I'm a simple Wikipedian. Want to find out everything about me? It's very simple, the userboxes below tells them all *wink*

√(-239) ubxsThis user has √(-239) userboxes.
idPengguna ini merupakan penutur ibu bahasa Indonesia.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
en-sg-2This user's Singlish not very good lah.
simpleThis person reads, writes and understands Simple English.
BSThis user can speak Bullshit.
sarThis user is obviously not sarcastic.
de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
progThis user is a programmer.
cmd-3This user is an advanced Microsoft command line script programmer.
batThis user can program in Batch.
<html>This user can write HTML.
PHPThis user can code PHP.
This user can program in JavaScript.
asm-1This user is a beginning assembly language programmer.
CThis user can program in C.
C++This user can program in C++.
pasThis user can program in Pascal.
dlphThis user can write Delphi.
vbThis user is a Visual Basic programmer.
...This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
IntSTihs uzer is a l33tsp3ek3r of Interweb slang.
1337-27h15 u53r 15 48l3 70 (0n7r18u+3
\/\/i7h 4|\| 1|\|73rm3d14+3 l3\/3l 0f 1337.
ASCIIThis user understands ASCII.
EBCDIC-1227 136 137 162 64 164 162 133 153 64 131 129 149 64 131 150 149 163 153 137 130 164 163 133 64 137 149 64 130 129 162 137 131 64 197 194 195 196 201 195 75
pig-1Isthay userway isway ableway otay ontributecay ithway away asicbay evellay ofway Igpay Atinlay.
This user believes that fuck is the most versatile word in the English language.
A giant panda.This user's favourite animal is the giant panda.
This user dislikes
You are one-eighth through this user's userboxes.
This user has a driver's license.
This user is a gearhead.
This user is a BMW enthusiast.
This user loves the Lamborghini Gallardo.
This user is a Mercedes-Benz enthusiast.
This user loves the Lancer Evolution.
This user likes all of the colors.

Userbox Archive

Crazy Penguin Link
This user feels wonderful!
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Penguin}}
Ninja Star Link
Ninja stars rock!!!
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Ninja Star}}
Blu Link
This user is feeling Blu
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Blu}}
Ignificant Link
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Ignificant}}
Longest Word Shakespear Used Link
Penguin Attack Link
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox_Archive/Penguin Attack}}
Heat Link
Is it hot in here?
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Penguin Attack 2}}
Monster Link
This user...box holds back a monster
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Monster}}
Second Amendment Link
This user stands by the Second Amendment
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Second Amendment}}
Days like This Link
{{User:Vervadr/Userbox Archive/Days Like This}}

This user's favorite color is ultraviolet.
This user's favorite color is *insert color here*.Color
lol wut Obvious statement is obvious.
PTThis user knows that to defeat the Cyberdemon, they must shoot at it until it dies.
fan-1This user is a fan of the character [[{{{1}}}]].
This user is interested in computer engineering.
LipsumThis user uses lorem ipsum as placeholder text to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation.
DAMN!This user's computer is CRAPPY!
@ This user can be reached by email at ryan.leonel+wikien@gmail.com.

This user uses
Windows Live Messenger.
Y!This user's Yahoo! Messenger screename is {{{1}}}.
Web SoonThis user has a website that can be found on the web soon.
This user maintains a Facebook profile.
This user maintains a Friendster profile.

[ ]This user is a TopCoder member.
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Gmail as a primary email service.
NvThis user has an Nvidia GeForce {{{1}}}, and this user {{{2}}} it!
This user has a 5.1 channel surround sound speaker set-up for his/her computer.
This user contributes using a laptop.
This user contributes using a PC.
¼You are one-quarter through this user's userboxes.
This user contributes with a computer based on the Intel Core 2 Duo microprocessor.
Put the number 25 in a calculator. Multiply by 800. Multiply by 266. Subtract 1,992. Then look at the calculator upside-down...
This user loves tricks like this.
BBThis user contributes using a broadband connection.
This user is an omnivore.
This user loves pizza.
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user loves sausages.
This user eats chicken.
This user eats fish.
This user believes 42 cookies is the answer to life.
DHMOThis user drinks plenty of dihydrogen monoxide.
Dr PThis user wants it all.
This user eats at KFC.
This user eats at McDonald's.
This user loves
Chinese cuisine.
This user loves
Japanese cuisine.
This user enjoys playing Sudoku.
GAME This user won "the Game".
Murder... This user thinks that murders go wonderfully with dinner.
This user hasn't defeated Garry Kasparov and Deep Blue with a row of pawns and a bishop, but they probably could if they had the opportunity!
S1This user is a Scrabble player.
CardsThis user enjoys playing card games.
This user still enjoys playing the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
This user wants a PlayStation 3 but is too poor to get one.
This user plays Pac-Man.
This user kicks butt at Tetris.
This user is still alive.
You are three-eighths through this user's userboxes.
This user likes to play Role-playing games.
This user is an expert mathematician.
This user can divide by zero.
This user enjoys thinking in Four Dimensions.
This user's favorite shape is E8.
This user enjoys n-dimensional objects.
This user knows how to
Find X.
Erdős ∞This user has an Erdős number of ∞.
π = 3.14159265358979323846264

33832795028841971693993751058 20974944592307816406286208998 62803482534211706798214808651 32823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701 93852110555964462294895493038 19644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648 56692346038610454326648213393 60726024914127372458700660631 55817488152092096282925409171 53643678925903600113305305488 20466521384146951941511609433 05727036575959195309218611738 19326117931051185480744623799 62749567351885752724891227938 18301194912983367336244065664 30860213949463952247371907021 79860943702770539217176293176 75238467481846766940513200056 81271452635608277857713427577 89609173637178721468440901224 95343014654958537105079227968 92589235420199561121290219608 64034418159813629774771309960

