Russell Storm Dovey; writer, satirist, roleplayer, bookworm, computer nut, non-sequiturist and there's a bee on my shoe, this... human has a permanent residence at long last after leaping around the world from Samoa to Fiji to sharehouse to couch, as the goat leaps from tree to tree on the mighty Canadian main, fending off pirates and mounties with its hooves.

His family is scattered around the country, from his sister a few suburbs away to his old da' on the South Coast, from his brother in the exclusive rich bugger's enclave of Narrabundah College to his mum recently returned from the South Pacific island paradise of Samoa. Most of the rest are in Melbourne, poor sods.

His friends are likewise spread throughout these many lands, in Samoa, Melbourne (poor sods), and (luckily for him) in Canberra. They range (or derange) from roleplayers to ale-quaffers, expat Kiwis to stranded dreamers, graphic artists to martial artists, imagineers to poets, musicians to madmen.

Russell is a playful, iconoclastic, whimsical, antisocial, stubborn individual, so his friends tend to understand that just because he sometimes disappears for months, or forgets to ring them occasionally, or turns up on their doorstep at 7AM demanding coffee and bus money doesn't mean that he's a selfish, inconsiderate, weird, lazy, deliberately annoying bastard.

Russell is in the process of learning to program in C++, which is why he is procrastinating by farting around on Wikipedia, writing this potty biography.

If you want to contact Russell and distract him further from his work, which he may welcome desperately as a sort of Deus Ex Procrastina, use the following methods: