User:SSS108/ArbCom2 Evidence Page

Original Material From ArbCom Evidence Page [1]

Evidence presented by SSS108


As this pertains to Ekantik's (sockpuppet Gaurasundara: [2]) presence on the Sathya Sai Baba article, his claims to not being a POV editor [3][4][5] and the reason he began participating on the Sathya Sai Baba article was based soley because of various RFCs [6], I submit the following evidence that positively refutes these claims:

  • Ekantik uses numerous online names and to get a glimpse of how active and verbose he is in his attacks against Sathya Sai Baba, here are stats from a single Yahoo Group (specific to the Sai Controversy): Ekantik made 4,495 posts under the name "saiexposed420" (Ref); 1,132 posts under the name "dark_knight_9" (Ref); 571 posts under the name "innitball" (Ref); 170 posts under the name "sai-charan.geo" (Ref); 29 posts under the name "donmakaveli22" (Ref). This totals 6,397 posts made in 4 and half years. These are Ekantik's postings made exclusively on this single Yahoo Group, which does not account for Ekantik's thousands of posts on other groups, forums, blogs, boards, etc.
  • Ekantik's blogs specifically against me and my involvement on Wikipedia: [7][8][9]. He also attacks Freelanceresearch and me on a Yahoo Group for our involvement on Wikipedia: [10].
  • Ekantik currently attacks Sathya Sai Baba on the QuickTopic forum (under the name "Sai Baba EXPOSED") [20]. He has also taken over a Yahoo Group critical of Sathya Sai Baba: [21]. Ekantik advocates for his blog against Sathya Sai Baba on (sample page, one of many), his Gaurasundara's Musings blog (Ref) and on numerous other blogs in the "comment sections".
  • Ekantik unremittingly refers to Sathya Sai Baba, even to this day, as a "homosexual paedophile" [23], "faggot guru child rapist" [24] and "murderer" [25] (among numerous other defamatory slurs and libels).
  • Besides spelling and grammar corrections, Ekantik's edits have revolved solely around controversial material on the Sathya Sai Baba article. On the talk page, he immediately began accusing me of using Wikipedia as a battlefield, soapbox, etc., [26][27][28][29][30][31] and engaged me in debate incognito before I discovered his sockpuppet. His presence on the article and his pugnacity toward me are now fully understood in light of his true identity. He also felt the critics section needed to be expanded to reflect at least half of the entire article [32].
  • On Thatcher's talk-page, Ekantik's bias slipped through his usually very carefully worded and guarded replies and he said, "The 'number' of abuse testimonies on critical sites does not at all reflect the true nature of the situation...The 'true number' of people in any way mistreated by SSB is impossible to count" [33]
  • Ekantik is published and promoted on Andries, M Alan Kazlev, Reinier van der Sandt and Robert Priddy's Anti-Sai websites/webpages. Just a few examples (respectively): Bottom of page and menu bar, see "Dadlani" [34]Update, bottom of page [35], whole page [36]. Unlike Ekantik, I have not waged extra-Wikipedia attacks against him about his presence and edits on Wikipedia. This issue is about his attempt to pass himself off a neutral editor who was not involved in the Sai Controversy (when he is), that he does not have a POV regarding SSB (when he does), attempting to pass himself off as two separate editors (he even greeted his sockpuppet with his Ekantik account [37]) and his clear antagonism against proponents/devotees (even recently complaining that Kkrystian, a follower of SSB, should be cited for a "COI" -conflict of interest [38]- although he does not think he has a "COI" himself). SSS108 talk-email 18:49, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

Dec. 28th 2006Update

I have no complaints about Kazlev regarding the Sathya Sai Baba article. Kazlev is good friends with Robert Priddy and he waged a very vocal argument about the inclusion of my webpages criticizing Priddy. Kazlev dealt with this issue his own way by creating attack articles against me on his own website ([39][40][41][42]["abuse of wikipedia" page under construction]) and Freelanceresearch ([43]), creating his own links page ([44]) and creating his own wiki-mirror of Priddy's Wikipedia page ([45]).

I originally created this webpage (pre-Wikipedia dispute) in response to Kazlev's criticism of me on his website (contrary to his claim that I started my page first). Alan Kazlev became so disgruntled over the Robert Priddy "wikipedia home-page" dispute that he created multiple pages attacking me (making bogus psychological diagnoses) and created his own Wiki-Mirror page for Priddy ([46]). I was forced to publicly defend myself and I clearly stated on the very first post on my blog:

"Just recently, I discovered that Alan created several webpages against me and I decided to respond, hence this blog. Let it be known that I did not start this fight. I created this blog after Kazlev created the following pages against me, began giving undue weight in favor of Anti-Sai Activists and had the audacity to play psychiatrist and implied that I have mental disorders. This from someone who has no credentials in the medical or mental fields whatsoever and who blathers about 'love' and 'letting go of hatred'." [47]

As evidenced by Kazlev's own webpages, he, Ekantik, Andries, Reinier van der Sandt and Robert Priddy are all collaborators specifically involved in the Sai Controversy, therefore proving his POV and COI. SSS108 talk-email 19:30, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

