
Middle East Strategic Information


The Middle East Strategic Information (MESI) project

provides a unique in-depth analysis of the Middle East and its strategic issues as they relate to the outside world. The MESI informs beyond the headlines and presents news and evaluations that provide important relevant data to the understanding of the Middle East.

The MESI analyses the reporting of and from the Middle East providing many of the details and much of the background to the news emanating from this region. Arabic media experts on the staff will make available the essential news from the Arab speaking world and its press. The MESI also has access to intelligence of a sensitive nature that is seldom presented to a wider audience.

As part of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, the MESI has access to senior politicians, diplomats, high-ranking security officials, academics, legal experts and strategists from Israel and around the Middle East. These provide MESI with an important infrastructure to disseminate a professional and credible analysis of events from the region.

Middle East Strategic Information

MESI is a resource from which to obtain unbiased news, and analyses on the greater Middle East, including Iran, the Arab World and Israel.



MESI was started by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, a veteran diplomat who served on the staff of five past Israeli Prime Ministers (including Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzchak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres), as well as serving as ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia. Furtermore, Avner formerly served as the Inspector General of the Foreign Service, and is today a member of the Ambassadorial Appointments Committee.

Ambassador Yehuda Avner- Project Director

MESI is part of the JCPA, a non-profit, policy research and education institution established in Jerusalem, and currently run by Dore Gold, an Israeli diplomat. Gold was an advisor at the Madrid Peace Confrence as well the Wye River Memorandum. He served as an advisor to Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon, and was later appointed as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.

MESI consists of a team of well-respected experts on military, intelligence and political matters.


Middle East Strategic Information

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Daily Alert