This is my attempt at converting Tables in javascript from HTML to MediaWiki format.

var fallBackExtensions = "Calendar,Gnuplot,KwInclude,InputBox,kw_include_file";

function aboutMe(){
	//Local Variables for Current WYSIWYG
	var majorVersion = "0";
	var minorVersion = "4";
	return "Version: " + majorVersion + "." + minorVersion;
var is = new Is();
function convertWiki(source, extensions){
	//This one liner is to remove all carriage returns that MSIE uses and replace them with newlines	
	source = source.replace(/\n\r/g, "\n");
	source = source.replace(/<lt;!--\n-->/mgi, "\n");
	source = source.replace(/\n \n/g, "\n");
	source = source.replace(/<lt;p>\&nbsp\;<lt;\/p>/mgi, "<lt;p><lt;/p>");

	//Local Variables
	var firstPos = 0;
	var secondPos = 0;
	var currentPos = 0;
	var refPos = 0;
	var sbt = "";       //String Before Token
	var sat = "";       //String After Token
	var convertStr = source; //String to Convert
	var token = "";
	var tempStr = "";   //Used for random Processing
	var linkStr = "";   //String for holding Links
	var linkTextStr = ""; //String for holding the text of links
	var i = 0;  //For Loop Counter
	var tempChar = "";   //For Checking Previous Characters
	//var align = "", frameOrThumb = "", width = "", height = "";
	var indentStack = "\n";
	//List of Extensions to Support
	var extList = [];
	if(extensions != null){
		extensions = extensions.toLowerCase();
		extList = extensions.split(',');
		extensions = fallBackExtensions;
		extensions = extensions.toLowerCase();
		extList = extensions.split(',');		
	var found = false;

	//BUILD Conversion Variable Here
	var toWiki = {};
	//Tokens to Search For
	toWiki.start = {};
	toWiki.start['<lt;b>'] = "'''";
	toWiki.start['<lt;strong>'] = "'''";
	toWiki.start['<lt;em>'] = "''";
	toWiki.start['<lt;i>'] = "''";
	toWiki.start['<lt;h1>'] = "=";
	toWiki.start['<lt;h2>'] = "==";
	toWiki.start['<lt;h3>'] = "===";
	toWiki.start['<lt;h4>'] = "====";
	toWiki.start['<lt;h5>'] = "=====";
	toWiki.start['<lt;h6>'] = "======";
	toWiki.start['<lt;p>'] = "\n";
	toWiki.start['<lt;br />'] = "\n";
	toWiki.start['<lt;hr />'] = "----";
	toWiki.start['<lt;pre>'] = "<lt;pre>";
	toWiki.start['<lt;table'] = "<lt;table";
	toWiki.start['<lt;a'] = "<lt;a";
	toWiki.start['<lt;math>'] = "<lt;math>";
	toWiki.start['<lt;nowiki>'] = "<lt;nowiki>";	
	toWiki.start['<lt;dl>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;ol>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;ul>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;/dl>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;/ol>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;/ul>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;dd>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;dt>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;li>'] = "";
	toWiki.start['<lt;img'] = "<lt;img";
	toWiki.start['<lt;div'] = "<lt;div";
	toWiki.start['<lt;!--'] = "<lt;!--";
	toWiki.start['<lt;tt>'] = "<lt;tt>";
	//Token Matching Pattern
	toWiki.match = {};
	toWiki.match['<lt;b>'] = "<lt;/b>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;strong>'] = "<lt;/strong>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;em>'] = "<lt;/em>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;i>'] = "<lt;/i>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;h1>'] = "<lt;/h1>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;h2>'] = "<lt;/h2>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;h3>'] = "<lt;/h3>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;h4>'] = "<lt;/h4>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;h5>'] = "<lt;/h5>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;h6>'] = "<lt;/h6>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;p>'] = "<lt;/p>";
	toWiki.match['<lt;br />'] = "";
	toWiki.match['<lt;hr />'] = "";	
	toWiki.match['<lt;pre>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;table'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;a'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;math>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;nowiki>'] = "voodoo";	
	toWiki.match['<lt;dl>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;ol>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;ul>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;/dl>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;/ol>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;/ul>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;dd>'] = "voodoo";	
	toWiki.match['<lt;dt>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;li>'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;img'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;div'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;!--'] = "voodoo";
	toWiki.match['<lt;tt>'] = "<lt;/tt>";	
	//Token Ending Pattern
	toWiki.end = {};
	toWiki.end['<lt;/b>'] = "'''";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/strong>'] = "'''";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/em>'] = "''";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/i>'] = "''";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/h1>'] = "=";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/h2>'] = "==";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/h3>'] = "===";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/h4>'] = "====";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/h5>'] = "=====";
	toWiki.end['<lt;/h6>'] = "======";	
	toWiki.end['<lt;/p>'] = "";
	toWiki.end['<lt;pre>'] = "<lt;/pre>";
	toWiki.end['<lt;table'] = "<lt;/table>";
	toWiki.end['<lt;a'] = "<lt;/a>";
	toWiki.end['<lt;math>'] = "<lt;/math>";
	toWiki.end['<lt;nowiki>'] = "<lt;/nowiki>";	
	toWiki.end['<lt;dd>'] = "<lt;/dd>";	
	toWiki.end['<lt;dt>'] = "<lt;/dt>";	
	toWiki.end['<lt;li>'] = "<lt;/li>";
	toWiki.end['<lt;!--'] = "-->";	
	toWiki.end['<lt;/tt>'] = "<lt;/tt>";
	/*************Main Body of Algorithm*************/
	//Preserve Formatting (This is a fallback for TinyMCE's settings)
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/</g,"<lt;");
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/>/g,">");
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/"/g,"\"");
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/\<lt;br \/\>/g, "\n");
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/\<lt;br\>/g, "\n");

	//WHILE Current Position of Parsing is Not at end of String
	while(currentPos <lt; convertStr.length && currentPos > -1){
		//Grab First Token
		firstPos = convertStr.indexOf("<lt;", currentPos);
		secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(">", firstPos);
		token = convertStr.substring(firstPos, secondPos+1);
		//IF Token needs modification first, currently only "table" tags
		if(token.indexOf("<lt;table") > -1){
			token = "<lt;table";
			secondPos = firstPos + 5;
		else if(token.indexOf("<lt;a") > -1){
			token = "<lt;a";
			secondPos = firstPos + 1;
		else if(token.indexOf("<lt;img") > -1){
			token = "<lt;img";
			secondPos = firstPos + 3;
		else if(token.indexOf("<lt;div") > -1){
			token = "<lt;div";
			secondPos = firstPos + 3;
		else if(token.indexOf("<lt;!--") > -1){
			token = "<lt;!--";
			secondPos = firstPos + 3;
		else if(token != "<lt;pre>"  && token.indexOf("<lt;p") > -1){
			//Strip the Paragraph tagging here
			token = "<lt;p>";
			//convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, firstPos) + "<lt;p>" + convertStr.substring(secondPos+1, convertStr.length+1);
		//IF Token is Known Conversion
		if(toWiki.start[token] != null && firstPos > -1)	{
			//Advance Current Position to Trim Cycles
			currentPos = firstPos;
			//Replace Token in String
			convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,firstPos) + toWiki.start[token] + convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, convertStr.length+1);
			//IF Special Processing Needed 'voodoo'
			if(toWiki.match[token] == "voodoo"){
				//Identify Which Case we are Dealing with
				if(token == "<lt;math>"){

					//<lt;pre>/<lt;math> tags is to not be parsed so find closing tag
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], firstPos);
					//firstPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token],token);
					//Move Cursor to Closing Tag
					currentPos = secondPos;
				//Identify Which Case we are Dealing with
				if(token == "<lt;nowiki>"){

					//<lt;pre>/<lt;math> tags is to not be parsed so find closing tag
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], firstPos);
					//firstPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token],token);
					//Move Cursor to Closing Tag
					currentPos = secondPos;
				else if(token == "<lt;pre>"){
					var tempAry = [];
					//Change the format to no pre tag
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], firstPos);
					tempStr = convertStr.substring(firstPos, secondPos + 6);

					//String Pre Tags
					tempStr = tempStr.replace(/\<lt;pre\>/,"");
					tempStr = tempStr.replace(/\<lt;\/pre\>/,"");
					tempStr = tempStr.replace(/\r/g, "\n");
					tempStr = tempStr.replace(/ /g, " ");
					tempAry = tempStr.split('\n');					
					tempStr = "";
					//FOR All Items in the list
					for(var eachLine = 0; eachLine <lt; tempAry.length; eachLine++){
						if(tempAry[eachLine] != ""){
							//Reinsert the items into the temporary string
							if(tempAry[eachLine].charAt(0) != " "){
								tempStr = tempStr + " " + tempAry[eachLine] + "\n";
								tempStr = tempStr + tempAry[eachLine] + "\n";
					//Reinsert the temp string back into the system
					convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,firstPos) + tempStr + convertStr.substring(secondPos + 7, convertStr.length+1);
					//Move Cursor to Closing Tag
					currentPos = firstPos + tempStr.length;
				else if(token == "<lt;table"){

					//Identify Ending Tag
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], firstPos);
					//WHILE There are Tables Within Tables
					refPos = convertStr.indexOf("<lt;table", firstPos + 5);
					while(refPos > firstPos && refPos <lt; secondPos){
						//Take out second table and convert it
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, refPos) + html2wikiTable(convertStr.substring(refPos, secondPos + 8), extensions) 
						             + convertStr.substring(secondPos+8,convertStr.length+1);
						//Advance Current Second Position Token
						secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], firstPos);
						//Advance Reference Position
						refPos = convertStr.indexOf("<lt;table", firstPos + 5);
					//Convert Current Table  + "\n"
					token = html2wikiTable(convertStr.substring(firstPos, secondPos + 8), extensions);
					convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, firstPos) 
								 + token
					             + convertStr.substring(secondPos+8,convertStr.length+1);

				else if(token == "<lt;a"){
					//Process Links Here
					//Readjust Second Position
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(">", firstPos); 
					//Fetch Entire Link Item
					refPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], currentPos); //Get <lt;/a>
					linkTextStr = convertStr.substring(currentPos, refPos+4);

					//Get the Text of the Link
					linkTextStr = convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos); //Stuff between >...<lt;/a>

