



History and the wonder that it is of stories and magic, through the breath-taking ruins of the past. The beautiful architecture still so gallantly standing the tests of time telling stories and forcing your imagination to run wild to the past of stories unseen. That’s the wonder of history! [1]



One such beauty which stood the tests of time and still stands tall with its bewitching charm is the city of ruins HAMPI. Located 467m above the sea level Hampi is a UNESCO World Heritage site. With its monolithic sculptures, monuments, beautiful temple, street market, buildings Hampi is an explorers delight. [2]

Hampi is a backpacker's delight. Hampi is an open-air museum with more than 100 locations to explore. surrounded by boulders get a stunning view of the entire city and geography. Famous for its massive, beautifully carved temples, especially the Virupaksha Temple, dedicated to the patron deity of the empire. You can also find remains of the old aqueducts, canals and military barracks and stables here. Architecture-lovers and history-buffs, do visit the temple when you are in Hampi![3]



It was a center of the Vijayanagara empire in the 14th century. Hampi was a prosperous and a grand city. Its located near the Tungabhadra river. It has a lot of temples and markets. It is located in Karnataka. It includes more than 16oo surviving remains of the great empire. Hampi is also an important religious center consisting of Virupaksha Temple, Adi Shankara monastery and various monuments.[4]



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