

The former town of Boca was named by Judge Edwin Bryant Crocker in 1868 because of its location at the mouth of the Little Truckee River[1]. The word Boca in Spanish translates to mouth.  Edwin Crocker’s younger brother was Charles Crocker who was one of four that oversaw the entire Central Pacific Railroad operation and construction[1]. The location at the mouth of the river and along the route of the transcontinental railroad is what helped turned this small construction camp into the town of Boca California. Due to its extremely cold winters and abundance of trees many investors saw this as opportunity. The area was eventually filled with saw mills, ice cutting companies, and eventually its own brewery in 1876[1] . The cold climate of Boca made it a perfect location for the Ice companies as well a place to brew California’s first Lager.

Ice and Milling Companies

Ice Harvesting

The first business to set up shop in the area was the Boca Mill and Ice Company in 1868[1]. According to historian Tom Macaulay, due to the intense rivalry between different ice companies in the area, in 1881 many of the ice companies combined their efforts and thus the Union Ice Company was created[1]. The same company incorporated in 1891 and became the Union Ice Company Inc[1]. A damn was eventually constructed creating a 180-acre reservoir that was used by the Union Ice Company as a means to store logs in the summer and as well as a harvesting ground for ice during the winter[1]. Once cut, this ice was eventually transported downstream to one of the Union Ice Company’s six ice houses[1]. The amount of ice being stored in their ice-houses is said to have been enough to supply the entire state of California with enough ice to last over twelve years[1]. Reaching its prime in 1872, Boca was producing so much lumber and ice to the rest of the country that it had its own railway to and from the mill[1]. The invention of man made ice and refrigeration eventually replaced the need to cut natural ice and in the mid 1920’s the Ice Company eventually stopped its operations in Boca[1]. With the Ice companies gone, the mills and brewery were the only big business left in Boca. The brewery eventually burnt to the ground in 1893 and was never rebuilt[1]. With the Brewery burnt to the ground and the Ice Company ceased, all that was left was the milling operations which seemed to end at the same time due to the diminished supply of trees[1]. Finally, in 1904 the hotel was burnt to the ground by a fire and what was left of the town was then demolished to make way for the Boca reservoir which can still be seen today which sits where the town use to me[1]. Only a few cement foundations and cemetery are still left of what use to be the town of Boca, California[2].

Boca Brewing Company


The Boca Brewing company was founded in 1875 and produced California’s very first lager[1]. Lagers require refrigeration and very cold temperatures during the fermentation process which is why most California’s breweries choose to produces porters and ales and not lagers[3]. The location of Boca created a perfect environment for brewing a Lager due to its natural springs, unlimited supply of ice for refrigeration, cold winters, and soon to be access to the Central Pacific Railroad[1]. Famed for using natural spring water in its production of their Lager, the Boca Brewing Company’s Lager became a favorite across the country and was even celebrated at the World’s Fair in Paris in 1883[1]. The fame of this beer helped the company to produce twenty-five to thirty-thousand barrels of the beer every year[2]. It is said that the brewery employed as many as eighty people which helped contribute to the highest population the town had ever seen with close to three-hundred people total[1]. Eventually the facility was burned to the ground by a fire in 1893 and the company never rebuilt[2].

Anchor Steam


In February of 2012 Anchor Brewing in San Francisco created the Zymaster No. 1 Lager in honor of the Lager the Boca Brewing Co. produced over a century ago[4]. The inaugural brew of the Anchor Brewing Zymaster was their attempt to re-create the Lager[5]. Their Lager just like that of the Boca Brewing Co. uses two-row barley, mountain water, and is a single hop beer[4]. As Anchor Brewing put it, it is quite simply, rediscovering gold[5]. This traditional beer recipe is much maltier and hoppier and stronger than most Lagers you see on the market today[5]. “Its brilliant golden color, lingering effervescence, balanced depth of flavor, distinctive aroma, and smooth finish make this inaugural brew of the Anchor Brewing Zymaster™ Series a delightful tribute to the rich heritage and traditions of California brewing.”[5]



Boca is located at an elevation approximately 5,575 feet and is famous for having very cold winters and mildly hot summers[6]. The area sees a large amount of snow being located along the Sierra Nevada mountain range[6].

  • great neutral writing and descriptions!. I like all of the links throughout the paper, it helps give it merit. I would add more to climate for the final, but you are on the right track. Keep it up.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "Boca". Truckee-Donner Historical Society. Retrieved 2017-04-13.
  2. ^ a b c "The History of Boca Brewery | Moonshine Ink". www.moonshineink.com. Retrieved 2017-04-13.
  3. ^ "Zymaster™ Series No. 1: California Lager – Part 2". Anchor Brewing Blog. 2012-02-11. Retrieved 2017-04-13.
  4. ^ a b "Zymaster™ Series No. 1: California Lager - Part I". Anchor Brewing Blog. 2012-02-10. Retrieved 2017-04-13.
  5. ^ a b c d "Anchor Brewing | Beers | Zymaster 1". www.anchorbrewing.com. Retrieved 2017-04-13.
  6. ^ a b "Climate-Charts.com". www.climate-charts.com. Retrieved 2017-04-13.