					//This is an appropiate link Converted Right
					firstPos = convertStr.indexOf("href=", currentPos);
					refPos = convertStr.indexOf('"', firstPos + 6);					
					linkStr = convertStr.substring(firstPos+6,refPos);
					linkStr = linkStr.replace(/%20/g, " ");
					//IF the Link str starts with http:...
					if(linkStr.indexOf("http") == 0){
						refPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], currentPos);
						linkStr = linkStr.replace(/ /g, "%20");
						if(convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos) == linkStr){
							//Process with single Brackets and space divider
							convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) 
										 + "[" + linkStr + "]"
							             + convertStr.substring(refPos+4,convertStr.length+1);								
						//Process with single Brackets and space divider
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) 
									 + "[" + linkStr + " " + convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos) + "]"
						             + convertStr.substring(refPos+4,convertStr.length+1);
				else if(linkStr.toLowerCase().indexOf("mailto:") == 0){ //Must be a different link
						//Process with double brackets and | divider
						refPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], currentPos);
						if(convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos) == linkStr){
							//Process with single Brackets and space divider
							convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) 
										 + "[" + linkStr + "]"
							             + convertStr.substring(refPos+4,convertStr.length+1);								
							//Process with single Brackets and space divider
							convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) 
										 + "[" + linkStr + " " + convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos) + "]"
							             + convertStr.substring(refPos+4,convertStr.length+1);						
					else { //Must be a different link
						//Process with double brackets and | divider
						refPos = convertStr.indexOf(toWiki.end[token], currentPos);
						if(convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos) == linkStr){
							//Process with single Brackets and space divider
							convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) 
										 + "[[" + linkStr + "]]"
							             + convertStr.substring(refPos+4,convertStr.length+1);								
							//Process with single Brackets and space divider
							convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) 
										 + "[[" + linkStr + "|" + convertStr.substring(secondPos + 1, refPos) + "]]"
							             + convertStr.substring(refPos+4,convertStr.length+1);						
				else if(token == "<lt;dl>"){

					indentStack = indentStack + ":";
				else if(token == "<lt;ul>"){

					indentStack = indentStack + "*";
				else if(token == "<lt;ol>"){

					indentStack = indentStack + "#";
				else if(token == "<lt;/dl>" || token == "<lt;/ul>" || token == "<lt;/ol>"){
					indentStack = indentStack.substring(0, indentStack.length-1);
					//Force a new line if we need it
					if(convertStr.charAt(currentPos-1) != "\n" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos-1) != "\n"){
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,currentPos) + "\n"
									 + convertStr.substring(currentPos, convertStr.length+1);					

				else if(token == "<lt;dd>" || token == "<lt;li>"){

					//Obtain new token location
					token = toWiki.end[token];
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(token, firstPos);
					//while we have a nested Table
					refPos = convertStr.indexOf("<lt;table");
					if(refPos >= firstPos && refPos <lt; secondPos){
						while(convertStr.indexOf("<lt;/table>",firstPos) > secondPos
						      && secondPos > -1){
							secondPos = convertStr.indexOf(token, secondPos + 1);
					firstPos = secondPos;
					secondPos = firstPos + token.length;
					if(convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n"){
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,currentPos) +  indentStack.substring(1, indentStack.length)
						             + convertStr.substring(currentPos,firstPos)
									 + convertStr.substring(secondPos, convertStr.length+1);
					else if(convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != "\n" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != ":" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != "*" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != "#" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != ";"){
						//Put in the Colonsand the data after that upto the Firstposition
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,currentPos) +  indentStack
						             + convertStr.substring(currentPos,firstPos)
									 + convertStr.substring(secondPos, convertStr.length+1);							


						//Putin the Colons and the data after that upto the Firstposition
						//indentStack.substring(indentStack.length - 1, indentStack.length)
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,currentPos) + indentStack.substring(indentStack.length - 1, indentStack.length)
						             + convertStr.substring(currentPos,firstPos)
									 + convertStr.substring(secondPos, convertStr.length+1);						
				else if(token == "<lt;dt>"){ //-1

					indentStack = indentStack.substring(0, indentStack.length -1);
					indentStack = indentStack + ";";
					//Obtain new token location
					token = toWiki.end[token];
					firstPos = convertStr.indexOf(token, firstPos);
					secondPos = firstPos + token.length;
					if(convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != "\n" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != ":" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != "*" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != "#" &&
					   convertStr.charAt(currentPos - 1) != ";"){
						//Put in the Colonsand the data after that upto the Firstposition
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,currentPos) +  indentStack
						             + convertStr.substring(currentPos,firstPos)
									 + convertStr.substring(secondPos, convertStr.length+1);							

						//Put in the Colonsand the data after that upto the Firstposition
						//indentStack.substring(indentStack.length - 1, indentStack.length)
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,currentPos) + indentStack.substring(indentStack.length - 1, indentStack.length)
						             + convertStr.substring(currentPos,firstPos)
									 + convertStr.substring(secondPos, convertStr.length+1);						

				else if(token == "<lt;img"){
					//Process the Image information here
					//Find Ending Section for the Image tag
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf("/>", firstPos); 

					//IF its the magnify item 
					// just remove the tag
					// set type as "thumb"
					//Get Alt if it exists
					//Get the Image Name
					//Build [[Image:Name.img
					//if alt != ""
					//tack on |alt
					//IF Thumb Image
					//IF Alignment Set
					//Close out token ]]
					//Clear all Div Settings
					//Move Cursor
					currentPos = secondPos;
				else if(token == "<lt;div"){
					//Process the Div information here
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf("/>", firstPos); 					
					//IF the Div has a class
						//IF the Class has text "thumb t" none/left/right/center
						//IF the class has text "thumbinner"
						//IF the class is "magnify"
						//IF the class is "thumbcaption"
					//Move Cursor						
					currentPos = secondPos;
				else if(token == "<lt;!--"){
					//Current Pos is the beginning of <lt;!--
					//Need to find the matching -->
					secondPos = convertStr.indexOf("-->", currentPos); 
					//Pluck this string out
					tempStr = convertStr.substring(currentPos, secondPos + 4);
					tempStr = tempStr.toLowerCase();
					//Now we need to check if this string has key words in it
					//FOR All Possible Keys
					for(var extPos = 0; extPos <lt; extList.length && !found; extPos++){
						if(tempStr.indexOf("<lt;" + extList[extPos] + ">") > -1 && 
						   tempStr.indexOf("<lt;/" + extList[extPos] + ">") > -1 ){
							found = true;
					//IF Found Strip the Comment Tags
						convertStr = convertStr.substring(0, currentPos) +
						             convertStr.substring(currentPos + 4, secondPos) +
						             convertStr.substring(secondPos + 3, convertStr.length);
						currentPos = currentPos + tempStr.length - 7; 
						found = false;
						//Move Currentposition to second pos
						currentPos = secondPos;
				else if(token == ""){
					alert("Error: In a broken section search key\"voodoo 1\"");
			//ELSE IF Just a normal Parsing Token
			else if(toWiki.match[token] != ""){
				//Obtain new token location
				token = toWiki.match[token];
				firstPos = convertStr.indexOf(token, firstPos);
				secondPos = firstPos + token.length;

				//Replace Match
				convertStr = convertStr.substring(0,firstPos) + toWiki.end[token] + convertStr.substring(secondPos, convertStr.length+1);
			//IF Neither IF is activated, then this tagging is meant to only occur once.

		else if(currentPos > -1){
			//Advance Position in the Conversion String
			currentPos = currentPos + 1;

	}//END WHILE More to Parse
	//Perform Cleanup on Random Items
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/ \n/mgi, " \n");
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/\n /mgi, "\n");
	convertStr = convertStr.replace(/ /mgi, " ");

//alert(source + "\n" + convertStr);

	return convertStr;	
 * The Following Method is Designed to Convert Wikipedia Text to HTML

function convertHTML(source, extensions){

if(extensions == null){
	extensions = fallBackExtensions;

	var convertedText = source;   //Text to be converted
	var currentLine = "";         //Current Line of the Wiki text that needs to be changed
	var firstPos = 0;             //First Position for Substring use
	var secondPos = 0;            //Second Position for Substring use
	var refPos = 0;               //Reference Position if in Multilayers
	var found = false;            //Whether or not a Token has been found
	var tokenPos = 0;             //Counter for Which Token we are Checking for
	var currentPos = 0;           //Position in String Source
	var token = "";               //Token For current Working Item
	var counter = 0;			  //Counter of Random Items
	var colonCounter = 0;         //Coutner of Colons at Beginning of a Line
	var semiCounter = 0;          //Counter of Semi Colons
	var poundCounter = 0;         //Counter of Pound Signs
	var astCounter = 0;           //Coutner of Asteriks 
	var inColon = false;		  //In a Colon Block
	var inSemi = false;           //In a Semi Colon Block
	var inPound = false;          //In a Pound Sign Block
	var inAst = false;            //In an Asterick Block
	var colonStack = [];		  //Track of Previous Line Items
	var useToken = false;         //Whether to Use a Token Addendum
	var poundStack = [];
	var astStack = [];
	var semiStack = [];
	var convStack = [];           //Stack of Which tokens used last
	var inTable = 0;          //Whetehr we are parsing a table...
	var inPre = false;        //Whether we are in a being built pre block
	var tempStr = "";
	//Object for Identifying Key Characters
	var toHtml = {};
	//Characters to Check For
	toHtml.key = {};
	toHtml.key[0] = "\n";    //this is here as a fall back for refactoring
	toHtml.key[1] = "'";
	toHtml.key[2] = "<lt;";
	toHtml.key[3] = "{";		
	toHtml.key[4] = ":";
	toHtml.key[5] = ";";
	toHtml.key[6] = "#";
	toHtml.key[7] = "*";
	toHtml.key[8] = "[";
	toHtml.key[9] = "=";
	toHtml.key[10] = "-";
var keylength = 11;	 //This always need to be set to highest value in toHtml.key size plus ONE

	//Starting for Character Change Overs universally
	toHtml.start = {};
	toHtml.start["'''''"] = "<lt;b><lt;i>";    
	toHtml.start["'''"] = "<lt;b>";
	toHtml.start["''"] = "<lt;i>";
	toHtml.start["{|"] = "{|";
	toHtml.start["="] = "<lt;h1>";
	toHtml.start["=="] = "<lt;h2>";	
	toHtml.start["==="] = "<lt;h3>";
	toHtml.start["===="] = "<lt;h4>";	
	toHtml.start["====="] = "<lt;h5>";
	toHtml.start["======"] = "<lt;h6>";
	toHtml.start[":"] = "<lt;dl><lt;dd>";
	toHtml.start["*"] = "<lt;ul><lt;li>";
	toHtml.start["#"] = "<lt;ol><lt;li>";		
	toHtml.start[";"] = "<lt;dl><lt;dt>";
	//Matchign Section
	toHtml.match = {};
	toHtml.match["'''''"] = "'''''";    
	toHtml.match["'''"] = "'''";
	toHtml.match["''"] = "''";
	toHtml.match["{|"] = "|}";
	toHtml.match["="] = "=";
	toHtml.match["=="] = "==";	
	toHtml.match["==="] = "===";
	toHtml.match["===="] = "====";	
	toHtml.match["====="] = "=====";
	toHtml.match["======"] = "======";
	toHtml.match[":"] = "<lt;/dd><lt;dd>";	
	toHtml.match["*"] = "<lt;/li><lt;li>";
	toHtml.match["#"] = "<lt;/li><lt;li>";
	toHtml.match[";"] = "<lt;/dt><lt;dt>";
	toHtml.match[":;"] = "<lt;/dd><lt;dt>";
	toHtml.match[";:"] = "<lt;/dt><lt;dd>";

	//End Mathign Token
	toHtml.end = {};
	toHtml.end["'''''"] = "<lt;b><lt;i>";    
	toHtml.end["'''"] = "<lt;/b>";
	toHtml.end["''"] = "<lt;/i>";
	toHtml.end["|}"] = "|}";
	toHtml.end["="] = "<lt;/h1>";
	toHtml.end["=="] = "<lt;/h2>";	
	toHtml.end["==="] = "<lt;/h3>";
	toHtml.end["===="] = "<lt;/h4>";	
	toHtml.end["====="] = "<lt;/h5>";
	toHtml.end["======"] = "<lt;/h6>";
	toHtml.end[":"] = "<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>";
	toHtml.end["*"] = "<lt;/li><lt;/ul>";
	toHtml.end["#"] = "<lt;/li><lt;/ol>";
	toHtml.end[";"] = "<lt;/dt><lt;/dl>";

	/*************Main Body*****************/
	//Prepare any extensions to be lower cased for easy checking
	extensions = extensions.toLowerCase();

