User:Riffsyphon1024/Kardashev Timeline

This is a page for the diagrams of the article Kardashev scale, as the science and prediction is utterly fascinating to me.

Type 0 - Type I

  Type 0 Development of Civilization  
0.0 (106 W) Discovery of Fire 0.1 (107 W) Stone Age 0.2 (108 W) Agricultural Revolution 0.3 (109 W) Roman Civilization 0.4 (1010 W) Commercial Revolution 0.5 (1011 W) Industrial Revolution 0.6 (1012 W) Electric Power, Space Age 0.7 (1013 W) Information Age, Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy 0.8 (1014 W) Solar Power, Small-Scale Fusion Power, Nanotechnology 0.9 (1015 W) Large-Scale Fusion Power, Beginning of Space Colonization, Ocean Colonization 1.0 (1016 W) Planetary Civilization
  Increasing levels of technology, Up to 0.5, increasing levels of fragmentation, increasing energy usage, increasing area of habitation
  After 0.5, Decreasing levels of fragmentation

Type I

  Type I Single Planetary Civilization  
Early (1016 W to 1019 W) Middle (1020 W to 1023 W) Late (1024 W to 1026 W) (debateable)
near space colonization, near space industry, Asteroid mining, Planet Mining for fuels and energy First Interstellar travel, Culture Orbital Construction begins on Dyson Sphere or Alderson disk.ß, Stress caused by size of civilization, at this point it can fragment into multiple planetary civilizations—reversion from single civilization early in type 1
  Increasing levels of technology, Increasing levels of space exploration, space based energy sources increase, offworld civilization centers increase, increasing energy usage, increasing area of habitation
  decreasing levels of centrality, societies and civilizations increasingly are not the same, due to time differences breaking single social bonds 1

Type II

  Type II Civilization extends to the entire Solar System 2  
Early (1026 W to 1029 W) Middle (1030 W to 1033 W) (debateable) Late (1034 W to 1036 W) (debateable)
Dyson Sphere completion, Exploration of the nearest star systems 1, creation of the nearest star colony star lifting and Shkadov thrusters, Ringworld, Star Trek type civilization, Stress caused by size of civilization, at this point it can fragment into multiple solar system based civilizations—reversion to single star based civilization early, Automated Galatic colonization effort may begin 3
  Increasing levels of technology, Exponential growth in stars that are colonized, centralized systems increasingly draw resources from further systems which have not had their resources harvested–– driving increased expansion
  decreasing levels of centrality, increasing likelihood of fragmentation into single star systems if resources cannot be adequately transferred from central sources, resource based wars may remerge after disappearance during Type I

Type III, IV, V

  Type III Colonization of the Milky Way Galaxy  
Early (1036 W to 1039 W) (debateable) Middle (1040 W to 1043 W) (debateable) Late (1044 W to 1046 W) (debateable)
Star Wars type civilization Colonization of the Local Supercluster Highly hypothetical at this point, there are no proposals for this level.
  Increasing levels of technology, centralized systems increasingly draw resources from further systems which have not had their resources harvested–– driving increased expansion
  Slow growth in galaxies that are colonized due to speed limitations, making centrality impossible
  Type IV Colonization of the Local Group (1046 W to 1056 W)

Can escape the universe via creating a black hole. End

Type V Colonization of Further Galaxies and the Cluster surrounding the Local Group, including the Visible universe (1056 W to 1066 W)