Is there any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added?

- The article has very little information of personal life, mostly focusing on the career spent playing hockey.The l lack of family information or even information about growing up. Junior career before making it to Junior A is missing from the biography although is within a citation and should be added to the biography itself. Also the type of player or role Sandy played on the ice is missing from this biography. As well as the post career information is also minimal and could be added to the biography.

Reference has information in the article that is not used within the biography that could be important information

- One of the sources cited brings me to a page discussing Sandy being accused of racial slur and the alleged accusations, which is important speed bump in his career that should be discussed but is nonexistent from the biography.

Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or under represented?

- The biography is kind of a bare skeleton of information with Sandy's statistics but lacks details into his career stories, quotes, important memories. It just states the team and then a little bit of information then the next transaction he was involved in not going into stats or the success of the seasons played. All that in which leads me to believe the biography under represents the career and life of Sandy McCarthy.