	//WHILE Current Position is Previous
	while(currentPos <lt; convertedText.length) {

		//FOR Every Token Key
		for(tokenPos = 0; tokenPos <lt; keylength && !found; tokenPos++){

			//IF Current Character is a Token
			if(convertedText.charAt(currentPos) == toHtml.key[tokenPos]){
				found = true;
				case 0: //Case \n
					//IF we have a blank space before the new line
					if(convertedText.charAt(currentPos + 1) == " " && !inPre){
						inPre = true;
						//Creat the pre tag for this section
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,currentPos) + "<lt;pre>" +
						                convertedText.substring(currentPos, convertedText.length + 1);
						currentPos = currentPos + 4;
					else if(convertedText.charAt(currentPos + 1) != " " && inPre){

						inPre = false;
						//Creat the pre tag for this section
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,currentPos) + "<lt;/pre>" +
						                convertedText.substring(currentPos, convertedText.length + 1);						
						currentPos = currentPos + 5;
					//IF We have 2 New Lines in a Row
					if(convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n" && inTable <lt;= 0){
						if(currentPos + 2 <lt; convertedText.length){
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos)
							                + "<lt;p><lt;/p>"
							                + convertedText.substring(currentPos + 1, convertedText.length+1);
						else {
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos)
							                + "<lt;p><lt;/p>"
							                + convertedText.substring(convertedText.length, convertedText.length+1);							
						currentPos = currentPos + 6;
					}//END IF We have 2 New LInes in a Row

					//IF We are in any of the Special Cases
					if((convStack.length > 0) ||
					    (convertedText.charAt(currentPos + 1) == ":" 
					     || convertedText.charAt(currentPos + 1) == "*" 
					     || convertedText.charAt(currentPos + 1) == "#"
					     || convertedText.charAt(currentPos + 1) == ";")){
							currentPos = currentPos - 5;
						//Grab all Special Characters for next few items
						var tempPos = currentPos + 1; 
						var tempChar = "";
						var tempStack = [];
						var insertStr = "";
						var isDiff = false;
						tempChar = convertedText.charAt(tempPos);
						while((tempChar == ":" || tempChar == "*" || tempChar == "#" || tempChar == ";") && tempPos <lt; convertedText.length){
							tempChar = convertedText.charAt(tempPos);

						//Check the Current Stack of Items and find divergence point
						var divergencePoint = 0;
						var divPos = 0;
						while(tempStack[divPos] == convStack[divPos] && divPos <lt; tempStack.length && divPos <lt; convStack.length){
						divergencePoint = divPos;
  						//IF There isn't a Divergence
  						if(divergencePoint == tempStack.length && divergencePoint == convStack.length){
	  						//Build a Quick Insert Str
							insertStr = toHtml.match[convStack[convStack.length-1]]

							//Close out Old Stack Items and remove them from the stack
							//FOR All items that need to be removed in reverse order
							if(convStack.length > 0){
								for(divPos = convStack.length - 1; (divPos > divergencePoint - 1 && divPos > -1); divPos = divPos - 1){
									//Add the Closeout tag to the Insert Str
									insertStr = insertStr + toHtml.end[convStack[divPos]];
								}//END FOR

								//IF there is a need to remove one last item
								if(convStack.length == 1 && tempStack.length == 0){
								//Insert the Change Over item
								if(convStack.length > 0 && convStack.length <lt;= tempStack.length 
								   && divergencePoint >= convStack.length){
									tempStr = convStack[divergencePoint] + tempStack[divergencePoint];
									if(toHtml.match[tempStr] == null){
										insertStr = insertStr + toHtml.match[convStack[convStack.length-1]];
										insertStr = insertStr + toHtml.match[convStack[tempStr]];
							//Build up the stack with the new items and insert the new items text
							if(tempStack.length > 0 && tempStack.length != convStack.length){
								for(divPos = convStack.length; divPos <lt; tempStack.length; divPos ++){
									//Add the Starting Tags
									insertStr = insertStr + toHtml.start[tempStack[divPos]];
								}//END FOR	
  						}//END IF No Divergence

						//Insert the String
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos+1) 
										+ insertStr
						             	+ convertedText.substring(tempPos,convertedText.length+1);						
						//currentPos = currentPos + insertStr.length;
							currentPos = convertedText.indexOf("\n", currentPos);
					}//END IF Special Cases
				case 1: //Case '

					//Identify if this is one of the key cases
					//Grab Token of first 5 characters
					token = convertedText.substring(currentPos, currentPos + 5);
					//IF Token is 5 Apostraphes
					if(token.indexOf("'''''") > -1){
						//Leave Token Alone!
					//ELSE IF Token is 3 apostraphes
					else if(token.indexOf("'''") > -1){
						//Convert Token to 3 Apostraphes only
						token = "'''";
					//ELSE IF Token is 2 Apostraphes
					else if(token.indexOf("''") > -1){
						//Convert Token to 2 Apostraphes Only
						token = "''";

					//IF token exists properly					
					if(toHtml.start[token] != null){
						//Get Position of Ending Part
						secondPos = convertedText.indexOf(toHtml.match[token],currentPos + 1);

						//IF Matching 2nd Position Exists
						if(secondPos > -1){
							//Replace First Part
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,currentPos) +
							                toHtml.start[token] + 
							                convertedText.substring((currentPos + token.length),convertedText.length+1);
							//Get Position of Ending Part
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf(toHtml.match[token],currentPos + 1);
							//Replace Second Part (ending token)
							token = toHtml.match[token];
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,secondPos) +
							                toHtml.end[token] + 
							                convertedText.substring((secondPos + token.length),convertedText.length+1);	
						}//END IF 2nd Token Exists
					}//END IF Token Exists Properly
				case 2: //Case <lt; for possible <lt;pre>,<lt;math>, or <lt;nowiki> blocks
					//Identify Possible > after current loc
					firstPos = convertedText.indexOf(">",currentPos);
					//IF > exists in String
					if(firstPos > -1){
						//Grab the Token of <lt;?>
						token = convertedText.substring(currentPos,firstPos+1);
						token = token.toLowerCase();

						//IF Token is <lt;pre> tag
						if(token == "<lt;pre>"){
							//Find Matching <lt;/pre> tag
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("<lt;/pre>",currentPos);
							//IF Matching Tag Exists
							if(secondPos > -1){
								//Grab a Temporary String, Move it to the 
								tempStr = convertedText.substring(currentPos + 5, secondPos);
								tempStr = tempStr.replace(/<lt;/g,"<");
								tempStr = tempStr.replace(/>/g,">");
								convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) + "<lt;pre>"
								                + tempStr 
								                + convertedText.substring(secondPos, convertedText.length + 1);
								secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("<lt;/pre>",currentPos);

								//Advance Current Position to Second Position in string
								currentPos = convertedText.indexOf("<lt;/pre>",currentPos);
						//ELSE IF Token is <lt;math> tag
						else if(token == "<lt;math>"){
							//Find Matching <lt;/math> tag
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("<lt;/math>",currentPos);
							//IF Matching Tag Exists
							if(secondPos > -1){

								//Advance Current Position to Second Position in string
								currentPos = secondPos;
						//ELSE IF Token is <lt;nowiki> tag
						else if(token == "<lt;nowiki>"){
							//Find Matching <lt;/nowiki> tag
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("<lt;/nowiki>",currentPos);
							//IF Matching Tag Exists
							if(secondPos > -1){
								tempStr = convertedText.substring(currentPos + 8, secondPos);
								tempStr = tempStr.replace(/<lt;/g,"<");
								tempStr = tempStr.replace(/>/g,">");
								convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) + "<lt;nowiki>"
								                + tempStr 
								                + convertedText.substring(secondPos, convertedText.length + 1);
								secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("<lt;/nowiki>",currentPos);
								//Advance Current Position to Second Position in string
								currentPos = secondPos;
						//ELSE IF This Token Starts with <lt;table
						else if(token.indexOf("<lt;table") == 0){
							if(inTable <lt; 0){
								inTable = 0;
							inTable = inTable + 1;
							currentLine = convertedText.substring(currentPos, firstPos+1);
							if(currentLine.indexOf("\n") == -1){
								currentPos = convertedText.indexOf(">", currentPos);
						else if(token == "<lt;/table>"){
							inTable = inTable - 1;	
						else if(extensions.indexOf(token.substring(1,token.length-1)) > -1 &&
						        (extensions.indexOf(token.substring(1,token.length-1))) == 0 ||
						        (extensions.charAt(extensions.indexOf(token.substring(1,token.length-1))) == "," &&
						        (extensions.charAt(extensions.indexOf(token.substring(1,token.length-1)) + token.length - 2) == ","
						         || extensions.indexOf(token.substring(1,token.length-1)) + token.length - 1 == extensions.length))
							//Find Matching Tag
							var endTag = 0;
							var endString = "<lt;/";
							endString = endString + token.substring(1,token.length);
							endTag = convertedText.toLowerCase().indexOf(endString, currentPos);
							//IF There is a matching tag
							if(endTag > -1){

								//Surround Entire Bit by Comments
								convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,currentPos)
								                + "<lt;!--"
								                + convertedText.substring(currentPos,(endTag + endString.length)).replace(/\n/g,"<lt;br />")
								                + "-->"
								                + convertedText.substring((endTag + endString.length),convertedText.length + 1);
								//Advance Cursor to be after converted Section
								currentPos = endTag + token.length + 8;
							else{ // Must not be a Matching Tag
								//Just Advance Cursor to Ending Item
								currentLine = convertedText.substring(currentPos, firstPos+1);
								if(currentLine.indexOf("\n") == -1){
									currentPos = convertedText.indexOf(">", currentPos);
							}//END IF There is a Matching Tag
						else{ //Just advance cursor to Ending Item
							currentLine = convertedText.substring(currentPos, firstPos+1);
							if(currentLine.indexOf("\n") == -1){
								currentPos = convertedText.indexOf(">", currentPos);
					}//END IF > exists in String
				case 3: //Case Current Char is {  Possible Table Block
					//IF This is a Table Starter
					if(convertedText.indexOf("{|",currentPos) == currentPos){
						//Convert The Token key to appropiate tag
						token = "{|";
						token = toHtml.match[token];
						//Identify Ending Tag
						secondPos = convertedText.indexOf(toHtml.end[token], currentPos);
						//WHILE There are Tables Within Tables
						refPos = convertedText.indexOf("{|", currentPos + 2);
						while(refPos > currentPos && refPos <lt; secondPos && refPos != -1){

							token = "";
							token = convertedText.substring(refPos, secondPos + 2);
							token = wiki2htmlTable(token, extensions);

							//Take out second table and convert it
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, refPos) +  token
							             + convertedText.substring(secondPos+2,convertedText.length+1);

							//Advance Current Second Position Token
							token = "";
							token = "|}";
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf(toHtml.end[token], currentPos);
							//Advance Reference Position
							refPos = convertedText.indexOf("{|", currentPos + 2);

					    //IF There is no Closing to the Current table
					    if(secondPos == -1){
					    	//Magically create an end to this table 
					    	secondPos  = convertedText.length - 2;
						//Convert Current Table
						token = "";
						token = convertedText.substring(currentPos, secondPos + 2 );
						token = wiki2htmlTable(token, extensions);
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
									 + token
						             + convertedText.substring(secondPos+2,convertedText.length+1);
						//Move Cursor to after Table						
						currentPos = currentPos + token.length-1;	             
				case 4: //Case : indent block

