User:SKay Nawa/199 UN Earth Summit in Rio

  • Comment: Error: There was no comment detected! Please follow the instructions at Template:AfC comment. Note we already have the article Earth Summit which covers the 1992 event in Rio



The earth's summit that was held in Rio de Jaineiro, Brazilwas a two-week Earth Summit that was the climax of a process,which begun in December 1989 and it was dealing with the processes of planning, education and negotiations among all Member States of the United Nations. This earth summit lead to the adoption of agenda 21, a wide-ranging blueprint for action to achieve sustainable development worldwide and is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment and the future of the whole world at large.It had 172, 108 governments participating at level of heads of State or Government.

The Earth Summit has influenced all subsequent UN conferences and this was the whole ideaIt has examined issues that were dealing with the relationship between human rights, population growth and decrease, social development, women and human settlements and the need for environmentally sustainable development, which was most focused.During the United Nations Summit in Rio (1992) as well as the world summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg S.A 2002)had alot of topics discusssed, however biological diversity was a very interesting and most common topic of discussion and this is because biodiversity aswell as other concerns of the summit are of great [importance]. At the end of the day the Summit's message was "that nothing less than a transformation of our attitudes and behaviour would bring about the necessary changes".

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