Adding to the article

I tried making many edits to the article but the editors of Wikipedia kept removing my edits. I had made few changes in the use of grammar but it was incorrect. I also added few definitions but it was removed as well.

Article Critique

I am critiquing the article titled "Document classification." The article discusses some of the problems of classifying or categorizing documents and also provides various techniques that can be used for classifying documents. The article has several sources that cannot be accessed. Although it looks like a lot of researches have been done, the length is not that long and not very detailed. There are many problems with this article, for example, it does not define what document classification is, which is the very first thing one should do when writing about a topic. The article is quite misleading. Instead of providing firm information about document classification, it directly introduces the problems of it. The main distraction was the unequal length of paragraphs and unnecessary opinion about the classification itself. It also looks like the author of this page had added their own view and original research on this specific topic, which is discouraged in Wikipedia. The article is biased and not neutral. It gives an opinion based on the writer's point of view on document classification; for example, there are phrases such as "this distinction is not fruitful" and "this distinct is purely superficial." It gives a claim on which type of classification is better, for example, algorithmic classification mostly preferred by information science department. There are some reliable sources used for this article, however, some are outdated and no longer accessible. Some information presented in this article does not necessarily relate to the sources. In this article, for example, shows there are various techniques that can be used while classifying but it does not have any footnotes to where this particular information came from. Also, there are several unnecessary claims to persuade the readers that are unacceptable in Wikipedia, for example, "it is probably better, however, to understand..." In addition to that, it tries to persuade the users using several other quotes, for example: " These terminological distinctions...are quite meaningless." In further inspection, I did not detect any plagiarism in this article, due to the fact that most of the sources are inaccessible.

Article Critique

I am critiquing the article titled "Document classification." The article discuss the problems of classifying or categorizing documents, and also provides various