Regarding Andries

  • As the current scope of ArbCom is about POV and COI, I will simply cite what I cited in the first ArbCom case about Andries. Andries was the former webmaster (for 3 years) and is the current "Main Representative, Supervisor and Contact" for the largest Anti-Sathya-Sai-Baba website on the internet: View Previous ArbCom Evidence Page.
  • On July 27th 2005: M Alan Kazlev made specific mention to Andries webmaster status (Ref) → In the very next post (same day), Andries did not deny being the webmaster, but instead solicited a link to his personal defection story ([48]) → Dec. 6th 2005: Thaumaturgic attributed the site to Reinier and Andries ([49]) → Dec. 6th 2005: Andries removed his name but left Reiniers ([50]) → Very next day, Dec. 7th 2006 (4 months after Kazlev brought up this issue with no denial from Andries, Andries claimed he was not the webmaster but Reinier was the webmaster ([51]). Why the "real" webmaster would list Andries as the webmaster for one week (an unnecessary action for such a short period of time), yet fail to update this information for 3 years (when the site was being updated with hundreds of articles during that time) is a question Andries refused (and continues to refuse) to answer [52]. I emailed Reinier with the same questions posed to Andries [53] and he never responded to the questions either.
  • In an effort to build good faith and prevent edit warring, I created a proposition on the Sathya Sai Baba talk page [54] that was signed by all of the involved editors, except Andries. Andries initially disagreed and attacked me [55], then partially agreed [56], attacked me again [57] and refuses to agree to the same proposition all the other editors agreed to. This suggests that Andries is unwilling to cooperate with other editors and is adamant that the article should be shaped according to his views.
  • Andries was banned from editing the Robert Priddy article for one month [58] due to violating the ArbCom ruling and two warnings from Admin [59][60] because of the following contentious edits: [61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68]. Once again, this suggests that Andries is unwilling to accept the ArbCom ruling and the warnings of two Admin and will push forward with his Anti-Sai agenda at any cost. Needless to say, Andries still believes he is right and ArbCom and Admin are wrong [69].
  • Andries, Reinier van der Sandt, Ekantik, M Alan Kazlev and Robert Priddy are all collaborators and Andries Anti-Sai Site frequently publishes Priddy's Anti-Sai material, the most recent being December 12th 2006 [70] (which even included a personal attack against me) and frequently publishes Ekantik's Anti-Sai material and even devoted a link to him (entitled "Dadlani") on the menu bar [71]Update. In my opinion, this is why Andries is so intent on including Priddy's Anti-Sai website on Priddy's wiki-page. Andries has an Anti-Sai agenda to push. SSS108 talk-email 17:03, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

Robert Priddy is the single most prolific writer against Sathya Sai Baba in the Anti-Sai Movement [72]. Very rarely has he spoken out publicly. When he has spoken out publicly, he has shown himself to be an unreasonable person who blindly accuses others unapologically. This has been fully documented on Wikipedia, here, on my Talk Page.

As this pertains to my blog about Priddy, he has become more and more ascerbic in his attacks against me and has made (and continues to make, even as recently as December 12th 2006 [73]) numerous false and inaccurate accusations against me. The only way I could keep up with these ever-increasing attacks was by creating a blog defending myself. Creating numerous webpages and updating hyperlinks and menus is time-consuming. A blog is much easier to maintain and update, hence the blog.

  • Priddy attacks me anonymously on his own website [74] (which was originally published on the domain and was deleted for defamatory content). Needless to say, these attack pages are filled to the brim with gutter untruths and distortions of the truth (very much akin to his disinformation about me on Wikipedia).

Some links where Priddy attacks me:

  • [75]
  • Published on Andries Anti-Sai Site [76]
  • Attacks on the domain [77]
  • Attacks on domain [78]

I have defended myself against Priddy on my own website and on a blog:

Robert Priddy's active websites pertaining to Sathya Sai Baba:

  • (Personal Home Page with a former Anti-Sai section - Anti-Sai section has since been deleted)
  • (Active Anti-Sai Site)
  • (Active Anti-Sai Norweigian Website)
  • (Active Anti-Sai Site)
  • (Active Anti-Sai Site)

Robert Priddy's deleted websites pertaining to Sathya Sai Baba:

  • (Old Anti-Sai Site: Deleted for defamatory content with a million dollar legal threat from Leo Rebello [79] - an Anti-Sai Activist in his own right. Although Rebello's emails were defamatory, Rebello did not create a public website publishing them and defaming Priddy, like Priddy did with Rebello.)
  • (Newer Anti-Sai Site -12/05- Deleted for defamatory content)
  • (Anti-Sai Site: Deleted)
  • (Anti-Sai Site: Deleted)
  • (Anti-Sai Site: Deleted)
  • (Anti-Sai Site: Deleted)

Therefore, there is little doubt that Priddy has a COI with material associated with Sathya Sai Baba on Wikipedia. Robert Priddy, Andries, Reinier van der Sandt, M Alan Kazlev and Ekantik are all Anti-Sai collaborators who publish, support, defend and promote each other through their own individual blogs and websites. It is also to be noted that all these individuals were/are active and part of the debate on Robert Priddy's wiki-page (which will be discussed in a separate section). SSS108 talk-email 17:57, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

