My name is Range.
I am currently teaching ESL in Taiwan, Republic of China. I've been in Taiwan for over year. I love to write, take photos and draw. I write creative fiction. I recently completed NaNoWriMo 2007 successfully. My goal is to reach 150000 words on the same novel by next spring. I used to write hard science-fiction stories exclusively, but have recently developed a keen interest in the fantasy genre for young adults.
I've been married for almost 3 years. I've known my wife for 7 years. I own a three year old French bulldog named Spike.
I used to work in finance in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Before that I lived and studied in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. I was born in Europe and spent 10 years there before moving to Quebec City.
I run my own blog The Memoirs. I blog about photography, writing, television and social issues like racism.
I've studied Mathematics and Computer Science in university and plan on continuing graduate studies here in Taiwan.