User:Rfassbind/Minor planet categories

Categories used in minor planet object articles: spectral taxonomy, discoveries-by, awardees...

Tholen and SMASS2 categories


Discoveries by... categories


Recently created Discoverer-categories, mostly by Tom.Reding, are:

Categories in this section below this line were added after the #Potential categories (Discoveries by...) section was first compiled

Todos/New ones


Recent a


Categories in this section below this line were added after the #Potential categories (Discoveries by...) section was first compiled

Recent b


Recent c


Recent d


New Cats since September 2016


New cats since 2017


New cats since 2018


New cats since 2019


Potential Discoveries by... categories


This is a near-complete list (at least 95%) of 342 (for now) missing discoverer categories, based on the current MPs found on WP. This is a reference: not all warrant creation (i.e. if someone discovered only 1 MP, maybe 2), and duplicates may exist if multiple names are used for the same discoverer.   ~ Tom.Reding (talkdgaf)  16:30, 9 March 2016 (UTC)

  • A. A. E. Wallenquist
  • A. B. Jordan
  • A. Block
  • A. Brandeker   
  • A. Cruz
  • A. Dimai
  • A. G. Samuel
  • A. Gleason
  • A. Grossman
  • A. J. Cecce   
  • A. Konig
  • A. Kwiek
  • A. Lokalov
  • A. Oksanen
  • A. Paroubek
  • A. Robbins
  • A. Vanden Heuvel
  • A. Vidal
  • A. Warnock   
  • Auckland
  • B. A. Segal
  • B. E. Behymer
  • B. G. Marsden
  • B. Koch   
  • B. M. Ewen-Smith
  • Bassano Bresciano   
  • Bedoin
  • C. Armstrong
  • C. B. Luginbuhl
  • C. Demeautis   
  • C. F. Durman
  • C. F. Stewart
  • C. Gustava
  • C. J. Krieger
  • C. J. Schiff
  • C. M. Olmstead   On hold
  • C. Mikolajczak   
  • C. W. Trujillo   #R Chad
  • C. le Morvan
  • C.-H. Chang
  • Campinas
  • Campo Catino
  • Cavriana
  • Cerro El Roble
  • Colleverde
  • D. B. Goldstein
  • D. Beatty
  • D. Bergeron
  • D. Guidetti  N
  • D. Husar
  • D. K. Chesney   
  • D. Matkovic
  • D. Matter   
  • D. McLeish
  • D. Morata
  • D. O&
  • D. R. DeGraff  N
  • D. Rudy
  • D. Szam
  • Drebach
  • E. A. Harlan
  • E. Colzani
  • E. E. Sheridan
  • E. Galliani
  • E. Howell Bus
  • E. Hubble
  • E. Kandler   
  • E. Koldewey
  • E. Masotti   
  • E. Mazzoni
  • E. P. Rubenstein
  • E. R. Dillon
  • E. Schwab   
  • E. Vigil
  • E. Wirtanen
  • European Southern Observatory
  • F. Casarramona
  • F. Colas  N
  • F. L. Whipple
  • F. Marechal  N
  • Faulkes Telescope Educational Project
  • Frasso Sabino  N
  • G. Aldering   
  • G. Bernstein
  • G. D&
  • G. Emerson
  • G. Fagioli   
  • G. Fedon   
  • G. Fisch
  • G. Furesz
  • G. Grueff
  • G. Iatteri
  • G. J. Garradd   
  • G. Jackisch
  • G. Kovalchuk
  • G. Muler   
  • G. Ojakangas
  • G. Pizarro
  • G. Sallit
  • G. Sasaki
  • G. Strommer
  • G. Ventre   
  • G. W. Billings   
  • G. Zonaro
  • H. Fujii
  • H. Fukushima
  • H. G. Roe
  • H. Gessner
  • H. J. Fogh Olsen   
  • H. M. J. Boffin
  • H. Mikuz   
  • H. Phaneuf
  • H. Potter
  • H. Raab  N
  • H. Rickman
  • H. U. Norgaard-Nielsen
  • H.-U. Sandig
  • Haute Provence
  • I. Bauersima
  • I. Dal Prete
  • I. Groeneveld    Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld
  • I. Horowitz
  • I. Polit
  • Institute d&
  • J. A. Brown
  • J. A. Larsen
  • J. C. Muzzio
  • J. C. Pelle   
  • J. Churms
  • J. D. Mendenhall
  • J. D. Mulholland
  • J. D. Waldron
  • J. Dobrzycki
  • J. E. Rogers
  • J. Guarro   
  • J. Huchra
  • J. J. Gomez
  • J. J. P. Laurent
  • J. Kveton
  • J. L. Brady
  • J. L. Elliot
  • J. L. Schiff
  • J. L. Tonry
  • J. M. Ruiz  N
  • J. McGaha   