=1 This user knows that 0.9...(repeating) is exactly 1 and can prove it, but wishes that other people could understand it the way he does.
This user knows the Ultimate Answer.
This user loves problem solving.
This user exploits the pigeonhole principle.
This user knows intermediate
music theory.
This user enjoys music by
Ludwig van Beethoven.
This user enjoys music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
This user plays the
electronic organ.
This user plays the piano.
This user enjoys philosophy.
This is where I stand.TODAY
This user is interested in
This user has been tested and is a Certified Nerd.
Eagle Nebula This user is interested in astronomy.
Don't worry, Pluto, I'm not a planet either.
This user expects an Impact event during his/her lifetime.
This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.
This user has a keen interest in learning about Chemistry.
This user has memorized the elements' names and symbols.
½You are halfway through this user's userboxes.
This user loves calculators.
This user uses a TI calculator.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
ACMThis user is a member of the ACM
This user knows the dire side effects of dihydrogen monoxide.
Do you?
This user is interested in nanotechnology.
This user enjoys using Celestia to look at the virtual skies.
This user does not contribute by using a web browser. Rather, they upload material directly to the internet by using the awesome power of their mind.
This user contributes using either Internet Explorer or Firefox.
PsThis user uses Photoshop CS3.
MS OfficeThis person uses
Microsoft Office.
This user contributes using Windows Vista Home Premium.
This Windows user has experienced one or more Blue Screens of Death.
This user is crunching numbers using Prime95.
This user is paranoid enough to possess their own PGP key!
This user loves using Google Earth.
STOP GLOBAL BLOATING! Smaller and lighter is better.
This user is interested
in extreme sports.
Like Winston Churchill, this user is in good health because they don't practice any sport.
This user enjoys siesta.
This user likes fireworks.
This user wants to visit Antarctica.
This user does not smoke.
This user is interested in retrocomputing.
This user is rated R18 by the BBFC.
This user is a book lover.
This user has or has yet to Journey to the Center of the Earth.
WWThis user is a Werewolf.
6×9=42This user jokes in base 13.
You are five-eighths through this user's userboxes.
This user enjoys films.
This user loves documentaries.
BVThis user lives in a strange world.
This user is in clear and present danger.
This user supports the
Galactic Empire.
This user has a television set.

User:Apollonius 1236/userboxes/No commercials?

d'oh!This user thinks The Simpsons is simply... excellent.
This userbox has been assimilated. Resistance is futile. Δ
This user enjoys Star Trek.
This user is a Klingon


This user enjoyed watching Planet Earth.
FMThis user has an FM radio.
?This user thinks that the List of songs with questionable lyrics put out by the Clear Channels Communications is an evil scheme to get good songs removed without reason.
NewspaperThis user reads newspapers.
This user enjoys reading magazines.
xkcdThis user has geohashed.
WebcomicsThis user reads webcomics.
This user enjoys comics.
^_^This user watches anime.
^_^This user reads manga.
This user has a Death Note and uses Wikipedia to research names for it.
This user has a Death Note and writes in names of Wikipedia vandals.
O.O^his user is crazy about Naruto, and is an ANBU, Akatsuki, Kage and a Sannin all at once!!!
Alive This user is alive on this planet.
SCI FIThis user loves science fiction.
¾You are three-quarters through this user's userboxes.
This user attends, has attended, or hopes to attend Starfleet Academy.
This user survived Catholic school!
This user has multiple university degrees.
BCSThis user has a Bachelor of Computer Science degree.
BMathThis user has a Bachelor of Mathematics degree.
BEngThis user has a Bachelor of Engineering degree.
MSISThis user has a Master of Science in Information Systems degree.
This user is short-sighted.
This user has black hair.
This user has brown eyes.
This user is Radioactive. Approach with extreme caution-they may be highly unstable.
This user supports stem cell research.
The No Smoking sign This user is against smoking.
This user respects women and rejects any violence against women.
This user supports medical cannabis
This user is a male.
This user is an ageless immortal.
This user supports
universal health care.
This user believes in
universal college tuition.
PLThis user is pro-life, and cannot understand why anyone wouldn't be.
This user advocates the use of the death penalty for certain criminal offences.
"No smoking" sign with text This user supports the ban on smoking in public places.
This user is a Christian.
Christian cross This user is saved!
This user believes that Evolution and Christianity are mutually supportive.
This user believes that the Universe began with a bang.
This user is from Indonesia.
You are seven-eighths through this user's userboxes.
This user supports President Barack Obama.
George W. BushThis user thinks President George W. Bush should have been impeached.
This user knows that there are
654,965 reasons why the
2003 invasion of Iraq was wrong.
This user is a software engineer.
This user is a website developer

+This user, like every other sane person, wants to be paid more.
This user loves to walk by the moon.
This user loves the Winter.
This user loves deadlines. They love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.
The time is currently 22:59:13 UTC.
CancerThis user is a Cancer.
This user was born in the Year of the Ox.
This user is a Wikipedian.
This user is a member on the English Wikipedia.
wiki-1This user is a beginning Wikipedia editor.
This user enjoys Wiki-Comparisons.
Please be nice and patient with this New Wikipedian.
Wikipedia is not censored.
:-|This user is undecided.
This user smiles frequently.
ubx-5This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
{{!!!}}This user over-uses userboxes.
This user wants to see uniform userbox sizes and shapes.
This user scored ∞+7484 on the Wikipediholic test.
:(This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored.
ENDThis user has no more userboxes.