User:RawrzillaTheGreat/Miguel Angel Espinoza

Miguel Angel Espinoza is an American sparklepire dating back to the 1800s', located in Forks, Washington.



Miguel Espinoza was born on Agust 30, 1893 in Forks, Washington. Little is known his true parents, though, there are rumours that the creature was a cross between a lawn gnome and a shovel. Miguel spent his childhood playing in the forest outside his Forks home, until at the age of seventeen, he was caught in a coyote trap and left for dead.

Turning and Life as a Sparklepire


A sparklepire by the name of Edward Cullen found Miguel nd saved his life. The young man was grateful for the rescue, and Edward immediatly turned Miguel in a sparklepire. This market the begining of a new era.

Edward took Miguel to a coven of other sparklepires, each with their own unique abilities. There, Miguel went under intense training to hon his skills and become the ultimate hustler. Miguel lived with the coven of freaks until he grew tired of Edward's constant stalking and violent obbsession with the young Bella Swan. Miguel soon left the coven hoping to find someone with some sort of inttellegence.

Later Years


After leaving the coven, Miguel invented the sound of Rock n' Roll. It began when he picked up a banjo, while visiting south Mississippi. Immediately he fell in love. He began playing music all over the country, under the stage name 'MC McNot-So-Happy-Meal'. He recorded many songs, and inspired many great musicians, including Tupac, Garth Brooks and Wesley Willis.

After wondering the U.S. for about one hundred years, Miguel finally stumbled onto a little town called Elysian Fields, Texas. There he pretended to be a census taker for the remainder of his years.

