
Very little is known about the army and only a few relics remain. Please take the following with a grain of salt.

Uniforms and Attire

1991 Stamp commemorating 150 years since the last deployment. On the right is a Gemeiner and on the left is an UnterOfficier

The Gemeiner (private), wears a black, double breasted, coat with a red trim. His collar is red with one bar indicating his rank. His shoulder boards are also red. His pants are also black with a red stripe going down it.

1991 Stamp commemorating 150 years since the last deployment. On the right is a Gemeiner and on the left is an Officier

The UnterOfficier (NCO), wears a black,single breasted, coat with a red trim. His collar is black with a red trim. His should boards are also black with a red trim. His pants also have a red stripe going down them

Captain Peter Rheinberger’s Uniform in the National Museum of Liechtenstein.

The Officier (Officer), wears a black,double breasted, coat with a red trim. His collar is red with 2 bars indicating his rank. He wears 2 silver Epaulettes. His pants are fully black.

Captain Peter Rheinberger's uniform, has a black, double breasted, coast with a red trim. His collar is black with a red trim with 3 stars on each lapel indicating his rank. He wears one silver epaulette on his left shoulder that has a red trim. He also wears a green aiguillette on his left shoulder.


Captain Peter Rheinberger's shako
1859 Jagerhelm

Gemeiner (Private), wears a tall, black shako that has a bugle, the letter “L” and a crown on it. On top of the shako Is a plume that consists of 2 spheres, the one on the bottom is red and the one on the top is white. However the Gemeiner also used a Picklehelm which had a brass insignia on it with a crown on it, with a black plume going up the backside and a green plume sticking up.

UnterOfficier (NCO), wears a short black shako with gold insignias on it. It is not known what it is but it is most likely an eight point star.

Officier (Officer), wears a tall, black shako that has an eight point star with a crown above it. The shako has a plume that consists of 2 white spheres.

Captain Peter Rheinberger's shako is short and black, It has an eight point star on it with a crown in the middle. On top lies a black plume made with horse hair with a cockade below it.


Golden medallion given to the Liechtenstein soldiers after the Baden Uprising, 1849
The 3 service awards. 10,15, and 20 years of service.

During the Baden Revolution in 1849 Liechtenstein sent a small group of soldiers to suppress riots and whatnot. Nobody was harmed and they all returned home. When they got home they were awarded with a commemorative medal for their deed.

3 service awards were given, one for 10 years, one for 15 years, and one for 20 years.