    thin the University, that that deputy challenged hi
  6. Adoption_(theology)
    er to be his son, so that that son has the same pos
  7. Adventure_game
    preters, he realized that that type of software was
  8. Aerial_bombing_of_cities
    state categorically that that aerial bombardment o
  9. Aether_(fictional_planet)
    [Meteor]] similar to that that crashed into the [[C
  10. Air_New_Zealand
    Ansett. On condition that that deal went through, S
  11. Al-Qaeda
    ks]], upon realizing that that is the name the Amer
  12. Al_Gore_presidential_campaign,_2000
    he time to recognize that that which unites us is g
  13. Aladdin_(movie)
    being on Earth, and that that honor belongs to the
  14. An_eye_for_an_eye
    an eye, etc." means that that is what the perpetra
  15. Anarcho-capitalism
    ly arrangements, and that that private agreement is
  16. Angels_in_America:_A_Gay_Fantasia_on_National_Themes
    lephone. Making sure that that timid [[yid]] [[nebb
  17. Anonymous_subroutine_objects_pattern
    . It just so happens that that is exactly what //Me
  18. Anti-American_sentiment
    t she actually said) that that was a strategy Germa
  19. Ape_Canyon
    of the creatures and that that night a large group
  20. Arthur_Travers_Harris
    not possible to say that that aerial bombardment o
  21. Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution
    s a fair implication that that it must be sufficien
    dment itself — that that particular stipulati
  1. B8ZS
    ent, it is important that that pattern is not sent.
  2. Baal
    wn of Melqart's cult that that reasoning is not dec
  3. Balliol_College_in_fiction
    formation, to ensure that that freedom was not abus
    ong, it became known that that attempt was a failur
  4. Bar_(diacritic)
    shaded box indicates that that case of the letter d
  5. Barnabas
    think it more likely that that epistle was written
  6. Bayes_factor
    matic result, saying that that ''M''<sub>1</sub> co
  7. Beck's_theorem
    ts ''C'', ''K'' such that that given any ''n'' poin
  8. Bernard_Lord
    hot down any notions that that might happen, choosi
  9. Big_Day_Out
    7]] it was announced that that year's event would t
  10. Biofact
    , it may be inferred that that species was being gr
  11. Black_Wednesday
    commentators believe that that event is a key reaso
  12. Bob_Foster
    It is also believed that that fight is one of only
  13. Books_of_Samuel
  14. Borchester
    ingdom|city status]] that that usually implies.
    d partly on the hill that that mark the Vale's West
  15. Bradley_Amendment
    f law as of the date that that it is due and unpaid
  1. Calvin_and_Hobbes
    I like the tension that that creates, where you'v
  2. Cantor's_theorem
    48), where he shows that that there are more [[pro
  3. Cass_Elliot
    r imagination adding that that the sandwich contain
  4. Category_of_being
    some say, we can say that that relation has being.
  5. Charles_Brehm
    to it. I do believe that that (third) shot was wil
  6. Charles_Dickens_and_Jews
    ch the story refers, that that class of criminal al
  7. Children_of_God
    so totally satisfied that that was not Berg's only
  8. Chinese_abacus
    an abacus]] suggests that that was the ultimate sou
  9. Christine_Gregoire
    when it was revealed that that she belonged to an a
  10. Churchill_White_Paper,_1922
    s are unfounded, and that that Declaration, re affi
  11. Classful_network
    r, it became obvious that that would not be enough.
  12. Cloneproof_Schwartz_Sequential_Dropping
    ers, CSSD guarantees that that candidate will win.
  13. Cold_War_(1953-1962)
    osevelt]] proclaimed that that the US assume the ro
  14. Comic_Relief
    f/story.shtml]. Note that that site has not been up
  15. Compact_set
    n, by which is meant that that part of the boundary
  16. Computer_numbering_formats
    a shock to find out that that is the way it happen
  17. Conquest_of_Space
    is inhospitable and that that it is going to be a
  18. Constitutional_history_of_Australia
    the only link being that that monarch ''was'' Brit
  19. Conundrum_(Star_Trek)
    elds. It is apparent that that alien vessel is adeq
  20. Copyleft
    ssible to them), and that that extra involvement ca
  21. Cornett
    evidently are agreed that that latter criterion is
  22. Cosmological_argument
    the characteristics that that name implies.