					//Check if this is flush with the Left margin 
					if(currentPos == 0 || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n" ){
						//Reset the Token
						token = "";
						//IF Colon Counter hasn't been set yet
							//Set Colon Counter to 1 (So far)
							colonCounter = 1;
							//Build Start of Token
							token = "<lt;dl><lt;dd>";
							//Setup the First Item to being created and true
							colonStack[1] = true;
							//Push Being in indent block				
						//Set Reference Position to next in String
						refPos = currentPos + 1;
						//WHILE Next Character is a ":"
						counter = 1;
						while(convertedText.charAt(refPos) == ":"){
							//Increment Counter and Move Cursor
							counter = counter + 1;
							refPos = refPos + 1;
						//IF in a colon block and We are previously used
						if(inColon && colonStack[counter]){
							useToken = true;
						//WHILE Current Count of Every ":" 
						while(colonCounter <lt; counter){
							//add <lt;dl><lt;dd>
							token = "<lt;dl><lt;dd>" + token;
							//Set Current Flag of Used to True
							colonStack[colonCounter] = true;
							//Increment Amount of Colons Counted
						while(counter <lt; colonCounter){
							//Add <lt;dl><lt;dd>
							token = token + "<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>";
							//Set Current Flag of Used to False
							colonStack[colonCounter] = false;							
							//Decrement Colons counted


						//IF We need to Alter the Token
							//Change the Token Appropiately
							token = token + "<lt;/dd><lt;dd>";
							//Flip this Flag Back to False
							useToken = false;

						//Replace Colons on this Line with Token Generated
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
										+ token
						             	+ convertedText.substring(refPos,convertedText.length+1);
						//Move Cursor to After Changed Token
						currentPos = currentPos + token.length - 1;
						//Set to being In a Colon Set
						inColon = true;
				case 5: //Case ; Situation

					//Check if this is flush with the Left margin
					if(currentPos == 0 || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n"){
						//Reset the Token
						token = "";
						//IF Pound Hasn't been Started
							//Set Semi Counter to 1 (So far)
							semiCounter = 1;
							//Build Start of Token
							token = "<lt;dl><lt;dt>";
							//Setup the First Item to being created and true
							semiStack[1] = true;

							//Push Being in pound block				
						//Set Reference Position to next in String
						refPos = currentPos + 1;
						//WHILE Next Character is a ";"
						counter = 1;
						while(convertedText.charAt(refPos) == ";"){
							//Increment Counter and Move Cursor
							counter = counter + 1;
							refPos = refPos + 1;
						//IF in a pound block and We are previously used
						if(inSemi && semiStack[counter]){
							useToken = true;
						//WHILE Current Count of Every "#" 
						while(semiCounter <lt; counter){
							//add <lt;dl><lt;dt>
							token = "<lt;dl><lt;dt>" + token;
							//Set Current Flag of Used to True
							semiStack[semiCounter] = true;
							//Increment Amount of Pounds Counted
						while(counter <lt; semiCounter){
							token = token + "<lt;/dt><lt;/dl>";
							//Set Current Flag of Used to False
							semiStack[semiCounter] = false;							
							//Decrement Pounds counted


						//IF We need to Alter the Token
							//Change the Token Appropiately
							token = token + "<lt;/dt><lt;dt>";
							//Flip this Flag Back to False
							useToken = false;

						//Replace Colons on this Line with Token Generated
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
										+ token
						             	+ convertedText.substring(refPos,convertedText.length+1);
						//Move Cursor to After Changed Token
						currentPos = currentPos + token.length - 1;
						//Set to being In a Pound Set
						inPound = true;
				case 6: //Case # Numbered Indents

					//Check if this is flush with the Left margin
					if(currentPos == 0 || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n"){
						//Reset the Token
						token = "";
						//IF Pound Hasn't been Started
							//Set Pound Counter to 1 (So far)
							poundCounter = 1;
							//Build Start of Token
							token = "<lt;ol><lt;li>";
							//Setup the First Item to being created and true
							poundStack[1] = true;

							//Push Being in pound block				
						//Set Reference Position to next in String
						refPos = currentPos + 1;
						//WHILE Next Character is a "#"
						counter = 1;
						while(convertedText.charAt(refPos) == "#"){
							//Increment Counter and Move Cursor
							counter = counter + 1;
							refPos = refPos + 1;
						//IF in a pound block and We are previously used
						if(inPound && poundStack[counter]){
							useToken = true;
						//WHILE Current Count of Every "#" 
						while(poundCounter <lt; counter){
							//add <lt;ul><lt;li>
							token = "<lt;ol><lt;li>" + token;
							//Set Current Flag of Used to True
							poundStack[poundCounter] = true;
							//Increment Amount of Pounds Counted
						while(counter <lt; poundCounter){
							token = token + "<lt;/li><lt;/ol>";
							//Set Current Flag of Used to False
							poundStack[poundCounter] = false;							
							//Decrement Pounds counted


						//IF We need to Alter the Token
							//Change the Token Appropiately
							token = token + "<lt;/li><lt;li>";
							//Flip this Flag Back to False
							useToken = false;

						//Replace Colons on this Line with Token Generated
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
										+ token
						             	+ convertedText.substring(refPos,convertedText.length+1);
						//Move Cursor to After Changed Token
						currentPos = currentPos + token.length - 1;
						//Set to being In a Pound Set
						inPound = true;
				case 7: //Case * Bulletted Indents

					//Check if this is flush with the Left margin
					if(currentPos == 0 || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n"){
						//Reset the Token
						token = "";
						//IF ast Hasn't been Started
							//Set ast Counter to 1 (So far)
							astCounter = 1;
							//Build Start of Token
							token = "<lt;ul><lt;li>";
							//Setup the First Item to being created and true
							astStack[1] = true;

							//Push Being in indent block				
						//Set Reference Position to next in String
						refPos = currentPos + 1;
						//WHILE Next Character is a "*"
						counter = 1;
						while(convertedText.charAt(refPos) == "*"){
							//Increment Counter and Move Cursor
							counter = counter + 1;
							refPos = refPos + 1;
						//IF in a ast block and We are previously used
						if(inAst && astStack[counter]){
							useToken = true;
						//WHILE Current Count of Every "*" 
						while(astCounter <lt; counter){
							//add <lt;ul><lt;li>
							token = "<lt;ul><lt;li>" + token;
							//Set Current Flag of Used to True
							astStack[astCounter] = true;
							//Increment Amount of asts Counted
						while(counter <lt; astCounter){
							token = token + "<lt;/li><lt;/ul>";
							//Set Current Flag of Used to False
							astStack[astCounter] = false;							
							//Decrement asts counted


						//IF We need to Alter the Token
							//Change the Token Appropiately
							token = token + "<lt;/li><lt;li>";
							//Flip this Flag Back to False
							useToken = false;

						//Replace Colons on this Line with Token Generated
						convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
										+ token
						             	+ convertedText.substring(refPos,convertedText.length+1);
						//Move Cursor to After Changed Token
						currentPos = currentPos + token.length - 1;
						//Set to being In a ast Set
						inAst = true;
				case 8: //Case [ References

					//Several Cases to Consider TODO
					//IF This isn't last character in string
					if(currentPos != convertedText.length-1){
						//IF This has a [ to the right
						if(convertedText.charAt(currentPos+1) == "["){
							//IF This has a matching ]] Tag
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("]]",currentPos);
							if(secondPos > -1){
								//See if the Link has a link within it (crazy people out there)
								refPos = convertedText.indexOf("[[", currentPos + 2);
								while(refPos <lt; secondPos && refPos > -1){
									secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("]]",secondPos + 2);
									refPos = convertedText.indexOf("[[", refPos + 2);
								//Grab the Token between these two Items
								token = convertedText.substring(currentPos, secondPos + 2);

								//IF Token doesn't have a new line
								if(token.indexOf("\n") == -1){

									//SWITCH On 3rd Character in String
										case "I":
											//Check if this is Image Link
											if(token.toUpperCase().indexOf("IMAGE:") == 2){
												//Trim Image
												token = token.substring(2, token.length-2);
												//Split current token on "|"
												var tokenArray = token.split("|");

												//Variables needed for Image Processing
												var alt = "";
												var src = "";
												var longdesc = "";
												var imgClass = "";
												var align = "none";
												var width = "";
												var height = "";
												var imgCap = "";
												var tempToken = "";
												var divCounter = 1;
												var useEnlarge = false;
												var useFrame = false;

												//Build up Basic Elements of Image link
												longdesc = tokenArray[0];
												src = tokenArray[0].split(":")[1];
												//WHILE There are more Tokens in the Array
												counter = 1;
												while(tokenArray[counter] != null){
													//Identify Token Type
													var currToken = tokenArray[counter].toUpperCase();
													if(currToken == "THUMB" || currToken == "THUMBNAIL"){
														imgClass = "thumbimage";
														useEnlarge = true;
														useFrame = true;
													else if(currToken == "FRAME"){
														imgClass = "thumbimage";
														useEnlarge = false;
														useFrame = true;
													else if(currToken == "LEFT" || currToken == "RIGHT" || currToken == "CENTER" || currToken == "NONE"){
														align = tokenArray[counter].toLowerCase();
													else if(currToken.indexOf("PX") == currToken.length - 2){
														//Parse for Number of pixels
														var pxPattern = /\d+X\d+PX/;
														var singPxPattern = /\d+PX/;
															firstPos = currToken.indexOf("X");
															width = currToken.substring(0,firstPos);
															height = currToken.substring(firstPos + 1, currToken.length - 2);
														else if(singPxPattern.test(currToken)){
															width = tokenArray[counter].substring(tokenArray[counter].length - 2);
														else{ //Must not be a Pixel Pattern Setup
															//alt = convertHTML(tokenArray[counter]);
															//alt = alt.replace(/"/g, "'");
															alt = tokenArray[counter];
													else { //must be a caption element check for links in it, extend if needed
														//alt = convertHTML(tokenArray[counter]);
														//alt = alt.replace(/\"/g, "'");
														alt = tokenArray[counter];
													}//END Identify Type
													//Increment Counter
												//Build the Token for Use
												//First Put Alignment Div into play
												token = "";
												token = "<lt;div class=\"thumb t"+ align + "\">";
												//Then if there is a frame place that
													token = token + "<lt;div class=\"thumbinner\">";
												//Insert Image Proper
												token = token + "<lt;img alt=\"" + alt + "\" "
												        + "longdesc=\"" + longdesc +  "\" ";
													token = token + "class=\"thumbimage\" ";
												token = token + "src=\"" + src + "\" ";
												if(width != ""){
													token = token + "width=\"" + width + "\" ";
												if (height != ""){
													token = token + "height=\"" + height + "\" ";
												token = token + "/>";
													token = token + "<lt;div class=\"thumbcaption\">";
												//IF Have to have Enlarge option
													token = token + "<lt;div class=\"magnify\" style=\"float:right\"><lt;img src=\"/mediawiki/skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png\" width=\"15\" height=\"11\" alt=\"\" /><lt;/div>";
												//Close out any remaning Divs
												while(divCounter > 0){
													token = token + "<lt;/div>";
												//Replace Token back into string
												convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
																+ token
												             	+ convertedText.substring(secondPos+2,convertedText.length+1);													

											    //Move Cursor up												
											    currentPos = currentPos + token.length - 1;

