Who am I? [email protected] is an amateur sociologist and an amateur linguist who studies both society and language as a hobby.

I dislike racism of any kind as I believe all humans descend from one pair of parents, Adam and Eve. Race itself is an artificial thing, I and other amateur sociologists believe is related to psychology and not biology. This means it is possible to change one's race. Racism is basically hatred for diversity and forcing members of one race to embrace another race, for instance, Arabization policy on Kurds and Assyrians by Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq.

My interests are on topics such as:

  • Kaafirphobia - hatred towards non-Muslims, irrespectives of their religion.
  • Christianophobia - hatred towards Christians, irrespective of their denomination.
  • Anti-Semitism - hatred towards Jews, irrespective of their denomination.
  • Islamophobia - hatred towards Muslims, irrespective of their denomination.

If you wish to help me in these areas, drop me a private email or public message in my Talk Page.