  23. Counterfeit
    economists estimate that that would have seriously
  24. Creation_and_evolution_in_public_education
    while the Court held that that particular statute w
  1. DJ_Marky
    he time, he was told that that kind of music was fo
  2. Dagome_Iudex
    e is no doubt today, that that name describes [[Mie
  3. Dan_Rather
    an't and don't argue that that is coverage without
  4. Daniel_Morgan
    ld arrived to remark that that man was with a regim
  5. Daniel_Patrick_Moynihan
    ominant society, and that that dependence still exi
  6. Danny_Nalliah
    , the judge declared that that would not be appropr
  7. David_Margesson,_1st_Viscount_Margesson
    s soundings revealed that that majority was imperil
  8. Diminished_responsibility
    [[defendant]] argues that that although they broke
  9. Doctor_Thirteen
    the goal of proving that that allegation is ground
  10. DomainKeys
    me regarded as proof that that E-mail is a forgery.
  11. Dovber_of_Mezeritch
    was made to believe that that part of the sermon b
  1. ELO_rating_system
    kes this as evidence that that player's rating is t
  2. ES_EVM
    erally less advanced that that of [[IBM]].
  3. Eamon_de_Valera
    deliberately decided that that is not the reply I s
  4. Earthsea
    er, and then claimed that that was what Tolkien "in
  5. Easy_Finder
    KCEE]]. It was found that that book was plagiarized
  6. Edgar_Cayce
    in reincarnation but that that view was expunged fr
  7. Edward_Sabine
    e Moon, establishing that that celestial body too h
  8. Edward_Stanley,_15th_Earl_of_Derby
    ountered. He thought that that should be the normal
  9. EgyptAir_Flight_990
    223, with the result that that flight had to be can
  10. Empirical_Bayes_method
    seline period, given that that customer's "accident
  11. Entheogen
    s already there) nor that that which is experienced
  12. Erasistratus
    his stepmother, and that that was what was ailing
  13. Ethical_non-naturalism
    ome natural property that that natural process dete
    d?" And the point is that that would always be an '
    o Moore -- is to say that that proves nothing. ''Ev
  14. Expectiminimax_tree
    eing the probability that that child is reached.
  1. FairPlay
    d to play the tracks that that particular user boug
  2. Fall_of_the_Ottoman_Empire
    sion, on the grounds that that the Ottoman armies c
  3. Fanon
    f the Daleks]]'' was that that they were aware that
    o happen in the past that that would give rise to t
  4. Faurisson_affair
    ti-Semite. I presume that that point too is not sub
  5. Fernando_Pessoa
    nce one could assume that that was the authorially
  6. Feynman_diagram
    notation only means that that fermion is not the p
  7. Fifth_Ecumenical_Council
    refore, most justly, that that letter had not been
  8. File_Allocation_Table
    * a zero to note that that cluster is unused
  9. Fine_Gael
    mmentators predicted that that would leave Fine Gae
  10. First_principles
    and the [[dualism]] that that task, in his view, e
  11. Fitness_function
    netic algorithm]] so that that particular chromosom
  12. Ford_Falcon
    nufacturers realised that that former strategy woul
  1. # Gallicanism
    he popes. It is true that that Article made respect
  2. Gertrude_Chandler_Warner
    her critics thought that that would encourage chil
  3. Gettysburg_Address
    who gave their lives that that nation might live. I
    ere gave their lives that that nation might live. I
    ere gave their lives that that nation might live. I
  4. Girsanov's_theorem
    igma,F\}</math> such that that [[Radon-Nikodym deri
  5. Glory_Road
    eggs, she tells him that that is why it is uniquel
  6. Godsmack
    s band mate told him that that was a "godsmack."
