Rajesh Panara

 This article is about the Photographer. Rajesh Panara(6 July 1994)was an Small film producer, director and screenwriter.


Photography is first passion of Mr.panara,

he is doing this from his childhood. they have great job in Tata moters as computer opreter but rajesh leave this job for his Passion of photography. he have full suport of mr.Govind Panara(Cousin Brother) Mr.Govind Panara is always support rajesh in any condition Govind is success full business men. He is Superviser of Product Herbal life India Early career Rajesh Panara Graduate in college With B.A in 2015. Then he Start working as computer Opreter in TATA MOTERS SANAND. Grow his businesses of photography now he was success full photographer fimlmaker he have own production house name SC_Films.