  • J. Montanne
  • J. Petit   
  • J. Phinney
  • J. Platt
  • J. Ruthroff
  • J. S. Weaver  N
  • J. Skvarc   
  • J. Stevens
  • J. Toth   
  • J. V. Wall
  • J. Wagner
  • J. Willis
  • J.-M. Petit   
  • JATE Asteroid Survey
  • John J. McCarthy
  • K. Berney
  • K. Birkle
  • K. Cross
  • K. F. J. Cwach
  • K. Herkenhoff
  • K. Inkeri
  • K. Ito
  • K. Kirsch
  • K. Kubokawa
  • K. L. Faul
  • K. M. Barkume
  • K. Rivich   
  • K. S. Jensen
  • K. W. Zeigler
  • K. Zdanavicius   
  • K. de Ball
  • K.-J. Choo
  • Kiso
  • L. A. Molnar
  • L. Crespo da Silva
  • L. Duczmal
  • L. E. Cunningham   
  • L. E. Gonzalez
  • L. Elenin   
  • L. Hansen
  • L. Houziaux
  • L. Lai   
  • L. Lee
  • L. Macri
  • L. Sannino
  • L. Strabla
  • L.-G. Strolger
  • L.D. Schmadel → alias of "L. D. Schmadel"
  • La Plata   
  • Lincoln Laboratory ETS
  • Linz    Davidschlag Observatory
  • Los Molinos
  • M. A. Barucci
  • M. Abe
  • M. Abraham  N
  • M. Armstrong
  • M. C. Nolan
  • M. Collier
  • M. Dusic
  • M. E. Schwamb = (M. Schwamb)   
  • M. Ferrero
  • M. Gahran
  • M. Hammergren
  • M. J. Holman   
  • M. J. Irwin
  • M. Kocer   
  • M. Kretlow   
  • M. L. Johnson
  • M. L. Sitko
  • M. Lovas
  • M. Mannucci
  • M. Meunier
  • M. Moilanen
  • M. Nassir
  • M. P. Candy   
  • M. Rudnyk
  • M. S. Marley
  • M. Schwamb (alias)   
  • M. Vaisala
  • M. Vale
  • M. Yoshimi
  • M. Ziboli
  • M. de Pascual
  • Madonna di Dossobuono   
  • McDonald Observatory
  • Monte Viseggi   
  • N. Danzl   
  • N. E. Kurochkin
  • N. Ivanov   
  • N. Montigiani
  • N. V. Metlova
  • N. Yamamoto
  • NAOC Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program
  • Nyrola
  • O. Bancilhon
  • O. Gerashchenko
  • O. Naranjo
  • O. Pizarro
  • O. R. Hainaut
  • Osservatorio Polino
  • P. A. Wiegert   
  • P. Antolini   
  • P. B. Stetson
  • P. Bourgeois
  • P. Buttani  N
  • P. Cottenot
  • P. D. Wilder
  • P. Dupouy  N
  • P. H. Cowell
  • P. Holvorcem
  • P. Jekabsons
  • P. M. Motl   
  • P. Pietrapiana
  • P. R. Christensen
  • P. Radovan
  • P. Rose
  • P. Wiggins   
  • PMO NEO Survey Program   
  • Pan-STARRS 1    → Pan-STARRS
  • Peking Observatory
  • Q.-Z. Ye (→'Q.-z. Ye')   
  • R. Burnham
  • R. Calanca
  • R. Casas
  • R. Chassagne  N
  • R. Clingan   
  • R. Coker   
  • R. D. Schaldach
  • R. E. Jones
  • R. G. Davis
  • R. Gauderon
  • R. J. Gilbrech
  • R. J. Whiteley   
  • R. Kirk
  • R. M. Stoss   
  • R. M. Williams
  • R. Minkowski
  • R. P. Binzel
  • R. P. Boyle
  • R. Pepper
  • R. Podstanicka
  • R. Suvanto
  • Remanzacco
  • Royal Observatory Edinburgh
  • S. Banh
  • S. Barros   
  • S. Brady
  • S. I. Ipatov
  • S. Ipatov
  • S. Izumikawa
  • S. L. Salyards
  • S. Lazar
  • S. McDonald
  • S. Meszaros   
  • S. Morata
  • S. Mottola   
  • S. R. Swanson
  • S. Sanchez
  • S. Sei
  • S. Shirai
  • S. Smrekar
  • S. Tourtellotte   
  • Shandong University   
  • Stefano Sposetti (5 February 2016‎)   
  • Stony Ridge
  • T. Boles
  • T. F. Fric
  • T. H. Lee
  • T. J. Balonek   
  • T. Lauer
  • T. Mizuno
  • T. Payer
  • T. Rodriquez
  • T. Szalai  N
  • T. Vorobjov   
  • T.-C. Yang
  • Tenagra
  • Turtle Star
  • U. Hopp
  • U. Quadri
  • V. Brcic
  • V. Cecchini
  • V. Laugalys
  • V. Lokot
  • V. Y. Solovyov
  • Valmeca
  • Village-Neuf
  • W. A. Stein
  • W. D. Bruton   
  • W. Dieckvoss
  • W. Sebok
  • W. Wenzel
  • Wrightwood
  • Y. C. Chang
  • Y. Ivashchenko
  • Z. Knezevic
  • Zelenchukskaya Stn   

Deliberately ignored categories


List of short name keys of (currently) ignored discoverers from MPC/JPL. Grouped by number of exclusive co-discoveries.

