Deep Space Exploration[edit]


The future possibilities for deep space exploration are currently held back by a set of technical, astronomical and human limitations, which define the future of manned and unmanned space exploration. As of 2017, the farthest any man-made probe has traveled is the current NASA mission Voyager 1, currently about 13 billion miles, or 19.5 light hours away from the Earth, while the nearest star is around 4.24 light years away.

Current Limitations[edit]


Technical Limitations[edit]


The astronomical order of magnitude of the distance between us and the nearest stars is a challenge for the current development of space exploration. At our current top speed of 157,100 miles per hour, the Helios 2 probe (set wiki link) would arrive at the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, in around 18,000 years, much longer than a human lifespan.

Propulsion and Fuel[edit]

In terms of propulsion, the main challenge is the liftoff and initial momentum, since there is no friction in the vacuum of space. Based on the missions goals, including factors such as distance, load and time of flight, the type of propulsion drive used, planned to use, or in design varies from chemical propellants, such as liquid hydrogen and oxidizer (Space Shuttle Main Engine), Plasma, to even nanoparticle propellants.

As for future developments, the theoretical possibilities of nuclear based propulsion have been analysed over 60 years ago, including Nuclear Fusion (Project Daedalus) and Nuclear Pulse propulsion (Project Longshot), but have since been discontinued from practical research by NASA. On the more sci-fi side, the theoretical Alcubierre drive  presents a mathematical solution for “faster-than-light” travel, however, would require the mass-Energy of Jupiter, not to mention the technical issues.

Human Limitations[edit]


The human part of manned space exploration add certain physicological and physiological issues and limitations to the future possibilities of space exploration.

Physical Issues[edit]

The effect of Space on the human body is not without risk. The transitioning gravity magnitudes on the body is detrimental to orientation, coordination, and balance. Without constant gravity on the bones, they suffer disuse osteoporosis and their mineral density falls 12 times faster than the average elderly adult’s. Without regular exercise and nourishment, there can be cardiovascular deconditioning and loss in muscle strength. Dehydration can cause kidney stones and constant hydrostatic potential in zero-g can shift body fluids upwards and cause vision problems.

Furthermore, without Earth’s surrounding magnetic field, solar radiation has much harsher effects in space.  The exposure can include damage to the central nervous system (altered cognitive function, reduced motor function, and behavioral changes), degenerative tissue diseases,

Physicological Issues[edit]

According to NASA, the effect of isolation in space can be detrimental to the human pysche. Behavioral issues such as morale, mood, depression, and decreasing interpersonal interactions, along with sleeping rhythms and fatigue occur independently to the level of training.





Mars 2020 Rover[edit]


The Mars 2020 rover, part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, is scheduled to launch in July/August of 2020. This mission will collect samples for future return to Earth to provide insight on the possibility of life on Mars. It will seek for signs of past microbial life and habitable conditions while also collecting information on resources for future astronauts.The Mars 2020 rover will collect core samples and put them in a cache for future missions to retrieve for testing. Furthermore, the rover will test a method for producing oxygen from the atmosphere on Mars, characterize environmental conditions, and identify other resources for future astronauts.



Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight), part of NASA’s Discovery Program, is scheduled to launch in May of 2018. It plans to study Mars’ interior to investigate the history of the evolution of this planet to provide insight on the evolutionary processes of all the rocky planets in the inner solar system. Since Mars is less geologically active, it has more extensive signs of early terrestrial planet formation. The data collected will help scientists understand Mars’ history, which will provide information on the forces that shaped Earth.



An article in science magazine Nature suggested the use of asteroids as a gateway for space exploration, with the ultimate destination being Mars. In order to make such an approach viable, three requirements need to be fulfilled: first, "a thorough asteroid survey to find thousands of nearby bodies suitable for astronauts to visit"; second, "extending flight duration and distance capability to ever-increasing ranges out to Mars"; and finally, "developing better robotic vehicles and tools to enable astronauts to explore an asteroid regardless of its size, shape or spin." Furthermore, using asteroids would provide astronauts with protection from galactic cosmic rays, with mission crews being able to land on them in times of greater risk to radiation exposure.



Lucy is scheduled to launch in October of 2021 to explore six Trojan Asteroids and a Main Belt asteroid. The two Trojan swarms ahead of and behind Jupiter are thought to be dark bodies made of the same material as the outer planets that were pulled into orbit near Jupiter. Lucy will be the first mission to study the Trojans, and scientists hope the findings from this mission will revolutionize our knowledge of the formation of the solar system. For this reason, the project is named after Lucy, a fossilized hominid that provided insight on the evolution of humans. The asteroids studied are ancient fossils of planet formation which could hold clues to the origins of life on Earth.



The Psyche spacecraft is scheduled to launch at the end of 2022 to 16 Psyche, a metallic object in the asteroid belt. 16 Psyche is 130 miles wide, and it is made almost entirely of iron and nickel instead of ice and rock. Because of this unique composition, scientists believe it is the remnants of a planet’s core that lost its exterior through a series of collisions, but it is possible that 16 Psyche is only unmelted material. NASA hopes to obtain information about planetary formation from directly studying the exposed interior of a planetary body, which would otherwise not be possible.



The Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security - Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft was launched on September 8th, 2016. It will travel to 1999 RQ36 (Bennu) to collect samples of this asteroid because it is believed to be relatively unchanged. Bennu is largely made up of chondrules, clumps of molten rock held together by electrostatic and gravitational forces, that have not been altered geologic activity or other reactions, making it a prime example of the early solar system.

Deep Space[edit]




The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is scheduled to launch by June 2018 and will search for exoplanets using the transit method. This mission is scheduled to run for two years, and it will focus on 200,000 stars near our solar system to find orbiting exoplanets. TESS is on a larger scale than missions before as it will study brighter stars and cover more sky area than the 2013 Kepler mission did.

James Webb Space Telescope[edit]


A.I and Robotic Space Craft Development[edit]


AI in space exploration[edit]


The idea of using high level automated systems for space missions has become a desirable goal to space agencies all around the world. Such systems are believed to yield benefits such as lower cost, less human oversight, and ability to explore deeper in space which is usually restricted by long communications with human controllers. Autonomy will be a key technology for the future exploration of our solar system, where robotic spacecraft will often be out of communication with their human controllers.

Autonomous system[edit]


Autonomy is defined by three requirements:

  1. Being able to sense the world and their state, make decisions, and carry them out on their own
  2. Can interpret the given goal as a list of actions to take
  3. Fail flexibly



Autonomous technologies would be able to perform beyond predetermined actions. They would analyze all possible states and events happening around them and come up with a safe response. In addition, such technologies can reduce launch cost and ground involvement. Performance would increase as well. Autonomy would be able to quickly respond upon encountering an unforeseen event, especially in deep space exploration where communication back to Earth would take too long. Space exploration can provide us with the knowledge of our universe, which we can use to improve our world and it make it better. Space exploration is worthwhile, not only for what we might find, but for all the incidental things we would find along the way. Getting to the moon gave us Tang and pens that can write upside-down. Traveling to Mars, or farther, could lead to advances in medicine, health, longevity, transportation, communications, and so much more. Investing in the future of space exploration is like investment in humanity's future.

NASA's Autonomous Science Experiment[edit]


NASA began its autonomous science experiment (ASE) on Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) which is NASA's first satellite in the new millennium program Earth-observing series launched on 21 November 2000. The autonomy of ASE is capable of on-board science analysis, replanning, robust execution, and later the addition of model-based diagnostic. Images obtained by the EO-1 are analyzed on-board and downlinked when a change or an interesting event occur. The ASE software has successfully provided over 10,000 science images.