How can a poor person go up in anger?

Khan sahib don't take the poor too high, on return the legs will be broken.

Anger is a dangerous poison.

  Anger often gets in the way of communication.

  Anger is often associated with the perception of such a situation.

Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.

  So anger can be a poison.

  Which takes you inside.

Judgment and ridicule can come into you.

Your breathing begins to change.

And become shallower and significantly faster.

  This pattern lowers the level of oxygen in the brain, which increases irritability and emotion.

And confusion and behavior like threatening, screaming or hitting.

Then your brain begins to look for other reasons to be angry.

  To prove how it feels.

Finding out the reasons that can make other people bad or wrong.

The brain believes that it fulfills its actions, thoughts and beliefs.

Or proves it right.

It then generates energy vibrations.

Which attracts other people of the same and similar nature.

Your brain can then literally filter out anything against these angry thoughts.

  What he feels now.

At this point, all communication is closed.

The other person is now defensive and on guard against verbal and possible physical attacks by the other person.

They no longer consider this person rational.

They don't believe anything the other person is saying.

  In most cases, they are in a protective mood and do not pay attention to what the angry person is saying.

If they themselves become angry, the anger increases and adds more fuel to the fire.

They now look for past attitudes.

  Which can explain the actions of an angry person.

If they remember any previous angry behavior.

  So it's easy to conclude that the other person is always angry.

It is important for both parties to take the time to reflect.

  What was the real problem?

  And what they wanted to do.

Try to see what are the important issues and which are not important.

Giving and receiving in communication can go a long way in solving problems.

  They could also consider how and why anger arose.

Angry about this matter.

What does this have to do with a past problem?

  What feelings do I have around her?

In most cases, anger is a secondary emotion.

It can hide the fear, whether it is the fear of loss or the need to overcome a situation.

  Be clear about why you reacted.

  And can help you deal with intense feelings.

And it can help you focus on the problem.

Then communication can lead to understanding and solution.

Today, these toxins are transmitted to each other like the Corona virus.

Just like a human being gets infected with Crohn's virus without any precaution and transmits his poison to his surroundings.

And so this poison spreads in the whole society and strengthens the unrest in the society.

In this day and age, if you look at critical sentences, you will find that opponents, be they ordinary or special politicians, spend the same amount of time searching for critical sentences.

All they have to do is look for sentences for constructive thinking.

Politicians form a team of sympathizers.

They seem to be scoring points for themselves by transferring the poison of anger to the people in the opposite direction.

While it has been a disaster for their own future.

If we take Pakistani politics, then since the formation of Pakistan, so many difficulties are stored for every newcomer before leaving power that the newcomer comes up with a really good idea.

But when difficulties, differences and grief and anger are forced to say this.

That I came up with very good plans.

But I was not allowed to work

Yes i don't have power

The mafia is powerful.

I still say give me full power, let me change the system, I promise to fix everything.

And then as the poison of rage intensifies, the assemblies are disbanded.

And the newcomer begins his term with accusations against the previous government.

And so we would go backwards instead of forwards.

Promising to uplift the poor, the poor themselves go down the airways by themselves.

The present government had also announced to uplift the poor but poverty has brought the poor closer to the bottom of the earth.

Through this article, I would like to say to Quaid-e-Azam Imran Khan that you should not take the poor too high because the poor have become very weak.

Don't let the legs of the poor be broken when they come down from above.

If that happened then the IMF would be ready to buy the lame society.

Which will grab you by wearing prosthetic legs up to the hands and tongue.

Therefore, instead of taking the poor to the next level, provide them basic facilities and close big projects.

And take measures to control inflation.