User:Rubensummerprogram/European Summer University on Logistics, Mobility and Sustainability

The European Summer University on Logistics, Mobility and Sustainability

The European Summer University on Logistics, Mobility and Sustainability is a shor-term program that is held during the summer every year since 2012. The aim of this program is to enable students to understand the complexity of processes and organisations, to learn about increasing challenges related to logistical problems and to learn about the necessity to check social and managerial decision-making against their social, economical and ecological consequences (sustainability, carbone footprint). To make students familiar with the interdisciplinary character of challenges in logistics, mobility and sustainability the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, together with Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the Rotterdam Business School developed this International Summer University. University lecturers from Business Studies, from Urban and Architectural Planning as well as from Technology and Computer Science programs contribute to this event, complemented by external experts.

The aim of the program is to enable students to understand the complexity of processes and organisations, to learn about increasing challenges related to logistical problems and to learn about the necessity to check social and managerial decision-making against their social, economical and ecological consequences (sustainability, carbone footprint).

Program of Study


The study program includes classes that covers different fields for logistics, mobility, sustainability, renewable energies, computer sciences and german courses.The program is supported by two excursions to Rotterdam, including the Port of Rotterdam and to Zurich, including the Gotthard Tunel.

The classes offered by the summer program are as follow:

  • In the field of logistics:
    :Logistics in aviation 
    :Introduction to logistics and supply chain management
    :Multi channel logistics
    :Process optimization in supply chains
    :Corporate social responsibility
    :Emision trading scheme
    :Port logistics
  • In the field of mobility
    :Introduction to mobility and urban transport
    :Intermodality in Transport
    :Internet of things
    :Future transport systems
    :Sea transportation
  • In the field of sustainability
    :General aspects of sustainablity
    :Social aspects of sustainability   
    :Sustainability in buildings    
    :German Sustainability Building Council
    :Planning principles for sustainable urban development
  • In the field of renewable energies
    :Introduction to energy efficiency
    :Renewable energies
    :Renewable now
    :Desertec project
  • In the field of computer sciences
    :Introduction to computer science in logistics and mobility
    :Ubiquitous computing
    :Cloud computing
    :Mobile computing
    :Smart grids
    :Algorithms in logistics
  • General courses
    :Basics of logistics, mobility and sustainability
    :Globalization of goods and people
    :German Course
    :Intercultural Awareness

About Frankfurt and Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Frankfurt is the fifth-largest city in Germany with a 2011 population of 695,624. Frankfurt is worldwide known as the largest financial centre in Europe and is also a production centre and target market for high-quality goods and services. A number of well-known logistics companies have their headquarters in Frankfurt or are represented by a branch in the city.

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1971 and is a large public university in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. It has a high international student body, with over 12000 student from more than 100 countries



See the European Summer University Prgram homepage for reference See the Frankfurt City homepage for reference See the Zurich university of Applied Sciences homepage for reference See the Rotterdam Business School homepage for reference