User:Rajofcanada/Regents: Italy and Italian States

    • 1540-1550: Ercole of Mantua (1505-1563), Bp of Mantova 1521, Cardinal 1527, Regent for his nephew [[Francesco III Gonzaga. [4] [5] [6]
    • 1731-1741: Ricciarda Gonzaga (1698-1768), Regent of Massa and Carrara for Maria Teresa.
    • Paola Colonna (d.1445), Regent of Piombino for their son Iacopo II. [39]
    • Elena Salviati (d.1511), Princess-Regent of Piombino, 1545-1548, for her son Iacopo VI. She died shortly after taking office.
    • Alfonso d’Appiano of Piombino (1535-90), Regent of Piombino, 1589, for his nephew, Iacopo VII (d.1603), Prince of Piombino, 1589-1603
    • Ippolita Cybo of the Counts of Ferentillo (1495-?), Daughter of Franceschetto Cybo, Count Palatine of the Lateran. Married 1522 Roberto Ambrogio Sanseverino (1490-1532), 3rd Count of Cajazzo. Regent for their sons, 1532-39, 1539-44.


  1. ^ Women in Early Medieval Europe, 400-1100 [1]
  2. ^ I Gonzaga [2]
  3. ^ Storia di Mantova [3]
  4. ^ Storia di Mantova [4]
  5. ^ GENEALOGY.EU [5]
  6. ^ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church: Biographical Dictionary[6]
  7. ^ Storia di Mantova [7]
  8. ^ GENEALOGY.EU [8]
  9. ^ Storia di Mantova [9]
  10. ^ I Gonzaga [10]
  11. ^ Storia di Mantova [11]
  12. ^ Catholic Encyclopaedia: Ercole Gonzaga [12]
  13. ^ I Gonzaga [13]
  14. ^ Storia di Mantova [14]
  15. ^ I Gonzaga [15]
  16. ^ I Gonzaga [16]
  17. ^ Storia di Mantova [17]
  18. ^ Medieval Lands: Albania [18]
  19. ^ Catholic Encyclopaedia: Scipione Gonzaga[19]
  20. ^ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church: Biographical Dictionary [20]
  21. ^ Women and Gender in Medieval Europe [21]
