A Quick Hello!


As a long-time lurker, I've finally decided to join the editing community. This was a massive step for me. I've easily read a few thousand articles on Wikipedia for what must account for over 15 years, and like many of you I've found myself going "Hey, that's spelled wrong!", or "Whoops, there's a formatting issue there...", and they all end with, "Well. Someone'll fix it."

After years of hemming and hawing over it, I guess that someone is me.

I'm not interested in writing big articles--my passion is, and always will be, reading them. There are thousands of folks far more knowledgeable than me out there, and I intend to let them shine while quietly putting in my own work. I plan to focus on proofreading, formatting, and checking sources. It seemed at first like a pretty daunting task--the Wiki formatting language alone is enough to make any non-programmer shake in her boots, but I'm ready and willing to Be Bold! I enjoy constructive feedback, and am hoping that I might be able to add some of my own in the time to come.