Reinier van der Sandt - (talk · contribs)- is the webmaster for the domain [80]. Until just recently, the domain was simply a framed page that loaded Andries domain. This was recently changed when the ArbCom case gained momentum (another attempt to do damage control, in my opinion). As a matter of fact, the current cached pages (dated 23 Dec 2006) for the domain supports my claims: Full Cached Page (view source code to view frames-script) [81] and Text Cached Page [82]. If these cached versions have been updated (as they regularly are), I saved them myself: Full Cached Page [83] & Text Cached Page [84]. One will notice that these caches do not show anything because Google can only cache what is on the site, and not the framed page from another domain. The text that shows is meant for non-frames browers. If you view the source code for the current version of the domain, you will notice the complete change and update. If you place your cursor over the menu buttons, you will see that they all link directly to the domain (which belongs to Andries). There is only one page to the site listed on Google [85].

Although Reinier van der Sandt claimed that he has never seen or followed Sathya Sai Baba, he has waged a very public smear campaign against him on the internet and has created the following websites that contain Anti-Sai material on them (as of today, all of these sites work and are active):

  • (Active: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Framed version that load the domain)
  • (Active: 9 Files: Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Anti-Sai website)
  • (Active: Framed version that load the domain)
  • (Active: -now claims this site is his- English Anti-Sai site)
  • (Active: Dutch Anti-Sai site)
  • (Active: German Anti-Sai site)
  • (Active: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: 11 files: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Contains Anti-Sai material)
  • (Active: Redirects to the site)
  • (Active: Provides redirect link for the site)
  • (Active: Contains the Mail-Forms from Anti-Sai sites)

Since Reinier van der Sandt now claims that he is the "technical webmaster" for the domain (as well as claiming he is the webmaster for, and, he runs the largest Anti-Sai websites on the internet in 3 languages. It is also important to point out that Reinier van der Sandt said about the domain, that the "ultimate responsibility for this site" is in the hands of Andries Krugers Dagneaux [86][87]. This is exactly what I have been saying all along. This website is registered under Andries name and he is the de facto webmaster.

I was the target of vicious attacks from Reinier van der Sandt. I waited 4 and half months before I finally responded to him. After exposing Reinier van der Sandt for using numerous fake names (including my name) on a Yahoo Group (all of which he subsequently admitted to using [88]). Reinier van der Sandt created 77 attack pages against me in 36 days and 8 additional attack pages, all of which were subsequently deleted due to their bold-faced and easily verifiable lies and defamations [89]. Strange enough, Reinier van der Sandt also attacked Kazlev simply because he linked to my site and called him my "moronic friend". Reinier van der Sandt also spammed me with hate-mail using various proxy IPs. I was able to identify him because he used an unusual term in his attack pages against me that was used (in the exact same manner) in 4 of 25 hate-mails sent to me [90]. Reinier Van Der Sandt also attacked Freelanceresearch [91].

Reinier van der Sandt made and posted pictures of Sathya Sai Baba on a Yahoo Group that are very revealing [92].

Reinier van der Sandt has used the following names on Yahoo Groups to attack Sathya Sai Baba:

  • sloppyjoemoreno [93] (26 posts)
  • webmasterexbabacom [94] (5 posts)
  • rvdsandt2003 [95] (200 posts)
  • rvdsandt2004 [96] (112 posts)
  • end_of_baba [97] (12 posts)
  • rapistanddemonsathyasaibaba [98] (336 posts)
  • neutral_individual [99] (6 posts)
  • finddewittinthepizza [100] (2 posts)
  • reiniervandersandt [101] (298 posts)
  • reiniervdsandt [102] (204 posts)
  • truthaboutbaba [103] (42 posts)
  • Numerous other names on other forums.

I have created the following index defending myself against Reinier van der Sandt:

Reinier van der Sandt fully promotes, publishes and associates himself with Ekantik (even defending him on Yahoo Groups for years), Robert Priddy, Andries and M Alan Kazlev (who has subsequently become friends with him). Since some of these critics refer to Sathya Sai Baba as a "rapist and demon", "homosexual paedophile", "faggot guru child rapist" and "murderer", apparently they all share these beliefs as they continue to support and promote each other to this day. They believe this although Sathya Sai Baba has never been convicted of any crime, has never been charged with any crime and has never had even one single complaint lodged against him by any alleged victim, first-hand, in India. Not even one alleged victim has even tried to file a complaint against Sathya Sai Baba in India (the only place where courts would have jurisdiction over Baba as an individual defendent). SSS108 talk-email 16:23, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

Self Disclosure


I am the webmaster for the following websites:

My personal geocities website:

All my blogs:

I do not own, nor am I affiliated with, I am uncertain how Anti-Sai Activists tied me in with this website, but this disinformation has been stated on Wikipedia [104] and by critics on the internet. SSS108 talk-email 20:18, 28 December 2006 (UTC)