What I Like

 This user demands you
respect my authoritah!
 This user is a Doctor Who fan.
 This user thinks that Ed Wood is the worst director of all time.
 This user knows Who's on First.
 Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
 This user largely subsists on cold leftover pizza and credits this diet for their health & success in life.
 This user loves paella.
 This user prefers Belgian beer.
 This user enjoys electronic music.
  This user can't stand hip hop music.

What I Do

  This user has a website, which can be found here.
 This user is a software engineer.
 This user contributes using GNU/Linux. 
 This user hacks happily with Emacs.
C-3This user is an advanced C programmer.
Perl-2This user is an intermediate Perl programmer.
 This user is an amateur artist.

How I Think

CNThis user's alignment is Chaotic Neutral: the "Free Spirit."

How I Relate

 This user is from Eris.
XThis user is a member of
Generation X.
 This user contributes using Firefox.
 This user supports Citizen Media.
 This user is addicted to travel.
evenThis editor is an eventualist.