
The Progressive Lawyers Group (Chinese: 法政匯思) ("PLG") was founded on 27 January 2015. It is a professional group made up of barristers, solicitors, law students and law graduates in Hong Kong.

Establishment and objectives

The Progressive Lawyers Group is dedicated to promoting the core values of the rule of law, judicial independence, democracy, human rights, freedom and justice.

At present, Kevin Yam, Jonathan Man and Choy Ki are the Convenors of PLG. Former Convenor Wilson Leung is currently PLG’s International Liaison Officer.


Since its establishment, PLG has taken part in the following:

  • voiced concerns on various major social, legal and political issues, including:
  1. the method of selecting the Chief Executive in 2017,
  2. political advertising by the government,
  3. unwarranted attacks on the Judiciary,
  4. missing persons of the Causeway Bay Bookstore,
  5. CY Leung’s suggestion of withdrawal from The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,
  6. rejecting the appointment of Professor Johannes Chan as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor by the Council of the University of Hong Kong,
  7. mass arrests, detention or disappearance of Mainland Chinese human rights lawyers,
  8. readings of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014 in the Legislative Council,
  9. Interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the PRC National People's Congress on 7 November 2016.
  • conducting legal research and writing submissions
  • publishing Chinese and English articles via various media outlets (including the Hong Kong Free Press ([1]), weekly columns in the Apple Daily, Post 852 and Pentoy)
  • commenting on current affairs
  • organising and taking part in street stalls to educate and communicate with the public
  • giving talks to secondary school and university students
  • raising funds for social movements or other related projects

References [2]