  7. Goenitz
    f comission. Sensing that that was not all the youn
  8. Goldstein's_book
    of The Book, he knew that that must be Goldstein's
    You foresaw yourself that that was what it would sa
  9. Gothic_rock
    was owed to the fact that that was the scene from w
  1. Habitus
    refigures everything that that person may choose to
  2. Hataitai
    it was subsequent to that that the suburb became a
  3. Henri_Bergson
    thoughts. I am sure that that philosophy has a gre
  4. Henry_Wriothesley,_3rd_Earl_of_Southampton
    ton's patronage, and that that nobleman had refused
  5. History_of_Cape_Colony_from_1870_to_1899
    "You do not suppose that that flag is going to dis
  6. History_of_the_United_Kingdom
    604]], who indicated that that henceforth he and hi
  7. Hoedown
    only requirement is that that the second and fourt
  8. House_of_Leaves
    It's possible that that one of the most tell
  9. Hubble_Space_Telescope
    s Administrator said that that he would review his
  10. Humanitarian_response_to_the_2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake
    resident Bush saying that that amount will probably
  1. I'm_Sorry_I_Haven't_A_Clue
    gised, but explained that that was an unavoidable p
  2. INTERCAL_programming_language
    programmer would say that that was absurd. Since th
  3. ISO_9000
    * Prove that that is what happened ''(
  4. Iaoue
  5. Identical_particles
    interesting to note that that antisymmetric wavefu
  6. Identity_and_change
    erty''. The only way that that fact ''can'' change
  7. Incidence_algebra
    , b'']. One can show that that element is invertibl
  8. Individual
    ny people don't feel that that body holds the same
  9. Inference
    ling. You infer from that that your neighbour upsta
  10. Infinite_divisibility
    t increments'' means that that difference is [[stat
  11. Inoke_Kubuabola
    Kubuabola countered that that meant proportional r
  12. Irrational_number
    negation and showing that that leads to a contradic
  13. Islamic_calendar
    mpressed the Meccans that that year became known as
  14. Island_(novel)
    es out. The replies that that is silly, since all
  15. Israeli_peace_camp
    ore over, they claim that that "land for peace" dea
  16. Israelite
    e author had in mind that that tribe had already di
  17. Italian_sail_battleships
    ter a name indicates that that ship survived until
  1. Jane_Akre
    FOX did not dispute that that it tried to force Ak
  2. Jeopardy!
    d. The producer said that that would be way too muc
  3. John_21
    en if he should wish that that disciple remain aliv
  4. John_Lucas_(philosopher)
    ' in which he argues that that a human [[mathematic
  5. John_Sanford
    book, Julian decided that that was what he wanted t
  6. Joseph_de_Maistre
    all sovereign power that that its decisions should
  7. July_1922_in_the_United_Kingdom
    xpressed the opinion that that stock must have been
  8. June_1922_in_the_United_Kingdom
    government, and said that that rule would undoubted
  1. Laci_Peterson
    out his wife, adding that that did not mean he was
  2. Laszlo_Almasy
    ] and Almasy claimed that that he found Zerzura in
  3. Latin_Patriarch_of_Constantinople
    triarch of Rome held that that meant the other four
  4. Leon_David_(assassin_of_Malcolm_X)
    tings it was decided that that the only place that
  5. Linguistic_universal
    verwhelmingly likely that that language will use [[
  6. List_of_Harry_Potter_chapter_titles_in_other_languages
    [[rubi]], indicating that that is how the kanji are
  7. List_of_post-nominal_letters
    dividual to indicate that that individual holds a p
  8. London_Congestion_Charge
    e]], it seems likely that that the enlarged zone wi
  9. Long_(Sheepshead)
    are, on a long suit, that that Ace WILL become schm
  1. Magali_Febles
    rm this, saying only that that seems like an intere
  2. Magic_(paranormal)
    mundane reality, and that that reality may have law
  3. Magic_School_Bus_episode_guide
    finds out at the end that that ''was'' what caused
  4. Malpractice
    suits. Lawyers note that that is because of the ex
  5. Manuel_Martín-Oar
    undertaken. He said that that country [Iraq] would
  6. Marc_Almond
    artist, as he feels that that would imply that his
  7. Marigolds
    : ''I know that that moment marked the en
  8. Max_Weber
    Weber's decision was that that essay has provided t
  9. Maximize_Affirmed_Majorities
    hers, MAM guarantees that that candidate will win.