											//Skip the Image Processing for now:
											currentPos = currentPos + 2;

											else { //Must be a regular link
												//Process basic Link
												firstPos = token.indexOf("|");
												if(firstPos > -1){
													token = token.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/,"<lt;a href=\"$1\">$2<lt;/a>");
												else {
													token = token.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/,"<lt;a href=\"$1\">$1<lt;/a>");												
												//Replace Token back into string
												convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
																+ token
												             	+ convertedText.substring(secondPos+2,convertedText.length+1);
												//Advance Current Position
												currentPos = currentPos + token.indexOf(">");  												             		


										case ":":
											//Link Processing here, don't show the :, but keep it
											firstPos = token.indexOf("|");
											if(firstPos > -1){
												token = token.replace(/\[\[\:(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/,"<lt;a href=\":$1\">$2<lt;/a>");
											else {
												token = token.replace(/\[\[\:(.*?)\]\]/,"<lt;a href=\":$1\">$1<lt;/a>");												
											//Replace Token back into string
											convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
															+ token
											             	+ convertedText.substring(secondPos+2,convertedText.length+1);
											//Advance Current Position
											currentPos = currentPos + token.indexOf(">");  											             	

											//Process basic Link
											firstPos = token.indexOf("|");
											if(firstPos > -1){
												token = token.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/,"<lt;a href=\"$1\">$2<lt;/a>");
											else {
												token = token.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/,"<lt;a href=\"$1\">$1<lt;/a>");												
											//Replace Token back into string
											convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
															+ token
											             	+ convertedText.substring(secondPos+2,convertedText.length+1);
											//Advance Current Position
											currentPos = currentPos + token.indexOf(">");             											

 									}//END SWITCH

								}//END IF This Doesn't have a \n character in it
							}//END IF This has a matching ]] tag
						else{ //Must not have a [ to the right of current position
							//IF This has a matching ]
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("]",currentPos);
							if(secondPos > -1){
								token = convertedText.substring(currentPos, secondPos + 1);
								//Check for a New Line in token
								if(token.indexOf("\n") == -1){
									//Check for blank space in token
									if(token.indexOf(" ") > -1){
										//Case 1: [http://link Wording]
										token = token.replace(/\[(.*?)\s(.*?)\]/, "<lt;a href=\"$1\">$2<lt;/a>");
									else {//Case 2: [http://link]
										token = token.replace(/\[(.*?)\]/, "<lt;a href=\"$1\">$1<lt;/a>");									
									//Insert Token back into string
									convertedText = convertedText.substring(0, currentPos) 
													+ token
									             	+ convertedText.substring(secondPos+1,convertedText.length+1);
									currentPos = currentPos + token.indexOf(">");

						}//END IF There is only one [

					}//END IF This is Last Character in String

				case 9: //Case = headers
					if(currentPos == 0 || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n" || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == ">" ){
						//Set our Reference Position to Next Position in string
						refPos = currentPos + 1;
						//Set count of = settings to 1
						counter = 1;
						//WHILE Current Character is =
						while(convertedText.charAt(refPos) == "="){
							//Increment Counter and Move Cursor
							counter = counter + 1;
							refPos = refPos + 1;
						//Set Token to number of = that we have
						token = "";
						for(tokenPos = 0; tokenPos <lt; counter; tokenPos++){
							token = token + "=";
						//See if we can find an ending token
						secondPos = convertedText.indexOf(toHtml.match[token], currentPos + token.length);
						//IF there is a matching pair of this item
						if(secondPos > -1){
							//Replace First Part
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,currentPos) +
							                toHtml.start[token] + 
							                convertedText.substring((currentPos + token.length),convertedText.length+1);
							//Get Position of Ending Part
							secondPos = convertedText.indexOf(toHtml.match[token],currentPos + 1);
							//Replace Second Part (ending token)
							token = toHtml.match[token];
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,secondPos) +
							                toHtml.end[token] + 
							                convertedText.substring((secondPos + token.length),convertedText.length+1);								
				case 10: //Case - Hyphen posible Horizontal Line
					//Quick Test is to check if last position was a newline
					if(currentPos == 0 || convertedText.charAt(currentPos - 1) == "\n"){
						//Identify This Current Line of text
						secondPos = convertedText.indexOf("\n", currentPos);
						currentLine = convertedText.substring(currentPos, secondPos);
						//IF this is meant to be a horizontal line
						if(currentLine == "----"){
							//Change Hyphens to Proper Tag in Converted Text
							convertedText = convertedText.substring(0,currentPos) +
						    	            "<lt;hr />" + 
					alert("Unhandled Token Case");
			}//END SWITCH On Token
		}//END FOR Every Token Key
		//Set flag to not Found
		found = false;
		//Increment Position in String
		currentPos = currentPos + 1;
	}//WHILE There is More to Convert

	//While We have to close out a stack item
	while(convStack.length > 0){
		convertedText = convertedText + toHtml.end[convStack[convStack.length -1]];

	//Do a force Convert of New Lines Manually 
	convertedText = convertedText.replace(/<lt;!--\n-->/mgi, "\n");
	convertedText = convertedText.replace(/<lt;!--<lt;p><lt;\/p>-->/mgi, "<lt;p><lt;/p>");
	convertedText = convertedText.replace(/\n/mgi, "<lt;!--\n-->");
	return convertedText;	

function unitTestSuite(){
	var testString = "";
	var answerString = "";

	/*** Build Table Starter ***/
	document.write("<lt;table border=\"1\"><lt;tr><lt;th>Test Name<lt;/th><lt;th>Success Status<lt;/th><lt;th>Extra Information<lt;/th><lt;/tr>");

	/***********Testing HTML 2 Wiki Conversion**********/
	//Testing Bold
	testString = "<lt;b>bold<lt;/b>";
	answerString = "'''bold'''";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("bold: ", (testString == answerString), " ");
	//Testing Italic
	testString = "<lt;i>test<lt;/i>";
	answerString = "''test''";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("italic: ",(testString == answerString), " ");
	//Testing Strong
	testString = "<lt;strong>test<lt;/strong>";
	answerString = "'''test'''";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("strong: ",(testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Emphasized
	testString = "<lt;em>test<lt;/em>";
	answerString = "''test''";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("em: ",(testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "<lt;h1>test<lt;/h1>";
	answerString = "=test=";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("header 1: ",(testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "<lt;h2>test<lt;/h2>";
	answerString = "==test==";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("header 2: ",(testString == answerString)," ");		
	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "<lt;h3>test<lt;/h3>";
	answerString = "===test===";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("header 3: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "<lt;h4>test<lt;/h4>";
	answerString = "====test====";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("header 4: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "<lt;h5>test<lt;/h5>";
	answerString = "=====test=====";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("header 5: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "<lt;h6>test<lt;/h6>";
	answerString = "======test======";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("header 6: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Paragraphs
	testString = "<lt;p>test<lt;/p>";
	answerString = "\ntest\n";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("paragraph: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Breaks	
	testString = "<lt;br />test<lt;br />";
	answerString = "\ntest\n";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("breaks: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Test Pre Tags
	testString = "<lt;pre><lt;b>test<lt;/b><lt;/pre><lt;b>test 2<lt;/b>";
	answerString = "<lt;pre><lt;b>test<lt;/b><lt;/pre>'''test 2'''";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("Pre Tags: " , (testString == answerString)," ");	
	//Testing Simple Table
	testString = "<lt;table><lt;tr><lt;td>a<lt;/td><lt;td>b<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;/table>";
	answerString = "{|\n|-\n|a\n|b\n|}\n";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("Simple Table: ", (testString == answerString), (testString + "\n" + answerString));

	//Testing Table with Caption
	testString = "<lt;table><lt;caption>fucksticks<lt;/caption><lt;tr><lt;td>a<lt;/td><lt;td>b<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;/table>";
	answerString = "{|\n|+fucksticks\n|-\n|a\n|b\n|}\n";
	testString = convertWiki(testString);
	tableWrite("Table with Caption: ", (testString == answerString), testString);

	/***********Testing Wiki 2 HTML Conversion**********/
	//Testing Hyphens
	testString = "----\na----\n----\n";
	answerString = "<lt;hr />\na----\n<lt;hr />\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("hyphens: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Bold
	testString = "'''bold'''";
	answerString = "<lt;b>bold<lt;/b>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("bold: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Italic
	testString = "''test''";
	answerString = "<lt;i>test<lt;/i>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("italic: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "=test=";
	answerString = "<lt;h1>test<lt;/h1>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("header 1: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "==test==";
	answerString = "<lt;h2>test<lt;/h2>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("header 2: " , (testString == answerString)," ");		
	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "===test===";
	answerString = "<lt;h3>test<lt;/h3>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("header 3: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "====test====";
	answerString = "<lt;h4>test<lt;/h4>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("header 4: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "=====test=====";
	answerString = "<lt;h5>test<lt;/h5>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("header 5: " , (testString == answerString)," ");

	//Testing Headers Section
	testString = "======test======";
	answerString = "<lt;h6>test<lt;/h6>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("header 6: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Paragraphs
	testString = "\ntest\n\n";
	answerString = "<lt;p>test<lt;/p>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("paragraph: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Testing Breaks	
	testString = "\ntest\n";
	answerString = "<lt;br />test<lt;br />";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("breaks: " , (testString == answerString)," ");
	//Test Pre Tags
	testString = "<lt;pre>'''test'''<lt;/pre>'''test 2'''";
	answerString = "<lt;pre>'''test'''<lt;/pre><lt;b>test 2<lt;/b>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("Pre Tags: " , (testString == answerString)," ");	

	//Testing Simple Table
	testString = "{| border=\"1\"\n|-\n|a\n|b\n|}\n";
	answerString = "<lt;table border=\"1\"><lt;tr><lt;td>a<lt;/td><lt;td>b<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;/table>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("Simple Table: " , (testString == answerString), (testString + "\n" + answerString));

	testString = "{| border=\"1\"\n|style=\"background: #00AA00\"|a\n\n|a\n|b\n|}\n";
	answerString = "<lt;table border=\"1\"><lt;tr><lt;td style=\"background: #00AA00\">a\n\n<lt;/td><lt;td>a\n<lt;/td><lt;td>b\n<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;/table>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("Table Without Row Identifier: " , (testString == answerString), (testString + "\n" + answerString));	
	//Testing Indents
	testString = ":test\n";
	answerString = "<lt;dl><lt;dd>test\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("indents: ", (testString == answerString), testString);
	testString = ":1\n::2\n:::3\n";
	answerString = "<lt;dl><lt;dd>1\n<lt;dl><lt;dd>2\n<lt;dl><lt;dd>3\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("indents more: ", (testString == answerString), testString);
	testString = ":1\n::2\n:3\n";
	answerString = "<lt;dl><lt;dd>1\n<lt;dl><lt;dd>2\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n<lt;/dd><lt;dd>3\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("indents stacking: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	//Testing Numbered Lines/Lists
	testString = "#test\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ol><lt;li>test\n<lt;/li><lt;/ol>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("numbering: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = "#1\n##2\n###3\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ol><lt;li>1\n<lt;ol><lt;li>2\n<lt;ol><lt;li>3\n<lt;/li><lt;/ol>\n<lt;/li><lt;/ol>\n<lt;/li><lt;/ol>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("more numbering: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = "#1\n##2\n#3\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ol><lt;li>1\n<lt;ol><lt;li>2\n<lt;/li><lt;/ol>\n<lt;/li><lt;li>3\n<lt;/li><lt;/ol>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("staggered numbering: ", (testString == answerString), testString);		

	//Testing Bulletted Lines/Lists
	testString = "*test\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ul><lt;li>test\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("bullets: ", (testString == answerString), testString);
	testString = "*1\n**2\n***3\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ul><lt;li>1\n<lt;ul><lt;li>2\n<lt;ul><lt;li>3\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("more bullets: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = "*1\n**2\n*3\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ul><lt;li>1\n<lt;ul><lt;li>2\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n<lt;/li><lt;li>3\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("staggered numbering: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	

