Mr. Rajesh shikhare, master in dramatics has been a part of the entertainment industry from last 15 years and has directed around 20 odd television shows that includes daily soaps,Thrillers & Mythological.Having directed some music video's in Hindi and Marathi,he also has 12 years of Theater experience in Drama in both Hindi and Marathi. Mr.Shikhare has also written some books like Kabutrono ke dane,Dhed Roti and Bakra In Hindi language along with a Hindi feature film script " Solomon " ( yet to go on floor ). Some other skills to add to his profile would be that he possesses a great creative vision along with a strong leadership. A Director who has been constantly upgrading his knowledge and skill in the field of Film and Television media, especially in Script writing

and editing along with Direction and whose main aim is to give a strong message about society and life in general though Indian Cinema.