Hello all! My name is Rachel E. Tankle. Currently, I am a senior at Arcadia University studying Corporate Communications. After taking my first Public Relations class last semester, I realized that was the field of work in Communications I really wanted to study. I like working with people and I especially enjoy writing. Public Relations combines two things that I enjoy. They say if you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life. Well, once I graduate and find my dream job, hopefully at a non-profit organization, I do not plan on working anymore! Besides writing, I also enjoy listening to music, but prefer to see it live. I enjoy the performing arts, but concerts are my haven. I like exploring. I have been to eight of the United States and plan on getting to the rest within the next five to seven years. I have visited Vienna and Salzburg in Austria, an enriching experience both for the young professional and music lover. I recommend a visit. I cannot wait to see where my life takes me and I'm anxious to pursue my dreams!

Find out more about me here

Wikipedia Articles


Rachel authored the Wikipedia Article Purple Triangle