User:RM395/Course/Edit wars/Iron Maiden

Which is more famous?


The concern of the edit war about "Iron Maiden" is whether the British heavy metal band is more famous than the medieval torture device for which the band is named. The debate on the Iron Maiden talk page has a statement by one user that neither topic falls under what can be described as "clearly dominant" in Wikipedia's terms. I think perhaps the root of the issue here is that rabid heavy metal fans seriously do believe the long-running and still-active heavy metal band is obviously more famous.

Target of Redirect vs. Ambiguity


A huge point of discussion on the talk page that is rather hilarious surrounds the "target of redirect", concerning that upon searching for iron maiden, a user is taken immediately to the disambiguation page. The question is whether the topic is ambiguous at all. There is a long running argument as to whether or not capitalizing the name as "Iron Maiden", rather than "Iron maiden", leaves the term ambiguous. Then there is an argument against this stating that any typical user searching on Wikipedia typically would not capitalize in the search bar, even if they are looking for a band. It's just ridiculous.



Upon reading this section further, I noticed that this edit war specifically is marked under the scope of WikiProject: Disambiguation, a WikiProject concerned ambiguous terms and cleaning up redirection pages. On the talk page, it shows two instances in which a user has requested for the topic to be "moved" to a disambiguation page. Subsequently, other users can put forth an "oppose" claim or an "agree" claim as to whether or not the page should be moved. Both attempts failed. At one point of discussion, it was suggested that the band Iron Maiden should be directed to a page that reads like "Iron Maiden (band)"; however, at the bottom of the page those in support of the band have argued against this and the band should only have to be described as "Iron Maiden". At the very bottom of the talk page it is stated that "Iron Maiden" as a proper noun describes the band, "Iron maiden (torture)" (seriously?) describes the torture device, and "Iron Maiden (comics)" should described the comic book character of the same name. Afterward, another user typed a snarky comment like "a lack of responses doesn't mean you won".



It may never end. Fans of the band are passionate that the band is the main point of discussion and those who deny this are passionate about being able to deny this claim.