		// 4 items (all co-disc with astromers that possess a category
		'J. M. Ruiz',
		'P. Kumar', 'G. P. Pizzetti', 'G. Pizzetti',
		'H. Hori', 'C.-Y. Shih', 'M. Abraham', 'F. Dolfi',
		// 2items i.e. (144633)
		'Stony Ridge',
		'D. R. DeGraff', 'S. Weaver', 'J. S. Weaver', 'S. Foglia', // 2items
		'A. Gulbis', 'A. Boeker', 'B. Csák', 'B. Csak', 'M. Graziani',
		'P. Dupouy', 'F. Marechal', 'D. Guidetti', 'D. Grennan', 'J. Riffle',
		'T. Szalai', 'Frasso Sabino', 'B. Thinius',
		// 1 item
		'H. Raab', 'I. Manulis', 'K. Hornoch',
		'A. Gal-Yam', 'J. Kander', 'S. Collander-Brown', 'F. Colas', 
		'G. Sostero', 'L. Kurtze', 'P. Buttani', 'R. Chassagne', 'N. Moskovitz',
		'E. Chiang', 'S.-L. Kim', 'Zvezdno Obshtestvo', 'A. R. Gibbs',
		'D. Voglsam', 'S. Levine', 'A. Henden', 'Prairie School', 'the Prairie School',
		'E. Cernis', 'Begues', 'H. Devore', 'B. Khafizov', 'A. Sergeev', 'Z.-W. Jin',
		'J. Edmonds', 'A. Stucchi', 'Observatorio Montcabre',

Categories on mythology


Based on XL-spread-sheet and roughtly cross-checked with MPC cite (object-view).

Category named for awardee


Batch A


Non-redirects of ISEF / Broadcom MASTERS awardees what links here:

Awardees / finalist
Mentors (outcommented)
{{Div col|colwidth=16em}}
* {{-r|30111 Wendyslijk}} {{small|1=[ r]}} {{small|1=[ LCDB]}}
* {{-r|30117 Childress}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30119 Lucamatone}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30122 Elschweitzer}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30123 Scottrippeon}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30125 Mikekiser}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30126 Haviland}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30128 Shannonbunch}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30129 Virmani}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30130 Jeandillman}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30136 Bakerfranke}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30140 Robpergolizzi}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30141 Nelvenzon}} {{small|1=[ r]}} {{small|1=[ LCDB]}}
* {{-r|30142 Debfrazier}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30144 Minubasu}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30146 Decandia}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30147 Amyhammer}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30149 Kellyriedell}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30150 Laseminara}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30151 Susanoffner}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30152 Reneefallon}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30153 Ostrander}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30154 Christichil}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30155 Warmuth}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30157 Robertspira}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30195 Akdemir}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30197 Nickbadyrka}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30199 Ericbrown}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30200 Terryburch}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30201 Caruana}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30203 Kimdavis}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30204 Stevedoherty}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30205 Mistyevans}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30206 Jasonfricker}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30208 Guigarcia}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30209 Garciaarriola}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30211 Sheilah}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30216 Summerjohnson}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30218 Paulaladd}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30221 LeDonne}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30222 Malecki}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30235 Kimmiller}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30240 Morgensen}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30241 Donnamower}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30242 Naymark}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30244 Linhpham}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30245 Paigesmith}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30248 Kimstinson}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30249 Zamora}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30347 Pattyhunt}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30348 Marizzabailey}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30350 Beltecas}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30353 Carothers}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30357 Davisdon}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30362 Jenniferdean}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30363 Dellasantina}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30365 Gregduran}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30368 Ericferrante}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30370 Jongoetz}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30371 Johngorman}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30372 Halback}} {{small|1=[ r]}} {{small|1=[ LCDB]}}
* {{-r|30373 Mattharley}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30374 Bobbiehinson}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30375 Kathuang}} {{small|1=[ r]}} {{small|1=[ LCDB]}}
* {{-r|30384 Robertirelan}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30386 Philipjeffery}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30388 Nicolejustice}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30389 Ledoux}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30396 Annleonard}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30406 Middleman}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30407 Pantano}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30409 Piccirillo}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30414 Pistacchi}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30416 Schacht}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30421 Jameschafer}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30425 Silverman}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30426 Philtalbot}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30430 Robertoegel}} {{small|1=[ r]}}
* {{-r|30431 Michaeltran}} {{small|1=[ r]}} {{small|1=[ LCDB]}}
{{Div col end}}

Batch B

Awardees/ finalists

Batch C

Awardees/ finalists
There were no mentors among the created MP#R initial in the number range

Batch D

Awardees/ finalist

Batch E

Awardees/ finalist

Batch F

Awardees/ finalist
  • no mentors found in batch F