	//Testing tony's Testing abilities
	testString = "*:test\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ul><lt;li><lt;dl><lt;dd>test\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("mixed scenario: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = "*:test\n*testline2\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ul><lt;li><lt;dl><lt;dd>test\n<lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n<lt;/li><lt;li>testline2\n<lt;/li><lt;/ul>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("mixed scenario: ", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = ":{| border=\"1\"\n|-\n|'''a'''\n|b\n|}\n";
	answerString = "<lt;dl><lt;dd><lt;table border=\"1\"><lt;tr ><lt;td><lt;b>a<lt;/b><lt;/td><lt;td >b<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;/table><lt;/dd><lt;/dl>\n";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("Indented Table: ", (testString == answerString),(testString + "\n" + answerString));	

	testString = "[[link]]";
	answerString = "<lt;a href=\"link\">link<lt;/a>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("basic link:" , (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = "[[image:star.gif|150x150px|center|thumb|'''caption''']]";
	answerString = "<lt;div class=\"center\"><lt;div class=\"thumbinner\"><lt;img alt=\"caption\" longdesc=\"/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Star.gif\" class=\"thumbimage\" src=\"/mediawiki/images/0/08/Star.gif\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" /><lt;div class=\"thumbcaption\"><lt;div class=\"magnify\" style=\"float:right\"><lt;a href=\"/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Star.gif\" class=\"internal\" title=\"Enlarge\"><lt;img src=\"/mediawiki/skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png\" width=\"15\" height=\"11\" alt=\"\" /><lt;/a><lt;/div><lt;b>caption<lt;/b><lt;/div><lt;/div><lt;/div><lt;/div>";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("image:", (testString == answerString), testString);	

	//Table in Table Testing
	testString = "{| border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\"\n|+'''An example table'''\n|-\n! style=\"background:#efefef;\" | First header\n! colspan=\"2\" style=\"background:#ffdead;\" | Second header\n|-\n| upper left\n|  \n| rowspan=2 style=\"border-bottom:3px solid grey;\" valign=\"top\" |\nright side\n|-\n| style=\"border-bottom:3px solid grey;\" | lower left\n| style=\"border-bottom:3px solid grey;\" | lower middle\n|-\n| colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\" | \n{| border=\"0\"\n|+''Adv Table''\n|-\n| align=\"center\" width=\"150px\" | [[Image:Wiki.png]]\n| align=\"center\" width=\"150px\" | [[Image:Wiki.png]]\n|-\n| align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"border-top:1px solid red; border-right:1px solid red; border-bottom:2px solid red; border-left:1px solid red;\" |\nTwo Wikimedia logos\n|}\n|}\n";
	answerString = "FAIL";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("Table in Table:", (testString == answerString), testString);	

	testString = "{| border=\"0\"\n|+''Adv Table''\n|-\n| align=\"center\" width=\"150px\" | [[Image:Wiki.png]]\n| align=\"center\" width=\"150px\" | [[Image:Wiki.png]]\n|-\n| align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"border-top:1px solid red; border-right:1px solid red; border-bottom:2px solid red; border-left:1px solid red;\" |\nTwo Wikimedia logos\n|}\n";
	answerString = "FAIL";
	testString = convertHTML(testString);
	tableWrite("Advanced Table 2:", (testString == answerString), testString);	
	testString = "* John\n";
	answerString = "<lt;ul><lt;li> John<lt;/li><lt;/ul>";
	testExt = "whatever,seomthing,calendar";
	testString = convertWiki(convertHTML(testString, testExt), testExt);

	tableWrite("quick test:" , (testString == answerString), testString);	
alert(convertWiki(convertHTML('* one bullet\n::* two indent bullet\n:* one indent bullet\n* one bullet\n',testExt),testExt));	
	/*****Closing out Table information******/
function tableWrite(testName, successLevel, extraInfo){
		document.write("<lt;tr><lt;td>" + testName + "<lt;/td>");
		document.write("<lt;tr style=\"background: #FF0000\"><lt;td>" + testName + "<lt;/td>");
	document.write("<lt;td>" + successLevel + "<lt;/td>");
	document.write("<lt;td>" + extraInfo + "<lt;/td><lt;/tr>");
function html2wikiTable(source, extensions){
	//Local Variables
	var ssbt = "";         //SubString Before Table
	var ssat = "";         //SubString After Table
	var table_string = ""; //The Table Being Converted
	var tempStr = "";      //Temporary String, will get used and abused
	var rowStr = "";       //Row String, used for Multi Parsing
	var firstPos = 0;      //First Position before the Table
	var secondPos = 0;     //Second Position after the table
	var rowBegin = 0;      //Beginning of Row of Data
	var rowEnd = 0;        //End of Row of Data
	var dataFirst = 0;
	var dataSecond = 0;
	var dataEnd = 0;
	var newLine = "";
	/***********Main Body************/

	//Identify Sections of the String
	firstPos = source.indexOf("<lt;table");
	secondPos = source.indexOf("<lt;/table>") + 8;

	//Section off the Source String
	ssbt = source.substring(0,firstPos);
	table_string = source.substring(firstPos,secondPos);
	ssat = source.substring(secondPos);
	//Split out Table Properties
	firstPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;table");
	secondPos = table_string.indexOf(">",firstPos);
	tempStr = table_string.substring(firstPos, secondPos);
	tempStr = tempStr.replace(/<lt;table/,"");
	if(tempStr.charAt(0) == " "){
		tempStr = tempStr.substring(1, tempStr.length + 1);

	//Convert Table Properties
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;table(.*?)>/,"{|" + tempStr);

	//Convert Caption if it Exists
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;caption>(.*?)<lt;\/caption>/,"|+$1\n");

	//WHILE There are Table Rows to Setup
		tempStr = "";
		rowStr = "";		
		//Break Up Current Row into Row Settings and Row Data
		//<lt;tr(row settings)>(row data)<lt;/tr>
		firstPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;tr") + 3;
		secondPos = table_string.indexOf(">", firstPos);
		tempStr = table_string.substring(firstPos,secondPos);
		rowBegin = secondPos + 1;
		rowEnd = table_string.indexOf("<lt;/tr>");
		rowStr = table_string.substring(rowBegin,rowEnd);

		//WHILE There are Table Headers
		while(rowStr.indexOf("<lt;th") > -1){
			dataFirst = rowStr.indexOf("<lt;th");
			dataSecond = rowStr.indexOf(">", dataFirst);
			dataEnd = rowStr.indexOf("<lt;/th>", dataFirst);			
			if(rowStr.charAt(dataFirst+3) == " "){
				rowStr = rowStr.substring(0, dataFirst+3) + rowStr.substring(dataFirst+4, rowStr.length + 1);
				dataSecond = rowStr.indexOf(">", dataFirst);
				dataEnd = rowStr.indexOf("<lt;/th>", dataFirst);	

			if(rowStr.charAt(dataEnd-1) != "\n"){
				newLine = "\n"
				newLine = "";

			//IF There are Cell Properites
			if(rowStr.substring(dataFirst+3,dataSecond) != ""){
				//Grab Settings and put it in the format
				// ! Settings | Data \n
				rowStr = rowStr.substring(0, dataFirst) + "!" +
				         rowStr.substring(dataFirst+3, dataSecond) + "|" +
				         convertWiki(rowStr.substring(dataSecond + 1, dataEnd), extensions) + newLine+
				         rowStr.substring(dataEnd + 5, rowStr.length + 1);
				//rowStr = rowStr.replace(/<lt;th(.*?)>(.*?)<lt;\/th>/,"!$1|$2\n");				

				rowStr = rowStr.substring(0, dataFirst) + "!" +
				         convertWiki(rowStr.substring(dataSecond + 1, dataEnd), extensions) + newLine +
				         rowStr.substring(dataEnd + 5, rowStr.length + 1);				
				//rowStr = rowStr.replace(/<lt;th>(.*?)<lt;\/th>/,"!$1\n");				
		}//END While There are Table Headers

		//WHILE There are Table Data Cells
		while(rowStr.indexOf("<lt;td") > -1){
			dataFirst = rowStr.indexOf("<lt;td");
			dataSecond = rowStr.indexOf(">", dataFirst);
			dataEnd = rowStr.indexOf("<lt;/td>", dataFirst);
			if(rowStr.charAt(dataFirst+3) == " "){
				rowStr = rowStr.substring(0, dataFirst+3) + rowStr.substring(dataFirst+4, rowStr.length + 1);
				dataSecond = rowStr.indexOf(">", dataFirst);
				dataEnd = rowStr.indexOf("<lt;/td>", dataFirst);


			if(rowStr.charAt(dataEnd-1) != "\n"){
				newLine = "\n"
				newLine = "";

			//IF There are Cell Properites
			if(rowStr.substring(dataFirst+3,dataSecond) != ""){
				rowStr = rowStr.substring(0, dataFirst) + "|" +
				         rowStr.substring(dataFirst+3, dataSecond) + "|" +
				         convertWiki(rowStr.substring(dataSecond + 1, dataEnd), extensions) + newLine +
				         rowStr.substring(dataEnd + 5, rowStr.length + 1);
				//rowStr = rowStr.replace(/<lt;td(.*?)>(.*?)<lt;\/td>/, "|$1|$2\n");		
				rowStr = rowStr.substring(0, dataFirst) + "|" +
				         convertWiki(rowStr.substring(dataSecond + 1, dataEnd), extensions) + newLine +
				         rowStr.substring(dataEnd + 5, rowStr.length + 1);								
				//rowStr = rowStr.replace(/<lt;td>(.*?)<lt;\/td>/,"|$1\n");				

		}//END While There are Table Data Cells		

		//Reinsert Blank Data Cells
		rowStr = rowStr.replace(/\|\|\|\|/g,"|| ||");
		//Rebuild the Table String with Modified Data
		//Rebuild the table row without the Table Row Tags
		table_string = table_string.substring(0, firstPos - 3) + "|-" + tempStr + "\n" + rowStr +
		               table_string.substring(rowEnd+5, table_string.length + 1);
		//table_string =  table_string.replace(/<lt;tr(.*?)>(.*?)<lt;\/tr>/, "|-" + tempStr + "\n" + rowStr);

	}//END While There are Table

	//Close Table Table Out
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;\/table>/,"|}");
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;tbody>/g, "");
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;\/tbody>/g, "");
	//Remove all ">" symbols
	//table_string = table_string.replace(/>/g,"");	

	//Return the Converted String
	return ssbt + table_string + ssat;
function wiki2htmlTable(source, extensions){

	//Local Variables
	var ssbt = "";         //SubString Before Table
	var ssat = "";         //SubString After Table
	var table_string = ""; //The Table Being Converted
	var tempStr = "";      //Temporary String, will get used and abused
	var firstPos = 0;      //First Position before the Table
	var secondPos = 0;     //Second Position after the table
	var thirdPos = 0;      //Special variable Used for Reformatting Rows
	var tempPos = 0;       //Temporary Position
	var testPos = 0;       //Position for Testing Locations
	var rowStr = "";       //Variable to Checking for Multiple Tables
	var inRow = false;     //Whether we are currently in a row
	var endCase = false;   //End Case when the system 

