Body Language: A Short summary by René Roux


In everyday life we communicate various messages, both consciously and subconsciously. Take for instance a simple face to face conversation. Messages are encoded verbally and decoded upon reception via the ears. Along with the vocal message, a non-verbal message is sent by facial expressions, hand gestures and body postures.

A great multitude of messages are sent and received within a single minute of simple dialogue. Some of the gestures and postures are predominantly used by males, others are predominantly used by females. In modern day psychology, there are professionals, trained to analyze every minute detail, ranging from pupil contraction and dilation, to positioning of the feet.

The Legs may reveal whether one person is receptive to the other person’s ideas, it can reveal where the person’s attention is. For example: Straight legs reveal openness, crossed legs with feet pointing to an exit show that the person has had enough and wants to leave.

The eyes have much to reveal. Starring and looking away, and starring again shows intense interest in the other person. Starring and looking away shows disinterest, starring without looking away can show bold confidence or aggression.

Hand movements tend to reveal dominance, passiveness, calm or agitation. Palms down hand gestures coupled with finger pointing shows dominance and aggression. Palms up, and open palms to chest gestures usually indicate friendliness. Still hands with palms showing indicate calm, while fidgeting hands may indicate nervousness.

The key to successful communication lies in knowing, understanding and mastering the use of body language of those persons of interest. This ability seems to develop easier in women, than in men.