  10. Michel_Foucault
    fic]] discourse, and that that changed over time, i
  11. Military_engineer
    to destroy something that that same engineer design
  12. Miracles_of_Jesus
    e devil really means that that person was suffering
  13. Moctezuma_II
    ''Because true it is that that is what they yearn f
  14. Mod_(computer_gaming)
    ost modern equipment that that country has to offer
  15. Monarchism
    he cultural heritage that that represents, as well
  16. Monetary_policy
    and everyone accepts that that is money. This allo
  17. Moral_hazard
    ay. Lincoln conceded that that was what the law all
  18. Moro_Crater_Massacre
    the newspapers said that that meekest and mildest
  19. Music_of_the_Gambia
    eard, told the group that that was the style they s
  20. My_Name_is_Ivan
    sapling and declares that that which is hard shall
  1. Native_American_Graves_Protection_and_Repatriation_Act
    ve Americans believe that that label can be applied
  2. Near_v._Minnesota
    Near argued that that law violated the [[F
  3. Network_address_translation
    f the router detects that that server has gone down
  4. New_Historians
    onal Israeli view is that that displacement was nei
  5. Nicholas_Ferrar
    Here he lays charges that that Smith and his son-in
  6. Noel_Gallagher
    s quick to point out that that would be very bad fo
  7. Non-cognitivism
    se; it can be argued that that aspect is also the b
  8. Nothing_in_Biology_Makes_Sense_Except_in_the_Light_of_Evolution
    ]] on [[Earth]], and that that diversity cannot be
  9. Nudism
    issionaries]] argued that that is more civilized.
  1. Oakland_Athletics
    ized at the time was that that number would remain
  2. Objectivist_philosophy - quote
    case. Don't you see that that is one of the reason
  3. Odd_John
    lack of 'kindliness' that that philosophy seemed to
  4. One_Minute_Silence
    dies. The band felt that that respect was often "m
  5. Ordinary_language_philosophy
    r ordinary uses, and that that is why philosophers
  6. Orpington
    k of fuel of bombers that that entailed) and also t
  1. Palestinian_exodus
    [Jew]]ish state, and that that understanding stood
  2. Pantograph
    ight angle, implying that that "pen" end is likewis
  3. Papal_Tiara
    there is no evidence that that coronation oath is b
  4. People's_Daily
    ften taken as a sign that that official is rising.
  5. ???
    John 8:20 indicates that that is where Jesus was.
  6. Peter_Jensen
    ators were sceptical that that goal could be met in
  7. Phase_Shift_armor
    ke Gundam, estimated that that particular mobile su
  8. Phenylketonuria
    id]] which indicated that that was the substance in
  9. Phonograph_cylinder
    a in the public mind that that company's product we
  10. Physiological_plant_disorders
  11. ???
    an be equally argued that that the Three Tenors hav
  12. Podge_and_Rodge
    Not that that stopped him.
  13. Podiatrist
    , it does acknowlege that that candidate has been j
  14. Policy_Analysis_Market
    ects the probability that that event will actually
  15. Political_status_of_Taiwan
    ed from past actions that that is indeed why the fl
  16. Post-nominal_letters
    dividual to indicate that that individual holds a p
  17. Production_theory_basics
    or example, indicate that that level of output coul
  18. Public-key_cryptography
    y provides assurance that that user (and no other)

1 entry done here.

  1. RISC
    le instructions, and that that was the reason no on
  2. Race_hazard
    d the other's signal that that channel has been sta
  3. Random_ballot
    ion of total support that that result has in all th
  4. Ranked_Pairs
    thers, RP guarantees that that candidate will win.
  5. Recurring_South_Park_characters
    h. Jimbo reminds him that that was exactly not the
  6. Red_Pyramid
    underway &mdash; and that that pyramid may by then
  7. Regional_accents_of_English_speakers
    It should be noted that that the three ridings of
  8. Relative_density
    of water is because that that is the easiest way t
  9. Republic_Advisory_Committee
    to be 101 - suggests that that issue might not have
  10. Restoration_comedy
    the last few decades that that statement has become
  11. Robert_Rauschenberg
    tening of experience that that implies. In this re
  12. Rogers_Commission_Report
    es of the launch but that that technical concern ha
    ous inspections, but that that finding had been lar
  13. Rube_John_Sofer
    ys", it was revealed that that was the nickname he
  1. Schala
    a and the Gurus knew that that would end in disaste
  2. Schreckstoff
    ??? that that ???
  3. Scientific_skepticism
    t they truly believe that that they are exhibiting
  4. Scots_Guards
    ue to the casualties that that the Guards had suffe
  5. Second-order_logic
    necessarily implies that that set does not satisfy
  6. Second_Lateran_Council
    :''We decree that that which was enacted in
    :''We decree that that pernicious and detes
    penalty of anathema that that deadly and God-detes
  7. Sense_data<s?
    course you can guess that that phrase is open to di
  8. Shakespeare's_reputation
    [[1623]]. The fact that that folio went into anot
  9. Skinner_v._Oklahoma
    basis for inferring that that line has any signifi
  10. Social_proof
    and therefore assume that that is an appropriate mo
  11. ???