	/***********Main Body************/

	//Set up Table String
	firstPos = source.indexOf("{|");
	secondPos = source.indexOf("|}") + 2; //Shifted 2 for end of table chars
	ssbt = source.substring(0,firstPos);
	table_string = source.substring(firstPos,secondPos);
	ssat = source.substring(secondPos,source.length);
	table_string = table_string.replace(/\n(\s*)\|/mgi, "\n|");
	//Convert Table Properties
	table_string = table_string.replace(/{\|(.*?)\n/,"<lt;table $1>\n");
	//Close Out the Table
	table_string = table_string.replace(/\|}/,"<lt;/table>");
	//Check for and Process Caption Tag if Exists in the right place
	firstPos = table_string.indexOf("\n");
	if(table_string.indexOf("|+") == (firstPos + 1)){

		secondPos = table_string.indexOf("\n", firstPos+1);
		tempStr = table_string.substring(firstPos + 3, secondPos);
		tempStr = convertHTML(tempStr, extensions);
		table_string = table_string.substring(0,firstPos+1) + "<lt;caption>" 
		               + tempStr + "<lt;/caption>" 
		               + table_string.substring(secondPos, table_string.length+1);
		firstPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;/caption>") + 10;


	//WHILE There are Newlines before End of Table
	thirdPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;/table>", table_string.length - 10);
	while(thirdPos != (firstPos + 1) && !endCase){

		//Parse and send every line into Data Formatter Method
		secondPos = table_string.indexOf("\n", firstPos + 1);
		tempStr = table_string.substring(firstPos + 1, secondPos+1);

		//IF the line doesn't start with a | or a ! 
		if(tempStr.charAt(0) != '|' && tempStr.charAt(0) != '!'){

			//Get position of next \n| starting at 2nd pos
			tempPos = table_string.indexOf("\n|", secondPos);
			if(tempPos == -1){
				tempPos = 0;
			//Get Position of next \n! starting at 2nd pos
			testPos = table_string.indexOf("\n!", secondPos)
			if(testPos <lt; tempPos && testPos > -1){
				tempPos = testPos;
			//IF we haven't found a suitable end to the string
			if(tempPos == 0){
				tempPos = thirdPos;
				endCase = true;
			//Adjust length of tempString to include the new data
			secondPos = tempPos;
			tempStr = table_string.substring(firstPos, secondPos);

			//Insert data into Appropiate Place
			tempPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;/td>", firstPos - 10);
			if(tempPos == -1){
				tempPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;/th>", firstPos - 10);
			//Insert Temporary String into Location
			tempStr = convertHTML(tempStr);
			table_string = table_string.substring(0,tempPos) 
						   + tempStr
						   + table_string.substring(tempPos, firstPos)
						   + table_string.substring(secondPos, table_string.length+1);			
		else{ //Must Begin with Proper Line Character Setup

			//IF Temp Str isn't a Table Row
			if(tempStr.indexOf("|-") != 0){
				//Convert the Currentline into proper format
				tempStr = wiki2htmlRowLine(tempStr, extensions);
				//IF We aren't in a Table Row
					//Add on to the Temp String at beginning to start a row
					tempStr = "<lt;tr>" + tempStr;
					//Say we are in a Row
					inRow = true;

			else{ // Current Line is a Table Row
				//Close Out Previous Table Row
				//IF Currently in a row
					//Convert Rest of Line into Proper format
					tempPos = tempStr.indexOf("|-");
					testPos = tempStr.indexOf("\n");
					tempStr = "<lt;/tr><lt;tr " + tempStr.substring(0,tempPos) 
						   + tempStr.substring(tempPos+2, testPos) + ">";

					//Convert Rest of Line into Proper format
					tempPos = tempStr.indexOf("|-");
					testPos = tempStr.indexOf("\n");
					tempStr = "<lt;tr " + tempStr.substring(0,tempPos) 
						   + tempStr.substring(tempPos+2, testPos) + ">";

					//Set In row to true
					inRow = true;
			}//END IF Current Line isn't a Table Row

			//Insert Temporary String into Location
			tempStr = convertHTML(tempStr, extensions);
			table_string = table_string.substring(0,firstPos+1) 
						   + tempStr
						   + table_string.substring(secondPos + 1, table_string.length+1);			
		}//END IF this begins with a proper character

		//Move Cursor Forwards			   
		firstPos = firstPos + tempStr.length;
		thirdPos = table_string.indexOf("<lt;/table>", table_string.length - 10);				

	}//END WHILE More LInes to Convert
	//IF We are Still in a Table Row
		//Close out Table Row
		table_string = table_string.substring(0,thirdPos) 
			   + "<lt;/tr>"
			   + table_string.substring(thirdPos, table_string.length+1);
	}//END IF We Are still in a table row
	//Clean up of Any Extraneous Spaces
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;tr >/g, "<lt;tr>");
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;td >/g, "<lt;td>");
	table_string = table_string.replace(/<lt;th >/g, "<lt;th>");

	//Return the Converted String
	return ssbt + table_string + ssat;
function wiki2htmlRowLine(source, extensions){
	//Local Constants
	var rowToken = {};
	rowToken.start = {};
	rowToken.start[1] = '|';
	rowToken.start[2] = '!'; = {};[1] = '|';[2] = '|';
	rowToken.end = {};
	rowToken.end[1] = "||";
	rowToken.end[2] = "!!";
	rowToken.end[3] = "\n";

	//Local Variables
	var currentPos = 0;      //Position in the Line we are on
	var convText = "";       //Text that has been converted
	var strSettings = "";
	var strData = "";       
	var startToken = 0;
	var endToken = 0;
	var endPos = 0;          //End Position
	var dataPos = 0;         //Position for Data Element
	var tempPos = 0;
	var refPos = 0;
	/**********Main Body***************/

	//WHILE End Token is not newline character
	while(endToken != 3){
		//Reset End Token
		endToken = 0;  
		//Figure out which starter we have
		if(source.charAt(currentPos) == rowToken.start[1]){
			startToken = 1;
		else if(source.charAt(currentPos) == rowToken.start[2]){
			startToken = 2;
		//Figure out which end token we have (that's closest)
		endPos = source.indexOf(rowToken.end[1], currentPos + 1);
		if(endPos > -1){
			endToken = 1;
		tempPos = source.indexOf(rowToken.end[2], currentPos + 1);
		if(tempPos > -1 && (tempPos <lt; endPos || endPos == -1)){
			endPos = tempPos;
			endToken = 2;
		tempPos = source.indexOf(rowToken.end[3], currentPos + 1);
		if(tempPos > -1 && tempPos <lt; endPos){
			endPos = tempPos;
			endToken = 3;
		//IF No End Token Found
		if(endToken == 0){
			endPos = source.length;
			endToken = 3;
		//Figure out if we have a Settings/Data Split
		dataPos = source.indexOf([startToken], currentPos + 1);
		//WHILE the matching | is in a link
		tempPos = source.indexOf("[[", currentPos);

		while(tempPos > -1 && dataPos > -1  && tempPos <lt; dataPos){
			refPos = dataPos;
			//Move the Cursor further along in the list
			dataPos = source.indexOf([startToken], dataPos + 1);
			tempPos = source.indexOf("[[", refPos);
		if(dataPos > -1 && source.charAt(dataPos + 1) != "|"){
			strData = source.substring(dataPos + 1, endPos);
			strData = convertHTML(strData, extensions);
			strSettings = source.substring(currentPos+1,dataPos);
		else {
			strData = source.substring(currentPos + 1, endPos);
			strData = convertHTML(strData, extensions);
		//IF We have Table data Section
		if(startToken == 1){
			convText = convText + "<lt;td " + strSettings + ">"
			           + strData + "<lt;/td>";
		//ELSE IF We have Table Header Section
		else if(startToken == 2){
			convText = convText + "<lt;th " + strSettings + ">"
			           + strData + "<lt;/th>";			
		//Move Cursor to End Position + 1
		currentPos = endPos + 1;
	}//END WHILE End Token is not a newline character
	//RETURN Converted Text
	return convText;
// Ultimate client-side JavaScript client sniff.
// (C) Netscape Communications 1998.  Permission granted to reuse and distribute.
// Revised 20 April 98 to add is.nav4up and is.ie4up (see below).

// Everything you always wanted to know about your JavaScript client
// but were afraid to ask ... "Is" is the constructor function for "is" object, 
// which has properties indicating:
// (1) browser vendor:
//     is.nav,, is.opera
// (2) browser version number:
//     is.major (integer indicating major version number: 2, 3, 4 ...)
//     is.minor (float   indicating full  version number: 2.02, 3.01, 4.04 ...) 
// (3) browser vendor AND major version number
//     is.nav2, is.nav3, is.nav4, is.nav4up, is.ie3, is.ie4, is.ie4up
// (4) JavaScript version number:
//     is.js (float indicating full JavaScript version number: 1, 1.1, 1.2 ...)
// (5) OS platform and version:
//, is.win16, is.win32, is.win31, is.win95, is.winnt, is.win98
//     is.os2
//     is.mac, is.mac68k, is.macppc
//     is.unix
//        is.sun, is.sun4, is.sun5, is.suni86
//        is.irix, is.irix5, is.irix6 
//        is.hpux, is.hpux9, is.hpux10
//        is.aix, is.aix1, is.aix2, is.aix3, is.aix4  
//        is.linux, is.sco, is.unixware, is.mpras, is.reliant  
//        is.dec, is.sinix, is.freebsd, is.bsd 
//     is.vms
// See
// for a detailed list of userAgent strings.
// Note: you don't want your Nav4 or IE4 code to "turn off" or
// stop working when Nav5 and IE5 (or later) are released, so
// in conditional code forks, use is.nav4up ("Nav4 or greater")
// and is.ie4up ("IE4 or greater") instead of is.nav4 or is.ie4
// to check version in code which you want to work on future 
// versions.

function Is ()
{   // convert all characters to lowercase to simplify testing
    var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()

    // *** BROWSER VERSION ***
    this.major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
    this.minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)

    this.nav  = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && ((agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
                && (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1)))
    this.nav2 = (this.nav && (this.major == 2))
    this.nav3 = (this.nav && (this.major == 3))
    this.nav4 = (this.nav && (this.major == 4))
    this.nav4up = this.nav && (this.major >= 4)
    this.navonly      = (this.nav && (agt.indexOf(";nav") != -1))   = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1)
    this.ie3  = ( && (this.major == 2))
    this.ie4  = ( && (this.major == 4))
    this.ie4up  =  && (this.major >= 4)

    this.opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1)
    // Useful to workaround Nav3 bug in which Nav3 
    // loads <lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">.
    if (this.nav2 || this.ie3) this.js = 1.0
    else if (this.nav3 || this.opera) this.js = 1.1
    else if (this.nav4 || this.ie4) this.js = 1.2
    // NOTE: In the future, update this code when newer versions of JS 
    // are released. For now, we try to provide some upward compatibility 
    // so that future versions of Nav and IE will show they are at 
    // *least* JS 1.2 capable. Always check for JS version compatibility 
    // with > or >=.
    else if ((this.nav && (this.minor > 4.05)) || ( && (this.major > 4))) 
         this.js = 1.2
    else this.js = 0.0 // HACK: always check for JS version with > or >=

    // *** PLATFORM ***   = ( (agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) )
    // NOTE: On Opera 3.0, the userAgent string includes "Windows 95/NT4" on all
    //        Win32, so you can't distinguish between Win95 and WinNT.
    this.win95 = ((agt.indexOf("win95")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 95")!=-1))

    // is this a 16 bit compiled version?
    this.win16 = ((agt.indexOf("win16")!=-1)
               || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 3.1")!=-1)
               || (agt.indexOf("windows 16-bit")!=-1) )  

    this.win31 = (agt.indexOf("windows 3.1")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("win16")!=-1) ||
                 (agt.indexOf("windows 16-bit")!=-1)

