Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba (born in 1963) is a Nigerian Environmentalist and politician who is currently the pioneer Director General of the National Biosafety Management Agency NBMA.

He is a former directorate staff at the federal Ministry of environment, Abuja. He was first appointed in 2015 as the NBMA DG by the president Goodluck Jonathan administration and got reappointed for second tenure because of job well done by president Muhammedu Buhari.

Rufus Ebegba is from Evwreni clan of the Urhobo ethnic group in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State.

  • Early life*

Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba Was Born in 1963 to a polygamous farmer family. He had a rough background, despite this he surmounted the odds of life and rose to prominence.

He lived most of his life with his relatives because his father died while he was a child.

He owes his early education to the support of his aunty Chief Mrs Victoria Ivbijaro and her husband and his secondary and university education to his elder brother Prof. Dickson Ufomata and his dear wife.

He attended Arinze Primary School in Benin City(1975), Agbarho Grammar School(1981). While he was at the Secondary school he was a class prefect throughout all his classes before been elected as a Senior Prefect of the School in form four. While he was in the secondary school, he was a member of various clubs and held executive positions in the clubs.

He was the pioneer president of National Association of Agric students of University of Benin. He holds B.Sc (Agric) M.Sc (Environmental Biology) and awarded Ph.D(Environmental Biology).

He has certicates of various short courses. His competences range from administration, biosafety management, biodiversity conservation, resources Management, policy development and implementation, project planning and development.

He was involved in the development of Nigeria National Biosafety framework and National biotechnology policy. He was also involved in the development of Nigeria's National biodiversity strategy and Action plan. As the Director General of the National Biosafety Management Agency, he has to his credit the development of national biosafety policy, regulations and various guidelines. He was also the pioneer speaker of the Parliament of the National Agric students Association, of University of Benin. He held these positions because of the admirable behavior and love for humanity.

  • Career*life* :

He stated his career 1990, as an Administrative Officer at the defunct Centre for Democratic Study, Bwari Abuja. Later moved to the then Federal Environmental Protection Agency, Abuja, which later transformed into Federal ministry of Environment in 1999.

He was appointed, the pioneer Director General of the National Biosafety Management Agency in 2015 and currently serving a second tenure at the Agency as a Director General.

Under his leadership of the Agency, he has built the Agency to an enviable level worthy of emulation by other nations. Dr. Ebegba is the current Chairman of African Union Biosafety Regulators Forum. He has various publications.

  • Social life*

He is a community leader and he loves giving support to the less privilege.

He has supported various community projects, particularly in Jikwoyi Abuja where he currently resides. He holds traditional titles of the Urhirin {Meaning the glory of the city) of Evwreni Kingdom, the Dagba (meaning the elephant of the town} of Jikwoyi and the Atunluse (meaning the builder of the city} of Jikwoyi.

He is also an active member of the Police Community Relations Committee.

He is a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Club International.

He has received numerous awards for professionalism, hard work and service to humanity. He is a philanthropist. His vision is to provide quality leadership for socioeconomic transformation of people where everyone counts.

He is a devout catholic and he is a Noble Knight of Saint John International, where he has served in various capacities before becoming the Worthy President of one of the Commanderies in Abuja.

He also held various positions at the Abuja Archdiocesan Laity Council, amongst which were, General Secretary, Ex-Official and Vice Chairman. He was also a president of Federal Ministry of Environment Cooperative Society at two deferent times.

  • Political Life*

Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebega has never ventured into practical Political practice anywhere in Nigeria since his name entered the superlative list of personalities mentioned to take up the job of the delta state Governorship come 2023.

He is a man who is said to play his trade of politics in the institutional perspective of professional injection to leadership.

Ebegba has everything a quality leader requires in terms of building capacity leadership coupled with integrity and credibility as a person.

From the list of persons tagged to be suitable for the position of the Delta Governorship, Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba is the most feared.

This is because he holds the delta youths valuablly reaponsive to take up Political positions as the electioneering activities of the 2023 General elections draws closer.

He believes that the youths are not the Leaders of tomorrow and it is said in the past but Leaders of today.

With his center for youth leadership sustainability he has trained and will continue to retrain the youths in the need to Participate full-time in politics and Democracy.

Although Dr Ebegba hasn't publicly declare his intension to run for the Governorship position of Delta State, but with the political noise made so far by some Political foot soilders across delta it is a clear manifestation that the people have already started grouping to form Political bridges that can build solid Political family propelled to deliver him as the delta State Governor come 2023.

And with the look of things, everyone in Nigeria who can play the politics of electing a personality as Governor knows the pedigree of Dr Rufus Ebegba personality against others parading themselves as anointed governors to be.

We have seen political structures been built across the state on a daily basis, even the social media is not left out.

Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba is the most popular name on social media that the people know and want as Governor come 2023.

Dr Rufus Ebegba is humble, credible and resourceful to move the state to it's greater heights for the good of the People.