“Ricethresher” created the page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archibald_R._Murray in March 2018. (To learn why I did, please visit https://nunchakulaw.blogspot.com.)
I have also contributed to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Selby_Jr by, among other things, providing a link to a pdf copy of Selby's divorce from his second wife (who happened to be my mother).
Parting thoughts:
“Para mi solo recorrer los caminos que tienen corazón, cualquier camino que tenga corazón. Por allí yo recorro, y la única prueba que vale es atravesar todo su largo. Y por allí yo recorro, mirando, mirando, sin aliento.”
— Don Juan Matús (a Tarahumara, not a Yaqui — thank you, Christopher McDougall)