    // NOTE: Reliable detection of Win98 may not be possible. It appears that:
    //       - On Nav 4.x and before you'll get plain "Windows" in userAgent.
    //       - On Mercury client, the 32-bit version will return "Win98", but
    //         the 16-bit version running on Win98 will still return "Win95".
    this.win98 = ((agt.indexOf("win98")!=-1)||(agt.indexOf("windows 98")!=-1))
    this.winnt = ((agt.indexOf("winnt")!=-1)||(agt.indexOf("windows nt")!=-1))
    this.win32 = this.win95 || this.winnt || this.win98 || 
                 ((this.major >= 4) && (navigator.platform == "Win32")) ||
                 (agt.indexOf("win32")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1)

    this.os2   = (agt.indexOf("os/2")!=-1) 
                 || (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("OS/2")!=-1)  
                 || (agt.indexOf("ibm-webexplorer")!=-1)

    this.mac    = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1)
    this.mac68k = this.mac && ((agt.indexOf("68k")!=-1) || 
    this.macppc = this.mac && ((agt.indexOf("ppc")!=-1) || 

    this.sun   = (agt.indexOf("sunos")!=-1)
    this.sun4  = (agt.indexOf("sunos 4")!=-1)
    this.sun5  = (agt.indexOf("sunos 5")!=-1)
    this.suni86= this.sun && (agt.indexOf("i86")!=-1)
    this.irix  = (agt.indexOf("irix") !=-1)    // SGI
    this.irix5 = (agt.indexOf("irix 5") !=-1)
    this.irix6 = ((agt.indexOf("irix 6") !=-1) || (agt.indexOf("irix6") !=-1))
    this.hpux  = (agt.indexOf("hp-ux")!=-1)
    this.hpux9 = this.hpux && (agt.indexOf("09.")!=-1)
    this.hpux10= this.hpux && (agt.indexOf("10.")!=-1)
    this.aix   = (agt.indexOf("aix")  !=-1)      // IBM
    this.aix1  = (agt.indexOf("aix 1")  !=-1)    
    this.aix2  = (agt.indexOf("aix 2")  !=-1)    
    this.aix3  = (agt.indexOf("aix 3")  !=-1)    
    this.aix4  = (agt.indexOf("aix 4")  !=-1)    
    this.linux = (agt.indexOf("inux")!=-1)
    this.sco   = (agt.indexOf("sco")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("unix_sv")!=-1)
    this.unixware = (agt.indexOf("unix_system_v")!=-1) 
    this.mpras    = (agt.indexOf("ncr")!=-1) 
    this.reliant  = (agt.indexOf("reliantunix")!=-1)
    this.dec   = (agt.indexOf("dec")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("osf1")!=-1) 
           || (agt.indexOf("dec_alpha")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("alphaserver")!=-1) 
           || (agt.indexOf("ultrix")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("alphastation")!=-1) 
    this.sinix = (agt.indexOf("sinix")!=-1)
    this.freebsd = (agt.indexOf("freebsd")!=-1)
    this.bsd = (agt.indexOf("bsd")!=-1)
    this.unix  = (agt.indexOf("x11")!=-1) || this.sun || this.irix || this.hpux || 
                 this.sco ||this.unixware || this.mpras || this.reliant || 
                 this.dec || this.sinix || this.aix || this.linux || this.freebsd

    this.vms   = (agt.indexOf("vax")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("openvms")!=-1)
// Tony, need to replace assertwiki() as well.

function assertwiki() {    // This object is used for unit tests. See example below for usage.
  var ishtml=1; //((print+"").indexOf("native code")>20);
  var ut={};
  var ut_ac={};
  var msgall="";

  this.sethtml = function() { ishtml=1; };
  this.add = function(key, ac, ac2) {
    if(key in ut) printit("["+key+"] is redefined.","red");
    ut[key]=convertWiki(convertHTML(ac+'\n','something,kw_include_file,calendar,yay'), 'something,kw_include_file,calendar,yay');
    if(ac2==undefined) {
    } else {
  }; = function(wht, mode) {   // wht="all"/key,  mode=0-pass/fail, 1-pass/fail display fail, 2-summary, 3-verbose
    var ii, tot=0, pass=0;
    if(wht=='all') {
      for(ii in ut) {
    } else {
    printit(msgall+"Tests="+tot+" Pass="+pass+" FAIL="+(tot-pass)+(tot==pass?" ... clean Run":" >>>>>>> NOT CLEAN"),"green");

    // Done

    function runit(key) {
      var tpass=0;
      var utac_res, res,msg1,msg2,msg3;
      if(!(key in ut)) { printit("["+key+"] is not defined","red"); return; }

      if(typeof(ut[key])=='function') res=ut[key]();
                               else   res=ut[key];
      res=res.replace(/^\n/, "");
      res=res.replace(/\n$/, "");
      //res=res.replace(/ /g, "+");
      res=res.replace(/  border/, " border");   // bandaid for the tables
      if(typeof(ut_ac[key])=='function') utac_res=ut_ac[key]();
                                  else   utac_res=ut_ac[key];
      msg1=key+" ..... Expected: ["+utac_res+"]";

      // Execute algorithm
      if(typeof(res)=='string' || typeof(res)=='number' || typeof(res)=='boolean') {
        if(res==utac_res) tpass=1;
        msg2=key+" ....... Actual: ["+res+"]";
      } else {
        if(res instanceof Array) {
          var res2=res.join();
          if(res2==utac_res) tpass=1;
          msg2=key+" ....... Actual: ["+res2+"]";
        } else {
          msg2="["+key+"] returned an unknown type. Only String, Number, boolean or Array is allowed.";

      // Just display stuff
      msg3=key+" is a "+(tpass?"Pass":"FAIL!!!!!!!!");
      if(mode==3 || ( mode==1 && (!tpass) )) {
        if(ishtml) myalert(msg1+"\n"+msg2+"\n"+msg3);
        else {
      if(mode==2) {
      if(tpass)   pass++;

    }  // end runit
  };  // end .run

    function myalert(txt) {
      if(typeof(_halttrue)!='undefined') _haltalready();
      if(txt!=undefined) {
        if(!confirm(txt+"\n\nContinue?")) { _halttrue=1; _haltalready(); }

  function printit(txt, clr) {
    if(ishtml) myalert("Assert:\n"+txt);
         else  print(txt, clr);

}  // end assert object 

var aa=new assertwiki();

// START OF TEST CASES Ver0.3b ==================================================

aa.add('bullet0', '=== h3 ===\n* 1b\n* 1b\n:: 2i\n: 1i\n=== ah ===\n* 1b\n::* 2ib\n:* 1ib\n* 1b\n== ah ==\n::* 2i\nplain\n::: 3i\n* 1b\n::* 2ib');
aa.add('bullet1', '=== heading 3 ===\n* one bullet\n* one bullet\n:: two indent\n: one indent');
aa.add('bullet2', '* one bullet\n::* two indent bullet\n:* one indent bullet\n* one bullet');
aa.add('bullet3', '* b\n:* ib\n::* iib\n:::* iiib\nnone\n: i\n:: ii\n::: iii\n::: iii\nnone\n::: iii\n:: ii\n* b\n::* iib');
aa.add('number',  '# one\n# two two\n#three\n# four\n\n#one\n: indent');

aa.add('boldpre', '<lt;b>bold<lt;/b>\n<lt;pre>text1\ntext2\n<lt;/pre>', "'''bold'''\n text1\n text2");
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aa.add('linkwiki','text [[page/page | Text]] t"ex"t [[page]] text [[page#loc|text again]]\n* bullet');
aa.add('linkhtml',"text [ Text] t'ex't [] text\n");
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aa.add('basic',   "=head=\n* bullet\nline text\n: indent\n'''bold''' text ''italic'' text 'another text'");
aa.add('tableconv', '<lt;table><lt;tr><lt;td>data<lt;/td><lt;td>data1<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;tr><lt;td>data2<lt;/td><lt;td>data3<lt;/td><lt;/tr><lt;/table>', '{||-\n|data\n|data1\n|-\n|data2\n|data3\n|}');
aa.add('heading', '=head1 =\n*hello\n=Head1a=hello again\n==Head3 2 ==\nhello line 1\n===Head3 ===\n====Head4 ====\nhello\n====Head4a ====\nhello');
aa.add('media', '[[Media:Namespace_filename.ppt| hyperlink_text]]: outtext');

aa.add('tablebasic', '{| border="0"\n|-\n! Acronym \n! Definition\n|-\n| ATPG\n| Automated Test Pattern Generation\n|-\n| SAF\n| Stuck-at-fault\n|}');
aa.add('indentbullettable', '*line1\n::{| border="0"\n|-\n! Acronym \n! Definition\n|-\n | ATPG\n   | Automated Test Pattern Generation\n|-\n| SAF\n| Stuck-at-fault\n|}', '*line1\n::{| border="0"\n|-\n! Acronym \n! Definition\n|-\n| ATPG\n| Automated Test Pattern Generation\n|-\n| SAF\n| Stuck-at-fault\n|}');
aa.add('pre', '* Bullet\n pre\n pre\n: indent\n* bullet');
aa.add('pre2', '* a\n This is a pre\nnon-pre\n<lt;pre>\ninside pre box\n<lt;b>yo<lt;/b>\n<lt;/pre>','* a\n This is a pre\nnon-pre\n inside pre box\n <lt;b>yo<lt;/b>');
aa.add('comment', '*line\n<lt;'+'!-- comment\nend----'+'>\n*line2');
aa.add('3rdparty', '*line\n<lt;kw_include_file>yay&y=a<lt;/kw_include_file>\n*line');

aa.add('fontsize', '*line\n<lt;font size="+1"> Methodology & Planning<lt;/font>\n;hey');
aa.add('colonsemi', 'line\n; ATPG: try\n;ATPG\nyikes');
aa.add('indenttable1', '*line1\n:{| border="0"\n|-\n! Acronym \n! Definition\n|-\n|\n;ATPG\n: indent\n* bullet\n\n|}');

aa.add('nowiki', "* sentence <lt;nowiki>''''yay''''<lt;/nowiki>\n<lt;nowiki><lt;b>yay<lt;/b><lt;/nowiki>");
aa.add('twolink-a', '*[[Teams/TVPV/CTP|Nhm Carve the Pig]] / [ (Sharepoint)] : High level work assignments for Nhm');
aa.add('twolink-b', ';[ FMEA Training], [ xls]: text after');
aa.add('one-linka', ':[ 2006 Team Structure & Release plan]');
aa.add('image', '; [[Image:apdfaq_xp1.jpg|frame|center| caption!!]] text\n* [[Image:apdfaq_xp1.jpg]] text\n::: [[Image:apdfaq_xp1.jpg| caption!!]]');
aa.add('italic_underline', '<lt;i>italic<lt;/i><lt;u>underline<lt;/u>\n<lt;blockquote>line1\nline2\n<lt;/blockquote><lt;'+'!-- comment --'+'>',"''italic''<lt;u>underline<lt;/u>\n<lt;blockquote>line1\nline2\n<lt;/blockquote><lt;"+"!-- comment --"+">");
aa.add('coloncolon', ": '''sub proj''': Put details here");
aa.add('tablespan', '{| border="1"\n|-\n! Head1\n! colspan="2"| Head2\n|-\n| ATPG\n|}');
aa.add('true type', "<lt;tt>true type<lt;/tt>\n");"all",1);        // wht="all"/key,  mode=0-pass/fail, 1-pass/fail display fail, 2-summary, 3-verbose

//========================== END