    crossfingering, and that that the drone is tuned t
  1. TV-am
    til some years after that that the ITV stations ext
  2. Taiwanese_name
    a Han surname meant that that person was now enter
  3. Taphonomy
    one can either infer that that organism was present
  4. Technical_analysis
    t implicitly assumes that that market is not effici
  5. Ted_Bundy
    rent of electricity, that that current be passed th
  6. Temperature_record_of_the_past_1000_years
    imate Science]. Note that that article incorrectly
  7. Temple_Mount
    Mount. It was feared that that part of the wall mig
  8. Terni
    on the attested fact that that emperor took care to
  9. Tetragrammaton
    h&#8221; and believe that that indicates that God&#
  10. The_Last_Word
    pticism, he believes that that very skepticism may
  11. The_Lifehouse_Chronicles
    mmer [[2001]] states that that project is on hold i
  12. The_existence_of_physical_objects
    objects might claim that that particular property
  13. The_meaning_of_meaning
    realize at that time that that object is a planet,
  14. Theory_of_The_Unconscious_Guardian
    ciente Protector]] ) that that primary duty is divi
  15. Theory_of_conduct
    ong. It is the fact that that rule is in place tha
  16. Thirteen_Years'_War
    m [[Slupsk]], hoping that that would secure norther
  17. Thirty-eight_Minutes
    , and McKay realizes that that there is only one wa
  18. Thomas_15X_Johnson
    tings it was decided that that the only place that
  19. Thomas_Hood
    haracters, believing that that process best enabled
  20. Three_Laws_of_Robotics
    ther crime, exclaims that that is impossible, becau
  21. Tifinagh
    oenician script, and that that might motivate trans
  22. Time_travel
    erybody's brain, and that that ability is "turned o
  23. Tom_Schieffer
    effer said: "I think that that would be a difficult
  24. Touch_and_Go_Records
    f 1976]] which holds that that a grant of a copyrig
  25. Transcendental_meditation
    logy completely, and that that is the goal of human
  26. Truthmaker
    ion will simply deny that that proposition could be
  27. Tuberculosis
    sumption, for it was that that brought him down to
  28. Tycho_Celchu
    d. Later, he learned that that was the moment when
  1. U.S._presidential_election,_2004_timeline
    ter it becomes clear that that audio engineering pl
  2. USS_Angler_(SS-240)
    ed as requested, and that that was the cause of the
  3. Unassigned_Lands
    e put forth the view that that area was now [[Publi
  4. United_Ireland
    nationalists retort that that decline is for reaso
  5. United_Socialist_Workers'_Party_(Brazil)
    ts members concluded that that party no longer offe
  6. Universally_Unique_Identifier
    easonable confidence that that identifier will neve
  1. Value_of_Earth
    if there is evidence that that yielded resource uni
  2. Villa_Capra_"La_Rotonda"
    ld not have foreseen that that the house he commiss
  3. Virtue_jurisprudence
    It can be argued that that even virtuous citize
  4. Volkert_van_der_Graaf
    hat he was confident that that wouldn't happen. Th
    , Van der Graaf said that that was also the case fo
  5. Vowel
    onsensus seems to be that that is stretching things
  1. Wallflower_(comics)
    to be like him, and that that was why she'd "avoid
  2. Wandering_Jew
    among the brethren, that that disciple would not d
  3. Waterloo_station
    d Footbridge]] means that that is no longer possibl
  4. Weak_agnosticism
    of the world to know that that can't be true)."
  5. Wedge_Antilles
    know.) Rumour has it that that Y-Wing pilot was [[H
  6. Werewolf
    been so long extinct that that pious monarch was hi
  7. Western_Wall
    and years, believing that that spot has greater hol
  8. William_Bradley_(assassin)
    tings it was decided that that the only place that
    • No such article
  9. William_Henley
    and he did not know that that was so intimate and
  10. William_Kissam_Vanderbilt_II
    rganized his will so that that upon his death the '
  11. William_Shakespeare
    1616]]) and the fact that that folio went into anot
  12. William_Thomson,_1st_Baron_Kelvin
    I have never doubted that that impression was utter
  13. Willie_Garvin
    nds with Willie, and that that was why he could wri
  1. but Vaughan insists that that is incidental. He s
  1. Zell_Miller
    s sober up and admit that that dog won't hunt? Secu
  2. Zinc
    t in the West to say that that "zincum" was a new m