Child Development

In the article shows how the importance and criticalness in child development is more necessary than anything else that takes place during the first three years of a child’s life. The reason is that during those three years “seventy-five percent of total brain growth and development takes place during that period!” The first year differs when compared to the second and third in that the child is simply dependent on nourishment consisting of feeding, protection, and loving attention. But in the second and third years the parents must now integrate intelligent input as part of the nourishment process. It’s this reason that immense stress is put on the parents to ensure that careful thought is given on the actions they intend to take.

There’s  also mentioned in the article that nutrition is not the only thing the brain needs to stimulate conditioning and growth; it also requires an environment that will assist in activating the intellectual and emotional nourishment needed of a fledgling human being and future member of society. He also listed some helpful examples parents could use to give a child the head start he/she needs and still remain a fun challenge as well, for physical development good organic nourishment and regular exercise, with a caution on being overly dependent on commercial food products. Caring for intellectual development involves teaching and play, using fun games, toys, music etc. that the child can focus on. Emotional development is an unlimited giveaway of constant love and attention, essential at this point as the child must learn to love both his/her parents and him/herself.

I thought this article was very eye opening to the idea of cognitive development. Now that I know the importance of this stage as compared to later ones, I am more motivated to feed my children’s needs in the future and test their limits in a hope that the academic learning process might become a little easier and faster process. I also read in the book that talked about the importance of this period; how a child at this age has double the active synapses in comparison to adults. This information among others I have learned and changed my perception of my current and future interactions with children in the age range of zero to three.