Article Evaluation: Catherine Morland


I chose the Catherine Morland Wikipedia page to evaluate because there is not much content on the page at the moment and thinking ahead to a digital or final project, there is great opportunity to build this page out. Everything on here is relevant, I suppose, but there's just not a lot of information on Catherine.

Overall, I think essentially every aspect of Catherine is a character is underrepresented. The page doesn't give any information on Catherine's upbringing, family, friends, appearance, etc. but instead briefly mentions her love of Gothic novels and mentions how that, combined with her naivety, get her into trouble. In addition to adding relevant information about Catherine as a character, it may be helpful to include a section on the way Catherine has been received, as well as what scholars have said about her... or perhaps that would be better to put on a new page that could link from a brief section on this page?

UPDATE: There's another Catherine Morland article on Wikipedia, is there a way to make these into one? The second article has a bit more information . It presents information on Catherine's childhood and adulthood neutrally, but there's no citation info from the book... I'd also likely want to go back and verify all of the "facts" in this second article as well because on the talk page, the author asks for suggestions and says she's afraid the article is "a bit wrong." I also noticed that this page downplays Catherine's naivety, and since this is a major focus of the novel, it's probably important to discuss.